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#include <ftl/operators/cuda/mls/multi_intensity.hpp>
#include <opencv2/core/cuda_stream_accessor.hpp>
#include <ftl/cuda/weighting.hpp>

using ftl::cuda::MLSMultiIntensity;
using cv::cuda::GpuMat;

// ==== Multi image MLS ========================================================

__device__ inline float featureWeight(int f1, int f2) {
	const float w = (1.0f-(float(abs(f1 - f2)) / 255.0f));
	return w*w*w;
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__device__ inline float biasedLength(const float3 &Xi, const float3 &X) {
	float l = 0.0f;
	const float dx = Xi.x-X.x;
	l += 2.0f*dx*dx;
	const float dy = Xi.y-X.y;
	l += 2.0f*dy*dy;
	const float dz = Xi.z-X.z;
	l += dz*dz;
	return sqrt(l);

 * Gather points for Moving Least Squares, from each source image
 template <int SEARCH_RADIUS, typename T>
 __global__ void mls_gather_intensity_kernel(
	const half4* __restrict__ normals_in,
	half4* __restrict__ normals_out,
	const float* __restrict__ depth_origin,
	const float* __restrict__ depth_in,
	const T* __restrict__ feature_origin,
	const T* __restrict__ feature_in,
	float4* __restrict__ centroid_out,
	float* __restrict__ contrib_out,
	float smoothing,
	float fsmoothing,
	float4x4 o_2_in,
	float4x4 in_2_o,
	float3x3 in_2_o33,
	ftl::rgbd::Camera camera_origin,
	ftl::rgbd::Camera camera_in,
	int npitch_out,
	int cpitch_out,
	int wpitch_out,
	int dpitch_o,
	int dpitch_i,
	int npitch_in,
	int fpitch_o,
	int fpitch_i
) {        
    const int x = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
    const int y = blockIdx.y*blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;

    if (x < 0 || y < 0 || x >= camera_origin.width || y >= camera_origin.height) return;

	float3 nX = make_float3(normals_out[y*npitch_out+x]);
	float3 aX = make_float3(centroid_out[y*cpitch_out+x]);
    float contrib = contrib_out[y*wpitch_out+x];

	float d0 = depth_origin[x+y*dpitch_o];
	if (d0 <= camera_origin.minDepth || d0 >= camera_origin.maxDepth) return;

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	const uchar2 feature1 = feature_origin[x+y*fpitch_o];
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	// TODO: Could the origin depth actually be averaged with depth in other
	// image? So as to not bias towards the original view?

	float3 X = camera_origin.screenToCam((int)(x),(int)(y),d0);

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	const float3 camPos = o_2_in * X;
	const int2 s = camera_in.camToScreen<int2>(camPos);
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	// Move point off of original surface
	//X = camera_origin.screenToCam((int)(x),(int)(y),d0-0.005f);

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	// TODO: Could dynamically adjust the smoothing factors depending upon the
	// number of matches. Meaning, if lots of good local and feature matches
	// then be less likely to include poorer matches. Conversely, if only poor
	// non-local or feature distance matches, then increase search range.

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	// Could also adapt smoothing parameters using variance or some other local
	// image measures. Or by just considering distance of the central projected
	// points as an indication of miss-alignment. Both spatial distance and
	// feature distance could be used to adjust parameters.

	// FIXME: For own image, need to do something different than the below.
	// Otherwise smoothing factors become 0.

	float spatial_smoothing = (depth_origin == depth_in) ? 0.005f : 0.03f; // 3cm default
	float hf_intensity_smoothing = (depth_origin == depth_in) ? 100.0f : 50.0f;
	float mean_smoothing = (depth_origin == depth_in) ? 100.0f : 100.0f;
	if (depth_origin != depth_in && s.x >= 0 && s.x < camera_in.width && s.y >= 0 && s.y <= camera_in.height) {
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		// Get depth at exact reprojection point
		const float d = depth_in[s.x+s.y*dpitch_i];
		// Get feature at exact reprojection point
		const uchar2 feature2 = feature_in[s.x+s.y*fpitch_i];
		if (d > camera_in.minDepth && d < camera_in.maxDepth) {
			spatial_smoothing = min(spatial_smoothing, smoothing * fabsf(camPos.z - d));
		hf_intensity_smoothing = smoothing * fabsf(float(feature2.x) - float(feature1.x));
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		//mean_smoothing = smoothing * fabsf(float(feature2.y) - float(feature1.y));

