diff --git a/GameDisplay.py b/GameDisplay.py
index 9e396af5e6957ea257f1ad0a5d9250c946bf6317..1b90ae45029c54a909d098ba150437491ad785d3 100644
--- a/GameDisplay.py
+++ b/GameDisplay.py
@@ -3,70 +3,5 @@ import Settings
-DayMenu_font = pygame.font.Font(None, 50)
-DayMenuBackground = pygame.Surface((Settings.Width, Settings.Height))
-VarTextBackground = pygame.Surface((200, 50))
-DayNumText = DayMenu_font.render('Day: ', False, 'Black')
-MoneyText = DayMenu_font.render('Money: ', False, 'Black')
-InfamyText = DayMenu_font.render('Infamy: ', False, 'Black')
-ButtonBackground = pygame.Surface((200, 50))
-GoEatText = DayMenu_font.render('Mene syömään', False, 'Black')
-DontEatText = DayMenu_font.render('Jätä syömättä', False, 'Black')
-ExitText = DayMenu_font.render('Exit', False, 'Black')
-NextDayText = DayMenu_font.render('Seuraava Päivä', False, 'Black')
-def LoadDayData(Day, Money, Infamy):
-    global DayNumText, MoneyText, InfamyText
-    Day = str(Day)
-    Money = str(Money)
-    Infamy = str(Infamy)
-    DayNumText = DayMenu_font.render('Day: ' + Day, False, 'Black')
-    MoneyText = DayMenu_font.render('Money: ' + Money, False, 'Black')
-    InfamyText = DayMenu_font.render('Infamy: ' + Infamy, False, 'Black')
 def ShowGame(Screen):
-def NewDay(Screen):
-    Screen.blit(DayMenuBackground, (0,0))
-    #Show data
-    Screen.blit(VarTextBackground, (Settings.Width/2-325, 100))
-    Screen.blit(DayNumText, (Settings.Width/2-225-pygame.Surface.get_width(DayNumText)/2, 100))
-    Screen.blit(VarTextBackground, (Settings.Width/2-100, 100))
-    Screen.blit(MoneyText, (Settings.Width/2-pygame.Surface.get_width(MoneyText)/2, 100))
-    Screen.blit(VarTextBackground, (Settings.Width/2+125, 100))
-    Screen.blit(InfamyText, (Settings.Width/2+225-pygame.Surface.get_width(InfamyText)/2, 100))
-    #Buttons
-    Screen.blit(ButtonBackground, (Settings.Width/2-325, 300))
-    Screen.blit(GoEatText, (Settings.Width/2-225-pygame.Surface.get_width(GoEatText)/2, 300))
-    Screen.blit(ButtonBackground, (Settings.Width/2-100, 300))
-    Screen.blit(DontEatText, (Settings.Width/2-pygame.Surface.get_width(DontEatText)/2, 300))
-    Screen.blit(ButtonBackground, (Settings.Width/2+125, 300))
-    Screen.blit(ExitText, (Settings.Width/2+225-pygame.Surface.get_width(ExitText)/2, 300))
-def IntraDay(Screen):
-    Screen.blit(DayMenuBackground, (0,0))
-    #Show data
-    Screen.blit(VarTextBackground, (Settings.Width/2-325, 100))
-    Screen.blit(DayNumText, (Settings.Width/2-225-pygame.Surface.get_width(DayNumText)/2, 100))
-    Screen.blit(VarTextBackground, (Settings.Width/2-100, 100))
-    Screen.blit(MoneyText, (Settings.Width/2-pygame.Surface.get_width(MoneyText)/2, 100))
-    Screen.blit(VarTextBackground, (Settings.Width/2+125, 100))
-    Screen.blit(InfamyText, (Settings.Width/2+225-pygame.Surface.get_width(InfamyText)/2, 100))
-    #Buttons
-    Screen.blit(ButtonBackground, (Settings.Width/2-325, 300))
-    Screen.blit(GoEatText, (Settings.Width/2-225-pygame.Surface.get_width(GoEatText)/2, 300))
-    #Could add gambling option here
-    #Screen.blit(ButtonBackground, (Settings.Width/2-100, 300))
-    #Screen.blit(GamblingText, (Settings.Width/2-pygame.Surface.get_width(GamblingText)/2, 300))
-    Screen.blit(ButtonBackground, (Settings.Width/2+125, 300))
-    Screen.blit(NextDayText, (Settings.Width/2+225-pygame.Surface.get_width(NextDayText)/2, 300))
diff --git a/MainMenu.py b/MainMenu.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 12c9ec4f9b459c50af4004ca1e2e65332943a423..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/MainMenu.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
-import pygame
-import Settings
-#to do: change fonts
-Menu_font = pygame.font.Font(None, 50)
-#to do: change to scaling size
-ButtonWidth = 200
-ButtonHeight = 50
-#to do: add border to button background
-ButtonBackground = pygame.Surface((ButtonWidth, ButtonHeight))
-#Main menu button texts
-NewGameButtonText = Menu_font.render('New game', False, 'Black')
-LoadGameButtonText = Menu_font.render('Load Game', False, 'Black')
-SettingsButtonText = Menu_font.render('Settings', False, 'Black')
-ExitButtonText = Menu_font.render('Exit', False, 'Black')
-MenuBackground = pygame.Surface((Settings.Width, Settings.Height))
-#Settings menu texts
-ResolutionText = Menu_font.render('Resolution: ' + str(Settings.Width) + ' x ' + str(Settings.Height), False, 'Black')
-AudioVolumeText = Menu_font.render('Volume: ' + str(Settings.AudioVolume), False, 'Black')
-SaveChangesText = Menu_font.render('Save Changes', False, 'Black')
-BackText = Menu_font.render('Back to Main Menu', False, 'Black')
-#Load menu texts to do: show which save slots are in use
-Save1Text = Menu_font.render('Game 1', False, 'Black')
-Save2Text = Menu_font.render('Game 2', False, 'Black')
