#include <loguru.hpp>
#include "ftl/operators/disparity.hpp"
#include <ftl/operators/cuda/disparity.hpp>
#include <opencv2/cudaimgproc.hpp>
#include <opencv2/cudaarithm.hpp>
using cv::Size;
using cv::cuda::GpuMat;
using ftl::rgbd::Format;
using ftl::codecs::Channel;
using ftl::rgbd::Frame;
using ftl::rgbd::Source;
using ftl::operators::FixstarsSGM;
void FixstarsSGM::_variance_mask(cv::InputArray in, cv::OutputArray out, int wsize, cv::cuda::Stream &cvstream) {
mean_.create(in.size(), CV_32FC1);
mean2_.create(in.size(), CV_32FC1);
im2_.create(in.size(), CV_32FC1);
in.getGpuMat().convertTo(im_, CV_32FC1, cvstream);
cv::cuda::multiply(im_, im_, im2_, 1.0, CV_32FC1, cvstream);
if (!filter_) filter_ = cv::cuda::createBoxFilter(CV_32FC1, CV_32FC1, cv::Size(wsize,wsize));
filter_->apply(im_, mean_, cvstream); // E[X]
filter_->apply(im2_, mean2_, cvstream); // E[X^2]
cv::cuda::multiply(mean_, mean_, mean_, 1.0, -1, cvstream); // (E[X])^2
// NOTE: floating point accuracy in subtraction
// (cv::cuda::createBoxFilter only supports float and 8 bit integer types)
cv::cuda::subtract(mean2_, mean_, out.getGpuMatRef(), cv::noArray(), -1, cvstream); // E[X^2] - (E[X])^2
else { throw std::exception(); /* todo CPU version */ }
void FixstarsSGM::computeP2(cudaStream_t &stream) {
const int P3 = config()->value("P3", P2_);
auto cvstream = cv::cuda::StreamAccessor::wrapStream(stream);
P2_map_.setTo(P3, cvstream);
if (config()->value("use_P2_map", false)) {
edges_.create(size_, CV_8UC1);
auto ptr = canny_;
ptr->detect(lbw_, edges_, cvstream);
P2_map_.setTo(P2_, edges_, cvstream);
FixstarsSGM::FixstarsSGM(ftl::operators::Graph *g, ftl::Configurable* cfg) :
ftl::operators::Operator(g, cfg) {
ssgm_ = nullptr;
size_ = Size(0, 0);
uniqueness_ = cfg->value("uniqueness", 0.95f);
P1_ = cfg->value("P1", 10);
P2_ = cfg->value("P2", 120);
max_disp_ = cfg->value("num_disp", 256);
ct_shape_ = static_cast<sgm::CensusShape>(cfg->value("ct_shape", 2));
if (uniqueness_ < 0.0 || uniqueness_ > 1.0) {
uniqueness_ = 1.0;
LOG(WARNING) << "Invalid uniqueness, using default (1.0)";
if (P1_ <= 0 ) {
P1_ = 10;
LOG(WARNING) << "Invalid value for P1, using default (10)";
if (P2_ < P1_) {
P2_ = P1_;
LOG(WARNING) << "Invalid value for P2, using value of P1 (" << P1_ << ")";
if (!(max_disp_ == 256 || max_disp_ == 128 || max_disp_ == 192)) {
max_disp_ = 256;
LOG(WARNING) << "Invalid value for max_disp, using default value (256)";
int P1 = cfg->value("P1", 0);
if (P1 <= 0) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Invalid value for P1 (" << P1 << ")";
else {
P1_ = P1;
int P2 = cfg->value("P2", 0);
if (P2 < P1_) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Invalid value for P2 (" << P2 << ")";
else {
P2_ = P2;
cfg->on("uniqueness", [this, cfg]() {
double uniqueness = cfg->value("uniqueness", 0.0);
if (uniqueness < 0.0 || uniqueness > 1.0) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Invalid value for uniqueness (" << uniqueness << ")";
else {
uniqueness_ = uniqueness;
cfg->on("ct_shape", [this, cfg]() {
ct_shape_ = static_cast<sgm::CensusShape>(cfg->value("ct_shape", 2));
cfg->on("canny_low", [this, cfg]() {
cfg->on("canny_high", [this, cfg]() {
FixstarsSGM::~FixstarsSGM() {
if (ssgm_) {
delete ssgm_;
bool FixstarsSGM::init() {
if (size_ == Size(0, 0)) { return false; }
if (ssgm_) { delete ssgm_; }
lbw_.create(size_, CV_8UC1);
rbw_.create(size_, CV_8UC1);
disp_int_.create(size_, CV_16SC1);
weights_.create(size_, CV_32FC1);
