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Commit 6587787a authored by Nicolas Pope's avatar Nicolas Pope
Browse files

Refactor rtcensus into separate algorithm components

parent a2851649
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......@@ -88,7 +88,12 @@ if (LIBSGM_FOUND)
list(APPEND CVNODESRC "src/algorithms/opencv_cuda_bm.cpp" "src/algorithms/opencv_cuda_bp.cpp" "src/algorithms/")
endif (CUDA_FOUND)
add_executable(cv-node ${CVNODESRC})
#include <ftl/cuda_common.hpp>
namespace ftl {
namespace cuda {
void consistency(const TextureObject<float> &dl, const TextureObject<float> &dr,
TextureObject<float> &disp);
void sparse_census(const TextureObject<uchar4> &l, const TextureObject<uchar4> &r,
TextureObject<uint2> &cl, TextureObject<uint2> &cr);
......@@ -19,12 +19,14 @@ class TextureObject {
TextureObject() : texobj_(0), ptr_(nullptr) {};
TextureObject(const cv::cuda::PtrStepSz<T> &d);
TextureObject(T *ptr, int pitch, int width, int height);
TextureObject(int width, int height);
TextureObject(size_t width, size_t height);
TextureObject(const TextureObject &t);
int getPitch();
int pitch() const { return pitch_; }
T *devicePtr() { return ptr_; };
int width() const { return width_; }
int height() const { return height_; }
cudaTextureObject_t cudaTexture() const { return texobj_; }
__device__ inline T tex2D(int u, int v) { return ::tex2D<T>(texobj_, u, v); }
__device__ inline T tex2D(float u, float v) { return ::tex2D<T>(texobj_, u, v); }
......@@ -41,7 +43,7 @@ class TextureObject {
cudaTextureObject_t texobj_;
int pitch_;
size_t pitch_;
int width_;
int height_;
T *ptr_;
......@@ -109,8 +111,8 @@ TextureObject<T>::TextureObject(T *ptr, int pitch, int width, int height) {
template <typename T>
TextureObject<T>::TextureObject(int width, int height) {
TextureObject<T>::TextureObject(size_t width, size_t height) {
cudaResourceDesc resDesc;
memset(&resDesc, 0, sizeof(resDesc));
#include <ftl/cuda_common.hpp>
* Check for consistency between the LR and RL disparity maps, only selecting
* those that are similar. Otherwise it sets the disparity to NAN.
__global__ void consistency_kernel(cudaTextureObject_t d_sub_l,
cudaTextureObject_t d_sub_r, float *disp, int w, int h, int pitch) {
// TODO This doesn't work at either edge (+-max_disparities)
for (STRIDE_Y(v,h)) {
for (STRIDE_X(u,w)) {
float a = (int)tex2D<float>(d_sub_l, u, v);
if (u-a < 0) {
disp[v*pitch+u] = NAN; // TODO Check
auto b = tex2D<float>(d_sub_r, u-a, v);
if (abs(a-b) <= CONSISTENCY_THRESHOLD) disp[v*pitch+u] = abs((a+b)/2);
else disp[v*pitch+u] = NAN;
namespace ftl {
namespace cuda {
void consistency(const TextureObject<float> &dl, const TextureObject<float> &dr,
TextureObject<float> &disp) {
dim3 grid(1,1,1);
dim3 threads(128, 1, 1);
grid.x = cv::cuda::device::divUp(disp.width(), 128);
grid.y = cv::cuda::device::divUp(disp.height(), 11);
consistency_kernel<<<grid, threads>>>(
disp.pitch() / sizeof(float));
cudaSafeCall( cudaGetLastError() );
......@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
#include <ftl/cuda_common.hpp>
#include <ftl/cuda_algorithms.hpp>
using namespace cv::cuda;
using namespace cv;
......@@ -22,35 +23,12 @@ using namespace cv;
#define RADIUS2 2
#define ROWSperTHREAD 1
#define XHI(P1,P2) ((P1 <= P2) ? 0 : 1)
namespace ftl {
namespace gpu {
// --- SUPPORT -----------------------------------------------------------------
* Sparse 16x16 census (so 8x8) creating a 64bit mask
* (14) & (15), based upon (9)
__device__ uint64_t sparse_census(cudaTextureObject_t tex, int u, int v) {
uint64_t r = 0;
unsigned char t = tex2D<uchar4>(tex, u,v).z;
for (int m=-7; m<=7; m+=2) {
//auto start_ix = (v + m)*w + u;
for (int n=-7; n<=7; n+=2) {
r <<= 1;
r |= XHI(t, tex2D<uchar4>(tex, u+n, v+m).z);
return r;
* Parabolic interpolation between matched disparities either side.