-Save3Text = Menu_font.render('Game 3', False, 'Black')
-#Render Menu
-def ShowMenu(Screen):
-    Screen.blit(MenuBackground, (0,0))
-    #Start Game Button
-    Screen.blit(ButtonBackground, (Settings.Width/2-ButtonWidth/2,100))
-    Screen.blit(NewGameButtonText, (Settings.Width/2 - pygame.Surface.get_width(NewGameButtonText) / 2,100))
-    #Settings button
-    Screen.blit(ButtonBackground, (Settings.Width/2-ButtonWidth/2,200))
-    Screen.blit(SettingsButtonText, (Settings.Width/2 - pygame.Surface.get_width(SettingsButtonText) / 2,200))
-    #Exit button
-    Screen.blit(ButtonBackground, (Settings.Width/2-ButtonWidth/2,300))
-    Screen.blit(ExitButtonText, (Settings.Width/2 - pygame.Surface.get_width(ExitButtonText) / 2,300))
-#Render Settings
-def ShowSettings(Screen):
-    Screen.blit(MenuBackground, (0,0))
-    #resolution
-    Screen.blit(ButtonBackground, (Settings.Width/2-ButtonWidth/2, 100))
-    Screen.blit(ResolutionText, (Settings.Width/2 - pygame.Surface.get_width(ResolutionText) / 2, 100))
-    #AudioVolume
-    Screen.blit(ButtonBackground, (Settings.Width/2-ButtonWidth/2, 200))
-    Screen.blit(AudioVolumeText, (Settings.Width/2 - pygame.Surface.get_width(AudioVolumeText) / 2, 200))
-    #Save Changes
-    Screen.blit(ButtonBackground, (Settings.Width/2-ButtonWidth/2, 300))
-    Screen.blit(SaveChangesText, (Settings.Width/2 - pygame.Surface.get_width(SaveChangesText) / 2, 300))
-    #Back to main menu
-    Screen.blit(ButtonBackground, (Settings.Width/2-ButtonWidth/2, 400))
-    Screen.blit(BackText, (Settings.Width/2 - pygame.Surface.get_width(BackText) / 2, 400))
-def UpdateResolution(Width, Height):
-    pass
-def UpdateVolume(Volume):
-    pass
-def SaveChanges():
-    Settings.AudioVolume = Settings.TAudioVolume
-    Settings.Width = Settings.TWidth
-    Settings.Height = Settings.THeight
-    Settings.SaveSettings()
-def LoadSaveGameTexts():
-    global Save1Text, Save2Text, Save3Text
-    Settings.RefreshSaves()
-    if Settings.Save1[0] == 0:
-        Save1Text = Menu_font.render('Slot 1: New game', False, 'Black')
-    else:
-        D = str(Settings.Save1[0])
-        M = str(Settings.Save1[1])
-        I = str(Settings.Save1[2])
-        Save1Text = Menu_font.render('Slot 1: Day: ' + D + ' Money: ' + M + ' Infamy: ' + I, False, 'Black')
-    if Settings.Save2[0] == 0:
-        Save2Text = Menu_font.render('Slot 2: New game', False, 'Black')
-    else:
-        D = str(Settings.Save2[0])
-        M = str(Settings.Save2[1])
-        I = str(Settings.Save2[2])
-        Save2Text = Menu_font.render('Slot 2: Day: ' + D + ' Money: ' + M + ' Infamy: ' + I, False, 'Black')
-    if Settings.Save3[0] == 0:
-        Save3Text = Menu_font.render('Slot 3: New game', False, 'Black')
-    else:
-        D = str(Settings.Save3[0])
-        M = str(Settings.Save3[1])
-        I = str(Settings.Save3[2])
-        Save3Text = Menu_font.render('Slot 3: Day: ' + D + ' Money: ' + M + ' Infamy: ' + I, False, 'Black')
-def StartGameMenu(Screen):
-    Screen.blit(MenuBackground, (0,0))
-    Screen.blit(ButtonBackground, (Settings.Width/2 - ButtonWidth/2, 100))
-    Screen.blit(Save1Text, (Settings.Width/2 - pygame.Surface.get_width(Save1Text)/2, 100))
-    Screen.blit(ButtonBackground, (Settings.Width/2 - ButtonWidth/2, 200))
-    Screen.blit(Save2Text, (Settings.Width/2 - pygame.Surface.get_width(Save2Text)/2, 200))
-    Screen.blit(ButtonBackground, (Settings.Width/2 - ButtonWidth/2, 300))
-    Screen.blit(Save3Text, (Settings.Width/2 - pygame.Surface.get_width(Save3Text)/2, 300))
-    Screen.blit(ButtonBackground, (Settings.Width/2 - ButtonWidth/2, 400))
-    Screen.blit(BackText, (Settings.Width/2 - pygame.Surface.get_width(BackText)/2, 400))
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Menu.py b/Menu.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0905ea6ddabc505832b8f0cbfd802bb1cbc09ae0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Menu.py
@@ -0,0 +1,310 @@
+import pygame
+import Settings
+def UpdateGraphics():
+    global ButtonWidth, ButtonHeight, ButtonGap, TopMargin, CenterX, Row3, HungerBarWidth, Scale, VarWidth
+    Scale = Settings.Width / 1080
+    VarWidth = int(250*Scale)
+    ButtonWidth = int(400 * Scale)
+    ButtonHeight = int(50 * Scale)
+    ButtonGap = int(30 * Scale)
+    TopMargin = int(100 * Scale)
+    CenterX = int(Settings.Width/2)
+    Row3 = TopMargin + 2 * ButtonHeight + 2 * ButtonGap
+    HungerBarWidth = int(VarWidth * 3 + ButtonGap * 2)
+    #Resize backgrounds
+    global MenuBackground, Menu_font, ButtonBackground#, SavesBackground
+    MenuBackground = pygame.Surface((Settings.Width, Settings.Height))
+    MenuBackground.fill('Green')
+    Menu_font = pygame.font.Font(None, int(44*Scale))
+    ButtonBackground = pygame.Surface((ButtonWidth, ButtonHeight))
