#include <ftl/net_source.hpp> #include <vector> #include <thread> #include <chrono> using ftl::rgbd::NetSource; using ftl::net::Universe; using ftl::UUID; using std::string; using ftl::rgbd::CameraParameters; using std::mutex; using std::unique_lock; using std::vector; using std::this_thread::sleep_for; using std::chrono::milliseconds; bool NetSource::_getCalibration(Universe &net, const UUID &peer, const string &src, ftl::rgbd::CameraParameters &p) { while(true) { auto buf = net.call<vector<unsigned char>>(peer_, "source_calibration", src); if (buf.size() > 0) { memcpy((char*)&p, buf.data(), buf.size()); if (sizeof(p) != buf.size()) { LOG(ERROR) << "Corrupted calibration"; return false; } LOG(INFO) << "Calibration received: " << p.cx << ", " << p.cy << ", " << p.fx << ", " << p.fy; return true; } else { LOG(INFO) << "Could not get calibration, retrying"; sleep_for(milliseconds(500)); } } } NetSource::NetSource(nlohmann::json &config) : RGBDSource(config) { } NetSource::NetSource(nlohmann::json &config, ftl::net::Universe *net) : RGBDSource(config, net) { auto uri = get<string>("uri"); if (!uri) { LOG(ERROR) << "NetSource does not have a URI"; return; } auto p = net->findOne<ftl::UUID>("find_stream", *uri); if (!p) { LOG(ERROR) << "Could not find stream: " << *uri; return; } peer_ = *p; has_calibration_ = _getCalibration(*net, peer_, *uri, params_); net->bind(*uri, [this](const vector<unsigned char> &jpg, const vector<unsigned char> &d) { unique_lock<mutex> lk(mutex_); _recv(jpg, d); }); N_ = 10; // Initiate stream with request for first 10 frames net->send(peer_, "get_stream", *uri, 10, 0, net->id(), *uri); } NetSource::~NetSource() { // TODO Unsubscribe } void NetSource::_recv(const vector<unsigned char> &jpg, const vector<unsigned char> &d) { cv::imdecode(jpg, cv::IMREAD_COLOR, &rgb_); //Mat(rgb_.size(), CV_16UC1); cv::imdecode(d, cv::IMREAD_UNCHANGED, &depth_); depth_.convertTo(depth_, CV_32FC1, 1.0f/(16.0f*100.0f)); N_--; if (N_ == 0) { N_ += 10; net_->send(peer_, "get_stream", *get<string>("uri"), 10, 0, net_->id(), *get<string>("uri")); } } void NetSource::grab() { // net_.broadcast("grab"); } bool NetSource::isReady() { return has_calibration_ && !rgb_.empty(); }