#include <ftl/net/universe.hpp> #include <chrono> #ifdef WIN32 #include <Ws2tcpip.h> #pragma comment(lib, "Rpcrt4.lib") #endif #ifndef WIN32 #include <signal.h> #endif using std::string; using std::vector; using std::thread; using ftl::net::Peer; using ftl::net::Listener; using ftl::net::Universe; using nlohmann::json; using ftl::UUID; using std::optional; using ftl::config::json_t; using ftl::net::callback_t; callback_t ftl::net::Universe::cbid__ = 0; Universe::Universe() : Configurable(), active_(true), this_peer(ftl::net::this_peer), thread_(Universe::__start, this), phase_(0) { _installBindings(); } Universe::Universe(nlohmann::json &config) : Configurable(config), active_(true), this_peer(ftl::net::this_peer), thread_(Universe::__start, this), phase_(0) { _installBindings(); } Universe::~Universe() { shutdown(); } void Universe::start() { auto l = get<json_t>("listen"); if (l && (*l).is_array()) { for (auto &ll : *l) { listen(ll); } } else if (l && (*l).is_string()) { listen((*l).get<string>()); } auto p = get<json_t>("peers"); if (p && (*p).is_array()) { for (auto &pp : *p) { connect(pp); } } } void Universe::shutdown() { if (!active_) return; LOG(INFO) << "Cleanup Network ..."; active_ = false; thread_.join(); for (auto s : peers_) { s->rawClose(); } peers_.clear(); for (auto l : listeners_) { l->close(); } listeners_.clear(); } bool Universe::listen(const string &addr) { auto l = new Listener(addr.c_str()); if (!l) return false; UNIQUE_LOCK(net_mutex_,lk); listeners_.push_back(l); return l->isListening(); } Peer *Universe::connect(const string &addr) { auto p = new Peer(addr.c_str(), this, &disp_); if (!p) return nullptr; if (p->status() != Peer::kInvalid) { UNIQUE_LOCK(net_mutex_,lk); peers_.push_back(p); } _installBindings(p); return p; } void Universe::unbind(const std::string &name) { UNIQUE_LOCK(net_mutex_,lk); disp_.unbind(name); } int Universe::waitConnections() { int count = 0; for (auto p : peers_) { if (p->waitConnection()) count++; } return count; } int Universe::_setDescriptors() { //Reset all file descriptors FD_ZERO(&sfdread_); FD_ZERO(&sfderror_); SOCKET n = 0; // TODO: Shared lock for some of the time... UNIQUE_LOCK(net_mutex_,lk); //Set file descriptor for the listening sockets. for (auto l : listeners_) { if (l != nullptr && l->isListening()) { FD_SET(l->_socket(), &sfdread_); FD_SET(l->_socket(), &sfderror_); if (l->_socket() > n) n = l->_socket(); } } //Set the file descriptors for each client for (auto s : peers_) { if (s != nullptr && s->isValid()) { if (s->_socket() > n) { n = s->_socket(); } //if (s->isWaiting()) { FD_SET(s->_socket(), &sfdread_); //} FD_SET(s->_socket(), &sfderror_); } } _cleanupPeers(); return n; } void Universe::_installBindings(Peer *p) { } void Universe::_installBindings() { /*bind("__subscribe__", [this](const UUID &id, const string &uri) -> bool { LOG(INFO) << "Subscription to " << uri << " by " << id.to_string(); unique_lock<shared_mutex> lk(net_mutex_); subscribers_[ftl::URI(uri).to_string()].push_back(id); return true; }); bind("__owner__", [this](const std::string &res) -> optional<UUID> { if (owned_.count(res) > 0) return this_peer; else return {}; });*/ } // Note: should be called inside a net lock void Universe::_cleanupPeers() { auto i = peers_.begin(); while (i != peers_.end()) { if (!(*i)->isValid()) { Peer *p = *i; LOG(INFO) << "Removing disconnected peer: " << p->id().to_string(); //_notifyDisconnect(p); auto ix = peer_ids_.find(p->id()); if (ix != peer_ids_.end()) peer_ids_.erase(ix); i = peers_.erase(i); if (p->status() == ftl::net::Peer::kReconnecting) { reconnects_.push_back({50, 1.0f, p}); } else { delete p; } } else { i++; } } } Peer *Universe::getPeer(const UUID &id) const { auto ix = peer_ids_.find(id); if (ix == peer_ids_.end()) return nullptr; else return ix->second; } void Universe::_periodic() { auto i = reconnects_.begin(); while (i != reconnects_.end()) { if ((*i).peer->reconnect()) { UNIQUE_LOCK(net_mutex_,lk); peers_.push_back((*i).peer); i = reconnects_.erase(i); } else if ((*i).tries > 0) { (*i).tries--; i++; } else { delete (*i).peer; i = reconnects_.erase(i); LOG(WARNING) << "Reconnection to peer failed"; } } } void Universe::__start(Universe * u) { #ifndef WIN32 signal(SIGPIPE,SIG_IGN); #endif // WIN32 u->_run(); } void