+    ButtonBackground.fill('Grey')
+    #SavesBackground = pygame.Surface((ButtonWidth*2, ButtonHeight))
+    #SavesBackground.fill('Grey')
+    global DayMenu_font, DayMenuBackground, VarTextBackground
+    DayMenu_font = pygame.font.Font(None, int(44*Scale))
+    DayMenuBackground = pygame.Surface((Settings.Width, Settings.Height))
+    DayMenuBackground.fill('Green')
+    VarTextBackground = pygame.Surface((VarWidth, ButtonHeight))
+    VarTextBackground.fill('Grey')
+    global HungerBackground, HungerBar, HungerSlider
+    HungerBackground = pygame.Surface((HungerBarWidth, ButtonHeight))
+    HungerBackground.fill('Grey')
+    HungerBar = pygame.Surface((2, 2))
+    pygame.draw.line(HungerBar, (255,0,0), (0, 0), (0, 1))
+    pygame.draw.line(HungerBar, (0,255,0), (1, 0), (1, 1))
+    HungerBar = pygame.transform.smoothscale(HungerBar, (int(HungerBarWidth-24*Scale), int(ButtonHeight-16*Scale)))
+    HungerSlider = pygame.Surface((int(20*Scale), int(ButtonHeight-8*Scale)))
+    HungerSlider.fill('Blue')
+    #Rewrite texts
+    global NewGameButtonText, LoadGameButtonText, SettingsButtonText, ExitButtonText
+    global ResolutionText, AudioVolumeText, SaveChangesText, BackText
+    NewGameButtonText = Menu_font.render('New game', False, 'Black')
+    LoadGameButtonText = Menu_font.render('Load Game', False, 'Black')
+    SettingsButtonText = Menu_font.render('Settings', False, 'Black')
+    ExitButtonText = Menu_font.render('Exit', False, 'Black')
+    ResolutionText = Menu_font.render('Resolution: ' + str(Settings.Width) + ' x ' + str(Settings.Height), False, 'Black')
+    AudioVolumeText = Menu_font.render('Volume: ' + str(Settings.AudioVolume), False, 'Black')
+    SaveChangesText = Menu_font.render('Save Changes', False, 'Black')
+    BackText = Menu_font.render('Back to Main Menu', False, 'Black')
+    global GoEatText, DontEatText, ExitText, NextDayText
+    GoEatText = DayMenu_font.render('Mene syömään', False, 'Black')
+    DontEatText = DayMenu_font.render('Jätä syömättä', False, 'Black')
+    ExitText = DayMenu_font.render('Exit', False, 'Black')
+    NextDayText = DayMenu_font.render('Seuraava Päivä', False, 'Black')
+    #Delete buttons
+    global DelBackground
+    DelBackground = pygame.Surface((ButtonHeight, ButtonHeight))
+    DelBackground.fill('Red')
+    #For centering text vertically
+    global TextTopMargin
+    TextTopMargin = int((ButtonHeight - pygame.Surface.get_height(ExitText))/2)
+#Render Menu
+def ShowMenu(Screen):
+    BtnLeft = CenterX - int(ButtonWidth/2)
+    Screen.blit(MenuBackground, (0,0))
+    #Start Game Button
+    Screen.blit(ButtonBackground, (BtnLeft,TopMargin))
+    Screen.blit(NewGameButtonText, (CenterX - pygame.Surface.get_width(NewGameButtonText) / 2, TopMargin + TextTopMargin))
+    #Settings button
+    Screen.blit(ButtonBackground, (BtnLeft, TopMargin + ButtonHeight + ButtonGap))
+    Screen.blit(SettingsButtonText, (CenterX - pygame.Surface.get_width(SettingsButtonText) / 2, TopMargin + TextTopMargin + ButtonHeight + ButtonGap))
+    #Exit button
+    Screen.blit(ButtonBackground, (BtnLeft, TopMargin + 2 * (ButtonHeight + ButtonGap)))
+    Screen.blit(ExitButtonText, (CenterX - pygame.Surface.get_width(ExitButtonText) / 2, TopMargin + TextTopMargin + 2 * (ButtonHeight + ButtonGap)))
+#Render Settings
+def ShowSettings(Screen):
+    BtnLeft = CenterX - int(ButtonWidth/2)
+    Screen.blit(MenuBackground, (0,0))
+    #resolution
+    Screen.blit(ButtonBackground, (BtnLeft, TopMargin))
+    Screen.blit(ResolutionText, (CenterX - pygame.Surface.get_width(ResolutionText) / 2, TopMargin + TextTopMargin))
+    #AudioVolume
+    Screen.blit(ButtonBackground, (BtnLeft, TopMargin + ButtonHeight + ButtonGap))
+    Screen.blit(AudioVolumeText, (CenterX - pygame.Surface.get_width(AudioVolumeText) / 2, TopMargin + TextTopMargin + ButtonHeight + ButtonGap))
+    #Save Changes
+    Screen.blit(ButtonBackground, (BtnLeft, TopMargin + 2 * (ButtonHeight + ButtonGap)))
+    Screen.blit(SaveChangesText, (CenterX - pygame.Surface.get_width(SaveChangesText) / 2, TopMargin + TextTopMargin + 2 * (ButtonHeight + ButtonGap)))
+    #Back to main menu
+    Screen.blit(ButtonBackground, (BtnLeft, TopMargin + 3 * (ButtonHeight + ButtonGap)))
+    Screen.blit(BackText, (CenterX - pygame.Surface.get_width(BackText) / 2, TopMargin + TextTopMargin + 3 * (ButtonHeight + ButtonGap)))
+def StartGameMenu(Screen):
+    BtnLeft = CenterX - int(ButtonWidth/2)
+    Screen.blit(MenuBackground, (0,0))
+    #Saves
+    Screen.blit(ButtonBackground, (BtnLeft, TopMargin))
+    Screen.blit(Save1Text, (CenterX - pygame.Surface.get_width(Save1Text)/2, TopMargin + TextTopMargin))
+    Screen.blit(ButtonBackground, (BtnLeft, TopMargin + ButtonHeight + ButtonGap))
