diff --git a/applications/reconstruct/CMakeLists.txt b/applications/reconstruct/CMakeLists.txt
index dce81e19c91a41f7e8bba90a2149a6602d73e5aa..931802aedce15c0f94617385d05aeed141d24fdd 100644
--- a/applications/reconstruct/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/applications/reconstruct/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ set(REPSRC
+	src/filters/smoothing.cu
 add_executable(ftl-reconstruct ${REPSRC})
diff --git a/applications/reconstruct/src/filters/smoothing.cu b/applications/reconstruct/src/filters/smoothing.cu
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..21f30cafda69682e15c987b692a8f712e4373d7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/reconstruct/src/filters/smoothing.cu
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+#include "smoothing.hpp"
+#include <ftl/cuda/weighting.hpp>
+#define T_PER_BLOCK 8
+template <int RADIUS>
+__global__ void depth_smooth_kernel(
+		ftl::cuda::TextureObject<float> depth_in,
+		ftl::cuda::TextureObject<uchar4> colour_in,
+		ftl::cuda::TextureObject<float> depth_out,
+		ftl::rgbd::Camera camera,
+		float factor, float thresh) {
+	const unsigned int x = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
+	const unsigned int y = blockIdx.y*blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;
+	if (x < depth_in.width() && y < depth_in.height()) {
+		float d = depth_in.tex2D((int)x,(int)y);
+		depth_out(x,y) = 0.0f;
+		if (d < camera.minDepth || d > camera.maxDepth) return;
+		uchar4 c = colour_in.tex2D((int)x, (int)y);
+		float3 pos = camera.screenToCam(x,y,d);
+		float contrib = 0.0f;
+		float new_depth = 0.0f;
+		for (int v=-RADIUS; v<=RADIUS; ++v) {
+			for (int u=-RADIUS; u<=RADIUS; ++u) {
+				// Get colour difference to center
+				const uchar4 cN = colour_in.tex2D((int)x+u, (int)y+v);
+				const float colourWeight = ftl::cuda::colourWeighting(c, cN, thresh);
+				const float dN = depth_in.tex2D((int)x + u, (int)y + v);
+				const float3 posN = camera.screenToCam(x+u, y+v, dN);
+				const float weight = ftl::cuda::spatialWeighting(posN, pos, factor * colourWeight);
+				contrib += weight;
+				new_depth += dN * weight;
+			}
+		}
+		if (contrib > 0.0f) {
+			depth_out(x,y) = new_depth / contrib;
+		}
+	}
+void ftl::cuda::depth_smooth(
+		ftl::cuda::TextureObject<float> &depth_in,
+		ftl::cuda::TextureObject<uchar4> &colour_in,
+		ftl::cuda::TextureObject<float> &depth_out,
+		const ftl::rgbd::Camera &camera,
+		int radius, float factor, float thresh, int iters, cudaStream_t stream) {
+	const dim3 gridSize((depth_out.width() + T_PER_BLOCK - 1)/T_PER_BLOCK, (depth_out.height() + T_PER_BLOCK - 1)/T_PER_BLOCK);
+	const dim3 blockSize(T_PER_BLOCK, T_PER_BLOCK);
+	for (int n=0; n<iters; ++n) {
+		switch (radius) {
+		case 5 :	depth_smooth_kernel<5><<<gridSize, blockSize, 0, stream>>>(depth_in, colour_in, depth_out, camera, factor, thresh); break;
+		case 4 :	depth_smooth_kernel<4><<<gridSize, blockSize, 0, stream>>>(depth_in, colour_in, depth_out, camera, factor, thresh); break;
+		case 3 :	depth_smooth_kernel<3><<<gridSize, blockSize, 0, stream>>>(depth_in, colour_in, depth_out, camera, factor, thresh); break;
+		case 2 :	depth_smooth_kernel<2><<<gridSize, blockSize, 0, stream>>>(depth_in, colour_in, depth_out, camera, factor, thresh); break;
+		case 1 :	depth_smooth_kernel<1><<<gridSize, blockSize, 0, stream>>>(depth_in, colour_in, depth_out, camera, factor, thresh); break;
+		default:	break;
+		}
+		cudaSafeCall( cudaGetLastError() );
+		switch (radius) {
+		case 5 :	depth_smooth_kernel<5><<<gridSize, blockSize, 0, stream>>>(depth_out, colour_in, depth_in, camera, factor, thresh); break;
+		case 4 :	depth_smooth_kernel<4><<<gridSize, blockSize, 0, stream>>>(depth_out, colour_in, depth_in, camera, factor, thresh); break;