Universe::_run() { timeval block; #ifdef WIN32 WSAData wsaData; //If Win32 then load winsock if (WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(1, 1), &wsaData) != 0) { LOG(ERROR) << "Could not initiate sockets"; return; } #endif auto start = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); while (active_) { int n = _setDescriptors(); int selres = 1; // Do periodics auto now = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); std::chrono::duration<double> elapsed = now - start; if (elapsed.count() >= 1.0) { start = now; _periodic(); } // It is an error to use "select" with no sockets ... so just sleep if (n == 0) { std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(300)); continue; } //Wait for a network event or timeout in 3 seconds block.tv_sec = 0; block.tv_usec = 100000; selres = select(n+1, &sfdread_, 0, &sfderror_, &block); // NOTE Nick: Is it possible that not all the recvs have been called before I // again reach a select call!? What are the consequences of this? A double recv attempt? //Some kind of error occured, it is usually possible to recover from this. if (selres < 0) { switch (errno) { case 9 : continue; // Bad file descriptor = socket closed case 4 : continue; // Interrupted system call ... no problem default : LOG(WARNING) << "Unhandled select error: " << strerror(errno) << "(" << errno << ")"; } continue; } else if (selres == 0) { // Timeout, nothing to do... continue; } // CHECK Could this mutex be the problem!? { UNIQUE_LOCK(net_mutex_,lk); //If connection request is waiting for (auto l : listeners_) { if (l && l->isListening()) { if (FD_ISSET(l->_socket(), &sfdread_)) { int rsize = sizeof(sockaddr_storage); sockaddr_storage addr; //Finally accept this client connection. SOCKET csock = accept(l->_socket(), (sockaddr*)&addr, (socklen_t*)&rsize); if (csock != INVALID_SOCKET) { auto p = new Peer(csock, this, &disp_); peers_.push_back(p); _installBindings(p); } } } } } { SHARED_LOCK(net_mutex_, lk); // Also check each clients socket to see if any messages or errors are waiting for (size_t p=0; p<peers_.size(); ++p) { auto s = peers_[(p+phase_)%peers_.size()]; if (s != NULL && s->isValid()) { // Note: It is possible that the socket becomes invalid after check but before // looking at the FD sets, therefore cache the original socket SOCKET sock = s->_socket(); if (sock == INVALID_SOCKET) continue; if (FD_ISSET(sock, &sfderror_)) { s->socketError(); s->close(); continue; // No point in reading data... } //If message received from this client then deal with it if (FD_ISSET(sock, &sfdread_)) { s->data(); } } } ++phase_; } } } callback_t Universe::onConnect(const std::function<void(ftl::net::Peer*)> &cb) { UNIQUE_LOCK(handler_mutex_,lk); callback_t id = cbid__++; on_connect_.push_back({id, cb}); return id; } callback_t Universe::onDisconnect(const std::function<void(ftl::net::Peer*)> &cb) { UNIQUE_LOCK(handler_mutex_,lk); callback_t id = cbid__++; on_disconnect_.push_back({id, cb}); return id; } callback_t Universe::onError(const std::function<void(ftl::net::Peer*, const ftl::net::Error &)> &cb) { UNIQUE_LOCK(handler_mutex_,lk); callback_t id = cbid__++; on_error_.push_back({id, cb}); return id; } void Universe::removeCallback(callback_t cbid) { UNIQUE_LOCK(handler_mutex_,lk); { auto i = on_connect_.begin(); while (i != on_connect_.end()) { if ((*i).id == cbid) { i = on_connect_.erase(i); } else { i++; } } } { auto i = on_disconnect_.begin(); while (i != on_disconnect_.end()) { if ((*i).id == cbid) { i = on_disconnect_.erase(i); } else { i++; } } } { auto i = on_error_.begin(); while (i != on_error_.end()) { if ((*i).id == cbid) { i = on_error_.erase(i); } else { i++; } } } } void Universe::_notifyConnect(Peer *p) { UNIQUE_LOCK(handler_mutex_,lk); peer_ids_[p->id()] = p; for (auto &i : on_connect_) { try { i.h(p); } catch(...) { LOG(ERROR) << "Exception inside OnConnect hander: " << i.id; } } } void Universe::_notifyDisconnect(Peer *p) { // In all cases, should already be locked outside this function call //unique_lock<mutex> lk(net_mutex_); UNIQUE_LOCK(handler_mutex_,lk); for (auto &i : on_disconnect_) { try { i.h(p); } catch(...) { LOG(ERROR) << "Exception inside OnDisconnect hander: " << i.id; } } } void Universe::_notifyError(Peer *p, const ftl::net::Error &e) { // TODO(Nick) }