+    Screen.blit(Save2Text, (CenterX - pygame.Surface.get_width(Save2Text)/2, TopMargin + TextTopMargin + ButtonHeight + ButtonGap))
+    Screen.blit(ButtonBackground, (BtnLeft, TopMargin + 2 * (ButtonHeight + ButtonGap)))
+    Screen.blit(Save3Text, (CenterX - pygame.Surface.get_width(Save3Text)/2, TopMargin + TextTopMargin + 2 * (ButtonHeight + ButtonGap)))
+    #Back to menu
+    Screen.blit(ButtonBackground, (BtnLeft, TopMargin + 3 * (ButtonHeight + ButtonGap)))
+    Screen.blit(BackText, (CenterX - pygame.Surface.get_width(BackText)/2, TopMargin + TextTopMargin + 3 * (ButtonHeight + ButtonGap)))
+    #Delete save buttons
+    DelBtnLeft = CenterX + int(ButtonWidth/2) + ButtonGap
+    Screen.blit(DelBackground, (DelBtnLeft, TopMargin))
+    Screen.blit(DelBackground, (DelBtnLeft, TopMargin + ButtonHeight + ButtonGap))
+    Screen.blit(DelBackground, (DelBtnLeft, TopMargin + 2 * (ButtonHeight + ButtonGap)))
+def NewDay(Screen):
+    Screen.blit(DayMenuBackground, (0,0))
+    #Show data
+    Screen.blit(VarTextBackground, (CenterX - VarWidth * 1.5 - ButtonGap, TopMargin))
+    Screen.blit(DayNumText, (CenterX - VarWidth - ButtonGap - pygame.Surface.get_width(DayNumText)/2, TopMargin + TextTopMargin))
+    Screen.blit(VarTextBackground, (CenterX - VarWidth * 0.5, TopMargin))
+    Screen.blit(MoneyText, (CenterX-pygame.Surface.get_width(MoneyText)/2, TopMargin + TextTopMargin))
+    Screen.blit(VarTextBackground, (CenterX + VarWidth * 0.5 + ButtonGap, TopMargin))
+    Screen.blit(InfamyText, (CenterX + VarWidth + ButtonGap - pygame.Surface.get_width(InfamyText)/2, TopMargin + TextTopMargin))
+    #Hunger bar
+    Screen.blit(HungerBackground, (CenterX - int(HungerBarWidth * 0.5), TopMargin+ButtonHeight+ButtonGap))
+    Screen.blit(HungerBar, (CenterX - HungerBarWidth * 0.5+int(12*Scale), TopMargin+ButtonHeight+ButtonGap+int(8*Scale)))
+    Screen.blit(HungerSlider, (HungerPos, TopMargin+ButtonHeight+ButtonGap+int(4*Scale)))
+    #Buttons
+    Screen.blit(VarTextBackground, (CenterX - VarWidth * 1.5 - ButtonGap, Row3))
+    Screen.blit(GoEatText, (CenterX - VarWidth - ButtonGap - pygame.Surface.get_width(GoEatText)/2, Row3 + TextTopMargin))
+    Screen.blit(VarTextBackground, (CenterX - VarWidth * 0.5, Row3))
+    Screen.blit(DontEatText, (CenterX-pygame.Surface.get_width(DontEatText)/2, Row3 + TextTopMargin))
+    Screen.blit(VarTextBackground, (CenterX + VarWidth * 0.5 + ButtonGap, Row3))
+    Screen.blit(ExitText, (CenterX + VarWidth + ButtonGap - pygame.Surface.get_width(ExitText)/2, Row3 + TextTopMargin))
+def IntraDay(Screen):
+    Screen.blit(DayMenuBackground, (0,0))
+    #Show data
+    Screen.blit(VarTextBackground, (CenterX - VarWidth * 1.5 - ButtonGap, TopMargin))
+    Screen.blit(DayNumText, (CenterX - VarWidth - ButtonGap - pygame.Surface.get_width(DayNumText)/2, TopMargin + TextTopMargin))
+    Screen.blit(VarTextBackground, (CenterX - VarWidth * 0.5, TopMargin))
+    Screen.blit(MoneyText, (CenterX-pygame.Surface.get_width(MoneyText)/2, TopMargin + TextTopMargin))
+    Screen.blit(VarTextBackground, (CenterX + VarWidth * 0.5 + ButtonGap, TopMargin))
+    Screen.blit(InfamyText, (CenterX + VarWidth + ButtonGap - pygame.Surface.get_width(InfamyText)/2, TopMargin + TextTopMargin))
+    #Hunger bar
+    Screen.blit(HungerBackground, (CenterX - int(HungerBarWidth * 0.5), TopMargin+ButtonHeight+ButtonGap))
+    Screen.blit(HungerBar, (CenterX - HungerBarWidth * 0.5+int(12*Scale), TopMargin+ButtonHeight+ButtonGap+int(8*Scale)))
+    Screen.blit(HungerSlider, (HungerPos, TopMargin+ButtonHeight+ButtonGap+int(4*Scale)))
+    #Buttons
+    Screen.blit(VarTextBackground, (CenterX - VarWidth * 1.5 - ButtonGap, Row3))
+    Screen.blit(GoEatText, (CenterX - VarWidth - ButtonGap - pygame.Surface.get_width(GoEatText)/2, Row3 + TextTopMargin))
+    Screen.blit(VarTextBackground, (CenterX + VarWidth * 0.5 + ButtonGap, Row3))
+    Screen.blit(NextDayText, (CenterX + VarWidth + ButtonGap - pygame.Surface.get_width(NextDayText)/2, Row3 + TextTopMargin))
+def UpdateVolume(Volume):
+    pass
+def SaveChanges():
+    Settings.AudioVolume = Settings.TAudioVolume
+    Settings.Width = Settings.TWidth
+    Settings.Height = Settings.THeight
+    Settings.SaveSettings()
+    UpdateGraphics()
+def LoadSaveGameTexts():
+    global Save1Text, Save2Text, Save3Text
+    Settings.RefreshSaves()
+    if Settings.Saves[0][0] == 0:
+        Save1Text = Menu_font.render('Slot 1: New game', False, 'Black')
+    else:
+        D = str(Settings.Saves[0][0])
+        M = str(Settings.Saves[0][1])
+        Save1Text = Menu_font.render('Slot 1: Day: ' + D + ' Money: ' + M, False, 'Black')
+    if Settings.Saves[1][0] == 0:
+        Save2Text = Menu_font.render('Slot 2: New game', False, 'Black')
+    else:
+        D = str(Settings.Saves[1][0])
+        M = str(Settings.Saves[1][1])
