#ifdef WIN32
#include <windows.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <nlohmann/json.hpp>
#include <ftl/configuration.hpp>
#include <ftl/configurable.hpp>
#include <ftl/uri.hpp>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <map>
#include <iostream>
using std::ifstream;
using std::string;
using std::map;
using std::vector;
using std::optional;
using ftl::is_file;
using ftl::is_directory;
ctpl::thread_pool ftl::pool(std::thread::hardware_concurrency()*2);
// Store loaded configuration
namespace ftl {
namespace config {
json_t config;
//json_t root_config;
using ftl::config::config;
//using ftl::config::root_config;
bool ftl::running = true;
int ftl::exit_code = 0;
bool ftl::is_directory(const std::string &path) {
#ifdef WIN32
DWORD attrib = GetFileAttributesA(path.c_str());
if (attrib == INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) return false;
else return (attrib & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY);
struct stat s;
if (::stat(path.c_str(), &s) == 0) {
return S_ISDIR(s.st_mode);
} else {
return false;
bool ftl::is_file(const std::string &path) {
#ifdef WIN32
DWORD attrib = GetFileAttributesA(path.c_str());
if (attrib == INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) return false;
else return !(attrib & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY);
struct stat s;
if (::stat(path.c_str(), &s) == 0) {
return S_ISREG(s.st_mode);
} else {
return false;
static bool endsWith(const string &s, const string &e) {
return s.size() >= e.size() && - e.size(), e.size(), e) == 0;
bool ftl::is_video(const string &file) {
return endsWith(file, ".mp4");
bool ftl::create_directory(const std::string &path) {
#ifdef WIN32
if (!is_directory(path)) {
int err = ::mkdir(path.c_str(), S_IRWXU | S_IRGRP | S_IXGRP | S_IROTH | S_IXOTH);
return err != -1;
return true;
void ftl::config::addPath(const std::string &path) {
auto &paths = rootCFG->getConfig()["paths"];
optional<string> ftl::config::locateFile(const string &name) {
if (is_file(name)) return name;
auto paths = rootCFG->getConfig()["paths"];
if (paths.is_array()) {
vector<string> vpaths = paths.get<vector<string>>();
for (string p : vpaths) {
if (is_directory(p)) {
if (is_file(p+"/"+name)) {
return p+"/"+name;
} else if (p.size() >= name.size() && - name.size(), name.size(), name) == 0 &&
is_file(p)) {
return p;
if (is_file("./"+name)) return "./"+name;
if (is_file(string(FTL_LOCAL_CONFIG_ROOT) +"/"+ name)) return string(FTL_LOCAL_CONFIG_ROOT) +"/"+ name;
if (is_file(string(FTL_GLOBAL_CONFIG_ROOT) +"/"+ name)) return string(FTL_GLOBAL_CONFIG_ROOT) +"/"+ name;
return {};
* Combine one json config with another patch json config.
static bool mergeConfig(const string path) {
ifstream i(path.c_str());
i >> t;
return true;
LOG(ERROR) << "Parse error in loading config: " << e.what();
return false;
} catch (...) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Unknown error opening config file";
static std::map<std::string, json_t*> config_index;
static std::map<std::string, ftl::Configurable*> config_instance;
* Recursively URI index the JSON structure.
static void _indexConfig(json_t &cfg) {
if (cfg.is_object()) {
auto id = cfg["$id"];
if (id.is_string()) {
config_index[id.get<string>()] = &cfg;
for (auto i : cfg.items()) {
if (i.value().is_structured()) {
ftl::Configurable *ftl::config::find(const std::string &uri) {
std::string actual_uri = uri;
if (uri[0] == '/') {
if (uri.size() == 1) {
return rootCFG;
} else {
actual_uri = rootCFG->getID() + uri;
auto ix = config_instance.find(actual_uri);
if (ix == config_instance.end()) return nullptr;
else return (*ix).second;
std::vector<std::string> ftl::config::list() {
vector<string> r;
for (auto i : config_instance) {
return r;
void ftl::config::registerConfigurable(ftl::Configurable *cfg) {
auto uri = cfg->get<string>("$id");
if (!uri) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Configurable object is missing $id property: " << cfg->getConfig();
auto ix = config_instance.find(*uri);
LOG(ERROR) << "Attempting to create a duplicate object: " << *uri;
LOG(INFO) << "Registering instance: " << *uri;
bool ftl::config::update(const std::string &puri, const json_t &value) {
// Remove last component of URI
string tail = "";
string head = "";
size_t last_hash = puri.find_last_of('#');
if (last_hash != string::npos) {
size_t last = puri.find_last_of('/');
if (last != string::npos && last > last_hash) {
tail = puri.substr(last+1);
head = puri.substr(0, last);
} else {
tail = puri.substr(last_hash+1);
head = puri.substr(0, last_hash);
} else {
LOG(WARNING) << "Expected a # in an update URI: " << puri;
return false;
Configurable *cfg = find(head);
if (cfg) {
DLOG(1) << "Updating CFG: " << head << "[" << tail << "] = " << value;
cfg->set<json_t>(tail, value);
} else {
DLOG(1) << "Updating: " << head << "[" << tail << "] = " << value;
if (!r.is_structured()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Cannot update property '" << tail << "' of '" << head << "'";
return false;
// If there is an ID it still may be a configurable so check!
