* python3-dev
* python3-ply
Build system uses Pybind11 to generate a python module. Most of the bindings are
automatically generated by script which is automatically called by CMake
when necessary.
Headers included for automatic binding generation are defined in
SDK_AUTO_HEADERS variable in CMakeLists.txt. Included pybind headers are defined
in, which to which generated code is inserted before
build. Several (empty) macros are used in headers to annoate Python API details.
* PY_API function/method is to be included in Python API
* PY_NO_SHARED_PTR shared_ptr<> is not used with instances of this class.
See [pybind11 documentation](
for techncal details. Shared pointers are not used for structs.
* PY_RV_LIFETIME_PARENT lifetime of method's return valued is tied to
lifetime of parent objects (this). ([return_value_policy::reference_internal](
* PY_SINGLETON Singleton class, methods are exported to to module scope.
* PY_SINGLETON_OBJECT Singleton instance is accessible as module attribute.
## Notes:
* Binding to default constructor is generated for structs. Class constructors
are not available via Python at the moment.
* Keyword arguments are supported in Python when function arguments are named
in the header.
* Default arguments are supported (extracted from header).
* Public class properties are available in python, read-only if const,
otherwise read write.
* Singletons have to be created in PyModule constructor and be available
as class members.
* Exceptions have to be included manually in module.cpp
* C++ preprocessor is not used
## Not supported (yet) in automatic binding generation:
* Nested classes
* Static members
* Constructors
* Automatic documentation (Doxygen)
* Generator does not verify that shared_ptr<> is used consistently/correctly
* Member variables of singleton classes