+        Save2Text = Menu_font.render('Slot 2: Day: ' + D + ' Money: ' + M, False, 'Black')
+    if Settings.Saves[2][0] == 0:
+        Save3Text = Menu_font.render('Slot 3: New game', False, 'Black')
+    else:
+        D = str(Settings.Saves[2][0])
+        M = str(Settings.Saves[2][1])
+        Save3Text = Menu_font.render('Slot 3: Day: ' + D + ' Money: ' + M, False, 'Black')
+def MouseOverMain(Button, Pos):
+    if CenterX - ButtonWidth/2 > Pos[0] or Pos[0] > CenterX + ButtonWidth/2:
+        return False
+    if Button == 1:
+        if TopMargin <= Pos[1] <= TopMargin + ButtonHeight:
+            return True
+    elif Button == 2:
+        if TopMargin + ButtonHeight + ButtonGap <= Pos[1] <= TopMargin + 2 * ButtonHeight + ButtonGap:
+            return True
+    elif Button == 3:
+        if TopMargin + 2 * ButtonHeight + 2 * ButtonGap <= Pos[1] <= TopMargin + 3 * ButtonHeight + 2 * ButtonGap:
+            return True
+    elif Button == 4:
+        if TopMargin + 3 * ButtonHeight + 3 * ButtonGap <= Pos[1] <= TopMargin + 4 * ButtonHeight + 3 * ButtonGap:
+            return True
+    return False
+def MouseOverDay(Button, Pos):
+    if TopMargin + 2 * ButtonHeight + 2 * ButtonGap > Pos[1] or Pos[1] > TopMargin + 3 * ButtonHeight + 2 * ButtonGap:
+        return False
+    if Button == 1:
+        if CenterX - VarWidth * 1.5 - ButtonGap <= Pos[0] <= CenterX  - VarWidth * 0.5 - ButtonGap:
+            return True
+    elif Button == 2:
+        if CenterX - VarWidth * 0.5 <= Pos[0] <= CenterX  + VarWidth * 0.5:
+            return True
+    elif Button == 3:
+        if CenterX + VarWidth * 0.5 + ButtonGap <= Pos[0] <= CenterX  + VarWidth * 1.5 + ButtonGap:
+            return True
+def LoadDayData(Day, Money, Infamy, Hunger):
+    #global CenterX, HungerBarWidth, Scale
+    global DayNumText, MoneyText, InfamyText, HungerPos
+    Day = str(Day)
+    Money = str(Money)
+    Infamy = str(int(Infamy))
+    DayNumText = DayMenu_font.render('Day: ' + Day, False, 'Black')
+    MoneyText = DayMenu_font.render('Money: ' + Money, False, 'Black')
+    InfamyText = DayMenu_font.render('Infamy: ' + Infamy, False, 'Black')
+    HungerPos = CenterX - int((HungerBarWidth-24 * Scale)/2) + int((Hunger / 100) * HungerBarWidth-24 * Scale)
+def ClickMain(Mouse):
+    if MouseOverMain(1, Mouse):
+        #go to start game menu
+        LoadSaveGameTexts()
+        return 1
+    elif MouseOverMain(2, Mouse):
+        #go to settings
+        return 3
+    elif MouseOverMain(3, Mouse):
+        #exit game
+        pygame.quit()
+        exit()
+    return 0
+def ClickSettings(Mouse):
+    global ResolutionText, AudioVolumeText
+    #to do: probably add more resolution options
+    if MouseOverMain(1, Mouse):
+        Settings.RotateResolution()
+        ResolutionText = Menu_font.render('Resolution: ' + str(Settings.TWidth) + ' x ' + str(Settings.THeight), False, 'Black')
+    elif MouseOverMain(2, Mouse):
+        #Change Audio
+        Settings.RotateVolume()
+        AudioVolumeText = Menu_font.render('Volume: ' + str(Settings.TAudioVolume), False, 'Black')
+    elif MouseOverMain(3, Mouse):
+        #Save Changes
+        SaveChanges()
+        #Screen = pygame.display.set_mode((Settings.Width, Settings.Height))
+    elif MouseOverMain(4, Mouse):
+        #Reset Temporary setting variables
+        Settings.ResetTVar()
+        #Go back to main menu
+        return 0
+    return 3
+def MouseOverDelete(Button, Pos):
+    if Pos[0] < CenterX + ButtonWidth/2 + ButtonGap or Pos[0] > CenterX + ButtonWidth/2 + ButtonGap + ButtonHeight:
+        return False
+    if Button == 1:
+        if TopMargin <= Pos[1] <= TopMargin + ButtonHeight:
+            return True
+    elif Button == 2:
+        if TopMargin + ButtonHeight + ButtonGap <= Pos[1] <= TopMargin + 2 * ButtonHeight + ButtonGap:
+            return True
+    elif Button == 3:
+        if TopMargin + 2 * ButtonHeight + 2 * ButtonGap <= Pos[1] <= TopMargin + 3 * ButtonHeight + 2 * ButtonGap:
+            return True
+    return False
+def ClickStart(Mouse):
+    if MouseOverMain(1, Mouse):
+        Settings.SaveNum = 1
+        return 4
+    elif MouseOverMain(2, Mouse):
+        Settings.SaveNum = 2
+        return 4
+    elif MouseOverMain(3, Mouse):
+        Settings.SaveNum = 3
+        return 4
+    elif MouseOverMain(4, Mouse):
+        #Go back to main menu
+        return 0
+    elif MouseOverDelete(1, Mouse):
+        #Delete save 1
+        Settings.DeleteSave(1)
+        LoadSaveGameTexts()
+    elif MouseOverDelete(2, Mouse):
+        #Delete save 2
+        Settings.DeleteSave(2)
+        LoadSaveGameTexts()
+    elif MouseOverDelete(3, Mouse):
+        #Delete save 3
+        Settings.DeleteSave(3)
+        LoadSaveGameTexts()
+    return 1
