* @file protocol.hpp
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2022 University of Turku, MIT License
* @author Nicolas Pope
#pragma once
#include <memory>
#include <ftl/uuid.hpp>
namespace ftl {
namespace protocol {
class Node;
class Stream;
class Service;
/** Reset network and streams. Used by tests. */
void reset();
extern ftl::UUID id;
* @brief Get the Self object. This may initialise the internal system when
* first called. A Self object allows for the overall control of the network
* and general RPC functionality between hosts. If this is called multiple
* times then the same internal object is returned, it is a singleton.
* @return std::shared_ptr<ftl::protocol::Self>
std::shared_ptr<ftl::protocol::Self> getSelf();
* @brief Create a secondary Self object. Mostly for testing purposes, this
* allows additional instances to be created of the otherwise singleton class.
* @return std::shared_ptr<ftl::protocol::Self>
std::shared_ptr<ftl::protocol::Self> createDummySelf();
* @brief Set the web service URI to use. There should be a single connection
* to a web service that provides additional management functionality beyond
* a typical node. By calling this function the system is informed about where
* to ask about certain resources.
* @param uri A websocket URI, either WS or WSS protocol.
* @return A node instance for the service
std::shared_ptr<ftl::protocol::Service> setServiceProvider(const std::string &uri);
* @brief Connect to another machine. This uses the singleton Self instance, however,
* it is possible to also connect from another secondary Self instance by
* using a member function.
* @param uri A TCP URI with the address and port of another machine.
* @return std::shared_ptr<ftl::protocol::Node>
std::shared_ptr<ftl::protocol::Node> connectNode(const std::string &uri);
* @brief Host a new stream. The URI must be either a file or an FTL protocol.
* A file stream opened by this function will be write only, and a network
* stream will broadcast itself as a newly available source.
* @param uri Either file:// or ftl://
* @return std::shared_ptr<ftl::protocol::Stream>
std::shared_ptr<ftl::protocol::Stream> createStream(const std::string &uri);
* @brief Open an existing stream. This can be a file or a network stream.
* A file stream will be opened readonly, and a network stream will attempt
* to find the stream on the local network or using the web service.
* @param uri Either file:// or ftl://
* @return std::shared_ptr<ftl::protocol::Stream>
std::shared_ptr<ftl::protocol::Stream> getStream(const std::string &uri);