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Commit 3e5100ba authored by Nicolas Pope's avatar Nicolas Pope
Browse files

Add initial files for sgm rtcensus

parent 029de4af
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#include <opencv2/core.hpp>
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
#include <ftl/disparity.hpp>
#include <nlohmann/json.hpp>
#if defined HAVE_CUDA
#include <opencv2/core/cuda.hpp>
namespace ftl {
namespace algorithms {
class RTCensusSGM : public ftl::Disparity {
RTCensusSGM(nlohmann::json &config);
void setGamma(float gamma) { gamma_ = gamma; }
void setTau(float tau) { tau_ = tau; }
void compute(const cv::Mat &l, const cv::Mat &r, cv::Mat &disp);
static inline Disparity *create(nlohmann::json &config) { return new RTCensusSGM(config); }
float gamma_;
float tau_;
bool use_cuda_;
bool alternate_;
#if defined HAVE_CUDA
cv::cuda::GpuMat disp_;
cv::cuda::GpuMat filtered_;
cv::cuda::GpuMat left_;
cv::cuda::GpuMat left2_;
cv::cuda::GpuMat right_;
#if defined HAVE_CUDA
void computeCUDA(const cv::Mat &l, const cv::Mat &r, cv::Mat &disp);
/* Created by Nicolas Pope and Sebastian Hahta
* Implementation of algorithm presented in article(s):
* [1] Humenberger, Engelke, Kubinger: A fast stereo matching algorithm suitable
* for embedded real-time systems
* [2] Humenberger, Zinner, Kubinger: Performance Evaluation of Census-Based
* Stereo Matching Algorithm on Embedded and Multi-Core Hardware
* [3] Humenberger, Engelke, Kubinger: A Census-Based Stereo Vision Algorithm Using Modified Semi-Global Matching
* and Plane Fitting to Improve Matching Quality.
* Equation numbering uses [1] unless otherwise stated
#include <ftl/algorithms/rtcensus_sgm.hpp>
#include <vector>
#include <tuple>
#include <bitset>
#include <cmath>
#include <glog/logging.h>
using ftl::algorithms::RTCensusSGM;
using std::vector;
using cv::Mat;
using cv::Point;
using cv::Size;
using std::tuple;
using std::get;
using std::make_tuple;
using std::bitset;
static ftl::Disparity::Register rtcensus("rtcensus_sgm", RTCensusSGM::create);
RTCensusSGM::RTCensusSGM(nlohmann::json &config)
: Disparity(config),
alternate_(false) {}
* Choose the implementation and perform disparity calculation.
void RTCensusSGM::compute(const cv::Mat &l, const cv::Mat &r, cv::Mat &disp) {
#if defined HAVE_CUDA
if (use_cuda_) {
} else {
LOG(ERROR) << "RTCensus SGM requires CUDA";
#else // !HAVE_CUDA
LOG(ERROR) << "RTCensus SGM requires CUDA";
#if defined HAVE_CUDA
using namespace cv::cuda;
using namespace cv;
#include <vector_types.h>
namespace ftl { namespace gpu {
void rtcensus_sgm_call(const PtrStepSz<uchar4> &l, const PtrStepSz<uchar4> &r, const PtrStepSz<float> &disp, size_t num_disp, const int &s=0);
void RTCensusSGM::computeCUDA(const cv::Mat &l, const cv::Mat &r, cv::Mat &disp) {
// Initialise gpu memory here because we need image size
if (disp_.empty()) disp_ = cuda::GpuMat(l.size(), CV_32FC1);
if (left_.empty()) left_ = cuda::GpuMat(l.size(), CV_8UC4);
if (left2_.empty()) left2_ = cuda::GpuMat(l.size(), CV_8UC4);
if (right_.empty()) right_ = cuda::GpuMat(l.size(), CV_8UC4);
Mat lhsv, rhsv;
cv::cvtColor(l, lhsv, COLOR_BGR2HSV);
cv::cvtColor(r, rhsv, COLOR_BGR2HSV);
int from_to[] = {0,0,1,1,2,2,-1,3};
Mat hsval(lhsv.size(), CV_8UC4);
Mat hsvar(rhsv.size(), CV_8UC4);
mixChannels(&lhsv, 1, &hsval, 1, from_to, 4);
mixChannels(&rhsv, 1, &hsvar, 1, from_to, 4);
// Send images to GPU
if (alternate_) left_.upload(hsval);
else left2_.upload(hsval);
auto start = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
ftl::gpu::rtcensus_sgm_call((alternate_)?left_:left2_, right_, disp_, max_disp_);
std::chrono::duration<double> elapsed = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now() - start;
LOG(INFO) << "CUDA rtcensus_sgm in " << elapsed.count() << "s";
alternate_ = !alternate_;
// Read disparity from GPU;
* Author: Nicolas Pope and Sebastian Hahta (2019)
* Implementation of algorithm presented in article(s):
* [1] Humenberger, Engelke, Kubinger: A fast stereo matching algorithm suitable
* for embedded real-time systems
* [2] Humenberger, Zinner, Kubinger: Performance Evaluation of Census-Based
* Stereo Matching Algorithm on Embedded and Multi-Core Hardware
* [3] Humenberger, Engelke, Kubinger: A Census-Based Stereo Vision Algorithm Using Modified Semi-Global Matching
* and Plane Fitting to Improve Matching Quality.
