diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 32b42d4e9754651c3b45e7b605fde3b9132e0ee2..876e85fbed66158652992281c4869c87a9daf489 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -9,4 +9,5 @@ scrap_script.py
diff --git a/.gitmodules b/.gitmodules
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f2923ec477fc5d74d21784e5062bd3ef1da50fdc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitmodules
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+[submodule "embody"]
+	path = embody
+	url = https://version.aalto.fi/gitlab/eglerean/embody.git
diff --git a/app/__init__.py b/app/__init__.py
index 4051a1c904b83abfa146777bcc5b2f672c252e70..aefa4b3e1a5dc62ae1e1d6b53b0b8232d56ee8bc 100644
--- a/app/__init__.py
+++ b/app/__init__.py
@@ -1,16 +1,18 @@
-from flask import Flask
+import pymysql
+from flask import Flask, request, session, flash
 from flask_bootstrap import Bootstrap
-from config import Config
 from flask_sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy
 from flask_migrate import Migrate
 from flask_login import LoginManager
 from flask_babel import Babel
-from flask import request
-from flask import session
-from flask import flash
-import pymysql
+from config import Config
 app = Flask(__name__)
 #app.config['BABEL_DEFAULT_LOCALE'] = 'fin'
 #app.config['BABEL_TRANSLATION_DIRECTORIES'] ='C:/Users/Timo/git/pet-rating/app/translations'
 babel = Babel(app)
@@ -38,13 +40,10 @@ def get_locale():
         if session['lang'] == 'zh':
             session['language'] = 'Chinese'
     return session.get('lang', 'en')
 def get_locale():
@@ -73,6 +72,14 @@ migrate = Migrate(app, db)
 login = LoginManager(app)
 login.login_view = 'login'
+# Register blueprints
+from .task.views import task_blueprint
+from .experiment.views import experiment_blueprint
+from .create.views import create_blueprint
 app.secret_key = 'random string'
 """app.secret_key = os.urandom(24)"""
diff --git a/app/templates/create_experiment.html b/app/create/templates/create_experiment.html
similarity index 100%
rename from app/templates/create_experiment.html
rename to app/create/templates/create_experiment.html
diff --git a/app/templates/create_experiment_bgquestions.html b/app/create/templates/create_experiment_bgquestions.html
similarity index 100%
rename from app/templates/create_experiment_bgquestions.html
rename to app/create/templates/create_experiment_bgquestions.html
diff --git a/app/templates/create_experiment_questions.html b/app/create/templates/create_experiment_questions.html
similarity index 100%
rename from app/templates/create_experiment_questions.html
rename to app/create/templates/create_experiment_questions.html
diff --git a/app/templates/create_experiment_upload_stimuli.html b/app/create/templates/create_experiment_upload_stimuli.html
similarity index 99%
rename from app/templates/create_experiment_upload_stimuli.html
rename to app/create/templates/create_experiment_upload_stimuli.html
index 979ed4a6d0a939d08bea1cc8fbf4d488ad7ff0a7..9a7d9e3af8b02d44d7afc50c79784ca63bc6346b 100644
--- a/app/templates/create_experiment_upload_stimuli.html
+++ b/app/create/templates/create_experiment_upload_stimuli.html
@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@
     <div class="form-group">
diff --git a/app/create/views.py b/app/create/views.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..bca9240ea44536d4b0f7d1e9d94e5370d293956e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/create/views.py
@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
+import os
+from datetime import datetime
+from flask import (
+    Flask, 
+    render_template, 
+    request, 
+    session, 
+    flash, 
+    redirect, 
+    url_for, 
+    Blueprint
+from flask_login import login_required
+from app.routes import APP_ROOT
+from app import app, db
+from app.models import background_question, experiment
+from app.models import background_question_answer
+from app.models import page, question
+from app.models import background_question_option
+from app.models import answer_set, answer, forced_id
+from app.models import user, trial_randomization
+from app.forms import (
+    CreateExperimentForm, CreateBackgroundQuestionForm, 
+    CreateQuestionForm, UploadStimuliForm
+create_blueprint = Blueprint("create", __name__, 
+                template_folder='templates',
+                #static_folder='static',
+                url_prefix='/create')
+@create_blueprint.route('/experiment', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
+def create_experiment():
+    form = CreateExperimentForm(request.form)   
+    if request.method == 'POST' and form.validate():
+        the_time = datetime.now()
+        the_time = the_time.replace(microsecond=0)
+        new_exp = experiment(name=request.form['name'], instruction=request.form['instruction'], language=request.form['language'], status='Hidden', randomization='Off', single_sentence_instruction=request.form['single_sentence_instruction'], short_instruction=request.form['short_instruction'], creator_name=request.form['creator_name'], is_archived='False', creation_time=the_time, stimulus_size='7', consent_text=request.form['consent_text'], use_forced_id='Off')
+        db.session.add(new_exp)
+        db.session.commit()        
+        exp_id = new_exp.idexperiment
+        #data = request.form.to_dict()
+        #for key, value in data.items():
+            #tähän db insertit
+            #flash(key)
+            #flash(value)
+            #flash('{}'.format(form.name.data))
+            #Input registration page answers to database
+           # participant_background_question_answers = background_question_answer(answer_set_idanswer_set=session['answer_set'], answer=value, background_question_idbackground_question=key)
+           # db.session.add(participant_background_question_answers)
+           # db.session.commit()
+        return redirect(url_for('create.experiment_bgquestions', exp_id=exp_id))
+    return render_template('create_experiment.html', form=form)
+@create_blueprint.route('/experiment_bgquestions', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
+def experiment_bgquestions():
+    exp_id = request.args.get('exp_id', None)
+    form = CreateBackgroundQuestionForm(request.form)
+    if request.method == 'POST' and form.validate():
+        str = form.bg_questions_and_options.data
+        #Split the form data into a list that separates questions followed by the corresponding options
+        str_list = str.split('/n')
+        #Iterate through the questions and options list
+        for a in range(len(str_list)):
+            #Split the list cells further into questions and options
+            list = str_list[a].split(';')
+            #Input the first item of the list as a question in db and the items followed by that as options for that question
+            for x in range(len(list)):
+                if x == 0:
+                    add_bgquestion = background_question(background_question=list[x], experiment_idexperiment=exp_id)
+                    db.session.add(add_bgquestion)
+                    db.session.commit()
+                else:
+                    add_bgq_option = background_question_option(background_question_idbackground_question=add_bgquestion.idbackground_question, option=list[x])
+                    db.session.add(add_bgq_option)
+                    db.session.commit()
+        return redirect(url_for('create.experiment_questions', exp_id=exp_id))    
+    return render_template('create_experiment_bgquestions.html', form=form, exp_id=exp_id)
+@create_blueprint.route('/experiment_questions', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
+def experiment_questions():
+    # TODO: add embody -type  here
+    exp_id = request.args.get('exp_id', None)
+    form = CreateQuestionForm(request.form)
+    if request.method == 'POST' and form.validate():
+        str = form.questions_and_options.data
+        str_list = str.split('/n')
+        for a in range(len(str_list)): 
+            list = str_list[a].split(';')
+            #If there are the wrong amount of values for any of the the slider input values
+            #redirect back to the form
+            if len(list) != 3:
+                flash("Error Each slider must have 3 parameters separated by ; Some slider has:")
+                flash(len(list))
+                return redirect(url_for('create.experiment_questions', exp_id=exp_id))
+        #If all the slider inputs were of length 3 items
+        #we can input them to db
+        for a in range(len(str_list)): 
+            list = str_list[a].split(';')
+            add_question = question(experiment_idexperiment=exp_id, question=list[0], left=list[1], right=list[2])
+            db.session.add(add_question)
+            db.session.commit()
+        return redirect(url_for('create.experiment_upload_stimuli', exp_id=exp_id))    
+    return render_template('create_experiment_questions.html', form=form)
+@create_blueprint.route('/experiment_upload_stimuli', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
+def experiment_upload_stimuli():
+    exp_id = request.args.get('exp_id', None)
+    form = UploadStimuliForm(request.form)
+    if request.method == 'POST' and form.validate():
+        #If stimulus type is text lets parse the information and insert it to database
+        if form.type.data == 'text':
+            string = form.text.data
+            str_list = string.split('/n')
+            for a in range(len(str_list)):
+                add_text_stimulus = page(experiment_idexperiment=exp_id, type='text', text=str_list[a], media='none')
+                db.session.add(add_text_stimulus)
+                db.session.commit()
+            return redirect(url_for('experiment.view', exp_id=exp_id))  
+        else:
+            #Upload stimuli into /static/experiment_stimuli/exp_id folder
+            #Create the pages for the stimuli by inserting experiment_id, stimulus type, text and names of the stimulus files (as a path to the folder)
+            path = 'static/experiment_stimuli/' + str(exp_id)
+            target = os.path.join(APP_ROOT, path)
+            if not os.path.isdir(target):
+                os.mkdir(target)
+            #This returns a list of filenames: request.files.getlist("file")
+            for file in request.files.getlist("file"):
+                #save files in the correct folder
+                filename = file.filename
+                destination = "/".join([target, filename])
+                file.save(destination)
+                #add pages to the db
+                db_path = path +  str('/') + str(filename)
+                new_page = page(experiment_idexperiment=exp_id, type=form.type.data, media=db_path)
+                db.session.add(new_page)
+                db.session.commit()
+                #flash("Succes!")
+            return redirect(url_for('experiment.view', exp_id=exp_id))
+        return redirect(url_for('create.experiment_upload_stimuli', exp_id=exp_id))
+    return render_template('create_experiment_upload_stimuli.html', form=form)
+# EOF
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/experiment/__init__.py b/app/experiment/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391
diff --git a/app/templates/edit_bg_question.html b/app/experiment/edit_bg_question.html
similarity index 100%
rename from app/templates/edit_bg_question.html
rename to app/experiment/edit_bg_question.html
diff --git a/app/templates/add_bg_question.html b/app/experiment/templates/add_bg_question.html
similarity index 100%
rename from app/templates/add_bg_question.html
rename to app/experiment/templates/add_bg_question.html
diff --git a/app/templates/add_questions.html b/app/experiment/templates/add_questions.html
similarity index 100%
rename from app/templates/add_questions.html
rename to app/experiment/templates/add_questions.html
diff --git a/app/templates/add_stimuli.html b/app/experiment/templates/add_stimuli.html
similarity index 94%
rename from app/templates/add_stimuli.html
rename to app/experiment/templates/add_stimuli.html
index 334ce1f1196c89369d75dded195ed2f8dcb935e3..113b8286f786b94250bd82da16f849130bbb3247 100644
--- a/app/templates/add_stimuli.html
+++ b/app/experiment/templates/add_stimuli.html
@@ -19,24 +19,15 @@
     <div class="custom-file">
     <input type="file" class="custom-file-input" id="file" name="file" accept="audio/*,image/*, .mp4" multiple> 
+    <!-- TODO add hidden type field  { stimulus_type } else this will be None!! -->
     <label class="custom-file-label" for="upload_file">Choose file</label>
   {% endif %}
    <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">Submit</button>
    <a class="btn btn-primary" href="{{ request.referrer }}" role="button">Cancel</a>
diff --git a/app/templates/edit_experiment.html b/app/experiment/templates/edit_experiment.html
similarity index 94%
rename from app/templates/edit_experiment.html
rename to app/experiment/templates/edit_experiment.html
index daac53719a8f2fd972c0e23ce31b30ad88bb1686..72174f735dff65edb9cffcf33460c6d369b9e7d7 100644
--- a/app/templates/edit_experiment.html
+++ b/app/experiment/templates/edit_experiment.html
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
           <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">Update</button>
-          <a class="btn btn-primary" href="{{ url_for('view_experiment', exp_id=exp_id) }}" role="button">Cancel</a>
+          <a class="btn btn-primary" href="{{ url_for('experiment.view', exp_id=exp_id) }}" role="button">Cancel</a>
diff --git a/app/templates/edit_question.html b/app/experiment/templates/edit_question.html
similarity index 100%
rename from app/templates/edit_question.html
rename to app/experiment/templates/edit_question.html
diff --git a/app/templates/edit_stimuli.html b/app/experiment/templates/edit_stimuli.html
similarity index 100%
rename from app/templates/edit_stimuli.html
rename to app/experiment/templates/edit_stimuli.html
diff --git a/app/templates/experiment_statistics.html b/app/experiment/templates/experiment_statistics.html
similarity index 100%
rename from app/templates/experiment_statistics.html
rename to app/experiment/templates/experiment_statistics.html
diff --git a/app/templates/remove_experiment.html b/app/experiment/templates/remove_experiment.html
similarity index 88%
rename from app/templates/remove_experiment.html
rename to app/experiment/templates/remove_experiment.html
index 03af89c36a56925b3d1cbdfe4fcbdaefb7666af8..fddf761d12484d48306dcea2aec106b1113b0bba 100644
--- a/app/templates/remove_experiment.html
+++ b/app/experiment/templates/remove_experiment.html
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
           <input type="text" class="form-control" id="remove" name="remove" required>
           <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">Remove</button>
-          <a class="btn btn-primary" href="{{ url_for('view_experiment', exp_id=exp_id) }}" role="button">Cancel</a>
+          <a class="btn btn-primary" href="{{ url_for('experiment.view', exp_id=exp_id) }}" role="button">Cancel</a>
diff --git a/app/templates/upload_research_notification.html b/app/experiment/templates/upload_research_notification.html
similarity index 100%
rename from app/templates/upload_research_notification.html
rename to app/experiment/templates/upload_research_notification.html
diff --git a/app/templates/view_experiment.html b/app/experiment/templates/view_experiment.html
similarity index 85%
rename from app/templates/view_experiment.html
rename to app/experiment/templates/view_experiment.html
index 5553b58ff654407d084c7dce6f9a49ff88968ec5..15744719537fb6828b582d9152da51819c300bf3 100644
--- a/app/templates/view_experiment.html
+++ b/app/experiment/templates/view_experiment.html
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
             <div class="modal-footer">
               <button type="button" class="btn btn-default" data-dismiss="modal">Cancel</button>
-              <a class="btn btn-primary" href="{{ url_for('remove_experiment', exp_id=exp.idexperiment) }}" role="button">Yes, remove</a>
+              <a class="btn btn-primary" href="{{ url_for('experiment.remove', exp_id=exp.idexperiment) }}" role="button">Yes, remove</a>
@@ -45,12 +45,12 @@
       <td>{{ exp.status }}</td>
     {% if exp.status == 'Hidden' %}      
-      <a class="btn btn-primary btn-block btn-sm btn-info" href="{{ url_for('publish_experiment', exp_id=exp.idexperiment) }}" role="button">Publish (visible)</a>
-      <a class="btn btn-primary btn-block btn-sm btn-info" href="{{ url_for('private_experiment', exp_id=exp.idexperiment) }}" role="button">Publish (private)</a>
+      <a class="btn btn-primary btn-block btn-sm btn-info" href="{{ url_for('experiment.publish', exp_id=exp.idexperiment) }}" role="button">Publish (visible)</a>
+      <a class="btn btn-primary btn-block btn-sm btn-info" href="{{ url_for('experiment.private', exp_id=exp.idexperiment) }}" role="button">Publish (private)</a>
     {% endif %}
     {% if exp.status != 'Hidden' %}      
-      <a class="btn btn-primary btn-block btn-sm btn-info" href="{{ url_for('hide_experiment', exp_id=exp.idexperiment) }}" role="button">Unpublish</a></td>
