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Commit 8f234ae7 authored by Erno Lokkila's avatar Erno Lokkila
Browse files

sliced quarry and adjusted sprite depths

parent 59aa1e52
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......@@ -20,6 +20,11 @@ public class GroundGenerator : MonoBehaviour
private int stone = 3;
private int wood = 4;
private int home = 5;
private int groundDepth = 1;
private int resourceDepth = 0;
private int houseDepth = -2;
private int workerDepth = -1;
......@@ -77,39 +82,39 @@ public class GroundGenerator : MonoBehaviour
if (ground[i - 1, j] == 0 && ground[i, j - 1] == 0)
spawn(tiles[6], i, j);
spawn(tiles[6], i, j, groundDepth);
else if (ground[i + 1, j] == 0 && ground[i, j - 1] == 0)
spawn(tiles[8], i, j);
spawn(tiles[8], i, j, groundDepth);
else if (ground[i + 1, j] == 0 && ground[i, j + 1] == 0)
spawn(tiles[2], i, j);
spawn(tiles[2], i, j, groundDepth);
else if (ground[i - 1, j] == 0 && ground[i, j + 1] == 0)
spawn(tiles[0], i, j);
spawn(tiles[0], i, j, groundDepth);
else if (ground[i + 1, j] == 0)
spawn(tiles[5], i, j);
spawn(tiles[5], i, j, groundDepth);
else if (ground[i - 1, j] == 0)
spawn(tiles[3], i, j);
spawn(tiles[3], i, j, groundDepth);
else if (ground[i, j + 1] == 0)
spawn(tiles[1], i, j);
spawn(tiles[1], i, j, groundDepth);
else if (ground[i, j - 1] == 0)
spawn(tiles[7], i, j);
spawn(tiles[7], i, j, groundDepth);
spawn(tiles[4], i, j);
spawn(tiles[4], i, j, groundDepth);
......@@ -123,15 +128,15 @@ public class GroundGenerator : MonoBehaviour
if (ground[i, j] == wood)
spawn(resourceGOs[0], i, j, -1);
spawn(resourceGOs[0], i, j, resourceDepth);
if (ground[i, j] == stone)
spawn(resourceGOs[1], i, j,- 1);
spawn(resourceGOs[1], i, j, resourceDepth);
if (ground[i, j] == food)
spawn(resourceGOs[2], i, j, -1);
spawn(resourceGOs[2], i, j, resourceDepth);
......@@ -139,10 +144,10 @@ public class GroundGenerator : MonoBehaviour
private void createHome() {
ground[ground.GetLength(0) / 2, ground.GetLength(1) / 2] = home;
spawn(homeGO, ground.GetLength(0) / 2, ground.GetLength(1) / 2, 0);
spawn(workerGO, ground.GetLength(0) / 2, ground.GetLength(1) / 2, -3);
spawn(homeGO, ground.GetLength(0) / 2, ground.GetLength(1) / 2, houseDepth);
spawn(workerGO, ground.GetLength(0) / 2, ground.GetLength(1) / 2, workerDepth);
private GameObject spawn(GameObject go, int x, int y, int z = 1) {
private GameObject spawn(GameObject go, int x, int y, int z) {
return Instantiate<GameObject>(go, new Vector3(x, y, z), Quaternion.identity);
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