* Equation numbering uses [1] unless otherwise stated
#include <ftl/cuda_common.hpp>
#include <ftl/cuda_algorithms.hpp>
using namespace cv::cuda;
using namespace cv;
#define BLOCK_W 60
#define RADIUS 7
#define RADIUS2 2
#define ROWSperTHREAD 1
namespace ftl {
namespace gpu {
// --- SUPPORT -----------------------------------------------------------------
* Parabolic interpolation between matched disparities either side.
* Results in subpixel disparity. (20).
__device__ static float fit_parabola(size_t pi, uint16_t p, uint16_t pl, uint16_t pr) {
float a = pr - pl;
float b = 2 * (2 * p - pl - pr);
return static_cast<float>(pi) + (a / b);
// --- KERNELS -----------------------------------------------------------------
/* Convert vector uint2 (32bit x2) into a single uint64_t */
__forceinline__ __device__ static uint64_t uint2asull (uint2 a) {
uint64_t res;
asm ("mov.b64 %0, {%1,%2};" : "=l"(res) : "r"(a.x), "r"(a.y));
return res;
* Generate left and right disparity images from census data. (18)(19)(25)
__global__ static void disp_kernel(float *disp_l, float *disp_r,
int pitchL, int pitchR,
size_t width, size_t height,
cudaTextureObject_t censusL, cudaTextureObject_t censusR,
size_t ds) {
//extern __shared__ uint64_t cache[];
const int gamma = 35;
int u = (blockIdx.x * BLOCK_W) + threadIdx.x + RADIUS2;
int v_start = (blockIdx.y * ROWSperTHREAD) + RADIUS2;
int v_end = v_start + ROWSperTHREAD;
int maxdisp = ds;
// Local cache
uint64_t l_cache_l1[5][5];
uint64_t l_cache_l2[5][5];
if (v_end >= height) v_end = height;
if (u+maxdisp >= width) maxdisp = width-u;
for (int v=v_start; v<v_end; v++) {
for (int m=-2; m<=2; m++) {
for (int n=-2; n<=2; n++) {
l_cache_l2[m+2][n+2] = uint2asull(tex2D<uint2>(censusL,u+n,v+m));
l_cache_l1[m+2][n+2] = uint2asull(tex2D<uint2>(censusR,u+n,v+m));
uint16_t last_ham1 = 65535;
uint16_t last_ham2 = 65535;
uint16_t min_disp1 = 65535;
uint16_t min_disp2 = 65535;
uint16_t min_disp1b = 65535;
uint16_t min_disp2b = 65535;
uint16_t min_before1 = 0;
uint16_t min_before2 = 0;
uint16_t min_after1 = 0;
uint16_t min_after2 = 0;
int dix1 = 0;
int dix2 = 0;
// (19)
for (int d=0; d<maxdisp; d++) {
uint16_t hamming1 = 0;
uint16_t hamming2 = 0;
//if (u+2+ds >= width) break;
for (int m=-2; m<=2; m++) {
const auto v_ = (v + m);
for (int n=-2; n<=2; n++) {
const auto u_ = u + n;
// (18)
auto l1 = l_cache_l1[m+2][n+2];
auto l2 = l_cache_l2[m+2][n+2];
auto r1 = uint2asull(tex2D<uint2>(censusL, u_+d, v_));
auto r2 = uint2asull(tex2D<uint2>(censusR, u_-d, v_));
hamming1 += __popcll(r1^l1);
hamming2 += __popcll(r2^l2);
// Find the two minimum costs
if (hamming1 < min_disp1) {
