diff --git a/app/experiment/views.py b/app/experiment/views.py
index 137d5c4f544310881b3dcb201b7c48e205e509c7..d36ced6e557bd57e5740d377c89e8b3e93056ef0 100644
--- a/app/experiment/views.py
+++ b/app/experiment/views.py
@@ -965,19 +965,22 @@ def statistics():
     # those are in answer table as page_idpage and question_idquestion respectively
     slider_answers = {}
     for participant in participants:
-        if participant.answer_counter > 0:
-            answers = answer.query.filter_by(
-                answer_set_idanswer_set=participant.idanswer_set)\
-                .order_by(answer.page_idpage)\
-                .all()
-            # flatten pages and questions to list of tuples (page_id, question_id)
-            _questions = [
-                item for sublist in pages_and_questions.values() for item in sublist]
+        if int(participant.answer_counter) == 0:
+            continue
+        answers = answer.query.filter_by(
+            answer_set_idanswer_set=participant.idanswer_set)\
+            .order_by(answer.page_idpage)\
+            .all()
+        # flatten pages and questions to list of tuples (page_id, question_id)
+        _questions = [
+            item for sublist in pages_and_questions.values() for item in sublist]
-            slider_answers[participant.session] = map_answers_to_questions(
-                answers, _questions)
+        slider_answers[participant.session] = map_answers_to_questions(
+            answers, _questions)
     mean = get_mean_from_slider_answers(slider_answers)
     # slider_answers['mean'] = get_mean_from_slider_answers(slider_answers)
diff --git a/app/routes.py b/app/routes.py
index 13550adb00e16e92932debd4928639ccff2627d6..cf6e2b4deb93873fa0ed5f06aa25ae483d84d444 100644
--- a/app/routes.py
+++ b/app/routes.py
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ from app.models import background_question_option
 from app.models import answer_set, answer, forced_id
 from app.models import user, trial_randomization
 from app.forms import LoginForm, RegisterForm, StartWithIdForm
-from app.utils import saved_data_as_file, map_answers_to_questions
+from app.utils import saved_data_as_file, map_answers_to_questions, timeit
 # Stimuli upload folder setting
 APP_ROOT = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
@@ -336,6 +336,7 @@ def view_research_notification():
     return render_template('view_research_notification.html', research_notification_filename=research_notification_filename)
 def download_csv():
@@ -367,8 +368,8 @@ def download_csv():
     # create CSV-header
     header = 'participant id;'
-    header += ';'.join([str(count) + '. bg_question: ' + question.background_question.strip()
-                        for count, question in enumerate(bg_questions, 1)])
+    header += ';'.join([str(count) + '. bg_question: ' + q.background_question.strip()
+                        for count, q in enumerate(bg_questions, 1)])
     for idx in range(1, len(pages) + 1):
         if len(questions) > 0:
@@ -381,113 +382,129 @@ def download_csv():
                                       question.picture.strip() for count, question in enumerate(embody_questions, 1)])
     csv += header + '\r\n'
+    csv += generate_answers(participants, pages, questions, embody_questions)
+    filename = "experiment_{}_{}.csv".format(
+        exp_id, date.today().strftime("%Y-%m-%d"))
+    return saved_data_as_file(filename, csv)
+def generate_answers(participants, pages, questions, embody_questions):
+    csv = ''
     answer_row = ''
     for participant in participants:
         # list only finished answer sets
-        if participant.answer_counter > 0:
-            try:
-                # append user session id
-                answer_row += participant.session + ';'
+        if int(participant.answer_counter) == 0:
+            continue
-                # append background question answers
-                bg_answers = background_question_answer.query.filter_by(
-                    answer_set_idanswer_set=participant.idanswer_set).all()
-                bg_answers_list = [str(a.answer).strip() for a in bg_answers]
-                answer_row += ';'.join(bg_answers_list) + ';'
+        try:
+            # append user session id
+            answer_row += participant.session + ';'
-                # append slider answers
-                slider_answers = answer.query.filter_by(
-                    answer_set_idanswer_set=participant.idanswer_set) \
-                    .order_by(answer.page_idpage) \
-                    .all()
+            # append background question answers
+            bg_answers = background_question_answer.query.filter_by(
+                answer_set_idanswer_set=participant.idanswer_set).all()
+            bg_answers_list = [str(a.answer).strip() for a in bg_answers]
+            answer_row += ';'.join(bg_answers_list) + ';'
+            # append slider answers
+            slider_answers = answer.query.filter_by(