+      <a class="btn btn-primary btn-block btn-sm btn-info" href="{{ url_for('experiment.hide', exp_id=exp.idexperiment) }}" role="button">Unpublish</a></td>
     {% endif %}
@@ -81,10 +81,10 @@
       <td>{{ exp.randomization }}</td>
       <td nowrap>
     {% if exp.randomization == 'Off' %}      
-      <a class="btn btn-primary btn-block btn-sm btn-info" href="{{ url_for('enable_randomization', exp_id=exp.idexperiment) }}" role="button">Enable</a></td>
+      <a class="btn btn-primary btn-block btn-sm btn-info" href="{{ url_for('experiment.randomization', exp_id=exp.idexperiment, set='On') }}" role="button">Enable</a></td>
     {% endif %}
     {% if exp.randomization == 'On' %}      
-      <a class="btn btn-primary btn-block btn-sm btn-info" href="{{ url_for('disable_randomization', exp_id=exp.idexperiment) }}" role="button">Disable</a></td>
+      <a class="btn btn-primary btn-block btn-sm btn-info" href="{{ url_for('experiment.randomization', exp_id=exp.idexperiment, set='Off') }}" role="button">Disable</a></td>
     {% endif %}
@@ -93,13 +93,13 @@
       <td>{{ exp.use_forced_id }}</td>
       <td nowrap>
     {% if exp.use_forced_id == 'Off' %}      
-      <a class="btn btn-primary btn-block btn-sm btn-info" href="{{ url_for('enable_forced_id', exp_id=exp.idexperiment) }}" role="button">Enable</a>
+      <a class="btn btn-primary btn-block btn-sm btn-info" href="{{ url_for('experiment.set_forced_id', exp_id=exp.idexperiment, set='On') }}" role="button">Enable</a>
     {% endif %}
     {% if exp.use_forced_id == 'On' %}      
-      <a class="btn btn-primary w-50 btn-sm btn-info" href="{{ url_for('disable_forced_id', exp_id=exp.idexperiment) }}" role="button">Disable</a>
-      <a class="btn btn-primary w-50 btn-sm btn-info" href="{{ url_for('view_forced_id_list', exp_id=exp.idexperiment) }}" role="button">Check ID</a>
+      <a class="btn btn-primary w-50 btn-sm btn-info" href="{{ url_for('experiment.set_forced_id', exp_id=exp.idexperiment, set='Off') }}" role="button">Disable</a>
+      <a class="btn btn-primary w-50 btn-sm btn-info" href="{{ url_for('experiment.view_forced_id_list', exp_id=exp.idexperiment) }}" role="button">Check ID</a>
     {% endif %}
@@ -108,9 +108,9 @@
     <td> Research bulletin:</td>   
     <td> {{ exp.research_notification_filename }}</td>   
     {% if exp.research_notification_filename  %}
-    <td> <a class="btn btn-primary btn-block btn-sm btn-info" href="{{ url_for('remove_research_notification', exp_id=exp.idexperiment) }}" role="button">Remove</a></td>   
+    <td> <a class="btn btn-primary btn-block btn-sm btn-info" href="{{ url_for('experiment.remove_research_notification', exp_id=exp.idexperiment) }}" role="button">Remove</a></td>   
     {% else %}
-    <td> <a class="btn btn-primary btn-block btn-sm btn-info" href="{{ url_for('upload_research_notification', exp_id=exp.idexperiment) }}" role="button">Upload</a></td>   
+    <td> <a class="btn btn-primary btn-block btn-sm btn-info" href="{{ url_for('experiment.upload_research_notification', exp_id=exp.idexperiment) }}" role="button">Upload</a></td>   
     {% endif %}
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@
       <td class="text-justify">{{ exp.instruction }}</td>
       <td nowrap>
-     <a class="btn btn-primary btn-block btn-sm btn-info" href="{{ url_for('edit_experiment', exp_id=exp.idexperiment) }}" role="button">Edit properties</a>
+     <a class="btn btn-primary btn-block btn-sm btn-info" href="{{ url_for('experiment.edit', exp_id=exp.idexperiment) }}" role="button">Edit properties</a>
@@ -190,12 +190,12 @@
                             <div class="modal-footer">
                               <button type="button" class="btn btn-default" data-dismiss="modal">Cancel</button>
-                              <a class="btn btn-primary" href="{{ url_for('remove_bg_question', idbackground_question=options[0], exp_id=exp_id) }}" role="button">Yes, remove</a>
+                              <a class="btn btn-primary" href="{{ url_for('experiment.remove_bg_question', idbackground_question=options[0], exp_id=exp_id) }}" role="button">Yes, remove</a>
-    <a class="btn btn-primary btn-sm btn-info" href="{{ url_for('edit_bg_question', idbackground_question=options[0]) }}" role="button">Edit</a>
+    <a class="btn btn-primary btn-sm btn-info" href="{{ url_for('experiment.edit_bg_question', idbackground_question=options[0]) }}" role="button">Edit</a>
@@ -206,7 +206,7 @@
     <table class="table">
     <td class="text-nowrap align-bottom text-right col-8">
-    <a class="btn btn-primary btn-sm btn-info" href="{{ url_for('add_bg_question', exp_id=exp_id) }}" role="button">Add more</a>
+    <a class="btn btn-primary btn-sm btn-info" href="{{ url_for('experiment.add_bg_question', exp_id=exp_id) }}" role="button">Add more</a>
@@ -214,6 +214,9 @@
 <h1 class="container mt-5 display-4 text-left"><br>Rating set:</h1>
+TODO: add embody tool
     {% for category in categories1 %}
@@ -247,12 +250,12 @@
                             <div class="modal-footer">
                               <button type="button" class="btn btn-default" data-dismiss="modal">Cancel</button>
-                              <a class="btn btn-primary" href="{{ url_for('remove_question', idquestion=category[0], exp_id=exp_id) }}" role="button">Yes, remove</a>
+                              <a class="btn btn-primary" href="{{ url_for('experiment.remove_question', idquestion=category[0], exp_id=exp_id) }}" role="button">Yes, remove</a>
-                <a class="btn btn-primary btn-sm btn-info" href="{{ url_for('edit_question', idquestion=category[0]) }}" role="button">Edit</a>
+                <a class="btn btn-primary btn-sm btn-info" href="{{ url_for('experiment.edit_question', idquestion=category[0]) }}" role="button">Edit</a>
@@ -264,7 +267,7 @@
     <table class="table">
     <td class="text-nowrap align-bottom text-right col-8">
-    <a class="btn btn-primary btn-sm btn-info" href="{{ url_for('add_questions', exp_id=exp_id) }}" role="button">Add more</a>
+    <a class="btn btn-primary btn-sm btn-info" href="{{ url_for('experiment.add_questions', exp_id=exp_id) }}" role="button">Add more</a>
@@ -304,12 +307,12 @@
                             <div class="modal-footer">
                               <button type="button" class="btn btn-default" data-dismiss="modal">Cancel</button>
-                              <a class="btn btn-primary" href="{{ url_for('remove_page', idpage=page.idpage, exp_id=exp_id) }}" role="button">Yes, remove</a>
+                              <a class="btn btn-primary" href="{{ url_for('experiment.remove_stimuli', idpage=page.idpage, exp_id=exp_id) }}" role="button">Yes, remove</a>
-                     <a class="btn btn-primary btn-sm btn-info" href="{{ url_for('edit_stimuli', idpage=page.idpage, exp_id=exp_id) }}" role="button">Edit</a>
+                     <a class="btn btn-primary btn-sm btn-info" href="{{ url_for('experiment.edit_stimuli', idpage=page.idpage, exp_id=exp_id) }}" role="button">Edit</a>
             {% endfor %}
@@ -317,7 +320,7 @@
                   <table class="table">
                   <td class="text-nowrap align-bottom text-right col-8">
-                  <a class="btn btn-primary btn-sm btn-info" href="{{ url_for('add_stimuli', exp_id=exp_id, stimulus_type=mtype.type) }}" role="button">Add more</a>
+                  <a class="btn btn-primary btn-sm btn-info" href="{{ url_for('experiment.add_stimuli', exp_id=exp_id, stimulus_type=mtype.type) }}" role="button">Add more</a>
@@ -346,12 +349,12 @@
                             <div class="modal-footer">
                               <button type="button" class="btn btn-default" data-dismiss="modal">Cancel</button>
-                              <a class="btn btn-primary" href="{{ url_for('remove_page', idpage=page.idpage, exp_id=exp_id) }}" role="button">Yes, remove</a>
+                              <a class="btn btn-primary" href="{{ url_for('experiment.remove_stimuli', idpage=page.idpage, exp_id=exp_id) }}" role="button">Yes, remove</a>
-                     <a class="btn btn-primary btn-sm btn-info" href="{{ url_for('edit_stimuli', idpage=page.idpage, exp_id=exp_id) }}" role="button">Replace</a>
+                     <a class="btn btn-primary btn-sm btn-info" href="{{ url_for('experiment.edit_stimuli', idpage=page.idpage, exp_id=exp_id) }}" role="button">Replace</a>
@@ -360,7 +363,8 @@
                           <table class="table">
                   <td class="text-nowrap align-bottom text-right col-8">
-                  <a class="btn btn-primary btn-sm btn-info" href="{{ url_for('add_stimuli', exp_id=exp_id, stimulus_type=mtype.type) }}" role="button">Add more</a>
+                  {{ mtype }}
+                  <a class="btn btn-primary btn-sm btn-info" href="{{ url_for('experiment.add_stimuli', exp_id=exp_id, stimulus_type=mtype.type) }}" role="button">Add more</a>
diff --git a/app/templates/view_forced_id_list.html b/app/experiment/templates/view_forced_id_list.html
similarity index 100%
rename from app/templates/view_forced_id_list.html
rename to app/experiment/templates/view_forced_id_list.html
diff --git a/app/experiment/views.py b/app/experiment/views.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..360f7ec0b48c874045da12fa42b8d265d16734e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/experiment/views.py
@@ -0,0 +1,953 @@
+import os
+import secrets
+from flask import (
+    Flask, 
+    render_template, 
+    request, 
+    session, 
+    flash, 
+    redirect, 
+    url_for, 
+    Blueprint
+from wtforms import Form
+from sqlalchemy import and_, update
+from flask_login import login_required
+from app import app, db 
+from app.routes import APP_ROOT
+from app.models import background_question, experiment
+from app.models import background_question_answer
+from app.models import page, question
+from app.models import background_question_option
+from app.models import answer_set, answer, forced_id
+from app.models import user, trial_randomization
+from app.forms import (
+    CreateBackgroundQuestionForm, 
+    CreateQuestionForm, UploadStimuliForm, EditBackgroundQuestionForm, 
+    EditQuestionForm, EditExperimentForm, UploadResearchBulletinForm, 
+    EditPageForm, RemoveExperimentForm, GenerateIdForm
+#Stimuli upload folder setting
+#APP_ROOT = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
+experiment_blueprint = Blueprint("experiment", __name__, 
+                template_folder='templates',
+                #static_folder='static',
+                url_prefix='/experiment')
+def view():
+    #crap:3lines
+    exp_id = request.args.get('exp_id', None)
+    media = page.query.filter_by(experiment_idexperiment=exp_id).all()
+    ## TODO: mtype can be multiple!
+    ## is this even necessary anymore?
+    mtype = page.query.filter_by(experiment_idexperiment=exp_id).first()
+    #experiment info    
+    experiment_info = experiment.query.filter_by(idexperiment = exp_id).all()
+    #background questions
+    questions_and_options = {}
+    questions = background_question.query.filter_by(experiment_idexperiment=exp_id).all()
+    for q in questions:    
+        options = background_question_option.query.filter_by(background_question_idbackground_question=q.idbackground_question).all()
+        options_list = [(o.option, o.idbackground_question_option) for o in options]
+        questions_and_options[q.idbackground_question, q.background_question]  = options_list
+    questions1 = questions_and_options
+    #sliderset
+    categories_and_scales = {}
+    categories = question.query.filter_by(experiment_idexperiment=exp_id).all()
+    for cat in categories:    
+        scale_list = [(cat.left, cat.right)]
+        categories_and_scales[cat.idquestion, cat.question]  = scale_list
+    categories1 = categories_and_scales
+    return render_template('view_experiment.html', exp_id=exp_id, media=media, mtype=mtype, experiment_info=experiment_info, categories1=categories1, questions1=questions1)
+# Experiment info:
+@experiment_blueprint.route('/remove', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
+def remove():
+    exp_id = request.args.get('exp_id', None)
+    exp_status = experiment.query.filter_by(idexperiment=exp_id).first()
+    if exp_status.status != 'Hidden':
+        flash("Experiment is public. Cannot modify structure.")
+        return redirect(url_for('experiment.view', exp_id=exp_id))
+    else:
+        form = RemoveExperimentForm(request.form)
+        if request.method == 'POST' and form.validate():
+            if form.remove.data == 'DELETE':
+                #This removes all experiment data from the database!
+                #Remove research bulletin if it exists
+                empty_filevariable = experiment.query.filter_by(idexperiment=exp_id).first()
+                if empty_filevariable.research_notification_filename is not None:
+                    target = os.path.join(APP_ROOT, empty_filevariable.research_notification_filename)
+                    if os.path.exists(target):                   
+                        os.remove(target)
+                #Tables
+                remove_forced_id = forced_id.query.filter_by(experiment_idexperiment=exp_id).all()
+                for b in range(len(remove_forced_id)):
+                    db.session.delete(remove_forced_id[b])
+                    db.session.commit()
+                #background_question_option & background_question & background question answers:
+                remove_background_question = background_question.query.filter_by(experiment_idexperiment=exp_id).all()
+                #cycle through all bg questions and delete their options
+                for a in range(len(remove_background_question)):
+                    remove_background_question_option = background_question_option.query.filter_by(background_question_idbackground_question=remove_background_question[a].idbackground_question).all() 
+                    for b in range(len(remove_background_question_option)):
+                        db.session.delete(remove_background_question_option[b])
+                        db.session.commit()
+                #Remove all background questions and all answers given to each bg question
+                for a in range(len(remove_background_question)):
+                    remove_background_question_answers = background_question_answer.query.filter_by(background_question_idbackground_question=remove_background_question[a].idbackground_question).all()
+                    for b in range(len(remove_background_question_answers)):
+                        db.session.delete(remove_background_question_answers[b])
+                        db.session.commit()
+                    db.session.delete(remove_background_question[a])
+                    db.session.commit()
+                #Remove all questions and answers 
+                remove_question = question.query.filter_by(experiment_idexperiment=exp_id).all()
+                for a in range(len(remove_question)):
+                    remove_question_answers = answer.query.filter_by(question_idquestion=remove_question[a].idquestion).all()
+                    for b in range(len(remove_question_answers)):
+                        db.session.delete(remove_question_answers[b])
+                        db.session.commit()
+                    db.session.delete(remove_question[a])
+                    db.session.commit()
+                #Remove all pages and datafiles
+                remove_pages = page.query.filter_by(experiment_idexperiment=exp_id).all()
+                for a in range(len(remove_pages)):
+                    if remove_pages[a].type == 'text':
+                        db.session.delete(remove_pages[a])
+                        db.session.commit()
+                    else:
+                        target = os.path.join(APP_ROOT, remove_pages[a].media)
+                        if os.path.exists(target):                   
+                            os.remove(target)
+                    #Now that the files are removed we can delete the page
+                    db.session.delete(remove_pages[a])
+                    db.session.commit()
+                #Remove all answer_sets and trial_randomization orders
+                remove_answer_set = answer_set.query.filter_by(experiment_idexperiment=exp_id).all()
+                for a in range(len(remove_answer_set)):
+                    remove_trial_randomizations = trial_randomization.query.filter_by(answer_set_idanswer_set=remove_answer_set[a].idanswer_set).all()
+                    for b in range(len(remove_trial_randomizations)):
+                        db.session.delete(remove_trial_randomizations[b])
+                        db.session.commit()
+                    db.session.delete(remove_answer_set[a])
+                    db.session.commit()
+                #Remove experiment table
+                remove_experiment = experiment.query.filter_by(idexperiment=exp_id).first()
+                db.session.delete(remove_experiment)
+                db.session.commit()
+                flash("Experiment was removed from database!")
+                return redirect(url_for('index'))
+            else:
+                flash("Experiment was not removed!")