* Results in subpixel disparity. (20).
......@@ -63,30 +41,6 @@ __device__ float fit_parabola(size_t pi, uint16_t p, uint16_t pl, uint16_t pr) {
// --- KERNELS -----------------------------------------------------------------
* Calculate census mask for left and right images together.
__global__ void census_kernel(cudaTextureObject_t l, cudaTextureObject_t r,
int w, int h, uint64_t *censusL, uint64_t *censusR,
size_t pL, size_t pR) {
int u = (blockIdx.x * BLOCK_W + threadIdx.x + RADIUS);
int v_start = blockIdx.y * ROWSperTHREAD + RADIUS;
int v_end = v_start + ROWSperTHREAD;
if (v_end+RADIUS >= h) v_end = h-RADIUS;
if (u+RADIUS >= w) return;
for (int v=v_start; v<v_end; v++) {
//int ix = (u + v*pL);
uint64_t cenL = sparse_census(l, u, v);
uint64_t cenR = sparse_census(r, u, v);
censusL[(u + v*pL)] = cenL;
censusR[(u + v*pR)] = cenR;
/* Convert vector uint2 (32bit x2) into a single uint64_t */
__forceinline__ __device__ uint64_t uint2asull (uint2 a) {
uint64_t res;
......@@ -218,31 +172,6 @@ __global__ void disp_kernel(float *disp_l, float *disp_r,
* Check for consistency between the LR and RL disparity maps, only selecting
* those that are similar. Otherwise it sets the disparity to NAN.
__global__ void consistency_kernel(cudaTextureObject_t d_sub_l,
cudaTextureObject_t d_sub_r, float *disp, int w, int h, int pitch) {
// TODO This doesn't work at either edge (+-max_disparities)
for (STRIDE_Y(v,h)) {
for (STRIDE_X(u,w)) {
float a = (int)tex2D<float>(d_sub_l, u, v);
if (u-a < 0) {
//disp[v*pitch+u] = a;
auto b = tex2D<float>(d_sub_r, u-a, v);
if (abs(a-b) <= 1.0) disp[v*pitch+u] = abs((a+b)/2);
else disp[v*pitch+u] = NAN;
template <typename T>
......@@ -394,68 +323,37 @@ ftl::cuda::TextureObject<float> prevDisp;
ftl::cuda::TextureObject<uchar4> prevImage;
void rtcensus_call(const PtrStepSz<uchar4> &l, const PtrStepSz<uchar4> &r, const PtrStepSz<float> &disp, size_t num_disp, const int &stream) {
dim3 grid(1,1,1);
dim3 threads(BLOCK_W, 1, 1);
grid.x = cv::cuda::device::divUp(l.cols - 2 * RADIUS, BLOCK_W);
grid.y = cv::cuda::device::divUp(l.rows - 2 * RADIUS, ROWSperTHREAD);
// TODO, reduce allocations
uint64_t *censusL;
uint64_t *censusR;
size_t pitchL;
size_t pitchR;
float *disp_l;
float *disp_r;
size_t pitchDL;
size_t pitchDR;
float *disp_raw;
size_t pitchD;
cudaSafeCall( cudaMallocPitch(&censusL, &pitchL, l.cols*sizeof(uint64_t), l.rows) );
cudaSafeCall( cudaMallocPitch(&censusR, &pitchR, r.cols*sizeof(uint64_t), r.rows) );