+		case 3 :	depth_smooth_kernel<3><<<gridSize, blockSize, 0, stream>>>(depth_out, colour_in, depth_in, camera, factor, thresh); break;
+		case 2 :	depth_smooth_kernel<2><<<gridSize, blockSize, 0, stream>>>(depth_out, colour_in, depth_in, camera, factor, thresh); break;
+		case 1 :	depth_smooth_kernel<1><<<gridSize, blockSize, 0, stream>>>(depth_out, colour_in, depth_in, camera, factor, thresh); break;
+		default:	break;
+		}
+		cudaSafeCall( cudaGetLastError() );
+	}
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+	cudaSafeCall(cudaDeviceSynchronize());
diff --git a/applications/reconstruct/src/filters/smoothing.hpp b/applications/reconstruct/src/filters/smoothing.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d5d6a47053140dc33d5ee97fa606f4b00650036d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/reconstruct/src/filters/smoothing.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+#include <ftl/rgbd/camera.hpp>
+#include <ftl/cuda_common.hpp>
+namespace ftl {
+namespace cuda {
+void depth_smooth(
+	ftl::cuda::TextureObject<float> &depth_in,
+	ftl::cuda::TextureObject<uchar4> &colour_in,
+	ftl::cuda::TextureObject<float> &depth_out,
+	const ftl::rgbd::Camera &camera,
+	int radius, float factor, float thresh, int iters,
+	cudaStream_t stream);
diff --git a/applications/reconstruct/src/ilw.cpp b/applications/reconstruct/src/ilw.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 435cd886eba1b83d7530f19f28ccfb09f7e37f3a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/applications/reconstruct/src/ilw.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
-#include "ilw.hpp"
-#include <ftl/utility/matrix_conversion.hpp>
-#include <ftl/rgbd/source.hpp>
-#include <ftl/cuda/points.hpp>
-#include <loguru.hpp>
-#include "ilw_cuda.hpp"
-using ftl::ILW;
-using ftl::detail::ILWData;
-using ftl::codecs::Channel;
-using ftl::codecs::Channels;
-using ftl::rgbd::Format;
-using cv::cuda::GpuMat;
-ILW::ILW(nlohmann::json &config) : ftl::Configurable(config) {
-ILW::~ILW() {
-bool ILW::process(ftl::rgbd::FrameSet &fs, cudaStream_t stream) {
-    _phase0(fs, stream);
-    //for (int i=0; i<2; ++i) {
-        _phase1(fs, stream);
-        //for (int j=0; j<3; ++j) {
-        //    _phase2(fs);
-        //}
-		// TODO: Break if no time left
-    //}
-    return true;
-bool ILW::_phase0(ftl::rgbd::FrameSet &fs, cudaStream_t stream) {
-    // Make points channel...
-    for (size_t i=0; i<fs.frames.size(); ++i) {
-		auto &f = fs.frames[i];
-		auto *s = fs.sources[i];
-		if (f.empty(Channel::Depth + Channel::Colour)) {
-			LOG(ERROR) << "Missing required channel";
-			continue;
-		}
-        auto &t = f.createTexture<float4>(Channel::Points, Format<float4>(f.get<GpuMat>(Channel::Colour).size()));
-        auto pose = MatrixConversion::toCUDA(s->getPose().cast<float>()); //.inverse());
-        ftl::cuda::point_cloud(t, f.createTexture<float>(Channel::Depth), s->parameters(), pose, stream);
-        // TODO: Create energy vector texture and clear it
-        // Create energy and clear it
-        // Convert colour from BGR to BGRA if needed
-		if (f.get<GpuMat>(Channel::Colour).type() == CV_8UC3) {
-			// Convert to 4 channel colour
-			auto &col = f.get<GpuMat>(Channel::Colour);
-			GpuMat tmp(col.size(), CV_8UC4);
-			cv::cuda::swap(col, tmp);
-			cv::cuda::cvtColor(tmp,col, cv::COLOR_BGR2BGRA);
-		}
-        f.createTexture<float4>(Channel::EnergyVector, Format<float4>(f.get<GpuMat>(Channel::Colour).size()));
-        f.createTexture<float>(Channel::Energy, Format<float>(f.get<GpuMat>(Channel::Colour).size()));
-        f.createTexture<uchar4>(Channel::Colour);
-		cv::cuda::Stream cvstream = cv::cuda::StreamAccessor::wrapStream(stream);
-		f.get<GpuMat>(Channel::EnergyVector).setTo(cv::Scalar(0.0f,0.0f,0.0f,0.0f), cvstream);