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/OpiskelijaRavintolaPeli.py b/OpiskelijaRavintolaPeli.py
index ff8147d3edaa4b67194784b63d78494c4e7cd5eb..02b42bb9e7a3671f639056e5cb4841c01db706ca 100644
--- a/OpiskelijaRavintolaPeli.py
+++ b/OpiskelijaRavintolaPeli.py
@@ -1,14 +1,9 @@
 import pygame
 from sys import exit
 import Settings
-import MainMenu
+import Menu
 import GameDisplay
-#load settings
-MainMenu.ResolutionText = MainMenu.Menu_font.render('Resolution: ' + str(Settings.Width) + ' x ' + str(Settings.Height), False, 'Black')
-MainMenu.AudioVolumeText = MainMenu.Menu_font.render('Volume: ' + str(Settings.AudioVolume), False, 'Black')
 #Width and height user modifiable through settings menu. on first start 1280x720 then based on user selected setting
 Screen = pygame.display.set_mode((Settings.Width, Settings.Height))
@@ -19,8 +14,37 @@ clock = pygame.time.Clock()
 Money = 0
 Infamy = 0
 Day = 0
+Hunger = 0
 GameState = 0
-SaveNum = 0
+def EndDay():
+    global Day, Money, Infamy, Hunger
+    Day += 1
+    if((Day - 1) % 30 == 0):
+        Money += 273
+    Infamy *= 0.95
+    Infamy -= 1
+    if Infamy < 0:
+        Infamy = 0
+    Hunger -= 5
+    #update graphics
+    Menu.LoadDayData(Day, Money, Infamy, Hunger)
+    #save
+    Settings.Save(Settings.SaveNum, Day, Money, Infamy, Hunger) 
+def StartGame(SaveNum):
+    SaveNum -= 1
+    global Money, Day, Infamy, Hunger
+    if Settings.Saves[SaveNum][0] == 0:
+        Money = 273
+        Day = 1
+        Infamy = 0
+        Hunger = 100
+    else:
+        Day = Settings.Saves[SaveNum][0]
+        Money = Settings.Saves[SaveNum][1]
+        Infamy = Settings.Saves[SaveNum][2]
+        Hunger = Settings.Saves[SaveNum][3]
 while True:
     for event in pygame.event.get():
@@ -28,158 +52,49 @@ while True:
         if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
-            if GameState == 0:
-                if Settings.Width/2-MainMenu.ButtonWidth/2 <= mouse[0] <= Settings.Width/2+MainMenu.ButtonWidth/2:
-                    if 100 <= mouse[1] <= 100+MainMenu.ButtonHeight:
-                        #go to start game menu
-                        MainMenu.LoadSaveGameTexts()
-                        GameState = 1
-                    elif 200 <= mouse[1] <= 200+MainMenu.ButtonHeight:
-                        #go to settings
-                        GameState = 3
-                    elif 300 <= mouse[1] <= 300+MainMenu.ButtonHeight:
-                        #exit game
-                        pygame.quit()
-                        exit()
+            if GameState == 0:   
+                GameState = Menu.ClickMain(mouse)
             elif GameState == 1:
-                if Settings.Width/2-MainMenu.ButtonWidth/2 <= mouse[0] <= Settings.Width/2+MainMenu.ButtonWidth/2:
-                    if 100 <= mouse[1] <= 100+MainMenu.ButtonHeight:
-                        SaveNum = 1
-                        GameState = 4
-                        if Settings.Save1[0] == 0:
-                            #Create new game at slot 1
-                            Day = 1
-                            Money = 273
-                            Infamy = 0
-                        else:
-                            #Load game at slot 3
-                            Day = Settings.Save1[0]
-                            Money = Settings.Save1[1]
-                            Infamy = Settings.Save1[2]
-                        GameDisplay.LoadDayData(Day, Money, Infamy)
-                    elif 200 <= mouse[1] <= 200+MainMenu.ButtonHeight:
-                        SaveNum = 2
-                        GameState = 4
-                        if Settings.Save2[0] == 0:
-                            #Create new game at slot 2
-                            Day = 1
-                            Money = 273
-                            Infamy = 0
-                        else:
-                            #Load game at slot 2
-                            Day = Settings.Save2[0]
-                            Money = Settings.Save2[1]
-                            Infamy = Settings.Save2[2]
-                        GameDisplay.LoadDayData(Day, Money, Infamy)
-                    elif 300 <= mouse[1] <= 300+MainMenu.ButtonHeight:
-                        SaveNum = 3
-                        GameState = 4
-                        if Settings.Save3[0] == 0:
-                            #Create new game at slot 3
-                            Day = 1
-                            Money = 273
-                            Infamy = 0
-                        else:
-                            #Load game at slot 3
-                            Day = Settings.Save3[0]
-                            Money = Settings.Save3[1]
-                            Infamy = Settings.Save3[2]
-                        GameDisplay.LoadDayData(Day, Money, Infamy)