+                return redirect(url_for('experiment.view', exp_id=exp_id))
+        return render_template('remove_experiment.html', form=form, exp_id=exp_id)
+def publish():
+    exp_id = request.args.get('exp_id', None)
+    publish_experiment = experiment.query.filter_by(idexperiment = exp_id).first()
+    publish_experiment.status = 'Public'
+    flash("Changed status to Public")
+    db.session.commit()
+    return redirect(url_for('experiment.view', exp_id=exp_id))
+def hide():
+    exp_id = request.args.get('exp_id', None)
+    hide_experiment = experiment.query.filter_by(idexperiment = exp_id).first()
+    hide_experiment.status = 'Hidden'
+    flash("Changed status to Hidden")
+    db.session.commit()
+    return redirect(url_for('experiment.view', exp_id=exp_id))
+def private():
+    exp_id = request.args.get('exp_id', None)
+    private_experiment = experiment.query.filter_by(idexperiment = exp_id).first()
+    private_experiment.status = 'Private'
+    flash("Changed status to Private")
+    db.session.commit()
+    return redirect(url_for('experiment.view', exp_id=exp_id))
+def randomization():
+    exp_id = request.args.get('exp_id', None)
+    status = request.args.get('set')
+    if status == 'On':
+        flash("Enabled trial randomization")
+    elif status == 'Off':
+        flash("Disabled trial randomization")
+    experiment.query.filter_by(idexperiment = exp_id).first().randomization = status
+    db.session.commit()
+    return redirect(url_for('experiment.view', exp_id=exp_id))
+def set_forced_id():
+    '''By using forced ID login subjects can only participate to a rating task
+    by logging in with a pregenerated ID.'''
+    exp_id = request.args.get('exp_id', None)
+    status = request.args.get('set')
+    if status == 'On':
+        flash("Enabled forced ID login")
+    elif status == 'Off':
+        flash("Disabled forced ID login")
+    experiment.query.filter_by(idexperiment = exp_id).first().use_forced_id = status
+    db.session.commit()
+    return redirect(url_for('experiment.view', exp_id=exp_id))
+@experiment_blueprint.route('/view_forced_id_list', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
+def view_forced_id_list():
+    '''Forced ID login for participants'''
+    exp_id = request.args.get('exp_id', None)
+    id_list = forced_id.query.filter_by(experiment_idexperiment=exp_id).all()
+    form = GenerateIdForm(request.form)
+    if request.method == 'POST' and form.validate():
+        for i in range(int(request.form['number'])): 
+            random_id = str(request.form['string']) + str(secrets.token_hex(3))
+            check_answer_set = answer_set.query.filter_by(session=random_id).first()
+            check_forced_id = forced_id.query.filter_by(pregenerated_id=random_id).first()
+            #here we check if the generated id is found from given answers from the whole database in answer_set table
+            #or from forced_id table. If so another id is generated instead to avoid a duplicate
+            if check_answer_set is not None or check_forced_id is not None:
+                #flash("ID already existed; generated a new one")
+                random_id = secrets.token_hex(3)
+                check_answer_set = answer_set.query.filter_by(session=random_id).first()
+                check_forced_id = forced_id.query.filter_by(pregenerated_id=random_id).first()   
+            input_id = forced_id(experiment_idexperiment=exp_id, pregenerated_id=random_id)
+            db.session.add(input_id)
+            db.session.commit()
+        return redirect(url_for('view_forced_id_list', exp_id=exp_id))
+    return render_template('view_forced_id_list.html', exp_id=exp_id, id_list=id_list)
+@experiment_blueprint.route('/upload_research_notification', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
+def upload_research_notification():
+    '''Upload research bulletin'''
+    exp_id = request.args.get('exp_id', None)
+    form = UploadResearchBulletinForm(request.form)
+    if request.method == 'POST':
+        path = 'static/experiment_stimuli/' + str(exp_id)
+        target = os.path.join(APP_ROOT, path)
+        if not os.path.isdir(target):
+            os.mkdir(target)
+        #This returns a list of filenames: request.files.getlist("file")
+        for file in request.files.getlist("file"):
+            #save files in the correct folder
+            filename = file.filename
+            destination = "/".join([target, filename])
+            file.save(destination)
+            #add pages to the db
+            db_path = path +  str('/') + str(filename)
+            bulletin = experiment.query.filter_by(idexperiment=exp_id).first()
+            bulletin.research_notification_filename = db_path
+            db.session.commit()
+        return redirect(url_for('experiment.view', exp_id=exp_id))
+    return render_template('upload_research_notification.html', exp_id=exp_id, form=form)
+def remove_research_notification():
+    '''Remove research bulletin'''
+    exp_id = request.args.get('exp_id', None)
+    empty_filevariable = experiment.query.filter_by(idexperiment=exp_id).first()
+    target = os.path.join(APP_ROOT, empty_filevariable.research_notification_filename)
+    if os.path.exists(target):                   
+        os.remove(target)
+    empty_filevariable.research_notification_filename = None
+    db.session.commit()
+    return redirect(url_for('experiment.view', exp_id=exp_id))
+@experiment_blueprint.route('/edit', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
+def edit():
+    '''Edit experiment details'''
+    exp_id = request.args.get('exp_id', None)
+    current_experiment = experiment.query.filter_by(idexperiment=exp_id).first()
+    form = EditExperimentForm(request.form, obj=current_experiment)
+    form.language.default = current_experiment.language
+    if request.method == 'POST' and form.validate():
+        form.populate_obj(current_experiment)
+        db.session.commit()
+        return redirect(url_for('experiment.view', exp_id=exp_id))
+    return render_template('edit_experiment.html', form=form, exp_id=exp_id)
+# Background questions:
+@experiment_blueprint.route('/add_bg_question', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
+def add_bg_question():
+    exp_id = request.args.get('exp_id', None)
+    exp_status = experiment.query.filter_by(idexperiment=exp_id).first()
+    if exp_status.status != 'Hidden':
+        flash("Experiment is public. Cannot modify structure.")
+        return redirect(url_for('experiment.view', exp_id=exp_id))
+    else:
+        form = CreateBackgroundQuestionForm(request.form)
+        if request.method == 'POST' and form.validate():
+            str = form.bg_questions_and_options.data
+            #Split the form data into a list that separates questions followed by the corresponding options
+            str_list = str.split('/n')
+            #Iterate through the questions and options list
+            for a in range(len(str_list)):
+                #Split the list cells further into questions and options
+                list = str_list[a].split(';')
+                #Input the first item of the list as a question in db and the items followed by that as options for that question
+                for x in range(len(list)):
+                    if x == 0:
+                        #flash("Kysymys")
+                        #flash(list[x])
+                        add_bgquestion = background_question(background_question=list[x], experiment_idexperiment=exp_id)
+                        db.session.add(add_bgquestion)
+                        db.session.commit()
+                    else:
+                        #flash("optio")
+                        #flash(list[x])
+                        add_bgq_option = background_question_option(background_question_idbackground_question=add_bgquestion.idbackground_question, option=list[x])
+                        db.session.add(add_bgq_option)
+                        db.session.commit()
+            return redirect(url_for('experiment.view', exp_id=exp_id))    
+        return render_template('add_bg_question.html', form=form)
+@experiment_blueprint.route('/edit_bg_question', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
+def edit_bg_question():
+    bg_question_id = request.args.get('idbackground_question', None)
+    #Search for the right question and for the right options. Form a string of those separated with ";" and insert the
+    #formed string into the edit form        
+    current_bg_question = background_question.query.filter_by(idbackground_question=bg_question_id).first()
+    exp_id=current_bg_question.experiment_idexperiment
+    question_string = current_bg_question.background_question
+    options  = background_question_option.query.filter_by(background_question_idbackground_question=bg_question_id).all()    
+    for o in range(len(options)):    
+        question_string = str(question_string) + str("; ") + str(options[o].option)
+    form = EditBackgroundQuestionForm(request.form)
+    form.bg_questions_and_options.data = question_string
+    #After user chooses to update the question and options lets replace the old question and options with the ones from the form
+    if request.method == 'POST' and form.validate():
+        #Explode the string with new values from the form 
+        form_values = form.new_values.data
+        form_values_list = form_values.split(';')
+        #Check and remove possible whitespaces from string beginnings with lstrip
+        for x in range(len(form_values_list)):
+            form_values_list[x] = form_values_list[x].lstrip()
+        #Cycle through strings and update db
+        for x in range(len(form_values_list)):
+            #Replace question and update the object to database
+            if x == 0:
+                #flash("delete kys:")
+                #flash(current_bg_question.background_question)
+                #flash("insert kys:")
+                current_bg_question.background_question  = form_values_list[x] 
+                #flash(current_bg_question.background_question)
+                #flash(current_bg_question.idbackground_question)
+                #flash(current_bg_question.experiment_idexperiment)
+                db.session.commit()
+                #Delete old options from db
+                for o in options:
+                    db.session.delete(o)
+                    db.session.commit()
+            #Insert new options to db
+            else:
+                #flash("insert opt:")
+                #flash(form_values_list[x])
+                new_option = background_question_option(background_question_idbackground_question=current_bg_question.idbackground_question, option=form_values_list[x])
+                db.session.add(new_option)
+                db.session.commit()
+        return redirect(url_for('experiment.view', exp_id=exp_id))
+    return render_template('edit_bg_question.html', form=form, exp_id=exp_id)
+def remove_bg_question():
+    exp_id = request.args.get('exp_id', None)
+    exp_status = experiment.query.filter_by(idexperiment=exp_id).first()
+    if exp_status.status != 'Hidden':
+        flash("Experiment is public. Cannot modify structure.")
+        return redirect(url_for('experiment.view', exp_id=exp_id))
+    else:
+        remove_id = request.args.get('idbackground_question', None)
+        remove_options = background_question_option.query.filter_by(background_question_idbackground_question=remove_id).all()
+        for a in range(len(remove_options)): 
+            #flash(remove_options[a].idbackground_question_option)
+            db.session.delete(remove_options[a])
+            db.session.commit()
+        remove_question = background_question.query.filter_by(idbackground_question=remove_id).first()
+        db.session.delete(remove_question)
+        db.session.commit()
+    return redirect(url_for('experiment.view', exp_id=exp_id))
+# Rating set:
+@experiment_blueprint.route('/add_questions', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
+def add_questions():
+    exp_id = request.args.get('exp_id', None)
+    exp_status = experiment.query.filter_by(idexperiment=exp_id).first()
+    if exp_status.status != 'Hidden':
+        flash("Experiment is public. Cannot modify structure.")
+        return redirect(url_for('experiment.view', exp_id=exp_id))
+    else:
+        form = CreateQuestionForm(request.form)
+        if request.method == 'POST' and form.validate():
+            str = form.questions_and_options.data
+            str_list = str.split('/n')
+            for a in range(len(str_list)): 
+                list = str_list[a].split(';')
+                #If there are the right amount of values for the slider input values
+                if len(list) == 3:
+                    #flash("Question:")
+                    #flash(list[0])
+                    #flash("Left:")
+                    #flash(list[1])
+                    #flash("Right:")
+                    #flash(list[2])
+                    add_question = question(experiment_idexperiment=exp_id, question=list[0], left=list[1], right=list[2])
+                    db.session.add(add_question)
+                    db.session.commit()
+                    #If slider has too many or too litlle parameters give an error and redirect back to input form
+                else:
+                    flash("Error Each slider must have 3 parameters separated by ; Some slider has:")
+                    flash(len(list))
+                    return redirect(url_for('create.experiment_questions', exp_id=exp_id))
+            return redirect(url_for('experiment.view', exp_id=exp_id))    
+        return render_template('add_questions.html', form=form)
+@experiment_blueprint.route('/edit_question', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
+def edit_question():
+    question_id = request.args.get('idquestion', None)
+    current_question = question.query.filter_by(idquestion=question_id).first()
+    form = EditQuestionForm(request.form, obj=current_question)
+    if request.method == 'POST' and form.validate():
+        form.populate_obj(current_question)
+        db.session.commit()
+        return redirect(url_for('experiment.view', exp_id=current_question.experiment_idexperiment))
+    return render_template('edit_question.html', form=form)
+def remove_question():
+    exp_id = request.args.get('exp_id', None)
+    exp_status = experiment.query.filter_by(idexperiment=exp_id).first()
+    if exp_status.status != 'Hidden':
+        flash("Experiment is public. Cannot modify structure.")
+        return redirect(url_for('experiment.view', exp_id=exp_id))
+    else:
+        remove_id = request.args.get('idquestion', None)
+        remove_question = question.query.filter_by(idquestion=remove_id).first()
+        db.session.delete(remove_question)
+        db.session.commit()
+    return redirect(url_for('experiment.view', exp_id=exp_id))
+# Stimuli:
+@experiment_blueprint.route('/add_stimuli', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
+def add_stimuli():
+    exp_id = request.args.get('exp_id', None)
+    exp_status = experiment.query.filter_by(idexperiment=exp_id).first()
+    if exp_status.status != 'Hidden':
+        flash("Experiment is public. Cannot modify structure.")
+        return redirect(url_for('experiment.view', exp_id=exp_id))
+    else:
+        #If there are no pages set for the experiment lets reroute user to create experiment stimuli upload instead
+        is_there_any_stimuli = page.query.filter_by(experiment_idexperiment = exp_id).first()
+        if is_there_any_stimuli is None:
+            return redirect(url_for('create.experiment_upload_stimuli', exp_id=exp_id))
+        stimulus_type = request.args.get('stimulus_type', None)
+        form = UploadStimuliForm(request.form)
+        if request.method == 'POST':
+            if stimulus_type == 'text':
+                #flash("db insert text")
+                string = form.text.data
+                str_list = string.split('/n')
+                for a in range(len(str_list)):
+                    #flash("lisättiin:")
+                    #flash(str_list[a])
+                    add_text_stimulus = page(experiment_idexperiment=exp_id, type='text', text=str_list[a], media='none')
+                    db.session.add(add_text_stimulus)
+                    db.session.commit()
+                    #flash("Succes!")
+                return redirect(url_for('experiment.view', exp_id=exp_id))  
+            else:
+                #Upload stimuli into /static/experiment_stimuli/exp_id folder
+                #Create the pages for the stimuli by inserting experiment_id, stimulus type, text and names of the stimulus files (as a path to the folder)
+                path = 'static/experiment_stimuli/' + str(exp_id)
+                target = os.path.join(APP_ROOT, path)
+                if not os.path.isdir(target):
+                    os.mkdir(target)
+                    #flash("make dir")
+                #This returns a list of filenames: request.files.getlist("file")
+                for file in request.files.getlist("file"):
+                    #save files in the correct folder
+                    #flash(file.filename)
+                    filename = file.filename
+                    destination = "/".join([target, filename])
+                    #flash("destination")
+                    #flash(destination)
+                    file.save(destination)
+                    #add pages to the db
+                    db_path = path +  str('/') + str(filename)
+                    #flash("db path")
+                    #flash(db_path)
+                    new_page = page(experiment_idexperiment=exp_id, type=form.type.data, media=db_path)
+                    db.session.add(new_page)
+                    db.session.commit()
+                    #flash("Succes!")
+                return redirect(url_for('experiment.view', exp_id=exp_id))
+            return redirect(url_for('experiment.view', exp_id=exp_id))
+        return render_template('add_stimuli.html', form=form, stimulus_type=stimulus_type)
+@experiment_blueprint.route('/edit_stimuli', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
+def edit_stimuli():
+    exp_id = request.args.get('exp_id', None)
+    page_id = request.args.get('idpage', None)
+    edit_page = page.query.filter_by(idpage=page_id).first()
+    form = EditPageForm(request.form, obj=edit_page)
+    if request.method == 'POST' and form.validate():
+        #If the stimulus type is not text, then the old stimulus file is deleted from os and replaced
+        if edit_page.type != 'text':
+            #remove old file            
+            target = os.path.join(APP_ROOT, edit_page.media)
+            #flash("Remove:")
+            #flash(target)
+            os.remove(target)
+            #upload new file
+            path = 'static/experiment_stimuli/' + str(exp_id)
+            target = os.path.join(APP_ROOT, path)
+            #flash(target)
+            if not os.path.isdir(target):
+                os.mkdir(target)
+                #flash("make dir")
+            #This returns a list of filenames: request.files.getlist("file")
+            for file in request.files.getlist("file"):
+                #save files in the correct folder
+                #flash(file.filename)
+                filename = file.filename
+                destination = "/".join([target, filename])
+                #flash("destination")
+                #flash(destination)
+                file.save(destination)
+                #update db object
+                db_path = path +  str('/') + str(filename)
+                #flash("db path")
+                #flash(db_path)
+                edit_page.media=db_path
+                db.session.commit()
+                #flash("Succes!")
+        #If editing text stimulus no need for filehandling    
+        else:
+             form.populate_obj(edit_page)
+             db.session.commit()
+        return redirect(url_for('experiment.view', exp_id=exp_id))
+    return render_template('edit_stimuli.html', form=form, edit_page=edit_page)
+def remove_stimuli():
+    exp_id = request.args.get('exp_id', None)
+    exp_status = experiment.query.filter_by(idexperiment=exp_id).first()
+    if exp_status.status != 'Hidden':
+        flash("Experiment is public. Cannot modify structure.")