-		f.get<GpuMat>(Channel::Energy).setTo(cv::Scalar(0.0f), cvstream);
-    }
-    return true;
-bool ILW::_phase1(ftl::rgbd::FrameSet &fs, cudaStream_t stream) {
-    // Run correspondence kernel to create an energy vector
-	// For each camera combination
-    for (size_t i=0; i<fs.frames.size(); ++i) {
-        for (size_t j=0; j<fs.frames.size(); ++j) {
-            if (i == j) continue;
-            LOG(INFO) << "Running phase1";
-            auto &f1 = fs.frames[i];
-            auto &f2 = fs.frames[j];
-            //auto s1 = fs.frames[i];
-            auto s2 = fs.sources[j];
-            auto pose = MatrixConversion::toCUDA(s2->getPose().cast<float>().inverse());
-            try {
-            //Calculate energy vector to best correspondence
-            ftl::cuda::correspondence_energy_vector(
-                f1.getTexture<float4>(Channel::Points),
-                f2.getTexture<float4>(Channel::Points),
-                f1.getTexture<uchar4>(Channel::Colour),
-                f2.getTexture<uchar4>(Channel::Colour),
-                // TODO: Add normals and other things...
-                f1.getTexture<float4>(Channel::EnergyVector),
-                f1.getTexture<float>(Channel::Energy),
-                pose,
-                s2->parameters(),
-                stream
-            );
-            } catch (ftl::exception &e) {
-                LOG(ERROR) << "Exception in correspondence: " << e.what();
-            }
-            LOG(INFO) << "Correspondences done... " << i;
-        }
-    }
-    return true;
-bool ILW::_phase2(ftl::rgbd::FrameSet &fs) {
-    // Run energies and motion kernel
-    return true;
diff --git a/applications/reconstruct/src/ilw.cu b/applications/reconstruct/src/ilw.cu
deleted file mode 100644
index 999b5ec9031eed08fc4bc527471961c3236d7445..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/applications/reconstruct/src/ilw.cu
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-#include "ilw_cuda.hpp"
-using ftl::cuda::TextureObject;
-using ftl::rgbd::Camera;
-#define WARP_SIZE 32
-#define T_PER_BLOCK 8
-#define FULL_MASK 0xffffffff
-__device__ inline float warpMax(float e) {
-	for (int i = WARP_SIZE/2; i > 0; i /= 2) {
-		const float other = __shfl_xor_sync(FULL_MASK, e, i, WARP_SIZE);
-		e = max(e, other);
-	}
-	return e;
-__global__ void correspondence_energy_vector_kernel(
-        TextureObject<float4> p1,
-        TextureObject<float4> p2,
-        TextureObject<uchar4> c1,
-        TextureObject<uchar4> c2,
-        TextureObject<float4> vout,
-        TextureObject<float> eout,
-        float4x4 pose2,  // Inverse
-        Camera cam2) {
-    // Each warp picks point in p1
-    const int tid = (threadIdx.x + threadIdx.y * blockDim.x);
-	const int x = (blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x) / WARP_SIZE;
-    const int y = blockIdx.y*blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;
-	const float3 world1 = make_float3(p1.tex2D(x, y));
-	if (world1.x == MINF) {
-        vout(x,y) = make_float4(0.0f);
-        eout(x,y) = 0.0f;
-        return;
-    }
-    const float3 camPos2 = pose2 * world1;
-	const uint2 screen2 = cam2.camToScreen<uint2>(camPos2);
-    const int upsample = 8;
-    // Project to p2 using cam2
-    // Each thread takes a possible correspondence and calculates a weighting
-    const int lane = tid % WARP_SIZE;
-	for (int i=lane; i<upsample*upsample; i+=WARP_SIZE) {
-		const float u = (i % upsample) - (upsample / 2);
-        const float v = (i / upsample) - (upsample / 2);
-		const float3 world2 = make_float3(p2.tex2D(screen2.x+u, screen2.y+v));
-		if (world2.x == MINF) continue;
-        // Determine degree of correspondence
-        const float confidence = 1.0f / length(world1 - world2);