		// Make start point the average of the two sources...
		const float3 reversePos = in_2_o * camera_in.screenToCam(s.x, s.y, d);
		X = X + (reversePos) / 2.0f;
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	// Make sure there is a minimum smoothing value
	spatial_smoothing = max(0.01f, spatial_smoothing);
	hf_intensity_smoothing = max(5.0f, hf_intensity_smoothing);
	//mean_smoothing = max(10.0f, mean_smoothing);
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	// Check for neighbourhood symmetry and use to weight overall contribution
	float symx = 0.0f;
	float symy = 0.0f;
    // Neighbourhood
    for (int v=-SEARCH_RADIUS; v<=SEARCH_RADIUS; ++v) {
    for (int u=-SEARCH_RADIUS; u<=SEARCH_RADIUS; ++u) {
		const float d = (s.x+u >= 0 && s.x+u < camera_in.width && s.y+v >= 0 && s.y+v < camera_in.height) ? depth_in[s.x+u+(s.y+v)*dpitch_i] : 0.0f;
		if (d <= camera_in.minDepth || d >= camera_in.maxDepth) continue;

		// Point and normal of neighbour
		const float3 Xi = in_2_o * camera_in.screenToCam(s.x+u, s.y+v, d);
		const float3 Ni = make_float3(normals_in[s.x+u+(s.y+v)*npitch_in]);

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		const uchar2 feature2 = feature_in[s.x+u+(s.y+v)*fpitch_i];
		// Gauss approx weighting functions
		// Rule: spatially close and feature close is strong
		// Spatially far or feature far, then poor.
		// So take the minimum, must be close and feature close to get good value
		const float w_high_int = ftl::cuda::weighting(float(abs(int(feature1.x)-int(feature2.x))), hf_intensity_smoothing);
		const float w_mean_int = ftl::cuda::weighting(float(abs(int(feature1.y)-int(feature2.y))), mean_smoothing);
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		const float w_space = ftl::cuda::spatialWeighting(X,Xi,spatial_smoothing);
		//const float w_space = ftl::cuda::weighting(biasedLength(Xi,X),spatial_smoothing);
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		// TODO: Distance from cam squared
		// TODO: Angle from cam (dot of normal and ray)
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		//const float w_lateral = ftl::cuda::weighting(sqrt(Xi.x*X.x + Xi.y*X.y), float(SEARCH_RADIUS)*camera_origin.fx/Xi.z);
		const float w = (length(Ni) > 0.0f)
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			?w_space * w_high_int * w_mean_int // min(w_space, min(w_high_int, w_mean_int))
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		// Mark as a symmetry contribution
		if (w > 0.0f) {
			if (u < 0) symx -= 1.0f;
			else if (u > 0) symx += 1.0f;
			if (v < 0) symy -= 1.0f;
			else if (v > 0) symy += 1.0f;

		aX += Xi*w;
		nX += (in_2_o33 * Ni)*w;
		contrib += w;

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	// Perfect symmetry means symx and symy == 0, therefore actual length can
	// be measure of asymmetry, so when inverted it can be used to weight result
	symx = fabsf(symx) / float(SEARCH_RADIUS);
	symy = fabsf(symy) / float(SEARCH_RADIUS);
	float l = 1.0f - sqrt(symx*symx+symy*symy);
	l = l*l;

	normals_out[y*npitch_out+x] = make_half4(nX*l, 0.0f);
	centroid_out[y*cpitch_out+x] = make_float4(aX*l, 0.0f);
	contrib_out[y*wpitch_out+x] = contrib*l;

 * Convert accumulated values into estimate of depth and normals at pixel.
 __global__ void mls_reduce_kernel_2(
	const float4* __restrict__ centroid,
	const half4* __restrict__ normals,
	const float* __restrict__ contrib_out,
	half4* __restrict__ normals_out,
	float* __restrict__ depth,
	ftl::rgbd::Camera camera,
	int npitch_in,
	int cpitch_in,
	int wpitch,
	int npitch,
	int dpitch
) {
	const int x = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
    const int y = blockIdx.y*blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;

	if (x >= 0 && y >= 0 && x < camera.width && y < camera.height) {
		float3 nX = make_float3(normals[y*npitch_in+x]);
		float3 aX = make_float3(centroid[y*cpitch_in+x]);
		float contrib = contrib_out[y*wpitch+x];

		//depth[x+y*dpitch] = X.z;
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		//normals_out[x+y*npitch] = make_half4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);

		float d0 = depth[x+y*dpitch];
		//depth[x+y*dpitch] = 0.0f;
		if (d0 <= camera.minDepth || d0 >= camera.maxDepth || contrib == 0.0f) return;
		float3 X = camera.screenToCam((int)(x),(int)(y),d0);
		nX /= contrib;  // Weighted average normal
		aX /= contrib;  // Weighted average point (centroid)

		// Signed-Distance Field function
		float fX = nX.x * (X.x - aX.x) + nX.y * (X.y - aX.y) + nX.z * (X.z - aX.z);

		// Calculate new point using SDF function to adjust depth (and position)
		X = X - nX * fX;

		depth[x+y*dpitch] = X.z;
		normals_out[x+y*npitch] = make_half4(nX / length(nX), 0.0f);