+        return redirect(url_for('experiment.view', exp_id=exp_id))
+    else:
+        remove_id = request.args.get('idpage', None)
+        remove_page = page.query.filter_by(idpage=remove_id).first()
+        experiment_pages = page.query.filter_by(experiment_idexperiment=exp_id).all()
+        #if stimulustype is text, the stimulus itself is text on the database, other stimulus types are real files
+        #on the server and need to be deleted    
+        if remove_page.type != 'text':
+            #helper variable
+            do_not_delete_file = 'False'
+            #if the file to be deleted is in duplicate use of another page then we won't delete the file
+            for a in range(len(experiment_pages)):
+                if experiment_pages[a].media == remove_page.media and experiment_pages[a].idpage != remove_page.idpage:
+                    do_not_delete_file = 'True'
+            #If no other page is using the file then lets remove it
+            if do_not_delete_file == 'False':
+                target = os.path.join(APP_ROOT, remove_page.media)
+                os.remove(target)
+            db.session.delete(remove_page)
+            db.session.commit()
+            return redirect(url_for('experiment.view', exp_id=exp_id))
+        if remove_page.type == 'text':
+            db.session.delete(remove_page)
+            db.session.commit()
+            return redirect(url_for('experiment.view', exp_id=exp_id))
+        return redirect(url_for('experiment.view', exp_id=exp_id))
+# Misc:
+def statistics():
+    exp_id = request.args.get('exp_id', None)
+    experiment_info = experiment.query.filter_by(idexperiment = exp_id).all()
+    participants = answer_set.query.filter_by(experiment_idexperiment= exp_id).all()
+    #Rating task headers
+    question_headers = question.query.filter_by(experiment_idexperiment=exp_id).all()
+    stimulus_headers = page.query.filter_by(experiment_idexperiment=exp_id).all()
+    pages = page.query.filter_by(experiment_idexperiment=exp_id).all()
+    questions = question.query.filter_by(experiment_idexperiment=exp_id).all()
+    pages_and_questions = {}
+    for p in pages:
+        questions_list = [(p.idpage, a.idquestion) for a in questions]
+        pages_and_questions[p.idpage] = questions_list 
+    #List of answers per participant in format question Stimulus ID/Question ID
+    #those are in answer table as page_idpage and question_idquestion respectively
+    """
+    pages = page.query.filter_by(experiment_idexperiment=exp_id).all()
+    participants_and_answers = {}
+    #participants on kaikki expin osallistujat
+    for participant in participants:
+        #kaikki yhden khn vastaukset ko experimentille koska answer_setin id matchaa answereiden kanssa
+        flash(participant.session)
+        for p in pages:
+            answers = answer.query.filter_by(answer_set_idanswer_set=participant.idanswer_set).all()
+            #kaikki yhden participantin vastaukset pagelle
+            answers_for_page = answer.query.filter(and_(answer.answer_set_idanswer_set==participant.idanswer_set, answer.page_idpage==p.idpage)).all()
+            for ans in answers:
+                if ans.page_idpage == p.idpage:
+                    #flash(ans.page_idpage)
+                    flash("X")
+                else:
+                    flash("NA")
+            #pages on kaikki experimentin paget
+            for a in answers:
+                if p.idpage == a.page_idpage:
+                    flash("match")
+                else:
+                    flash("no match")
+                 flash("participant:")
+                flash(participant.session)
+                flash("stimulus:")
+                flash(a.page_idpage)
+                flash("Kysymys")
+                flash(a.question_idquestion)
+                flash("vastaus:")
+                flash(a.answer)
+            #answers_list = (a.idanswer, a.question_idquestion, a.answer_set_idanswer_set, a.answer, a.page_idpage)
+            #participants_and_answers[participant.session] = answers_list 
+    """
+    participants_and_answers = {}
+    for participant in participants:
+        answers = answer.query.filter_by(answer_set_idanswer_set=participant.idanswer_set).all()     
+        answers_list = [(a.idanswer, a.question_idquestion, a.answer_set_idanswer_set, a.answer, a.page_idpage) for a in answers]    
+        participants_and_answers[participant.session] = answers_list 
+    #Background question answers
+    bg_questions = background_question.query.filter_by(experiment_idexperiment=exp_id).all()
+    bg_answers_for_participants = {}
+    for participant in participants:
+        bg_answers = background_question_answer.query.filter_by(answer_set_idanswer_set=participant.idanswer_set).all() 
+        bg_answers_list = [(a.answer) for a in bg_answers] 
+        bg_answers_for_participants[participant.session] = bg_answers_list 
+    #started and finished ratings counters    
+    started_ratings = answer_set.query.filter_by(experiment_idexperiment=exp_id).count()
+    experiment_page_count = page.query.filter_by(experiment_idexperiment=exp_id).count()
+    finished_ratings = answer_set.query.filter(and_(answer_set.answer_counter==experiment_page_count, answer_set.experiment_idexperiment==exp_id)).count()
+    return render_template('experiment_statistics.html', experiment_info=experiment_info, participants_and_answers=participants_and_answers, pages_and_questions=pages_and_questions, bg_questions=bg_questions, bg_answers_for_participants=bg_answers_for_participants, started_ratings=started_ratings, finished_ratings=finished_ratings, question_headers=question_headers, stimulus_headers=stimulus_headers)
diff --git a/app/routes.py b/app/routes.py
index 5b6bf45eddc4b97f0b7003384d87827567a9fb10..faec69b7a0452a30ddc09707b54de03d711b9e76 100644
--- a/app/routes.py
+++ b/app/routes.py
@@ -1,69 +1,46 @@
-from app import app, db
-from flask import render_template, request
+import csv
+import os
+import random
+import secrets
+from datetime import datetime
+from flask import (
+    Flask, 
+    render_template, 
+    request, 
+    session, 
+    flash, 
+    redirect, 
+    url_for, 
+    Blueprint
+from sqlalchemy import and_
+from flask_login import current_user, login_user, logout_user, login_required
+from flask_babel import Babel, _, lazy_gettext as _l
+from app import app, db, babel
 from app.models import background_question, experiment
 from app.models import background_question_answer
 from app.models import page, question
 from app.models import background_question_option
 from app.models import answer_set, answer, forced_id
-from flask import session
-from app.forms import LoginForm, RegisterForm
-from flask import flash, redirect
-from flask import url_for
-from wtforms_sqlalchemy.fields import QuerySelectField
-from app.forms import Answers, Questions
-from flask_bootstrap import Bootstrap
-from flask_sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy, BaseQuery
-from app.forms import BackgroundQuestionForm
-from wtforms import Form, TextField, TextAreaField, validators, StringField, SubmitField
-from app.forms import TestForm, TestForm1, TestForm2, TaskForm
-from collections import OrderedDict
-from sqlalchemy import func, desc
-from app.forms import ContinueTaskForm
-from sqlalchemy import and_
 from app.models import user, trial_randomization
-from flask_login import current_user, login_user
-from flask_login import logout_user
-from flask_login import login_required
-from sqlalchemy import update
-from app.forms import StartWithIdForm
-import secrets
-from app.forms import CreateExperimentForm, CreateBackgroundQuestionForm, CreateQuestionForm, UploadStimuliForm, EditBackgroundQuestionForm, EditQuestionForm, EditExperimentForm, UploadResearchBulletinForm
-from app.forms import EditPageForm, RemoveExperimentForm
-import os
-import random
-from flask import Flask, make_response
-import pyexcel as pe
-import io
-from io import BytesIO
-import csv
-from flask import send_file
-from flask import make_response
-from flask_babel import Babel
-from app import babel
-from datetime import datetime
-from app.forms import GenerateIdForm
-import math
-from flask_babel import _
-from flask_babel import lazy_gettext as _l
+from app.forms import LoginForm, RegisterForm, StartWithIdForm
 #Stimuli upload folder setting
 APP_ROOT = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
 def index():
     experiments = experiment.query.all()
     if session:
         #flash("sessio ei voimassa")
         session['language'] = "English"
@@ -73,7 +50,6 @@ def index():
 def consent():
     exp_id = request.args.get('exp_id', None)
     experiment_info = experiment.query.filter_by(idexperiment=exp_id).first()
     instruction_paragraphs = str(experiment_info.short_instruction)
@@ -81,86 +57,68 @@ def consent():
     consent_paragraphs = str(experiment_info.consent_text)
     consent_paragraphs = consent_paragraphs.split('<br>')
     if experiment_info.use_forced_id == 'On':
         return redirect(url_for('begin_with_id', exp_id=exp_id))
-    return render_template('consent.html', exp_id=exp_id, experiment_info=experiment_info, instruction_paragraphs=instruction_paragraphs, consent_paragraphs=consent_paragraphs)
+    return render_template('consent.html', 
+                            exp_id=exp_id, 
+                            experiment_info=experiment_info, 
+                            instruction_paragraphs=instruction_paragraphs, 
+                            consent_paragraphs=consent_paragraphs)
 def set_language():
     session['language'] = request.args.get('language', None)
     lang = request.args.get('lang', None)
     return redirect(url_for('index', lang=lang))
 def remove_language():
     experiments = experiment.query.all()
     return render_template('index.html', title='Home', experiments=experiments)
 def participant_session():
+    # TODO: too long method? 
     #start session
     session['exp_id'] = request.args.get('exp_id', None)
     session['agree'] = request.args.get('agree', None)
     #If user came via the route for "I have already a participant ID that I wish to use, Use that ID, otherwise generate a random ID
     if 'begin_with_id' in session:
         session['user'] = session['begin_with_id']
         session.pop('begin_with_id', None)
         #lets generate a random id. If the same id is allready in db, lets generate a new one and finally use that in session['user']
         random_id = secrets.token_hex(3)
         check_id = answer_set.query.filter_by(session=random_id).first()
         while check_id is not None:
             #flash("ID already existed; generated a new one")
             random_id = secrets.token_hex(3)
             check_id = answer_set.query.filter_by(session=random_id).first()
         session['user'] = random_id
     #create answer set for the participant in the database
     the_time = datetime.now()
     the_time = the_time.replace(microsecond=0)
-    participant_answer_set = answer_set(experiment_idexperiment=session['exp_id'], session=session['user'], agreement = session['agree'], answer_counter = '0', registration_time=the_time, last_answer_time=the_time)
+    participant_answer_set = answer_set(experiment_idexperiment=session['exp_id'],
+                                        session=session['user'], 
+                                        agreement = session['agree'], 
+                                        answer_counter = '0', 
+                                        registration_time=the_time, 
+                                        last_answer_time=the_time)
     #If trial randomization is set to 'On' for the experiment, create a randomized trial order for this participant
     #identification is based on the uniquie answer set id
@@ -177,10 +135,8 @@ def participant_session():
         experiment_pages = page.query.filter_by(experiment_idexperiment=session['exp_id']).all()
         original_id_order_list = [(int(o.idpage)) for o in experiment_pages]
         #flash("original Page id order:")
         #for a in range(len(original_id_order_list)):
         #create a randomized page id list    
@@ -188,29 +144,22 @@ def participant_session():
         randomized_order_list = []
         for i in range(len(helper_list)):
             element = random.choice(helper_list)
         #Input values into trial_randomization table where the original page_ids have a corresponding randomized counterpart
         experiment_pages = page.query.filter_by(experiment_idexperiment=session['exp_id']).all()
         original_id_order_list = [(int(o.idpage)) for o in experiment_pages]
         for c in range(len(original_id_order_list)):
             random_page = trial_randomization(page_idpage=original_id_order_list[c], randomized_idpage=randomized_order_list[c], answer_set_idanswer_set = participant_answer_set.idanswer_set, experiment_idexperiment = session['exp_id'])
     if exp_status.randomization == "Off":
         session['randomization'] = "Off"
     #store participants session id in session list as answer_set
     #old: was missing experiment id so made duplicates
@@ -230,7 +179,6 @@ def participant_session():
         flash('No pages or mediatype set for experiment')
         return redirect('/')
     if 'user' in session:
         user = session['user']
         #flash('Session started for user {}'.format(user))
@@ -242,7 +190,6 @@ def participant_session():
 @app.route('/register', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
 def register():
     form = RegisterForm(request.form)
     questions_and_options = {}
     questions = background_question.query.filter_by(experiment_idexperiment=session['exp_id']).all()
@@ -277,83 +224,11 @@ def register():
     return render_template('register.html', form=form)
-def task_completed():
-    session.pop('user', None)
-    session.pop('exp_id', None)    
-    session.pop('agree', None)
-    session.pop('answer_set', None)
-    session.pop('type', None)
-    session.pop('randomization', None)
-    return render_template('task_completed.html')
-@app.route('/continue_task', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
-def continue_task():
-    exp_id = request.args.get('exp_id', None)
-    form = ContinueTaskForm()
-    if form.validate_on_submit():
-        #check if participant ID is found from db and that the answer set is linked to the correct experiment
-        participant = answer_set.query.filter(and_(answer_set.session==form.participant_id.data, answer_set.experiment_idexperiment==exp_id)).first()
-        if participant is None:
-            flash('Invalid ID')
-            return redirect(url_for('continue_task', exp_id=exp_id))        
-        #flash('Login requested for participant {}'.format(form.participant_id.data))
-        #if correct participant_id is found with the correct experiment ID; start session for that user
-        session['exp_id'] = exp_id
-        session['user'] = form.participant_id.data 
-        session['answer_set'] = participant.idanswer_set
-        mediatype = page.query.filter_by(experiment_idexperiment=session['exp_id']).first()
-        rand = experiment.query.filter_by(idexperiment=session['exp_id']).first()
-        session['randomization'] = rand.randomization
-        if mediatype:
-            session['type'] = mediatype.type
-        else:
-            flash('No pages or mediatype set for experiment')
-            return redirect('/')
-        #If participant has done just the registration redirect to the first page of the experiment        
-        if participant.answer_counter == 0:
-            #flash("Ei vastauksia ohjataan ekalle sivulle")
-            return redirect( url_for('task', page_num=1))
-        redirect_to_page = participant.answer_counter + 1
-        #flash("redirect to page:")
-        #flash(redirect_to_page)
-        experiment_page_count = db.session.query(page).filter_by(experiment_idexperiment=session['exp_id']).count()
-        #If participant has ansvered all pages allready redirect to task completed page
-        if experiment_page_count == participant.answer_counter:
-            return redirect( url_for('task_completed'))
-        return redirect( url_for('task', page_num=redirect_to_page))
-    return render_template('continue_task.html', exp_id=exp_id, form=form)
 @app.route('/begin_with_id', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
 def begin_with_id():
+    '''Begin experiment with experiment ID. GET -method returns login page for starting the 
+    experiment and POST -method verifys users ID before starting new experiment'''
     exp_id = request.args.get('exp_id', None)
     form = StartWithIdForm()
@@ -364,8 +239,6 @@ def begin_with_id():
     consent_paragraphs = str(experiment_info.consent_text)
     consent_paragraphs = consent_paragraphs.split('<br>')
     if form.validate_on_submit():
@@ -383,13 +256,10 @@ def begin_with_id():
         if participant is None:
             if is_id_valid is None:
                 flash(_('No such ID set for this experiment'))
                 return redirect(url_for('begin_with_id', exp_id=exp_id))        
                 #save the participant ID in session list for now, this is deleted after the session has been started in participant_session-view
                 session['begin_with_id'] = form.participant_id.data
                 return render_template('consent.html', exp_id=exp_id, experiment_info=experiment_info, instruction_paragraphs=instruction_paragraphs, consent_paragraphs=consent_paragraphs)
@@ -401,7 +271,6 @@ def begin_with_id():
 def admin_dryrun():
     exp_id = request.args.get('exp_id', None)
     form = StartWithIdForm()
     experiment_info = experiment.query.filter_by(idexperiment=exp_id).first()
@@ -419,17 +288,10 @@ def admin_dryrun():
             #save the participant ID in session list for now, this is deleted after the session has been started in participant_session-view
             session['begin_with_id'] = form.participant_id.data
             return render_template('consent.html', exp_id=exp_id, experiment_info=experiment_info)
     return render_template('admin_dryrun.html', exp_id=exp_id, form=form)
-def create_task():
-    return render_template('create_task.html')
 def instructions():
@@ -438,148 +300,10 @@ def instructions():
     instruction_paragraphs = str(instructions.instruction)
     instruction_paragraphs = instruction_paragraphs.split('<br>')
     return render_template('instructions.html', instruction_paragraphs=instruction_paragraphs, participant_id=participant_id)
-@app.route('/task/<int:page_num>', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
-def task(page_num):
-    experiment_info = experiment.query.filter_by(idexperiment=session['exp_id']).first()
-    rating_instruction = experiment_info.single_sentence_instruction
-    stimulus_size = experiment_info.stimulus_size
-    #for text stimuli the size needs to be calculated since the template element utilises h1-h6 tags.