min_before1 = last_ham1;
min_disp1 = hamming1;
dix1 = d;
} else if (hamming1 < min_disp1b) {
min_disp1b = hamming1;
if (dix1 == d) min_after1 = hamming1;
last_ham1 = hamming1;
if (hamming2 < min_disp2) {
min_before2 = last_ham2;
min_disp2 = hamming2;
dix2 = d;
} else if (hamming2 < min_disp2b) {
min_disp2b = hamming2;
if (dix2 == d) min_after2 = hamming2;
last_ham2 = hamming2;
//float d1 = (dix1 == 0 || dix1 == ds-1) ? (float)dix1 : fit_parabola(dix1, min_disp1, min_before1, min_after1);
//float d2 = (dix2 == 0 || dix2 == ds-1) ? (float)dix2 : fit_parabola(dix2, min_disp2, min_before2, min_after2);
// TODO Allow for discontinuities with threshold
// Subpixel disparity (20)
float d1 = fit_parabola(dix1, min_disp1, min_before1, min_after1);
float d2 = fit_parabola(dix2, min_disp2, min_before2, min_after2);
// Confidence filter based on (25)
disp_l[v*pitchL+u] = ((min_disp2b - min_disp2) >= gamma) ? d2 : NAN;
disp_r[v*pitchR+u] = ((min_disp1b - min_disp1) >= gamma) ? d1 : NAN;
void rtcensus_sgm_call(const PtrStepSz<uchar4> &l, const PtrStepSz<uchar4> &r, const PtrStepSz<float> &disp, size_t num_disp, const int &stream) {
// Make all the required texture steps
// TODO Could reduce re-allocations by caching these
ftl::cuda::TextureObject<uchar4> texLeft(l);
ftl::cuda::TextureObject<uchar4> texRight(r);
ftl::cuda::TextureObject<uint2> censusTexLeft(l.cols, l.rows);
ftl::cuda::TextureObject<uint2> censusTexRight(r.cols, r.rows);
ftl::cuda::TextureObject<float> dispTexLeft(l.cols, l.rows);
ftl::cuda::TextureObject<float> dispTexRight(r.cols, r.rows);
ftl::cuda::TextureObject<float> dispTex(r.cols, r.rows);
ftl::cuda::TextureObject<float> output(disp);
// Calculate the census for left and right (14)(15)(16)
ftl::cuda::sparse_census(texLeft, texRight, censusTexLeft, censusTexRight);
dim3 grid(1,1,1);
dim3 threads(BLOCK_W, 1, 1);
grid.x = cv::cuda::device::divUp(l.cols - 2 * RADIUS2, BLOCK_W);
grid.y = cv::cuda::device::divUp(l.rows - 2 * RADIUS2, ROWSperTHREAD);
// Calculate L and R disparities (18)(19)(20)(21)(22)(25)
disp_kernel<<<grid, threads>>>(
dispTexLeft.devicePtr(), dispTexRight.devicePtr(),
dispTexLeft.pitch()/sizeof(float), dispTexRight.pitch()/sizeof(float),
l.cols, l.rows,
censusTexLeft.cudaTexture(), censusTexRight.cudaTexture(),
cudaSafeCall( cudaGetLastError() );
// Check consistency between L and R disparities. (23)(24)
consistency(dispTexLeft, dispTexRight, dispTex);
// TM in (7) of paper [3]. Eq (26) in [1] is wrong.
texture_filter(texLeft, dispTex, output, num_disp, 10.0);
cudaSafeCall( cudaDeviceSynchronize() );;;;;;;;;
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