-        const float maxconf = warpMax(confidence);
-        // This thread has best confidence value
-        if (maxconf == confidence) {
-            vout(x,y) = vout.tex2D(x, y) + make_float4(
-                (world1.x - world2.x) * maxconf,
-                (world1.y - world2.y) * maxconf,
-                (world1.z - world2.z) * maxconf,
-                maxconf);
-            eout(x,y) = eout.tex2D(x,y) + length(world1 - world2)*maxconf;
-        }
-    }
-void ftl::cuda::correspondence_energy_vector(
-        TextureObject<float4> &p1,
-        TextureObject<float4> &p2,
-        TextureObject<uchar4> &c1,
-        TextureObject<uchar4> &c2,
-        TextureObject<float4> &vout,
-        TextureObject<float> &eout,
-        float4x4 &pose2,
-        const Camera &cam2,
-        cudaStream_t stream) {
-    const dim3 gridSize((p1.width() + 2 - 1)/2, (p1.height() + T_PER_BLOCK - 1)/T_PER_BLOCK);
-    const dim3 blockSize(2*WARP_SIZE, T_PER_BLOCK);
-    printf("COR SIZE %d,%d\n", p1.width(), p1.height());
-    correspondence_energy_vector_kernel<<<gridSize, blockSize, 0, stream>>>(
-        p1, p2, c1, c2, vout, eout, pose2, cam2
-    );
-    cudaSafeCall( cudaGetLastError() );
diff --git a/applications/reconstruct/src/main.cpp b/applications/reconstruct/src/main.cpp
index 9ed20069fc53a5e72d08b1947c08a285a5c788e1..e6a7d2d8b3e7f39bb47bbd3b43b4cd3ce166db38 100644
--- a/applications/reconstruct/src/main.cpp
+++ b/applications/reconstruct/src/main.cpp
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
 #include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
 #include <ftl/net/universe.hpp>
+#include "filters/smoothing.hpp"
 #include <ftl/registration.hpp>
 #include <cuda_profiler_api.h>
@@ -244,9 +245,11 @@ static void run(ftl::Configurable *root) {
 	bool busy = false;
+	auto *filter = ftl::config::create<ftl::Configurable>(root, "filters");
-	group->sync([splat,virt,&busy,&slave,&scene_A,&scene_B,&align,controls](ftl::rgbd::FrameSet &fs) -> bool {
+	group->sync([splat,virt,&busy,&slave,&scene_A,&scene_B,&align,controls,filter](ftl::rgbd::FrameSet &fs) -> bool {
 		//if (slave.isPaused()) return true;
@@ -261,13 +264,46 @@ static void run(ftl::Configurable *root) {
 		// Swap the entire frameset to allow rapid return
-		ftl::pool.push([&scene_B,&scene_A,&busy,&slave,&align](int id) {
+		ftl::pool.push([&scene_B,&scene_A,&busy,&slave,&align, filter](int id) {
 			// TODO: Release frameset here...
 			UNIQUE_LOCK(scene_A.mtx, lk);
+			cv::cuda::GpuMat tmp;
+			float factor = filter->value("smooth_factor", 0.4f);
+			float colour_limit = filter->value("colour_limit", 30.0f);
+			bool do_smooth = filter->value("pre_smooth", false);
+			int iters = filter->value("iterations", 3);
+			int radius = filter->value("radius", 5);
+			if (do_smooth) {
+				// Presmooth...
+				for (int i=0; i<scene_A.frames.size(); ++i) {
+					auto &f = scene_A.frames[i];
+					auto s = scene_A.sources[i];
+					// Convert colour from BGR to BGRA if needed
+					if (f.get<cv::cuda::GpuMat>(Channel::Colour).type() == CV_8UC3) {
+						//cv::cuda::Stream cvstream = cv::cuda::StreamAccessor::wrapStream(stream);
+						// Convert to 4 channel colour
+						auto &col = f.get<cv::cuda::GpuMat>(Channel::Colour);
+						tmp.create(col.size(), CV_8UC4);
+						cv::cuda::swap(col, tmp);
+						cv::cuda::cvtColor(tmp,col, cv::COLOR_BGR2BGRA, 0);
+					}
+					ftl::cuda::depth_smooth(
+						f.createTexture<float>(Channel::Depth),
+						f.createTexture<uchar4>(Channel::Colour),
+						f.createTexture<float>(Channel::Depth2, ftl::rgbd::Format<float>(f.get<cv::cuda::GpuMat>(Channel::Depth).size())),
+						s->parameters(),
+						radius, factor, colour_limit, iters, 0
+					);
+				}
+			}
 			// Send all frames to GPU, block until done?