-    #A value of stimulus size 12 gives h1 and value of 1 gives h6
-    stimulus_size_text = 7-math.ceil((int(stimulus_size)/2))
-    pages = page.query.filter_by(experiment_idexperiment=session['exp_id']).paginate(per_page=1, page=page_num, error_out=True)
-    progress_bar_percentage = round((pages.page/pages.pages)*100)
-    #this variable is feeded to the template as empty if trial randomization is set to "off"
-    randomized_stimulus = ""
-    #if trial randomization is on we will still use the same functionality that is used otherwise
-    #but we will pass the randomized pair of the page_id from trial randomization table to the task.html
-    if session['randomization'] == 'On':
-        randomized_page_id = trial_randomization.query.filter(and_(trial_randomization.answer_set_idanswer_set==session['answer_set'], trial_randomization.page_idpage==pages.items[0].idpage)).first()
-        #answer.query.filter(and_(answer.answer_set_idanswer_set==session['answer_set'], answer.page_idpage==session['current_idpage'])).first()
-        #flash("randomized page:")
-        #flash(randomized_page_id.randomized_idpage)
-        #set the stimulus to be shown if randomization is on
-        randomized_stimulus = page.query.filter_by(idpage=randomized_page_id.randomized_idpage).first()
-    for p in pages.items:
-        session['current_idpage'] = p.idpage
-    #slider set
-    form = TaskForm(request.form)
-    categories_and_scales = {}
-    categories = question.query.filter_by(experiment_idexperiment=session['exp_id']).all()
-    for cat in categories:    
-        scale_list = [(cat.left, cat.right)]
-        categories_and_scales[cat.idquestion, cat.question]  = scale_list
-    form.categories1 = categories_and_scales
-    #slider set form handling
-    if request.method == 'POST'and form.validate():
-        #Lets check if there are answers in database already for this page_id (eg. if user returned to previous page and tried to answer again)
-        #If so flash ("Page has been answered already. Answers discarded"), else insert values in to db
-        #this has to be done separately for trial randomization "on" and "off" situations        
-        if session['randomization'] == 'On':
-            check_answer = answer.query.filter(and_(answer.answer_set_idanswer_set==session['answer_set'], answer.page_idpage==randomized_page_id.randomized_idpage)).first()
-        if session['randomization'] == 'Off':
-            check_answer = answer.query.filter(and_(answer.answer_set_idanswer_set==session['answer_set'], answer.page_idpage==session['current_idpage'])).first()
-        if check_answer is None:
-            the_time = datetime.now()
-            the_time = the_time.replace(microsecond=0)
-            update_answer_counter = answer_set.query.filter_by(idanswer_set=session['answer_set']).first()
-            update_answer_counter.answer_counter = int(update_answer_counter.answer_counter) + 1 
-            update_answer_counter.last_answer_time = the_time
-            #flash("vastauksia:")
-            #flash(update_answer_counter.answer_counter)
-            db.session.commit()
-            data = request.form.to_dict()
-            for key, value in data.items():
-                #flash(key)
-                #flash(value)
-                #flash(session['current_idpage'])
-                #Insert slider values to database
-                #If trial randomization is set to 'Off' the values are inputted for session['current_idpage']
-                #Otherwise the values are set for the corresponding id found in the trial randomization table
-                if session['randomization'] == 'Off':
-                    participant_answer = answer(question_idquestion=key, answer_set_idanswer_set=session['answer_set'], answer=value, page_idpage=session['current_idpage'])
-                    db.session.add(participant_answer)
-                    db.session.commit()
-                else:
-                    participant_answer = answer(question_idquestion=key, answer_set_idanswer_set=session['answer_set'], answer=value, page_idpage=randomized_page_id.randomized_idpage)
-                    db.session.add(participant_answer)
-                    db.session.commit()
-        else:
-                flash("Page has been answered already. Answers discarded")
-        page_num=pages.next_num
-        if pages.has_next:
-            return redirect( url_for('task', page_num=pages.next_num))
-        return redirect ( url_for('task_completed'))
-    return render_template('task.html', pages=pages, progress_bar_percentage=progress_bar_percentage, form=form, randomized_stimulus=randomized_stimulus, rating_instruction=rating_instruction, stimulus_size=stimulus_size, stimulus_size_text=stimulus_size_text)
-def quit_task():
-    user_id = session['user']
-    session.pop('user', None)
-    session.pop('exp_id', None)    
-    session.pop('agree', None)
-    session.pop('answer_set', None)
-    session.pop('type', None)
-    return render_template('quit_task.html', user_id=user_id)
 @app.route('/researcher_login', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
 def login():
     if current_user.is_authenticated:
@@ -606,1408 +330,38 @@ def logout():
     return redirect(url_for('index'))
-def experiment_statistics():
+def view_research_notification():
     exp_id = request.args.get('exp_id', None)
+    image = experiment.query.filter_by(idexperiment=exp_id).first()
+    research_notification_filename = image.research_notification_filename
-    experiment_info = experiment.query.filter_by(idexperiment = exp_id).all()
-    participants = answer_set.query.filter_by(experiment_idexperiment= exp_id).all()
-    #Rating task headers
-    question_headers = question.query.filter_by(experiment_idexperiment=exp_id).all()
-    stimulus_headers = page.query.filter_by(experiment_idexperiment=exp_id).all()
-    pages = page.query.filter_by(experiment_idexperiment=exp_id).all()
-    questions = question.query.filter_by(experiment_idexperiment=exp_id).all()
-    pages_and_questions = {}
-    for p in pages:
-        questions_list = [(p.idpage, a.idquestion) for a in questions]
-        pages_and_questions[p.idpage] = questions_list 
+    return render_template('view_research_notification.html', research_notification_filename=research_notification_filename)
+def download_csv():
-    #List of answers per participant in format question Stimulus ID/Question ID
-    #those are in answer table as page_idpage and question_idquestion respectively
+    exp_id = request.args.get('exp_id', None)
-    pages = page.query.filter_by(experiment_idexperiment=exp_id).all()
-    participants_and_answers = {}
-    #participants on kaikki expin osallistujat
-    for participant in participants:
-        #kaikki yhden khn vastaukset ko experimentille koska answer_setin id matchaa answereiden kanssa
-        flash(participant.session)
-        for p in pages:
-            answers = answer.query.filter_by(answer_set_idanswer_set=participant.idanswer_set).all()
-            #kaikki yhden participantin vastaukset pagelle
-            answers_for_page = answer.query.filter(and_(answer.answer_set_idanswer_set==participant.idanswer_set, answer.page_idpage==p.idpage)).all()
-            for ans in answers:
-                if ans.page_idpage == p.idpage:
-                    #flash(ans.page_idpage)
-                    flash("X")
-                else:
-                    flash("NA")
-            #pages on kaikki experimentin paget
-            for a in answers:
-                if p.idpage == a.page_idpage:
-                    flash("match")
-                else:
-                    flash("no match")
-                 flash("participant:")
-                flash(participant.session)
-                flash("stimulus:")
-                flash(a.page_idpage)
-                flash("Kysymys")
-                flash(a.question_idquestion)
-                flash("vastaus:")
-                flash(a.answer)
-            #answers_list = (a.idanswer, a.question_idquestion, a.answer_set_idanswer_set, a.answer, a.page_idpage)
-            #participants_and_answers[participant.session] = answers_list 
-            """
-    participants_and_answers = {}
-    for participant in participants:
-        answers = answer.query.filter_by(answer_set_idanswer_set=participant.idanswer_set).all()     
-        answers_list = [(a.idanswer, a.question_idquestion, a.answer_set_idanswer_set, a.answer, a.page_idpage) for a in answers]    
-        participants_and_answers[participant.session] = answers_list 
-    #Background question answers
+    with open('export_new.csv', 'w', newline='') as f:
-    bg_questions = background_question.query.filter_by(experiment_idexperiment=exp_id).all()
-    bg_answers_for_participants = {}
-    for participant in participants:
+        thewriter = csv.writer(f)
-        bg_answers = background_question_answer.query.filter_by(answer_set_idanswer_set=participant.idanswer_set).all() 
-        bg_answers_list = [(a.answer) for a in bg_answers] 
-        bg_answers_for_participants[participant.session] = bg_answers_list 
-    #started and finished ratings counters    
-    started_ratings = answer_set.query.filter_by(experiment_idexperiment=exp_id).count()
-    experiment_page_count = page.query.filter_by(experiment_idexperiment=exp_id).count()
-    finished_ratings = answer_set.query.filter(and_(answer_set.answer_counter==experiment_page_count, answer_set.experiment_idexperiment==exp_id)).count()
-    return render_template('experiment_statistics.html', experiment_info=experiment_info, participants_and_answers=participants_and_answers, pages_and_questions=pages_and_questions, bg_questions=bg_questions, bg_answers_for_participants=bg_answers_for_participants, started_ratings=started_ratings, finished_ratings=finished_ratings, question_headers=question_headers, stimulus_headers=stimulus_headers)
-@app.route('/create_experiment', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
-def create_experiment():
+        thewriter.writerow(['1','2','3','4'])
+        thewriter.writerow(['a','b','c','d'])
+    """
-    form = CreateExperimentForm(request.form)   
-    if request.method == 'POST' and form.validate():
-        the_time = datetime.now()
-        the_time = the_time.replace(microsecond=0)
-        new_exp = experiment(name=request.form['name'], instruction=request.form['instruction'], language=request.form['language'], status='Hidden', randomization='Off', single_sentence_instruction=request.form['single_sentence_instruction'], short_instruction=request.form['short_instruction'], creator_name=request.form['creator_name'], is_archived='False', creation_time=the_time, stimulus_size='7', consent_text=request.form['consent_text'], use_forced_id='Off')
-        db.session.add(new_exp)
-        db.session.commit()        
-        #flash("lol")
-        #flash(new_exp.idexperiment)
-        exp_id = new_exp.idexperiment
-        #data = request.form.to_dict()
-        #for key, value in data.items():
-            #tähän db insertit
-            #flash(key)
-            #flash(value)
-            #flash('{}'.format(form.name.data))
-            #Input registration page answers to database
-           # participant_background_question_answers = background_question_answer(answer_set_idanswer_set=session['answer_set'], answer=value, background_question_idbackground_question=key)
-           # db.session.add(participant_background_question_answers)
-           # db.session.commit()
-        return redirect(url_for('create_experiment_bgquestions', exp_id=exp_id))
-    return render_template('create_experiment.html', form=form)
+    return redirect(url_for('experiment.statistics', exp_id=exp_id))
-@app.route('/create_experiment_bgquestions', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
-def create_experiment_bgquestions():
-    exp_id = request.args.get('exp_id', None)
-    form = CreateBackgroundQuestionForm(request.form)
-    if request.method == 'POST' and form.validate():
-        #data = request.form.to_dict()
-        #flash(data)
-        #flash(form.bg_questions_and_options.data)
-        str = form.bg_questions_and_options.data
-        #Split the form data into a list that separates questions followed by the corresponding options
-        str_list = str.split('/n')
+def researcher_info():
+    return render_template('researcher_info.html')
-        #Iterate through the questions and options list
-        for a in range(len(str_list)):
-            #Split the list cells further into questions and options
-            list = str_list[a].split(';')
-            #flash(list[0])
-            #flash("id oikein?")
-            #flash(add_bgquestion.idbackground_question)
-            #Input the first item of the list as a question in db and the items followed by that as options for that question
-            for x in range(len(list)):
-                if x == 0:
-                    #flash("Kysymys")
-                    #flash(list[x])
-                    add_bgquestion = background_question(background_question=list[x], experiment_idexperiment=exp_id)
-                    db.session.add(add_bgquestion)
-                    db.session.commit()
-                else:
-                    #flash("optio")
-                    #flash(list[x])
-                    add_bgq_option = background_question_option(background_question_idbackground_question=add_bgquestion.idbackground_question, option=list[x])
-                    db.session.add(add_bgq_option)
-                    db.session.commit()
-        return redirect(url_for('create_experiment_questions', exp_id=exp_id))    
-    return render_template('create_experiment_bgquestions.html', form=form, exp_id=exp_id)
-@app.route('/create_experiment_questions', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
-def create_experiment_questions():
-    exp_id = request.args.get('exp_id', None)
-    form = CreateQuestionForm(request.form)
-    if request.method == 'POST' and form.validate():
-        str = form.questions_and_options.data
-        str_list = str.split('/n')
-        for a in range(len(str_list)): 
-            list = str_list[a].split(';')
-            #If there are the wrong amount of values for any of the the slider input values
-            #redirect back to the form
-            if len(list) != 3:
-                flash("Error Each slider must have 3 parameters separated by ; Some slider has:")
-                flash(len(list))
-                return redirect(url_for('create_experiment_questions', exp_id=exp_id))
-        #If all the slider inputs were of length 3 items
-        #we can input them to db
-        for a in range(len(str_list)): 
-            list = str_list[a].split(';')
-            #flash("Question:")
-            #flash(list[0])
-            #flash("Left:")
-            #flash(list[1])
-            #flash("Right:")
-            #flash(list[2])
-            add_question = question(experiment_idexperiment=exp_id, question=list[0], left=list[1], right=list[2])
-            db.session.add(add_question)
-            db.session.commit()
-        return redirect(url_for('create_experiment_upload_stimuli', exp_id=exp_id))    
-    return render_template('create_experiment_questions.html', form=form)
-@app.route('/create_experiment_upload_stimuli', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
-def create_experiment_upload_stimuli():
-    exp_id = request.args.get('exp_id', None)
-    form = UploadStimuliForm(request.form)
-    if request.method == 'POST' and form.validate():
-        #flash("validated")    
-        #flash(form.type.data)
-        #flash(form.text.data)
-        #If stimulus type is text lets parse the information and insert it to database
-        if form.type.data == 'text':
-            #flash("db insert text")
-            string = form.text.data
-            str_list = string.split('/n')
-            for a in range(len(str_list)):
-                #flash("lisättiin:")
-                #flash(str_list[a])
-                add_text_stimulus = page(experiment_idexperiment=exp_id, type='text', text=str_list[a], media='none')
-                db.session.add(add_text_stimulus)
-                db.session.commit()
-                #flash("Succes!")
-            return redirect(url_for('view_experiment', exp_id=exp_id))  
-        else:
-            #Upload stimuli into /static/experiment_stimuli/exp_id folder
-            #Create the pages for the stimuli by inserting experiment_id, stimulus type, text and names of the stimulus files (as a path to the folder)
-            path = 'static/experiment_stimuli/' + str(exp_id)
-            target = os.path.join(APP_ROOT, path)
-            #flash(target)
-            if not os.path.isdir(target):
-                os.mkdir(target)
-                #flash("make dir")
-            #This returns a list of filenames: request.files.getlist("file")
-            for file in request.files.getlist("file"):
-                #save files in the correct folder
-                #flash(file.filename)
-                filename = file.filename
-                destination = "/".join([target, filename])
-                #flash("destination")
-                #flash(destination)
-                file.save(destination)
-                #add pages to the db
-                db_path = path +  str('/') + str(filename)
-                #flash("db path")
-                #flash(db_path)
-                new_page = page(experiment_idexperiment=exp_id, type=form.type.data, media=db_path)
-                db.session.add(new_page)
-                db.session.commit()
-                #flash("Succes!")