+                answer_set_idanswer_set=participant.idanswer_set) \
+                .order_by(answer.page_idpage, answer.question_idquestion) \
+                .all()
-                pages_and_questions = {}
-                for p in pages:
-                    questions_list = [(p.idpage, a.idquestion) for a in questions]
-                    pages_and_questions[p.idpage] = questions_list
+            pages_and_questions = {}
-                _questions = [
-                    item for sublist in pages_and_questions.values() for item in sublist]
+            for p in pages:
+                questions_list = [(p.idpage, a.idquestion) for a in questions]
+                pages_and_questions[p.idpage] = questions_list
-                answers_list = map_answers_to_questions(slider_answers, _questions)
+            _questions = [
+                item for sublist in pages_and_questions.values() for item in sublist]
-                # typecast elemnts to string
-                answers_list = [str(a).strip() for a in answers_list]
+            answers_list = map_answers_to_questions(slider_answers, _questions)
-                answer_row += ';'.join(answers_list) + \
-                    ';' if slider_answers else len(
-                        questions) * len(pages) * ';'
+            # typecast elemnts to string
+            answers_list = [str(a).strip() for a in answers_list]
-                # append embody answers (coordinates)
-                # save embody answers as bitmap images
-                embody_answers = embody_answer.query.filter_by(
-                    answer_set_idanswer_set=participant.idanswer_set) \
-                    .order_by(embody_answer.page_idpage) \
-                    .all()
+            answer_row += ';'.join(answers_list) + \
+                ';' if slider_answers else len(
+                    questions) * len(pages) * ';'
-                pages_and_questions = {}
-                for p in pages:
-                    questions_list = [(p.idpage, a.idembody) for a in embody_questions]
-                    pages_and_questions[p.idpage] = questions_list
+            # append embody answers (coordinates)
+            # save embody answers as bitmap images
+            embody_answers = embody_answer.query.filter_by(
+                answer_set_idanswer_set=participant.idanswer_set) \
+                .order_by(embody_answer.page_idpage) \
+                .all()
-                _questions = [
-                    item for sublist in pages_and_questions.values() for item in sublist]
+            pages_and_questions = {}
-                _embody_answers = map_answers_to_questions(embody_answers, _questions)
+            for p in pages:
+                questions_list = [(p.idpage, a.idembody) for a in embody_questions]
+                pages_and_questions[p.idpage] = questions_list
-                answers_list = []
+            _questions = [
+                item for sublist in pages_and_questions.values() for item in sublist]
-                for answer_data in _embody_answers:
+            _embody_answers = map_answers_to_questions(embody_answers, _questions)
-                    if not answer_data:
-                        answers_list.append('')
-                        continue
+            answers_list = []
-                    try:
-                        coordinates = json.loads(answer_data.coordinates)
-                        em_height = coordinates.get('height', 600) + 2
-                        em_width = coordinates.get('width', 200) + 2
+            for answer_data in _embody_answers:
-                        coordinates_to_bitmap = [
-                            [0 for x in range(em_height)] for y in range(em_width)]
+                if not answer_data:
+                    answers_list.append('')
+                    continue
-                        coordinates = list(
-                            zip(coordinates.get('x'), coordinates.get('y')))
+                try:
+                    coordinates = json.loads(answer_data.coordinates)
+                    em_height = coordinates.get('height', 600) + 2
+                    em_width = coordinates.get('width', 200) + 2
-                        for point in coordinates:
+                    coordinates_to_bitmap = [
+                        [0 for x in range(em_height)] for y in range(em_width)]
-                            try:
-                                # for every brush stroke, increment the pixel 
-                                # value for every brush stroke
-                                coordinates_to_bitmap[point[0]][point[1]] += 0.1
-                            except IndexError:
-                                continue
+                    coordinates = list(
+                        zip(coordinates.get('x'), coordinates.get('y')))
-                        answers_list.append(json.dumps(coordinates_to_bitmap))
+                    for point in coordinates:
-                    except ValueError as err:
-                        app.logger(err)
+                        try:
+                            # for every brush stroke, increment the pixel 
+                            # value for every brush stroke
+                            coordinates_to_bitmap[point[0]][point[1]] += 0.1
+                        except IndexError:
+                            continue
-                answer_row += ';'.join(answers_list) if embody_answers else \
-                    len(embody_questions) * len(pages) * ';'
+                    answers_list.append(json.dumps(coordinates_to_bitmap))
-                # old way to save only visited points:
-                # answers_list = [json.dumps(
-                #   list(zip( json.loads(a.coordinates)['x'],
-                #   json.loads(a.coordinates)['y']))) for a in embody_answers]
+                except ValueError as err:
+                    app.logger(err)
-            except TypeError as err:
-                print(err)
+            answer_row += ';'.join(answers_list) if embody_answers else \
+                len(embody_questions) * len(pages) * ';'
-            csv += answer_row + '\r\n'
-            answer_row = ''
+            # old way to save only visited points:
+            # answers_list = [json.dumps(
+            #   list(zip( json.loads(a.coordinates)['x'],
+            #   json.loads(a.coordinates)['y']))) for a in embody_answers]
-    filename = "experiment_{}_{}.csv".format(
-        exp_id, date.today().strftime("%Y-%m-%d"))
+        except TypeError as err:
+            print(err)
-    return saved_data_as_file(filename, csv)
+        csv += answer_row + '\r\n'
+        answer_row = ''
+    return csv
diff --git a/app/utils.py b/app/utils.py
index 2087e85972194902b94572114b58e4446986eb69..cbd4290502800e585ba6fe5f5f8028c5e4455614 100644
--- a/app/utils.py
+++ b/app/utils.py
@@ -1,16 +1,31 @@
 import os
 import tempfile
+import time
 from itertools import zip_longest
 from flask import send_file
+def timeit(method):
+    def timed(*args, **kw):
+        ts = time.time()
+        result = method(*args, **kw)
+        te = time.time()
+        if 'log_time' in kw:
+            name = kw.get('log_name', method.__name__.upper())
+            kw['log_time'][name] = int((te - ts) * 1000)
+        else:
+            print('{} {:2.2f} ms'.format(method.__name__, (te - ts) * 1000))
+        return result
+    return timed
 def map_values_to_int(values: dict):
     #values = [map(int, i) for i in list(values.values())]
     return zip_longest(*values.values(), fillvalue=None)
 def calculate_mean(values: list) -> float:
-    print(values)
     n_answers = sum(x is not None for x in values)
     sum_of_answers = float(sum(filter(None, values)))
     mean = sum_of_answers / n_answers
@@ -52,6 +67,12 @@ def get_values_from_list_of_answers(page_question, answers):
     return None
+def question_matches_answer(question, answer):
+    if (answer.page_idpage == question[0] and answer.question_idquestion == question[1]):
+        return True
+    return False
 def map_answers_to_questions(answers, questions):
     questions = [(4, 1), (4, 2), (5, 1), (5, 2), (6, 1), (6, 2)]
@@ -60,6 +81,55 @@ def map_answers_to_questions(answers, questions):
     partial_answer = [None, None, None, None, 100, 99]
+    nth_answer = 0
+    results = []
+    for question in questions:
+        current_answer = answers[nth_answer]
+        if question_matches_answer(question, current_answer):
+            results.append(int(current_answer.answer))
+            nth_answer += 1
+        else:
+            results.append(None)
+    return results
+    '''
     return list(map(
         lambda x: get_values_from_list_of_answers(x, answers),
+    '''
+select sub.answer_set_idanswer_set, group_concat(concat(
+    COALESCE(sub.aa, ''), 
+    COALESCE(sub.ab, ''), 
+    COALESCE(sub.ba, ''), 
+    COALESCE(sub.bb, ''), 
+    COALESCE(sub.ca, ''), 
+    COALESCE(sub.cb, '')
+FROM (     
+    select  *, 
+        case when page_idpage = 4 and question_idquestion = 1 then answer end as aa,
+        case when page_idpage = 4 and question_idquestion = 2 then answer end as ab,
+        case when page_idpage = 5 and question_idquestion = 1 then answer end as ba,
+        case when page_idpage = 5 and question_idquestion = 2 then answer end as bb,
+        case when page_idpage = 6 and question_idquestion = 1 then answer end as ca,
+        case when page_idpage = 6 and question_idquestion = 2 then answer end as cb
+    from answer where answer_set_idanswer_set in ( select idanswer_set from answer_set where experiment_idexperiment = 2 and answer_counter != 0 )  
+) as sub 
+group by sub.answer_set_idanswer_set;
+# all possible page/question comobs
+select distinct p.idpage, q.idquestion from question q join page p on p.experiment_idexperiment=q.experiment_idexperiment where p.experiment_idexperiment = 2 order by p.idpage,q.idquestion;
\ No newline at end of file