
Sebastian Hahta
#include <opencv2/cudastereo.hpp>
//static ftl::Disparity::Register fixstarssgm("libsgm", FixstarsSGM::create);
FixstarsSGM::FixstarsSGM(nlohmann::json &config) : Disparity(config) {
ssgm_ = nullptr;
int width = value("width", 1280);
int height = value("height", 720);
size_ = cv::Size(width, height);
CHECK((width >= 480) && (height >= 360));
uniqueness_ = value("uniqueness", 0.95f);
P1_ = value("P1", 10);
P2_ = value("P2", 120);
CHECK((uniqueness_ >= 0.0) && (uniqueness_ <= 1.0));
CHECK(P1_ >= 0);
CHECK(P2_ > P1_);
if (use_filter_) {
int radius = value("filter_radius", 25);
int iter = value("filter_iter", 1);
CHECK(radius > 0) << "filter_radius must be greater than 0";
CHECK(iter > 0) << "filter_iter must be greater than 0";
filter_ = cv::cuda::createDisparityBilateralFilter(max_disp_ << 4, radius, iter);
if (use_off_)
int off_size = value("off_size", 9);
double off_threshold = value("off_threshold", 0.9);
off_ = ftl::rgbd::OFDisparityFilter(size_, off_size, off_threshold);
void FixstarsSGM::init(const cv::Size size) {
if (ssgm_) { delete ssgm_; }
lbw_ = GpuMat(size, CV_8UC1);
rbw_ = GpuMat(size, CV_8UC1);
dispt_ = GpuMat(size, CV_16SC1);
ssgm_ = new sgm::StereoSGM(size.width, size.height, max_disp_, 8, 16,
lbw_.step, dispt_.step / sizeof(short),
sgm::StereoSGM::Parameters(P1_, P2_, uniqueness_, true)
void FixstarsSGM::compute(const cv::cuda::GpuMat &l, const cv::cuda::GpuMat &r,
cv::cuda::GpuMat &disp, cv::cuda::Stream &stream)
if (l.size() != size_) {
// re-use same buffer for l/r
cv::cuda::resize(r, l_downscaled_, size_, 0.0, 0.0, cv::INTER_CUBIC, stream);
cv::cuda::cvtColor(l_downscaled_, rbw_, cv::COLOR_BGR2GRAY, 0, stream);
cv::cuda::resize(l, l_downscaled_, size_, 0.0, 0.0, cv::INTER_CUBIC, stream);
cv::cuda::cvtColor(l_downscaled_, lbw_, cv::COLOR_BGR2GRAY, 0, stream);
else {
cv::cuda::cvtColor(l, lbw_, cv::COLOR_BGR2GRAY, 0, stream);
cv::cuda::cvtColor(r, rbw_, cv::COLOR_BGR2GRAY, 0, stream);
GpuMat left_pixels(dispt_, cv::Rect(0, 0, max_disp_, dispt_.rows));
cv::cuda::threshold(dispt_, dispt_, 4096.0f, 0.0f, cv::THRESH_TOZERO_INV, stream);
// TODO: filter could be applied after upscaling (to the upscaled disparity image)
if (use_filter_) {
l.size() != dispt_.size() ? l_downscaled_ : l,
if (l.size() != size_) {
cv::cuda::multiply(dispt_, (double)l.cols / (double)size_.width, dispt_);
// invalid areas (bad values) have to be taken into account in interpolation
cv::cuda::resize(dispt_, dispt_full_res_, l.size(), 0.0, 0.0, cv::INTER_NEAREST, stream);
else {
dispt_full_res_ = dispt_;
dispt_full_res_.convertTo(disp, CV_32F, 1.0f / 16.0f, stream);
if (use_off_) {
Mat disp_host(disp);
off_.filter(disp_host, Mat(lbw_));

Sebastian Hahta
return; // TODO(Nick) Not needed, but also code below does not work with new GPU pipeline
CHECK(mask.type() == CV_8UC1) << "mask type must be CV_8U";
if (!ssgm_) { init(size_); }
ssgm_->setMask((uint8_t*), mask.cols);