-            return redirect(url_for('view_experiment', exp_id=exp_id))
-        return redirect(url_for('create_experiment_upload_stimuli', exp_id=exp_id))
-    return render_template('create_experiment_upload_stimuli.html', form=form)
-def view_experiment():
-    #crap:3lines
-    exp_id = request.args.get('exp_id', None)
-    media = page.query.filter_by(experiment_idexperiment=exp_id).all()
-    mtype = page.query.filter_by(experiment_idexperiment=exp_id).first()
-    #experiment info    
-    experiment_info = experiment.query.filter_by(idexperiment = exp_id).all()
-    #background questions
-    questions_and_options = {}
-    questions = background_question.query.filter_by(experiment_idexperiment=exp_id).all()
-    for q in questions:    
-        options = background_question_option.query.filter_by(background_question_idbackground_question=q.idbackground_question).all()
-        options_list = [(o.option, o.idbackground_question_option) for o in options]
-        questions_and_options[q.idbackground_question, q.background_question]  = options_list
-    questions1 = questions_and_options
-    #sliderset
-    categories_and_scales = {}
-    categories = question.query.filter_by(experiment_idexperiment=exp_id).all()
-    for cat in categories:    
-        scale_list = [(cat.left, cat.right)]
-        categories_and_scales[cat.idquestion, cat.question]  = scale_list
-    categories1 = categories_and_scales
-    return render_template('view_experiment.html', exp_id=exp_id, media=media, mtype=mtype, experiment_info=experiment_info, categories1=categories1, questions1=questions1)
-@app.route('/edit_experiment', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
-def edit_experiment():
-    exp_id = request.args.get('exp_id', None)
-    current_experiment = experiment.query.filter_by(idexperiment=exp_id).first()
-    form = EditExperimentForm(request.form, obj=current_experiment)
-    form.language.default = current_experiment.language
-    if request.method == 'POST' and form.validate():
-        form.populate_obj(current_experiment)
-        db.session.commit()
-        return redirect(url_for('view_experiment', exp_id=exp_id))
-    return render_template('edit_experiment.html', form=form, exp_id=exp_id)
-@app.route('/edit_bg_question', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
-def edit_bg_question():
-    bg_question_id = request.args.get('idbackground_question', None)
-    #Search for the right question and for the right options. Form a string of those separated with ";" and insert the
-    #formed string into the edit form        
-    current_bg_question = background_question.query.filter_by(idbackground_question=bg_question_id).first()
-    exp_id=current_bg_question.experiment_idexperiment
-    question_string = current_bg_question.background_question
-    options  = background_question_option.query.filter_by(background_question_idbackground_question=bg_question_id).all()    
-    for o in range(len(options)):    
-        question_string = str(question_string) + str("; ") + str(options[o].option)
-    form = EditBackgroundQuestionForm(request.form)
-    form.bg_questions_and_options.data = question_string
-    #After user chooses to update the question and options lets replace the old question and options with the ones from the form
-    if request.method == 'POST' and form.validate():
-        #Explode the string with new values from the form 
-        form_values = form.new_values.data
-        form_values_list = form_values.split(';')
-        #Check and remove possible whitespaces from string beginnings with lstrip
-        for x in range(len(form_values_list)):
-            form_values_list[x] = form_values_list[x].lstrip()
-        #Cycle through strings and update db
-        for x in range(len(form_values_list)):
-            #Replace question and update the object to database
-            if x == 0:
-                #flash("delete kys:")
-                #flash(current_bg_question.background_question)
-                #flash("insert kys:")
-                current_bg_question.background_question  = form_values_list[x] 
-                #flash(current_bg_question.background_question)
-                #flash(current_bg_question.idbackground_question)
-                #flash(current_bg_question.experiment_idexperiment)
-                db.session.commit()
-                #Delete old options from db
-                for o in options:
-                    db.session.delete(o)
-                    db.session.commit()
-            #Insert new options to db
-            else:
-                #flash("insert opt:")
-                #flash(form_values_list[x])
-                new_option = background_question_option(background_question_idbackground_question=current_bg_question.idbackground_question, option=form_values_list[x])
-                db.session.add(new_option)
-                db.session.commit()
-        return redirect(url_for('view_experiment', exp_id=exp_id))
-    return render_template('edit_bg_question.html', form=form, exp_id=exp_id)
-@app.route('/edit_question', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
-def edit_question():
-    question_id = request.args.get('idquestion', None)
-    current_question = question.query.filter_by(idquestion=question_id).first()
-    form = EditQuestionForm(request.form, obj=current_question)
-    if request.method == 'POST' and form.validate():
-        form.populate_obj(current_question)
-        db.session.commit()
-        return redirect(url_for('view_experiment', exp_id=current_question.experiment_idexperiment))
-    return render_template('edit_question.html', form=form)
-@app.route('/add_bg_question', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
-def add_bg_question():
-    exp_id = request.args.get('exp_id', None)
-    exp_status = experiment.query.filter_by(idexperiment=exp_id).first()
-    if exp_status.status != 'Hidden':
-        flash("Experiment is public. Cannot modify structure.")
-        return redirect(url_for('view_experiment', exp_id=exp_id))
-    else:
-        form = CreateBackgroundQuestionForm(request.form)
-        if request.method == 'POST' and form.validate():
-            str = form.bg_questions_and_options.data
-            #Split the form data into a list that separates questions followed by the corresponding options
-            str_list = str.split('/n')
-            #Iterate through the questions and options list
-            for a in range(len(str_list)):
-                #Split the list cells further into questions and options
-                list = str_list[a].split(';')
-                #Input the first item of the list as a question in db and the items followed by that as options for that question
-                for x in range(len(list)):
-                    if x == 0:
-                        #flash("Kysymys")
-                        #flash(list[x])
-                        add_bgquestion = background_question(background_question=list[x], experiment_idexperiment=exp_id)
-                        db.session.add(add_bgquestion)
-                        db.session.commit()
-                    else:
-                        #flash("optio")
-                        #flash(list[x])
-                        add_bgq_option = background_question_option(background_question_idbackground_question=add_bgquestion.idbackground_question, option=list[x])
-                        db.session.add(add_bgq_option)
-                        db.session.commit()
-            return redirect(url_for('view_experiment', exp_id=exp_id))    
-        return render_template('add_bg_question.html', form=form)
-@app.route('/add_questions', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
-def add_questions():
-    exp_id = request.args.get('exp_id', None)
-    exp_status = experiment.query.filter_by(idexperiment=exp_id).first()
-    if exp_status.status != 'Hidden':
-        flash("Experiment is public. Cannot modify structure.")
-        return redirect(url_for('view_experiment', exp_id=exp_id))
-    else:
-        form = CreateQuestionForm(request.form)
-        if request.method == 'POST' and form.validate():
-            str = form.questions_and_options.data
-            str_list = str.split('/n')
-            for a in range(len(str_list)): 
-                list = str_list[a].split(';')
-                #If there are the right amount of values for the slider input values
-                if len(list) == 3:
-                    #flash("Question:")
-                    #flash(list[0])
-                    #flash("Left:")
-                    #flash(list[1])
-                    #flash("Right:")
-                    #flash(list[2])
-                    add_question = question(experiment_idexperiment=exp_id, question=list[0], left=list[1], right=list[2])
-                    db.session.add(add_question)
-                    db.session.commit()
-                    #If slider has too many or too litlle parameters give an error and redirect back to input form
-                else:
-                    flash("Error Each slider must have 3 parameters separated by ; Some slider has:")
-                    flash(len(list))
-                    return redirect(url_for('create_experiment_questions', exp_id=exp_id))
-            return redirect(url_for('view_experiment', exp_id=exp_id))    
-        return render_template('add_questions.html', form=form)
-#Remove functions
-def remove_bg_question():
-    exp_id = request.args.get('exp_id', None)
-    exp_status = experiment.query.filter_by(idexperiment=exp_id).first()
-    if exp_status.status != 'Hidden':
-        flash("Experiment is public. Cannot modify structure.")
-        return redirect(url_for('view_experiment', exp_id=exp_id))
-    else:
-        remove_id = request.args.get('idbackground_question', None)
-        remove_options = background_question_option.query.filter_by(background_question_idbackground_question=remove_id).all()
-        for a in range(len(remove_options)): 
-            #flash(remove_options[a].idbackground_question_option)
-            db.session.delete(remove_options[a])
-            db.session.commit()
-        remove_question = background_question.query.filter_by(idbackground_question=remove_id).first()
-        db.session.delete(remove_question)
-        db.session.commit()
-    return redirect(url_for('view_experiment', exp_id=exp_id))
-def remove_question():
-    exp_id = request.args.get('exp_id', None)
-    exp_status = experiment.query.filter_by(idexperiment=exp_id).first()
-    if exp_status.status != 'Hidden':
-        flash("Experiment is public. Cannot modify structure.")
-        return redirect(url_for('view_experiment', exp_id=exp_id))
-    else:
-        remove_id = request.args.get('idquestion', None)
-        remove_question = question.query.filter_by(idquestion=remove_id).first()
-        db.session.delete(remove_question)
-        db.session.commit()
-    return redirect(url_for('view_experiment', exp_id=exp_id))
-@app.route('/remove_experiment', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
-def remove_experiment():
-    exp_id = request.args.get('exp_id', None)
-    exp_status = experiment.query.filter_by(idexperiment=exp_id).first()
-    if exp_status.status != 'Hidden':
-        flash("Experiment is public. Cannot modify structure.")
-        return redirect(url_for('view_experiment', exp_id=exp_id))
-    else:
-        form = RemoveExperimentForm(request.form)
-        if request.method == 'POST' and form.validate():
-            if form.remove.data == 'DELETE':
-                #This removes all experiment data from the database!
-                #Remove research bulletin if it exists
-                empty_filevariable = experiment.query.filter_by(idexperiment=exp_id).first()
-                if empty_filevariable.research_notification_filename is not None:
-                    target = os.path.join(APP_ROOT, empty_filevariable.research_notification_filename)
-                    if os.path.exists(target):                   
-                        os.remove(target)
-                #Tables
-                remove_forced_id = forced_id.query.filter_by(experiment_idexperiment=exp_id).all()
-                for b in range(len(remove_forced_id)):
-                    db.session.delete(remove_forced_id[b])
-                    db.session.commit()
-                #background_question_option & background_question & background question answers:
-                remove_background_question = background_question.query.filter_by(experiment_idexperiment=exp_id).all()
-                #cycle through all bg questions and delete their options
-                for a in range(len(remove_background_question)):
-                    remove_background_question_option = background_question_option.query.filter_by(background_question_idbackground_question=remove_background_question[a].idbackground_question).all() 
-                    for b in range(len(remove_background_question_option)):
-                        db.session.delete(remove_background_question_option[b])
-                        db.session.commit()
-                #Remove all background questions and all answers given to each bg question
-                for a in range(len(remove_background_question)):
-                    remove_background_question_answers = background_question_answer.query.filter_by(background_question_idbackground_question=remove_background_question[a].idbackground_question).all()
-                    for b in range(len(remove_background_question_answers)):
-                        db.session.delete(remove_background_question_answers[b])
-                        db.session.commit()
-                    db.session.delete(remove_background_question[a])
-                    db.session.commit()
-                #Remove all questions and answers 
-                remove_question = question.query.filter_by(experiment_idexperiment=exp_id).all()
-                for a in range(len(remove_question)):
-                    remove_question_answers = answer.query.filter_by(question_idquestion=remove_question[a].idquestion).all()
-                    for b in range(len(remove_question_answers)):
-                        db.session.delete(remove_question_answers[b])
-                        db.session.commit()
-                    db.session.delete(remove_question[a])
-                    db.session.commit()
-                #Remove all pages and datafiles
-                remove_pages = page.query.filter_by(experiment_idexperiment=exp_id).all()
-                for a in range(len(remove_pages)):
-                    if remove_pages[a].type == 'text':
-                        db.session.delete(remove_pages[a])
-                        db.session.commit()
-                    else:
-                        target = os.path.join(APP_ROOT, remove_pages[a].media)
-                        if os.path.exists(target):                   
-                            os.remove(target)
-                    #Now that the files are removed we can delete the page
-                    db.session.delete(remove_pages[a])
-                    db.session.commit()
-                #Remove all answer_sets and trial_randomization orders
-                remove_answer_set = answer_set.query.filter_by(experiment_idexperiment=exp_id).all()
-                for a in range(len(remove_answer_set)):
-                    remove_trial_randomizations = trial_randomization.query.filter_by(answer_set_idanswer_set=remove_answer_set[a].idanswer_set).all()
-                    for b in range(len(remove_trial_randomizations)):
-                        db.session.delete(remove_trial_randomizations[b])
-                        db.session.commit()
-                    db.session.delete(remove_answer_set[a])
-                    db.session.commit()
-                #Remove experiment table
-                remove_experiment = experiment.query.filter_by(idexperiment=exp_id).first()
-                db.session.delete(remove_experiment)
-                db.session.commit()
-                flash("Experiment was removed from database!")
-                return redirect(url_for('index'))
-            else:
-                flash("Experiment was not removed!")
-                return redirect(url_for('view_experiment', exp_id=exp_id))
-        return render_template('remove_experiment.html', form=form, exp_id=exp_id)
-def remove_page():
-    exp_id = request.args.get('exp_id', None)
-    exp_status = experiment.query.filter_by(idexperiment=exp_id).first()
-    if exp_status.status != 'Hidden':
-        flash("Experiment is public. Cannot modify structure.")