ssgm_ = new sgm::StereoSGM(size_.width, size_.height, max_disp_, 8, 16,
lbw_.step, disp_int_.step / sizeof(short),
sgm::StereoSGM::Parameters(P1_, P2_, uniqueness_, true)
return true;
bool FixstarsSGM::updateParameters() {
if (ssgm_ == nullptr) { return false; }
return this->ssgm_->updateParameters(
sgm::StereoSGM::Parameters(P1_, P2_, uniqueness_, true, ct_shape_));
bool FixstarsSGM::updateP2Parameters() {
canny_ = cv::cuda::createCannyEdgeDetector(
config()->value("canny_low", 30.0),
config()->value("canny_high", 120.0));
return true;
bool FixstarsSGM::apply(Frame &in, Frame &out, cudaStream_t stream) {
if (!in.hasChannel(Channel::Left) || !in.hasChannel(Channel::Right)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Fixstars is missing Left or Right channel";
auto &l = in.get<GpuMat>(Channel::Left);
const auto &r = in.get<GpuMat>(Channel::Right);
const auto &intrin = in.getLeft();
if (l.empty() || r.empty() || intrin.width == 0) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Missing data for Fixstars";
return false;
if (size_.width != intrin.width) {
size_ = cv::Size(intrin.width, intrin.height);
bool has_estimate = graph()->hasBuffer(Buffer::Disparity, in.source()); //in.hasChannel(Channel::Disparity);
auto &disp = graph()->createBuffer(Buffer::Disparity, in.source());
disp.create(size_, CV_16SC1);
auto cvstream = cv::cuda::StreamAccessor::wrapStream(stream);
cv::cuda::cvtColor(l, lbw_full_, cv::COLOR_BGRA2GRAY, 0, cvstream);
cv::cuda::cvtColor(r, rbw_full_, cv::COLOR_BGRA2GRAY, 0, cvstream);
if (l.size() != size_) {
cv::cuda::resize(lbw_full_, lbw_, size_, 0, 0, cv::INTER_CUBIC, cvstream);
cv::cuda::resize(rbw_full_, rbw_, size_, 0, 0, cv::INTER_CUBIC, cvstream);
} else {
lbw_ = lbw_full_;
rbw_ = rbw_full_;
bool use_variance = config()->value("use_variance", true);
if (use_variance) {
_variance_mask(lbw_, weightsF_, config()->value("var_wsize", 11), cvstream);
float minweight = std::min(1.0f, std::max(0.0f, config()->value("var_minweight", 0.5f)));
cv::cuda::normalize(weightsF_, weightsF_, minweight, 1.0, cv::NORM_MINMAX, -1, cv::noArray(), cvstream);
weightsF_.convertTo(weights_, CV_8UC1, 255.0f, cvstream);
//ftl::utility::show_image(weights_, "VarWeight", 0.5f, ftl::utility::ImageVisualisation::HEAT_MAPPED);
//if ((int)P2_map_.step != P2_map_.cols) LOG(ERROR) << "P2 map step error: " << P2_map_.cols << "," << P2_map_.step;
ssgm_->execute(,,,, (uint8_t*), weights_.step1(), config()->value("min_disp", 60), stream);
ssgm_->execute(,,,, nullptr, 0, config()->value("min_disp", 60), stream);
// GpuMat left_pixels(dispt_, cv::Rect(0, 0, max_disp_, dispt_.rows));
// left_pixels.setTo(0);
if (config()->value("merge_estimates", false) && has_estimate) {
ftl::cuda::merge_disparities(disp_int_, disp, stream);
cv::cuda::threshold(disp_int_, disp, 16383.0f, 0.0f, cv::THRESH_TOZERO_INV, cvstream);
if (config()->value("check_reprojection", false)) {
ftl::cuda::check_reprojection(disp, in.getTexture<uchar4>(Channel::Colour),
in.createTexture<uchar4>(Channel::Colour2, true),
if (config()->value("show_P2_map", false)) {
cv::cuda::cvtColor(P2_map_, out.get<GpuMat>(Channel::Colour), cv::COLOR_GRAY2BGRA, 0, cvstream);
if (config()->value("show_rpe", false)) {
ftl::cuda::show_rpe(disp, in.set<GpuMat>(Channel::Left), r, 100.0f, stream);
if (config()->value("show_disp_density", false)) {
ftl::cuda::show_disp_density(disp, in.set<GpuMat>(Channel::Left), 100.0f, stream);
//disp_int_.convertTo(disp, CV_32F, 1.0f / 16.0f, cvstream);