//cudaMemset(census, 0, sizeof(uint64_t)*l.cols*l.rows*2);
cudaSafeCall( cudaMallocPitch(&disp_l, &pitchDL, sizeof(float)*l.cols, l.rows) );
cudaSafeCall( cudaMallocPitch(&disp_r, &pitchDR, sizeof(float)*l.cols, l.rows) );
cudaSafeCall( cudaMallocPitch(&disp_raw, &pitchD, sizeof(float)*l.cols, l.rows) );
cudaTextureDesc texDesc;
memset(&texDesc, 0, sizeof(texDesc));
texDesc.readMode = cudaReadModeElementType;
// Make all the required texture steps
// TODO Could reduce re-allocations by caching these
ftl::cuda::TextureObject<uchar4> texLeft(l);
ftl::cuda::TextureObject<uchar4> texRight(r);
//size_t smem_size = (2 * l.cols * l.rows) * sizeof(uint64_t);
// Calculate L and R census
census_kernel<<<grid, threads>>>(texLeft.cudaTexture(), texRight.cudaTexture(), l.cols, l.rows, censusL, censusR, pitchL/sizeof(uint64_t), pitchR/sizeof(uint64_t));
cudaSafeCall( cudaGetLastError() );
//cudaSafeCall( cudaDeviceSynchronize() );
ftl::cuda::TextureObject<uint2> censusTexLeft((uint2*)censusL, pitchL, l.cols, l.rows);
ftl::cuda::TextureObject<uint2> censusTexRight((uint2*)censusR, pitchR, r.cols, r.rows);
ftl::cuda::TextureObject<uint2> censusTexLeft(l.cols, l.rows);
ftl::cuda::TextureObject<uint2> censusTexRight(r.cols, r.rows);
ftl::cuda::TextureObject<float> dispTexLeft(l.cols, l.rows);
ftl::cuda::TextureObject<float> dispTexRight(r.cols, r.rows);
ftl::cuda::TextureObject<float> dispTex(r.cols, r.rows);
// Calculate the census for left and right
ftl::cuda::sparse_census(texLeft, texRight, censusTexLeft, censusTexRight);
dim3 grid(1,1,1);
dim3 threads(BLOCK_W, 1, 1);
grid.x = cv::cuda::device::divUp(l.cols - 2 * RADIUS2, BLOCK_W);
grid.y = cv::cuda::device::divUp(l.rows - 2 * RADIUS2, ROWSperTHREAD);
// Calculate L and R disparities
disp_kernel<<<grid, threads>>>(disp_l, disp_r, pitchDL/sizeof(float), pitchDR/sizeof(float), l.cols, l.rows, censusTexLeft.cudaTexture(), censusTexRight.cudaTexture(), num_disp);
disp_kernel<<<grid, threads>>>(
dispTexLeft.devicePtr(), dispTexRight.devicePtr(),
dispTexLeft.pitch()/sizeof(float), dispTexRight.pitch()/sizeof(float),
l.cols, l.rows,
censusTexLeft.cudaTexture(), censusTexRight.cudaTexture(),
cudaSafeCall( cudaGetLastError() );
ftl::cuda::TextureObject<float> dispTexLeft(disp_l, pitchDL, l.cols, l.rows);
ftl::cuda::TextureObject<float> dispTexRight(disp_r, pitchDR, r.cols, r.rows);
// Check consistency between L and R disparities.