-        return redirect(url_for('view_experiment', exp_id=exp_id))
-    else:
-        remove_id = request.args.get('idpage', None)
-        remove_page = page.query.filter_by(idpage=remove_id).first()
-        experiment_pages = page.query.filter_by(experiment_idexperiment=exp_id).all()
-        #if stimulustype is text, the stimulus itself is text on the database, other stimulus types are real files
-        #on the server and need to be deleted    
-        if remove_page.type != 'text':
-            #helper variable
-            do_not_delete_file = 'False'
-            #if the file to be deleted is in duplicate use of another page then we won't delete the file
-            for a in range(len(experiment_pages)):
-                #flash("in da for")
-                if experiment_pages[a].media == remove_page.media and experiment_pages[a].idpage != remove_page.idpage:
-                    #flash("in da if")
-                    do_not_delete_file = 'True'
-            #If no other page is using the file then lets remove it
-            if do_not_delete_file == 'False':
-                #remove old file            
-                target = os.path.join(APP_ROOT, remove_page.media)
-                #flash("Remove:")
-                #flash(target)
-                os.remove(target)
-            db.session.delete(remove_page)
-            db.session.commit()
-            return redirect(url_for('view_experiment', exp_id=exp_id))
-        if remove_page.type == 'text':
-            db.session.delete(remove_page)
-            db.session.commit()
-            return redirect(url_for('view_experiment', exp_id=exp_id))
-        return redirect(url_for('view_experiment', exp_id=exp_id))
-def publish_experiment():
-    exp_id = request.args.get('exp_id', None)
-    publish_experiment = experiment.query.filter_by(idexperiment = exp_id).first()
-    publish_experiment.status = 'Public'
-    flash("Changed status to Public")
-    db.session.commit()
-    return redirect(url_for('view_experiment', exp_id=exp_id))
-def hide_experiment():
-    exp_id = request.args.get('exp_id', None)
-    hide_experiment = experiment.query.filter_by(idexperiment = exp_id).first()
-    hide_experiment.status = 'Hidden'
-    flash("Changed status to Hidden")
-    db.session.commit()
-    return redirect(url_for('view_experiment', exp_id=exp_id))
-def private_experiment():
-    exp_id = request.args.get('exp_id', None)
-    private_experiment = experiment.query.filter_by(idexperiment = exp_id).first()
-    private_experiment.status = 'Private'
-    flash("Changed status to Private")
-    db.session.commit()
-    return redirect(url_for('view_experiment', exp_id=exp_id))
-def enable_randomization():
-    exp_id = request.args.get('exp_id', None)
-    enable_randomization = experiment.query.filter_by(idexperiment = exp_id).first()
-    enable_randomization.randomization = 'On'
-    flash("Enabled trial randomization")
-    db.session.commit()
-    return redirect(url_for('view_experiment', exp_id=exp_id))
-def disable_randomization():
-    exp_id = request.args.get('exp_id', None)
-    disable_randomization = experiment.query.filter_by(idexperiment = exp_id).first()
-    disable_randomization.randomization = 'Off'
-    flash("Disabled trial randomization")
-    db.session.commit()
-    return redirect(url_for('view_experiment', exp_id=exp_id))
-def enable_forced_id():
-    exp_id = request.args.get('exp_id', None)
-    enable_forced_id = experiment.query.filter_by(idexperiment = exp_id).first()
-    enable_forced_id.use_forced_id = 'On'
-    flash("Enabled forced ID login")
-    db.session.commit()
-    return redirect(url_for('view_experiment', exp_id=exp_id))
-def disable_forced_id():
-    exp_id = request.args.get('exp_id', None)
-    disable_forced_id = experiment.query.filter_by(idexperiment = exp_id).first()
-    disable_forced_id.use_forced_id = 'Off'
-    flash("Disabled forced ID login")
-    db.session.commit()
-    return redirect(url_for('view_experiment', exp_id=exp_id))
-@app.route('/view_forced_id_list', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
-def view_forced_id_list():
-    exp_id = request.args.get('exp_id', None)
-    id_list = forced_id.query.filter_by(experiment_idexperiment=exp_id).all()
-    form = GenerateIdForm(request.form)
-    if request.method == 'POST' and form.validate():
-        for i in range(int(request.form['number'])): 
-            random_id = str(request.form['string']) + str(secrets.token_hex(3))
-            check_answer_set = answer_set.query.filter_by(session=random_id).first()
-            check_forced_id = forced_id.query.filter_by(pregenerated_id=random_id).first()
-            #here we check if the generated id is found from given answers from the whole database in answer_set table
-            #or from forced_id table. If so another id is generated instead to avoid a duplicate
-            if check_answer_set is not None or check_forced_id is not None:
-                #flash("ID already existed; generated a new one")
-                random_id = secrets.token_hex(3)
-                check_answer_set = answer_set.query.filter_by(session=random_id).first()
-                check_forced_id = forced_id.query.filter_by(pregenerated_id=random_id).first()   
-            input_id = forced_id(experiment_idexperiment=exp_id, pregenerated_id=random_id)
-            db.session.add(input_id)
-            db.session.commit()
-        return redirect(url_for('view_forced_id_list', exp_id=exp_id))
-    return render_template('view_forced_id_list.html', exp_id=exp_id, id_list=id_list)
-@app.route('/edit_stimuli', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
-def edit_stimuli():
-    exp_id = request.args.get('exp_id', None)
-    page_id = request.args.get('idpage', None)
-    edit_page = page.query.filter_by(idpage=page_id).first()
-    form = EditPageForm(request.form, obj=edit_page)
-    if request.method == 'POST' and form.validate():
-        #If the stimulus type is not text, then the old stimulus file is deleted from os and replaced
-        if edit_page.type != 'text':
-            #remove old file            
-            target = os.path.join(APP_ROOT, edit_page.media)
-            #flash("Remove:")
-            #flash(target)
-            os.remove(target)
-            #upload new file
-            path = 'static/experiment_stimuli/' + str(exp_id)
-            target = os.path.join(APP_ROOT, path)
-            #flash(target)
-            if not os.path.isdir(target):
-                os.mkdir(target)
-                #flash("make dir")
-            #This returns a list of filenames: request.files.getlist("file")
-            for file in request.files.getlist("file"):
-                #save files in the correct folder
-                #flash(file.filename)
-                filename = file.filename
-                destination = "/".join([target, filename])
-                #flash("destination")
-                #flash(destination)
-                file.save(destination)
-                #update db object
-                db_path = path +  str('/') + str(filename)
-                #flash("db path")
-                #flash(db_path)
-                edit_page.media=db_path
-                db.session.commit()
-                #flash("Succes!")
-        #If editing text stimulus no need for filehandling    
-        else:
-             form.populate_obj(edit_page)
-             db.session.commit()
-        return redirect(url_for('view_experiment', exp_id=exp_id))
-    return render_template('edit_stimuli.html', form=form, edit_page=edit_page)
-@app.route('/add_stimuli', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
-def add_stimuli():
-    exp_id = request.args.get('exp_id', None)
-    exp_status = experiment.query.filter_by(idexperiment=exp_id).first()
-    if exp_status.status != 'Hidden':
-        flash("Experiment is public. Cannot modify structure.")
-        return redirect(url_for('view_experiment', exp_id=exp_id))
-    else:
-        #If there are no pages set for the experiment lets reroute user to create experiment stimuli upload instead
-        is_there_any_stimuli = page.query.filter_by(experiment_idexperiment = exp_id).first()
-        if is_there_any_stimuli is None:
-            return redirect(url_for('create_experiment_upload_stimuli', exp_id=exp_id))
-        stimulus_type = request.args.get('stimulus_type', None)
-        form = UploadStimuliForm(request.form)
-        if request.method == 'POST':
-            if stimulus_type == 'text':
-                #flash("db insert text")
-                string = form.text.data
-                str_list = string.split('/n')
-                for a in range(len(str_list)):
-                    #flash("lisättiin:")
-                    #flash(str_list[a])
-                    add_text_stimulus = page(experiment_idexperiment=exp_id, type='text', text=str_list[a], media='none')
-                    db.session.add(add_text_stimulus)
-                    db.session.commit()
-                    #flash("Succes!")
-                return redirect(url_for('view_experiment', exp_id=exp_id))  
-            else:
-                #Upload stimuli into /static/experiment_stimuli/exp_id folder
-                #Create the pages for the stimuli by inserting experiment_id, stimulus type, text and names of the stimulus files (as a path to the folder)
-                path = 'static/experiment_stimuli/' + str(exp_id)
-                target = os.path.join(APP_ROOT, path)
-                #flash(target)
-                if not os.path.isdir(target):
-                    os.mkdir(target)
-                    #flash("make dir")
-                #This returns a list of filenames: request.files.getlist("file")
-                for file in request.files.getlist("file"):
-                    #save files in the correct folder
-                    #flash(file.filename)
-                    filename = file.filename
-                    destination = "/".join([target, filename])
-                    #flash("destination")
-                    #flash(destination)
-                    file.save(destination)
-                    #add pages to the db
-                    db_path = path +  str('/') + str(filename)
-                    #flash("db path")
-                    #flash(db_path)
-                    new_page = page(experiment_idexperiment=exp_id, type=form.type.data, media=db_path)
-                    db.session.add(new_page)
-                    db.session.commit()
-                    #flash("Succes!")
-                return redirect(url_for('view_experiment', exp_id=exp_id))
-            return redirect(url_for('view_experiment', exp_id=exp_id))
-        return render_template('add_stimuli.html', form=form, stimulus_type=stimulus_type)
-@app.route('/upload_research_notification', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
-def upload_research_notification():
-    exp_id = request.args.get('exp_id', None)
-    form = UploadResearchBulletinForm(request.form)
-    if request.method == 'POST':
-        path = 'static/experiment_stimuli/' + str(exp_id)
-        target = os.path.join(APP_ROOT, path)
-        #flash(target)
-        if not os.path.isdir(target):
-            os.mkdir(target)
-            #flash("make dir")
-        #This returns a list of filenames: request.files.getlist("file")
-        for file in request.files.getlist("file"):
-            #save files in the correct folder
-            #flash(file.filename)
-            filename = file.filename
-            destination = "/".join([target, filename])
-            #flash("destination")
-            #flash(destination)
-            file.save(destination)
-            #add pages to the db
-            db_path = path +  str('/') + str(filename)
-            #flash("db path")
-            #flash(db_path)
-            bulletin = experiment.query.filter_by(idexperiment=exp_id).first()
-            bulletin.research_notification_filename = db_path
-            db.session.commit()
-            #flash("Succes!")
-        return redirect(url_for('view_experiment', exp_id=exp_id))
-    return render_template('upload_research_notification.html', exp_id=exp_id, form=form)
-def remove_research_notification():
-    exp_id = request.args.get('exp_id', None)
-    empty_filevariable = experiment.query.filter_by(idexperiment=exp_id).first()
-    target = os.path.join(APP_ROOT, empty_filevariable.research_notification_filename)
-    if os.path.exists(target):                   
-        os.remove(target)
-    empty_filevariable.research_notification_filename = None
-    db.session.commit()
-    return redirect(url_for('view_experiment', exp_id=exp_id))
-def view_research_notification():
-    exp_id = request.args.get('exp_id', None)
-    image = experiment.query.filter_by(idexperiment=exp_id).first()
-    research_notification_filename = image.research_notification_filename
-    return render_template('view_research_notification.html', research_notification_filename=research_notification_filename)
-def download_csv():
-    exp_id = request.args.get('exp_id', None)
-    """
-    with open('export_new.csv', 'w', newline='') as f:
-        thewriter = csv.writer(f)
-        thewriter.writerow(['1','2','3','4'])
-        thewriter.writerow(['a','b','c','d'])
-    """
-    return redirect(url_for('experiment_statistics', exp_id=exp_id))
-def researcher_info():
-    return render_template('researcher_info.html')
-def test_page():
-    flash('Please log in to access this page.')
-    session.clear()
-    return render_template('test_page.html')
+# EOF
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/static/img/dummyG.png b/app/static/img/dummyG.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9e6ed7c1092e2f8db50c3ba03b923f8798bdf6c4
Binary files /dev/null and b/app/static/img/dummyG.png differ
diff --git a/app/task/__init__.py b/app/task/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391
diff --git a/app/templates/continue_task.html b/app/task/templates/continue_task.html
similarity index 100%
rename from app/templates/continue_task.html
rename to app/task/templates/continue_task.html
diff --git a/app/templates/quit_task.html b/app/task/templates/quit_task.html
similarity index 100%
rename from app/templates/quit_task.html
rename to app/task/templates/quit_task.html
diff --git a/app/templates/task.html b/app/task/templates/task.html
similarity index 94%
rename from app/templates/task.html
rename to app/task/templates/task.html
index 8eeaf5c4fb0cdb07131c158c606caa15f5b1f347..77cdddd664a346cd54be103f19866c2c0bb7cf15 100644
--- a/app/templates/task.html
+++ b/app/task/templates/task.html
@@ -1,11 +1,13 @@
 {% extends "base.html" %}
 {% block content %}
 {% if session['randomization']=='Off' %}
+<!-- TODO change session['type'] TO stimulus['type'] 
+     because session should have multiple type of stimuli!!!
+ -->
     {% if session['type']=='text' %}
         <div class="container text-center mt-5 pt-5">
@@ -16,7 +18,6 @@
     {% endif %}
     {% if session['type']=='picture' %}
         <div class="container stimulus col-{{stimulus_size}} mt-5 pt-5">
             {% for page in pages.items %}
@@ -25,13 +26,8 @@
     {% endif %}
     {% if session['type']=='video' %}
         <div class="col-{{stimulus_size}} container stimulus mt-5 pt-5">
             {% for page in pages.items %}
                 <div class="embed-responsive embed-responsive-16by9">
                     <iframe class="embed-responsive-item" src="/{{ page.media }}" allowfullscreen></iframe>
@@ -40,14 +36,8 @@
     {% endif %}
     {% if session['type']=='audio' %}
         <div class="col-{{stimulus_size}} container stimulus mt-5 pt-5">
             {% for page in pages.items %}
                 <div class="embed-responsive embed-responsive-16by9">
                     <iframe class="embed-responsive-item" src="/{{ page.media }}" allowfullscreen></iframe>
@@ -56,11 +46,8 @@
     {% endif %}
 {% else %}
     {% if session['type']=='text' %}
         <div class="container text-center mt-5 pt-5">
             {% for page in pages.items %}
@@ -70,7 +57,6 @@
     {% endif %}
     {% if session['type']=='picture' %}
         <div class="container stimulus col-{{stimulus_size}} mt-5 pt-5">
             {% for page in pages.items %}
@@ -79,13 +65,8 @@
     {% endif %}
     {% if session['type']=='video' %}
         <div class="col-{{stimulus_size}} container stimulus mt-5 pt-5">
             {% for page in pages.items %}
                 <div class="embed-responsive embed-responsive-16by9">
                     <iframe class="embed-responsive-item" src="/{{ randomized_stimulus.media }}" allowfullscreen></iframe>
@@ -94,12 +75,8 @@
     {% endif %}
     {% if session['type']=='audio' %}
         <div class="col-{{stimulus_size}} container stimulus mt-5 pt-5">
             {% for page in pages.items %}
                 <div class="embed-responsive embed-responsive-16by9">
                     <iframe class="embed-responsive-item" src="/{{ randomized_stimulus.media }}" allowfullscreen></iframe>
@@ -108,12 +85,9 @@
     {% endif %}
 {% endif %}
-    <br>
@@ -140,7 +114,7 @@
     {% endfor %}
         <div class="form-row text-center">
             <div class="col-12">
-                <a class="btn btn-primary" href={{ url_for('quit_task') }} role="button">{{ _('Quit task') }}</a>
+                <a class="btn btn-primary" href={{ url_for('task.quit') }} role="button">{{ _('Quit task') }}</a>
                 <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">{{ _('Next page') }}</button>
             <div class="col-12">
diff --git a/app/templates/task_completed.html b/app/task/templates/task_completed.html
similarity index 100%
rename from app/templates/task_completed.html
rename to app/task/templates/task_completed.html
diff --git a/app/task/views.py b/app/task/views.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0c0ccf261fa0ba19ccd940b001e2b594717ef7ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/task/views.py
@@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
+import math
+from datetime import datetime
+from flask import (
+    Flask, 
+    render_template, 
+    request, 
+    session, 
+    flash, 
+    redirect, 
+    url_for, 
+    Blueprint
+from sqlalchemy import and_ 
+from flask_babel import _, lazy_gettext as _l
+from app import db
+from app.models import experiment
+from app.models import page, question
+from app.models import answer_set, answer 
+from app.models import user, trial_randomization
+from app.forms import Answers, TaskForm, ContinueTaskForm
+task_blueprint = Blueprint("task", __name__, 
+                template_folder='templates',
+                static_folder='static',
+                url_prefix='/task')
+@task_blueprint.route('/<int:page_num>', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
+def task(page_num):
+    experiment_info = experiment.query.filter_by(idexperiment=session['exp_id']).first()
+    rating_instruction = experiment_info.single_sentence_instruction
+    stimulus_size = experiment_info.stimulus_size
+    #for text stimuli the size needs to be calculated since the template element utilises h1-h6 tags.