MLSMultiIntensity::MLSMultiIntensity(int radius)
	: radius_(radius)




void MLSMultiIntensity::prime(
	const GpuMat &depth_prime,
	const GpuMat &intensity_prime,
	const ftl::rgbd::Camera &cam_prime,
	const float4x4 &pose_prime,
	cudaStream_t stream)
	depth_prime_ = depth_prime;
	intensity_prime_ = intensity_prime;
	cam_prime_ = cam_prime;
	pose_prime_ = pose_prime;

	centroid_accum_.create(depth_prime.size(), CV_32FC4);
	normal_accum_.create(depth_prime.size(), CV_16FC4);
	weight_accum_.create(depth_prime.size(), CV_32F);

	cv::cuda::Stream cvstream = cv::cuda::StreamAccessor::wrapStream(stream);

	// Reset buffers
	centroid_accum_.setTo(cv::Scalar(0,0,0,0), cvstream);
	weight_accum_.setTo(cv::Scalar(0), cvstream);
	normal_accum_.setTo(cv::Scalar(0,0,0,0), cvstream);

void MLSMultiIntensity::gatherPrime(float smoothing, cudaStream_t stream)
	// Can use a simpler kernel without pose transformations

void MLSMultiIntensity::gather(
	const GpuMat &depth_src,
	const GpuMat &normals_src,
	const GpuMat &intensity_src,
	const ftl::rgbd::Camera &cam_src,
	const float4x4 &pose_src,
	float smoothing,
	float fsmoothing,
	cudaStream_t stream)
	static constexpr int THREADS_X = 8;
	static constexpr int THREADS_Y = 8;

	const dim3 gridSize((depth_prime_.cols + THREADS_X - 1)/THREADS_X, (depth_prime_.rows + THREADS_Y - 1)/THREADS_Y);
	const dim3 blockSize(THREADS_X, THREADS_Y);

	float4x4 inv_pose_src = pose_src;
	float4x4 o_2_in = inv_pose_src * pose_prime_;
	float4x4 inv_pose_prime = pose_prime_;
	float4x4 in_2_o = inv_pose_prime * pose_src;
	float3x3 in_2_o33 = inv_pose_prime.getFloat3x3() * pose_src.getFloat3x3();

	mls_gather_intensity_kernel<3><<<gridSize, blockSize, 0, stream>>>(
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	cudaSafeCall( cudaGetLastError() );

void MLSMultiIntensity::adjust(
	GpuMat &depth_out,
	GpuMat &normals_out,
	cudaStream_t stream)
	static constexpr int THREADS_X = 8;
	static constexpr int THREADS_Y = 8;

	const dim3 gridSize((depth_prime_.cols + THREADS_X - 1)/THREADS_X, (depth_prime_.rows + THREADS_Y - 1)/THREADS_Y);
	const dim3 blockSize(THREADS_X, THREADS_Y);

	normals_out.create(depth_prime_.size(), CV_16FC4);
	depth_out.create(depth_prime_.size(), CV_32F);

	// FIXME: Depth prime assumed to be same as depth out

	mls_reduce_kernel_2<<<gridSize, blockSize, 0, stream>>>(
	cudaSafeCall( cudaGetLastError() );

// =============================================================================

template <int RADIUS>
__global__ void mean_subtract_kernel(
	const uchar* __restrict__ intensity,
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	uchar2* __restrict__ contrast,
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	int cpitch,
	int width,
	int height
) {
	const int x = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
    const int y = blockIdx.y*blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;

	if (x >= RADIUS && y >= RADIUS && x < width-RADIUS && y < height-RADIUS) {
		float mean = 0.0f;

		for (int v=-RADIUS; v<=RADIUS; ++v) {
		for (int u=-RADIUS; u<=RADIUS; ++u) {
			mean += float(intensity[x+u+(y+v)*pitch]);

		mean /= float((2*RADIUS+1)*(2*RADIUS+1));

		float diff = float(intensity[x+y*pitch]) - mean;
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		contrast[x+y*pitch] = make_uchar2(max(0, min(254, int(diff)+127)), int(mean));

void ftl::cuda::mean_subtract(
	const cv::cuda::GpuMat &intensity,
	cv::cuda::GpuMat &contrast,
	int radius,
	cudaStream_t stream
) {
	static constexpr int THREADS_X = 8;
	static constexpr int THREADS_Y = 8;

	const dim3 gridSize((intensity.cols + THREADS_X - 1)/THREADS_X, (intensity.rows + THREADS_Y - 1)/THREADS_Y);
	const dim3 blockSize(THREADS_X, THREADS_Y);

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	contrast.create(intensity.size(), CV_8UC2);

	mean_subtract_kernel<3><<<gridSize, blockSize, 0, stream>>>(
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	cudaSafeCall( cudaGetLastError() );