consistency_kernel<<<grid, threads>>>(dispTexLeft.cudaTexture(), dispTexRight.cudaTexture(), disp_raw, l.cols, l.rows, pitchD/sizeof(float));
cudaSafeCall( cudaGetLastError() );
consistency(dispTexLeft, dispTexRight, dispTex);
ftl::cuda::TextureObject<float> dispTex(disp_raw, pitchD, r.cols, r.rows);
grid.x = 4;
grid.y = l.rows;
......@@ -480,11 +378,6 @@ void rtcensus_call(const PtrStepSz<uchar4> &l, const PtrStepSz<uchar4> &r, const;;;
* Author: Nicolas Pope and Sebastian Hahta (2019)
* Implementation of algorithm presented in article(s):
* [1] Humenberger, Engelke, Kubinger: A fast stereo matching algorithm suitable
* for embedded real-time systems
* [2] Humenberger, Zinner, Kubinger: Performance Evaluation of Census-Based
* Stereo Matching Algorithm on Embedded and Multi-Core Hardware
* Equation numbering uses [1] unless otherwise stated
#include <ftl/cuda_common.hpp>
#define XHI(P1,P2) ((P1 <= P2) ? 0 : 1)
* Sparse 16x16 census (so 8x8) creating a 64bit mask
* (14) & (15), based upon (9)
__device__ uint64_t _sparse_census(cudaTextureObject_t tex, int u, int v) {
uint64_t r = 0;
unsigned char t = tex2D<uchar4>(tex, u,v).z;
for (int m=-7; m<=7; m+=2) {
//auto start_ix = (v + m)*w + u;
for (int n=-7; n<=7; n+=2) {
r <<= 1;
r |= XHI(t, tex2D<uchar4>(tex, u+n, v+m).z);
return r;
* Calculate census mask for left and right images together.
__global__ void census_kernel(cudaTextureObject_t l, cudaTextureObject_t r,
int w, int h, uint64_t *censusL, uint64_t *censusR,
size_t pL, size_t pR) {
//if (v_end+RADIUS >= h) v_end = h-RADIUS;
//if (u+RADIUS >= w) return;
for (STRIDE_Y(v,h)) {
for (STRIDE_X(u,w)) {
//int ix = (u + v*pL);
uint64_t cenL = _sparse_census(l, u, v);
uint64_t cenR = _sparse_census(r, u, v);
censusL[(u + v*pL)] = cenL;
censusR[(u + v*pR)] = cenR;
namespace ftl {
namespace cuda {
void sparse_census(const TextureObject<uchar4> &l, const TextureObject<uchar4> &r,
TextureObject<uint2> &cl, TextureObject<uint2> &cr) {
dim3 grid(1,1,1);
dim3 threads(128, 1, 1);
grid.x = cv::cuda::device::divUp(l.width(), 128);
grid.y = cv::cuda::device::divUp(l.height(), 11);
census_kernel<<<grid, threads>>>(
l.cudaTexture(), r.cudaTexture(),
l.width(), l.height(),
(uint64_t*)cl.devicePtr(), (uint64_t*)cr.devicePtr(),
cudaSafeCall( cudaGetLastError() );
#include <ftl/cuda_common.hpp>
#define FILTER_WINDOW 11
__global__ void texture_filter_kernel(cudaTextureObject_t t, cudaTextureObject_t d,
ftl::cuda::TextureObject<float> f, int num_disp, int thresh) { // Thresh = -5000000
float disp = tex2D<float>(d,u,v);
int neigh_sq = 0;
int neigh_sum = 0;
for (STRIDE_Y(v,h)) {
for (STRIDE_X(u,w)) {
for (int m=-FILTER_WINDOW_R; m<=FILTER_WINDOW_R; m++) {
for (int n=-FILTER_WINDOW_R; n<=FILTER_WINDOW_R; n++) {
uchar4 neigh = tex2D<uchar4>(t, u+n, v+m);
neigh_sq += neigh*neigh;
neigh_sum += neigh;
// Texture map filtering
int tm = (neigh_sq / (FILTER_WINDOW*FILTER_WINDOW)) -
((neigh_sum*neigh_sum) / (FILTER_WINDOW*FILTER_WINDOW));
if (tm < thesh) {
f(u,v) = disp;
} else {
f(u,v) = NAN;
namespace ftl {
namespace cuda {
void texture_filter(const TextureObject<uchar4> &t, const TextureObject<float> &d,
TextureObject<float> &f, int num_disp, int thresh) {
dim3 grid(1,1,1);
dim3 threads(128, 1, 1);
grid.x = cv::cuda::device::divUp(disp.width(), 128);
grid.y = cv::cuda::device::divUp(disp.height(), 1);
texture_filter_kernel<<<grid, threads>>>
cudaSafeCall( cudaGetLastError() );
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