+    #A value of stimulus size 12 gives h1 and value of 1 gives h6
+    stimulus_size_text = 7-math.ceil((int(stimulus_size)/2))
+    print(stimulus_size_text)
+    pages = page.query.filter_by(experiment_idexperiment=session['exp_id']).paginate(per_page=1, page=page_num, error_out=True)
+    progress_bar_percentage = round((pages.page/pages.pages)*100)
+    #this variable is feeded to the template as empty if trial randomization is set to "off"
+    randomized_stimulus = ""
+    #if trial randomization is on we will still use the same functionality that is used otherwise
+    #but we will pass the randomized pair of the page_id from trial randomization table to the task.html
+    if session['randomization'] == 'On':
+        randomized_page_id = trial_randomization.query.filter(and_(trial_randomization.answer_set_idanswer_set==session['answer_set'], trial_randomization.page_idpage==pages.items[0].idpage)).first()
+        #answer.query.filter(and_(answer.answer_set_idanswer_set==session['answer_set'], answer.page_idpage==session['current_idpage'])).first()
+        #flash("randomized page:")
+        #flash(randomized_page_id.randomized_idpage)
+        #set the stimulus to be shown if randomization is on
+        randomized_stimulus = page.query.filter_by(idpage=randomized_page_id.randomized_idpage).first()
+    for p in pages.items:
+        session['current_idpage'] = p.idpage
+    #slider set
+    form = TaskForm(request.form)
+    categories_and_scales = {}
+    categories = question.query.filter_by(experiment_idexperiment=session['exp_id']).all()
+    for cat in categories:    
+        scale_list = [(cat.left, cat.right)]
+        categories_and_scales[cat.idquestion, cat.question]  = scale_list
+    form.categories1 = categories_and_scales
+    #slider set form handling
+    if request.method == 'POST'and form.validate():
+        #Lets check if there are answers in database already for this page_id (eg. if user returned to previous page and tried to answer again)
+        #If so flash ("Page has been answered already. Answers discarded"), else insert values in to db
+        #this has to be done separately for trial randomization "on" and "off" situations        
+        if session['randomization'] == 'On':
+            check_answer = answer.query.filter(and_(answer.answer_set_idanswer_set==session['answer_set'], answer.page_idpage==randomized_page_id.randomized_idpage)).first()
+        if session['randomization'] == 'Off':
+            check_answer = answer.query.filter(and_(answer.answer_set_idanswer_set==session['answer_set'], answer.page_idpage==session['current_idpage'])).first()
+        if check_answer is None:
+            the_time = datetime.now()
+            the_time = the_time.replace(microsecond=0)
+            update_answer_counter = answer_set.query.filter_by(idanswer_set=session['answer_set']).first()
+            update_answer_counter.answer_counter = int(update_answer_counter.answer_counter) + 1 
+            update_answer_counter.last_answer_time = the_time
+            #flash("vastauksia:")
+            #flash(update_answer_counter.answer_counter)
+            db.session.commit()
+            data = request.form.to_dict()
+            for key, value in data.items():
+                #flash(key)
+                #flash(value)
+                #flash(session['current_idpage'])
+                #Insert slider values to database
+                #If trial randomization is set to 'Off' the values are inputted for session['current_idpage']
+                #Otherwise the values are set for the corresponding id found in the trial randomization table
+                if session['randomization'] == 'Off':
+                    participant_answer = answer(question_idquestion=key, answer_set_idanswer_set=session['answer_set'], answer=value, page_idpage=session['current_idpage'])
+                    db.session.add(participant_answer)
+                    db.session.commit()
+                else:
+                    participant_answer = answer(question_idquestion=key, answer_set_idanswer_set=session['answer_set'], answer=value, page_idpage=randomized_page_id.randomized_idpage)
+                    db.session.add(participant_answer)
+                    db.session.commit()
+        else:
+            flash("Page has been answered already. Answers discarded")
+        page_num=pages.next_num
+        if pages.has_next:
+            return redirect( url_for('task.task', page_num=pages.next_num))
+        return redirect ( url_for('task.completed'))
+    return render_template('task.html', pages=pages, progress_bar_percentage=progress_bar_percentage, form=form, randomized_stimulus=randomized_stimulus, rating_instruction=rating_instruction, stimulus_size=stimulus_size, stimulus_size_text=stimulus_size_text)
+def completed():
+    session.pop('user', None)
+    session.pop('exp_id', None)    
+    session.pop('agree', None)
+    session.pop('answer_set', None)
+    session.pop('type', None)
+    session.pop('randomization', None)
+    return render_template('task_completed.html')
+@task_blueprint.route('/continue', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
+def continue_task():
+    exp_id = request.args.get('exp_id', None)
+    form = ContinueTaskForm()
+    if form.validate_on_submit():
+        #check if participant ID is found from db and that the answer set is linked to the correct experiment
+        participant = answer_set.query.filter(and_(answer_set.session==form.participant_id.data, answer_set.experiment_idexperiment==exp_id)).first()
+        if participant is None:
+            flash('Invalid ID')
+            return redirect(url_for('task.continue', exp_id=exp_id))        
+        #flash('Login requested for participant {}'.format(form.participant_id.data))
+        #if correct participant_id is found with the correct experiment ID; start session for that user
+        session['exp_id'] = exp_id
+        session['user'] = form.participant_id.data 
+        session['answer_set'] = participant.idanswer_set
+        mediatype = page.query.filter_by(experiment_idexperiment=session['exp_id']).first()
+        rand = experiment.query.filter_by(idexperiment=session['exp_id']).first()
+        session['randomization'] = rand.randomization
+        if mediatype:
+            session['type'] = mediatype.type
+        else:
+            flash('No pages or mediatype set for experiment')
+            return redirect('/')
+        #If participant has done just the registration redirect to the first page of the experiment        
+        if participant.answer_counter == 0:
+            #flash("Ei vastauksia ohjataan ekalle sivulle")
+            return redirect( url_for('task', page_num=1))
+        redirect_to_page = participant.answer_counter + 1
+        #flash("redirect to page:")
+        #flash(redirect_to_page)
+        experiment_page_count = db.session.query(page).filter_by(experiment_idexperiment=session['exp_id']).count()
+        #If participant has ansvered all pages allready redirect to task completed page
+        if experiment_page_count == participant.answer_counter:
+            return redirect( url_for('task.completed'))
+        return redirect( url_for('task.task', page_num=redirect_to_page))
+    return render_template('continue_task.html', exp_id=exp_id, form=form)
+def quit():
+    user_id = session['user']
+    session.pop('user', None)
+    session.pop('exp_id', None)    
+    session.pop('agree', None)
+    session.pop('answer_set', None)
+    session.pop('type', None)
+    return render_template('quit_task.html', user_id=user_id)
+# TODO: removable?
+def create():
+    return render_template('create_task.html')
diff --git a/app/templates/base.html b/app/templates/base.html
index c8b4c59e28e16f00c42ce42391bb448fd1427edf..b6f03500f9305a8df30a243b8c987874e9a3e156 100644
--- a/app/templates/base.html
+++ b/app/templates/base.html
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@
          <a class="nav-item" href="{{ url_for('researcher_info') }}" class="nav-link">Info |</a>
-         <a class="nav-item" href="{{ url_for('create_experiment') }}" class="nav-link">Create |</a>
+         <a class="nav-item" href="{{ url_for('create.create_experiment') }}" class="nav-link">Create |</a>
          <a class="nav-item" href="" class="nav-link">Archives |</a>
          <a class="nav-item" href="{{ url_for('logout') }}" class="nav-link">Logout |</a>
diff --git a/app/templates/index.html b/app/templates/index.html
index d034db342ac2e32c2c8be791b995886e59013971..e8480f804f988e7cdaee61023040d762aa956db9 100644
--- a/app/templates/index.html
+++ b/app/templates/index.html
@@ -54,13 +54,13 @@
                         <a class="btn btn-outline-primary" href="{{ url_for('consent', exp_id=exp.idexperiment) }}" role="button">{{ _('Begin task') }}</a>
-                        <a class="btn btn-outline-primary" href="{{ url_for('continue_task', exp_id=exp.idexperiment) }}" role="button">{{ _('Continue task') }}</a>
+                        <a class="btn btn-outline-primary" href="{{ url_for('task.continue_task', exp_id=exp.idexperiment) }}" role="button">{{ _('Continue task') }}</a>
                             {% if current_user.is_authenticated %}
                             <span class="text-right">
                             <a class="btn btn-outline-info" href="{{ url_for('admin_dryrun', exp_id=exp.idexperiment) }}" role="button">{{ _('AdminRun') }}</a>
-                            <a class="btn btn-outline-info" href="{{ url_for('experiment_statistics', exp_id=exp.idexperiment) }}" role="button">{{ _('Statistics') }}</a>
-                            <a class="btn btn-outline-info" href="{{ url_for('view_experiment', exp_id=exp.idexperiment) }}" role="button">{{ _('View / Edit') }}</a>
+                            <a class="btn btn-outline-info" href="{{ url_for('experiment.statistics', exp_id=exp.idexperiment) }}" role="button">{{ _('Statistics') }}</a>
+                            <a class="btn btn-outline-info" href="{{ url_for('experiment.view', exp_id=exp.idexperiment) }}" role="button">{{ _('View / Edit') }}</a>
                             {% endif %}
@@ -97,13 +97,13 @@
                         <li class="list-group-item">
                         <a class="btn btn-outline-primary" href="{{ url_for('consent', exp_id=exp.idexperiment) }}" role="button">{{ _('Begin task') }}</a>
-                        <a class="btn btn-outline-primary" href="{{ url_for('continue_task', exp_id=exp.idexperiment) }}" role="button">{{ _('Continue task') }}</a
+                        <a class="btn btn-outline-primary" href="{{ url_for('task.continue_task', exp_id=exp.idexperiment) }}" role="button">{{ _('Continue task') }}</a
                             {% if current_user.is_authenticated %}
                             <span class="text-right">    
                             <a class="btn btn-outline-info" href="{{ url_for('admin_dryrun', exp_id=exp.idexperiment) }}" role="button">{{ _('AdminRun') }}</a>
-                            <a class="btn btn-outline-info" href="{{ url_for('experiment_statistics', exp_id=exp.idexperiment) }}" role="button">{{ _('Statistics') }}</a>
-                            <a class="btn btn-outline-info" href="{{ url_for('view_experiment', exp_id=exp.idexperiment) }}" role="button">{{ _('View / Edit') }}</a>
+                            <a class="btn btn-outline-info" href="{{ url_for('experiment.statistics', exp_id=exp.idexperiment) }}" role="button">{{ _('Statistics') }}</a>
+                            <a class="btn btn-outline-info" href="{{ url_for('experiment.view', exp_id=exp.idexperiment) }}" role="button">{{ _('View / Edit') }}</a>
                             {% endif %}
@@ -147,12 +147,12 @@
                         <li class="list-group-item">
                         <a class="btn btn-outline-primary" href="{{ url_for('consent', exp_id=exp.idexperiment) }}" role="button">Begin task</a>
-                        <a class="btn btn-outline-primary" href="{{ url_for('continue_task', exp_id=exp.idexperiment) }}" role="button">Continue task</a>
+                        <a class="btn btn-outline-primary" href="{{ url_for('task.continue_task', exp_id=exp.idexperiment) }}" role="button">Continue task</a>
                             {% if current_user.is_authenticated %}
                             <a class="btn btn-outline-info" href="{{ url_for('admin_dryrun', exp_id=exp.idexperiment) }}" role="button">AdminRun</a>
-                            <a class="btn btn-outline-info" href="{{ url_for('experiment_statistics', exp_id=exp.idexperiment) }}" role="button">Statistics</a>
-                            <a class="btn btn-outline-info" href="{{ url_for('view_experiment', exp_id=exp.idexperiment) }}" role="button">View / Edit</a>
+                            <a class="btn btn-outline-info" href="{{ url_for('experiment.statistics', exp_id=exp.idexperiment) }}" role="button">Statistics</a>
+                            <a class="btn btn-outline-info" href="{{ url_for('experiment.view', exp_id=exp.idexperiment) }}" role="button">View / Edit</a>
                             {% endif %}
@@ -187,12 +187,12 @@
                         <li class="list-group-item">
                         <a class="btn btn-outline-primary" href="{{ url_for('consent', exp_id=exp.idexperiment) }}" role="button">Begin task</a>
-                        <a class="btn btn-outline-primary" href="{{ url_for('continue_task', exp_id=exp.idexperiment) }}" role="button">Continue task</a>
+                        <a class="btn btn-outline-primary" href="{{ url_for('task.continue_task', exp_id=exp.idexperiment) }}" role="button">Continue task</a>
                             {% if current_user.is_authenticated %}
                             <a class="btn btn-outline-info" href="{{ url_for('admin_dryrun', exp_id=exp.idexperiment) }}" role="button">AdminRun</a>
-                            <a class="btn btn-outline-info" href="{{ url_for('experiment_statistics', exp_id=exp.idexperiment) }}" role="button">Statistics</a>
-                            <a class="btn btn-outline-info" href="{{ url_for('view_experiment', exp_id=exp.idexperiment) }}" role="button">View / Edit</a>
+                            <a class="btn btn-outline-info" href="{{ url_for('experiment.statistics', exp_id=exp.idexperiment) }}" role="button">Statistics</a>
+                            <a class="btn btn-outline-info" href="{{ url_for('experiment.view', exp_id=exp.idexperiment) }}" role="button">View / Edit</a>
                             {% endif %}
@@ -249,12 +249,12 @@
                         <li class="list-group-item">
                         <a class="btn btn-outline-primary" href="{{ url_for('consent', exp_id=exp.idexperiment) }}" role="button">Begin task</a>
-                        <a class="btn btn-outline-primary" href="{{ url_for('continue_task', exp_id=exp.idexperiment) }}" role="button">Continue task</a>
+                        <a class="btn btn-outline-primary" href="{{ url_for('task.continue_task', exp_id=exp.idexperiment) }}" role="button">Continue task</a>
                             {% if current_user.is_authenticated %}
                             <a class="btn btn-outline-info" href="{{ url_for('admin_dryrun', exp_id=exp.idexperiment) }}" role="button">AdminRun</a>
-                            <a class="btn btn-outline-info" href="{{ url_for('experiment_statistics', exp_id=exp.idexperiment) }}" role="button">Statistics</a>
-                            <a class="btn btn-outline-info" href="{{ url_for('view_experiment', exp_id=exp.idexperiment) }}" role="button">View / Edit</a>
+                            <a class="btn btn-outline-info" href="{{ url_for('experiment.statistics', exp_id=exp.idexperiment) }}" role="button">Statistics</a>
+                            <a class="btn btn-outline-info" href="{{ url_for('experiment.view', exp_id=exp.idexperiment) }}" role="button">View / Edit</a>
                             {% endif %}
@@ -289,12 +289,12 @@
                         <li class="list-group-item">
                         <a class="btn btn-outline-primary" href="{{ url_for('consent', exp_id=exp.idexperiment) }}" role="button">Begin task</a>
-                        <a class="btn btn-outline-primary" href="{{ url_for('continue_task', exp_id=exp.idexperiment) }}" role="button">Continue task</a>
+                        <a class="btn btn-outline-primary" href="{{ url_for('task.continue_task', exp_id=exp.idexperiment) }}" role="button">Continue task</a>
                             {% if current_user.is_authenticated %}
                             <a class="btn btn-outline-info" href="{{ url_for('admin_dryrun', exp_id=exp.idexperiment) }}" role="button">AdminRun</a>
-                            <a class="btn btn-outline-info" href="{{ url_for('experiment_statistics', exp_id=exp.idexperiment) }}" role="button">Statistics</a>
-                            <a class="btn btn-outline-info" href="{{ url_for('view_experiment', exp_id=exp.idexperiment) }}" role="button">View / Edit</a>
+                            <a class="btn btn-outline-info" href="{{ url_for('experiment.statistics', exp_id=exp.idexperiment) }}" role="button">Statistics</a>
+                            <a class="btn btn-outline-info" href="{{ url_for('experiment.view', exp_id=exp.idexperiment) }}" role="button">View / Edit</a>
                             {% endif %}
diff --git a/app/templates/test_page.html b/app/templates/test_page.html
deleted file mode 100644
index f204c39477795dadca6e12d1f1f75ea5fe1315f6..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/app/templates/test_page.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-{% extends "base.html" %}
-{% block content %}
-<h1 class="container mt-5">moro</h1>
-<h1 class="container mt-5">{{ _('File Not Found') }}</h1>
-{% endblock %}
diff --git a/config.py b/config.py
index f5a8ed48b4356b1a6536a19085d85e4b0fe5b46f..542e7012df0c8d6d898d08651706580cdd7cf2c5 100644
--- a/config.py
+++ b/config.py
@@ -18,14 +18,13 @@ class Config(object):
     #MariaDB mysql database settings
     MYSQL_USER = 'rating'
-    MYSQL_PASSWORD = 'timotimo'
+    MYSQL_PASSWORD = 'rating_passwd'
     MYSQL_SERVER = 'localhost'
-    MYSQL_DB = 'rating_tool_db' 
+    MYSQL_DB = 'rating_db' 
     SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI = 'mysql+pymysql://'+MYSQL_USER+':'+MYSQL_PASSWORD+'@'+MYSQL_SERVER+'/'+MYSQL_DB+'?charset=utf8mb4'
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/create_rating_db.txt b/create_rating_db.txt
index 1eaafe77ab7083b3d1897ff5dfb89c9b19076357..7d522481ad7afd6ba9d2f31d51ec7a22ae50d379 100644
--- a/create_rating_db.txt
+++ b/create_rating_db.txt
@@ -7,19 +7,19 @@ CREATE TABLE background_question (
 CREATE TABLE experiment (
 	name VARCHAR(120), 
-	instruction TEXT, 
+	instruction MEDIUMTEXT, 
 	directoryname VARCHAR(120), 
 	language VARCHAR(120), 
 	status VARCHAR(120), 
 	randomization VARCHAR(120), 
-	short_instruction TEXT, 
-	single_sentence_instruction TEXT, 
+	short_instruction MEDIUMTEXT, 
+	single_sentence_instruction MEDIUMTEXT, 
 	is_archived VARCHAR(120), 
 	creator_name VARCHAR(120), 
 	research_notification_filename VARCHAR(120), 
 	creation_time DATETIME, 
 	stimulus_size VARCHAR(120), 
-	consent_text TEXT, 
+	consent_text MEDIUMTEXT, 
 	use_forced_id VARCHAR(120), 
 	PRIMARY KEY (idexperiment)