-                    elif 400 <= mouse[1] <= 400+MainMenu.ButtonHeight:
-                        #Go back to main menu
-                        GameState = 0
+                GameState = Menu.ClickStart(mouse)
+                if GameState == 4:
+                    StartGame(Settings.SaveNum)
+                    Menu.LoadDayData(Day, Money, Infamy, Hunger)
             elif GameState == 3:
-                if Settings.Width/2-MainMenu.ButtonWidth/2 <= mouse[0] <= Settings.Width/2+MainMenu.ButtonWidth/2:
-                    #to do: probably add more resolution options
-                    if 100-MainMenu.ButtonHeight/2 <= mouse[1] <= 100+MainMenu.ButtonHeight/2:
-                        if Settings.TWidth == 1920:
-                            Settings.TWidth = 1280
-                            Settings.THeight = 720
-                        else:
-                            Settings.TWidth = 1920
-                            Settings.THeight = 1080
-                        MainMenu.ResolutionText = MainMenu.Menu_font.render('Resolution: ' + str(Settings.TWidth) + ' x ' + str(Settings.THeight), False, 'Black')
-                    elif 200-MainMenu.ButtonHeight/2 <= mouse[1] <= 200+MainMenu.ButtonHeight/2:
-                        #Change Audio
-                        if Settings.TAudioVolume == 100:
-                            Settings.TAudioVolume = 0
-                        elif Settings.TAudioVolume == 0:
-                            Settings.TAudioVolume = 25
-                        elif Settings.TAudioVolume == 25:
-                            Settings.TAudioVolume = 50
-                        elif Settings.TAudioVolume == 50:
-                            Settings.TAudioVolume = 75
-                        else:
-                            Settings.TAudioVolume = 100
-                        MainMenu.AudioVolumeText = MainMenu.Menu_font.render('Volume: ' + str(Settings.TAudioVolume), False, 'Black')
-                    elif 300-MainMenu.ButtonHeight/2 <= mouse[1] <= 300+MainMenu.ButtonHeight/2:
-                        #Save Changes to do: function to refresh all graphics elements to correct size if resolution changed
-                        MainMenu.SaveChanges()
-                        Screen = pygame.display.set_mode((Settings.Width, Settings.Height))
-                        pass
-                    elif 400-MainMenu.ButtonHeight/2 <= mouse[1] <= 400+MainMenu.ButtonHeight/2:
-                        #Go back to main menu
-                        GameState = 0
-                        #Reset Temporary setting variables
-                        Settings.TAudioVolume = Settings.AudioVolume
-                        Settings.TWidth = Settings.Width
-                        Settings.THeight = Settings.Height
+                GameState = Menu.ClickSettings(mouse)
+                Screen = pygame.display.set_mode((Settings.Width, Settings.Height))
             elif GameState == 4:
-                if 300 <= mouse[1] <= 350:
-                    if Settings.Width/2-325 <= mouse[0] <= Settings.Width/2 - 125:
-                        #go eat
-                        Money -= 2.95
-                        GameState = 6
-                    elif Settings.Width/2-100 <= mouse[0] <= Settings.Width/2 + 100:
-                        #dont go eat so go to next day
-                        Day += 1
-                        #if new month add money
-                        if (Day-1) % 30 == 0:
-                            Money += 273
-                        #infamy decay
-                        Infamy *= 0.95
-                        #update graphics
-                        GameDisplay.LoadDayData(Day, Money, Infamy)
-                        #save
-                        Settings.Save(SaveNum, Day, Money, Infamy)                       
-                    elif Settings.Width/2+125 <= mouse[0] <= Settings.Width/2 + 325:
-                        #exit to main menu
-                        GameState = 0
+                if Menu.MouseOverDay(1, mouse):
+                    #go eat
+                    Money -= 2.95
+                    GameState = 6
+                elif Menu.MouseOverDay(2, mouse):
+                     #dont go eat so go to next day
+                    EndDay()              
+                elif Menu.MouseOverDay(3, mouse):
+                    #exit to main menu
+                    GameState = 0
             elif GameState == 5:
-                if 300 <= mouse[1] <= 350:
-                    if Settings.Width/2-325 <= mouse[0] <= Settings.Width/2 - 125:
-                        #go eat
-                        Money -= 2.95
-                    #elif Settings.Width/2-50 <= mouse[0] <= Settings.Width/2 + 50:
-                        #Gambling not in use for now...