if (r["$id"].is_string()) {
Configurable *cfg = find(r["$id"].get<string>());
if (cfg) {
cfg->set<json_t>(tail, value);
return true;
r[tail] = value;
return true;
json_t &ftl::config::resolve(const std::string &puri, bool eager) {
string uri_str = puri;
// TODO(Nick) Must support alternative root (last $id)
if ( == '#') {
string id_str = config["$id"].get<string>();
if (id_str.find('#') != string::npos) {
uri_str[0] = '/';
} // else {
uri_str = id_str + uri_str;
ftl::URI uri(uri_str);
if (uri.isValid()) {
std::string u = uri.getBaseURI();
auto ix = config_index.find(u);
if (ix == config_index.end()) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Cannot find resource: " << u;
return null_json;
auto ptr = nlohmann::json::json_pointer("/"+uri.getFragment());
try {
return (eager) ? resolve((*ix).second->at(ptr)) : (*ix).second->at(ptr);
LOG(WARNING) << "Resolve failed for " << puri;
LOG(WARNING) << "Resolve failed for " << puri;
return null_json;
json_t &ftl::config::resolve(json_t &j) {
if (j.is_object() && j["$ref"].is_string()) {
return resolve(j["$ref"].get<string>());
} else {
return j;
* Find and load a JSON configuration file
static bool findConfiguration(const string &file, const vector<string> &paths) {
if (file.length() > 0) {
f = mergeConfig(file.substr(1,file.length()-2));
found |= f;
if (!f) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Specific config file (" << file << ") was not found";
} else {
LOG(INFO) << "Loaded config: " << file;
} else {
f = mergeConfig(FTL_GLOBAL_CONFIG_ROOT "/config.json");
found |= f;
if (f) LOG(INFO) << "Loaded config: " << FTL_GLOBAL_CONFIG_ROOT "/config.json";
f = mergeConfig(FTL_GLOBAL_CONFIG_ROOT "/config.jsonc");
found |= f;
if (f) LOG(INFO) << "Loaded config: " << FTL_GLOBAL_CONFIG_ROOT "/config.jsonc";
f = mergeConfig(FTL_LOCAL_CONFIG_ROOT "/config.json");
found |= f;
if (f) LOG(INFO) << "Loaded config: " << FTL_LOCAL_CONFIG_ROOT "/config.json";
f = mergeConfig(FTL_LOCAL_CONFIG_ROOT "/config.jsonc");
found |= f;
if (f) LOG(INFO) << "Loaded config: " << FTL_LOCAL_CONFIG_ROOT "/config.jsonc";
f = mergeConfig("./config.json");
found |= f;
if (f) LOG(INFO) << "Loaded config: " << "./config.json";
f = mergeConfig("./config.jsonc");
found |= f;
if (f) LOG(INFO) << "Loaded config: " << "./config.jsonc";
for (auto p : paths) {
if (is_directory(p)) {
f = mergeConfig(p+"/config.json");
found |= f;
if (f) LOG(INFO) << "Loaded config: " << p << "/config.json";
f = mergeConfig(p+"/config.jsonc");
found |= f;
if (f) LOG(INFO) << "Loaded config: " << p << "/config.jsonc";
return true;
} else {
return false;
* Generate a map from command line option to value
map<string, string> ftl::config::read_options(char ***argv, int *argc) {
map<string, string> opts;
while (*argc > 0) {
string cmd((*argv)[0]);
if (cmd[0] != '-') break;
size_t p;
if ((p = cmd.find("=")) == string::npos) {
opts[cmd.substr(2)] = "true";
} else {
auto val = cmd.substr(p+1);
#ifdef WIN32
if ((val[0] >= 48 && val[0] <= 57) || val == "true" || val == "false" || val == "null") {
if (std::isdigit(val[0]) || val == "true" || val == "false" || val == "null") {
opts[cmd.substr(2, p-2)] = val;
} else {
if (val[0] == '\\') opts[cmd.substr(2, p-2)] = val;
else opts[cmd.substr(2, p-2)] = "\""+val+"\"";
return opts;
* Put command line options into json config. If config element does not exist
* or is of a different type then report an error.
