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Snippets Groups Projects

Online survey creation tool


Flask app with MySql/MariaDB

Check requirements.txt


There are multiple deployment options, but one working solution is: nginx + gunicorn (with gevent worker)

Working directory: /srv/rating

Installing prequisites

Install python packages with pip and preferably in virtual environment:

virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

Create user 'rating' and grant access to database 'rating_db'.

Create necessary tables by running the initialization script:

 mysql -u rating -p -D rating_db < db/create_rating_db.sql

Setting startup script

Create systemd startup script in '/etc/systemd/system/gunicorn.service'

Description=Gunicorn instance to serve flask application

ExecStart=/srv/rating/venv/bin/gunicorn run:app -b localhost:8000 -k gevent -w 1


Run 'systemctl daemon-reload' to reload units.

Enable and start gunicorn service:

service gunicorn enable
service gunicorn start


Error logs are saved to application folder (/srv/rating/logs/)

Optionally with journalctl: journalctl -u gunicorn.service

Restart server after updates

service gunicorn restart

Deployment with docker

Install docker and docker-compose

Generate users and groups in deploy/config/mysql/data.sql

Password can be generated with -script

Go to deploy folder. Build containers and run them with:

docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d --build

This will create persistent database 'rating_db' to deploy/dbdata with user 'rating'.

Application should be up and running in 'localhost'.

Project contact details