-                        #pass
-                    elif Settings.Width/2+125 <= mouse[0] <= Settings.Width/2 + 325:
-                        #go to next day
-                        GameState = 4
-                        Day += 1
-                        #if new month add money
-                        if (Day-1) % 30 == 0:
-                            Money += 273
-                        #infamy decay
-                        Infamy *= 0.95
-                        #update graphics
-                        GameDisplay.LoadDayData(Day, Money, Infamy)
-                        #save
-                        Settings.Save(SaveNum, Day, Money, Infamy) 
+                if Menu.MouseOverDay(1, mouse):
+                    #go eat
+                    Money -= 2.95
+                elif Menu.MouseOverDay(3, mouse):
+                    #go to next day
+                    GameState = 4
+                    EndDay()
             elif GameState == 6:
     #render screen based on gamestate 
     if GameState == 0:
-        MainMenu.ShowMenu(Screen)
+        Menu.ShowMenu(Screen)
     elif GameState == 1:
-        MainMenu.StartGameMenu(Screen)
+        Menu.StartGameMenu(Screen)
     elif GameState == 3:
-        MainMenu.ShowSettings(Screen)
+        Menu.ShowSettings(Screen)
     elif GameState == 4:
-        GameDisplay.NewDay(Screen)
+        Menu.NewDay(Screen)
     elif GameState == 5:
-        GameDisplay.IntraDay(Screen)
+        Menu.IntraDay(Screen)
     elif GameState == 6:
diff --git a/Settings.py b/Settings.py
index 67168e5c5e8466735dbad80f6f0bc5e9ff2be98c..394a02c0cdb1c78dd703f0a1bbfc17a60c57a44a 100644
--- a/Settings.py
+++ b/Settings.py
@@ -1,17 +1,16 @@
-#main settings variables
-Width = 1280
-Height = 720
-AudioVolume = 100
 def LoadSettings():
-        global Width, Height, AudioVolume
+        global Width, Height, AudioVolume, TWidth, THeight, TAudioVolume
         file = open("SavedSettings.txt", "r")
         Width = int(file.readline().strip())
         Height = int(file.readline().strip())
         AudioVolume = int(file.readline().strip())
+        TWidth = Width
+        THeight = Height
+        TAudioVolume = AudioVolume
     except FileNotFoundError:
         #file doesn't exist create file and use default settings
         file = open("SavedSettings.txt", "w")
@@ -20,11 +19,6 @@ def LoadSettings():
-#Temporary settings variables for unsaved settings
-TWidth = Width
-THeight = Height
-TAudioVolume = AudioVolume
 def SaveSettings():
     file = open("SavedSettings.txt", "w")
     file.write(str(Width) + "\n")
@@ -39,26 +33,52 @@ def Load(SaveNum):
         D = int(file.readline().strip())
         M = int(file.readline().strip())
         I = float(file.readline().strip())
+        H = int(file.readline().strip())
-        return [D, M, I]
+        return [D, M, I, H]
     except FileNotFoundError:
-        return [0, 0, 0]
+        return [0, 0, 0, 0]
-def Save(SaveNum, D, M, I):
+def Save(SaveNum, D, M, I, H):
     save = "Save" + str(SaveNum) + ".txt"
     file = open(save, "w")
     file.write(str(D) + "\n")
     file.write(str(M) + "\n")
     file.write(str(I) + "\n")
+    file.write(str(H) + "\n")
-Save1 = Load(1)
-Save2 = Load(2)
-Save3 = Load(3)
+Saves = [Load(1), Load(2), Load(3)]
+SaveNum = 0
 def RefreshSaves():
-    global Save1, Save2, Save3
-    Save1 = Load(1)
-    Save2 = Load(2)
-    Save3 = Load(3)
\ No newline at end of file
+    global Saves
+    Saves = [Load(1), Load(2), Load(3)]
+def RotateVolume():
+    global TAudioVolume
+    TAudioVolume += 25
+    if TAudioVolume > 100:
+        TAudioVolume = 0
+def RotateResolution():
+    global TWidth, THeight
+    if TWidth == 1920:
+        TWidth = 1280
+        THeight = 720
+    else:
+        TWidth = 1920
+        THeight = 1080
+def ResetTVar():
+    global AudioVolume, Width, Height, TAudioVolume, TWidth, THeight
+    TAudioVolume = AudioVolume
+    TWidth = Width
+    THeight = Height
+def DeleteSave(SaveNum):
+    save = "Save" + str(SaveNum) + ".txt"
+    file = open(save, "w")
+    file.write("0\n0\n0\n0\n")
+    file.close()
\ No newline at end of file