static void process_options(Configurable *root, const map<string, string> &opts) {
for (auto opt : opts) {
if (opt.first == "config") continue;
std::cout << "Future-Tech Lab - v" << FTL_VERSION << std::endl;
std::cout << FTL_VERSION_LONG << std::endl;
try {
/* //auto ptr = nlohmann::json::json_pointer("/"+opt.first);
auto ptr = ftl::config::resolve(*root->get<string>("$id") + string("/") + opt.first);
LOG(INFO) << "PARAM RES TO " << (*root->get<string>("$id") + string("/") + opt.first);
if (type != "null" && v.type_name() != type) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Incorrect type for argument " << opt.first << " - expected '" << type << "', got '" << v.type_name() << "'";
auto v = nlohmann::json::parse(opt.second);
ftl::config::update(*root->get<string>("$id") + string("/") + opt.first, v);
LOG(ERROR) << "Unrecognised option: " << *root->get<string>("$id") << "#" << opt.first;
static void signalIntHandler( int signum ) {
std::cout << "Closing...\n";
if (sig_int_called) quick_exit(-1);
sig_int_called = true;
// cleanup and close up stuff here
// terminate program
Configurable *ftl::config::configure(ftl::config::json_t &cfg) {
loguru::g_preamble_date = false;
loguru::g_preamble_uptime = false;
loguru::g_preamble_thread = false;
int argc = 1;
loguru::init(argc, const_cast<char**>(argv), "--verbosity");
config = cfg;
Configurable *rootcfg = create<Configurable>(config);
return rootcfg;
static bool doing_cleanup = false;
void ftl::config::cleanup() {
doing_cleanup = true;
for (auto f : config_instance) {
delete f.second;
void ftl::config::removeConfigurable(Configurable *cfg) {
if (doing_cleanup) return;
auto i = config_instance.find(cfg->getID());
if (i != config_instance.end()) {
Configurable *ftl::config::configure(int argc, char **argv, const std::string &root) {
loguru::g_preamble_date = false;
loguru::g_preamble_uptime = false;
loguru::g_preamble_thread = false;
loguru::init(argc, argv, "--verbosity");
#ifndef WIN32
#endif // WIN32
auto options = ftl::config::read_options(&argv, &argc);
vector<string> paths;
while (argc-- > 0) {
if (!findConfiguration(options["config"], paths)) {
LOG(FATAL) << "Could not find any configuration!";
string root_str = (options.find("root") != options.end()) ? nlohmann::json::parse(options["root"]).get<string>() : root;
Configurable *rootcfg = create<Configurable>(config);
if (root_str.size() > 0) {
LOG(INFO) << "Setting root to " << root_str;
rootcfg = create<Configurable>(rootcfg, root_str);
//root_config = rootcfg->getConfig();
rootCFG = rootcfg;
rootcfg->set("paths", paths);
process_options(rootcfg, options);
if (rootcfg->get<std::string>("branch")) {
ftl::branch_name = *rootcfg->get<std::string>("branch");
rootcfg->on("branch", [](const ftl::config::Event &e) {
if (e.entity->get<std::string>("branch")) {
ftl::branch_name = *e.entity->get<std::string>("branch");
ftl::timer::setInterval(1000 / rootcfg->value("fps",20));
int pool_size = rootcfg->value("thread_pool_factor", 2.0f)*std::thread::hardware_concurrency();
if (pool_size != ftl::pool.size()) ftl::pool.resize(pool_size);
//LOG(INFO) << "CONFIG: " << config["vision_default"];
//CHECK_EQ( &config, config_index["ftl://"] );