 			//scene_A.upload(Channel::Colour + Channel::Depth);  // TODO: (Nick) Add scene stream.
diff --git a/components/renderers/cpp/src/normals.cu b/components/renderers/cpp/src/normals.cu
index 145a43198cb8dce691be352f782c43c3be6fb18f..976b5804120bac3e000d493e87a90f2ec4b30d1c 100644
--- a/components/renderers/cpp/src/normals.cu
+++ b/components/renderers/cpp/src/normals.cu
@@ -45,11 +45,11 @@ __global__ void computeNormals_kernel(ftl::cuda::TextureObject<float4> output,
 	output(x,y) = make_float4(0, 0, 0, 0);
 	if(x > 0 && x < input.width()-1 && y > 0 && y < input.height()-1) {
-		const float3 CC = camera.screenToCam(x+0, y+0, (float)input.tex2D((int)x+0, (int)y+0) / 10000.0f);
-		const float3 PC = camera.screenToCam(x+0, y+1, (float)input.tex2D((int)x+0, (int)y+1) / 10000.0f);
-		const float3 CP = camera.screenToCam(x+1, y+0, (float)input.tex2D((int)x+1, (int)y+0) / 10000.0f);
-		const float3 MC = camera.screenToCam(x+0, y-1, (float)input.tex2D((int)x+0, (int)y-1) / 10000.0f);
-		const float3 CM = camera.screenToCam(x-1, y+0, (float)input.tex2D((int)x-1, (int)y+0) / 10000.0f);
+		const float3 CC = camera.screenToCam(x+0, y+0, (float)input.tex2D((int)x+0, (int)y+0) / 100000.0f);
+		const float3 PC = camera.screenToCam(x+0, y+1, (float)input.tex2D((int)x+0, (int)y+1) / 100000.0f);
+		const float3 CP = camera.screenToCam(x+1, y+0, (float)input.tex2D((int)x+1, (int)y+0) / 100000.0f);
+		const float3 MC = camera.screenToCam(x+0, y-1, (float)input.tex2D((int)x+0, (int)y-1) / 100000.0f);
+		const float3 CM = camera.screenToCam(x-1, y+0, (float)input.tex2D((int)x-1, (int)y+0) / 100000.0f);
 		//if(CC.z <  && PC.x != MINF && CP.x != MINF && MC.x != MINF && CM.x != MINF) {
 		if (isValid(camera,CC) && isValid(camera,PC) && isValid(camera,CP) && isValid(camera,MC) && isValid(camera,CM)) {
@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ __global__ void smooth_normals_kernel(ftl::cuda::TextureObject<float4> norms,
     if(x >= depth.width() || y >= depth.height()) return;
-    const float3 p0 = camera.screenToCam(x,y, (float)depth.tex2D((int)x,(int)y) / 10000.0f);
+    const float3 p0 = camera.screenToCam(x,y, (float)depth.tex2D((int)x,(int)y) / 100000.0f);
     float3 nsum = make_float3(0.0f);
     float contrib = 0.0f;
@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ __global__ void smooth_normals_kernel(ftl::cuda::TextureObject<float4> norms,
     for (int v=-RADIUS; v<=RADIUS; ++v) {
         for (int u=-RADIUS; u<=RADIUS; ++u) {
-            const float3 p = camera.screenToCam(x+u,y+v, (float)depth.tex2D((int)x+u,(int)y+v) / 10000.0f);
+            const float3 p = camera.screenToCam(x+u,y+v, (float)depth.tex2D((int)x+u,(int)y+v) / 100000.0f);
             if (p.z < camera.minDepth || p.z > camera.maxDepth) continue;
             const float s = ftl::cuda::spatialWeighting(p0, p, smoothing);
             //const float s = 1.0f;
diff --git a/components/renderers/cpp/src/reprojection.cu b/components/renderers/cpp/src/reprojection.cu
index 6ffd9b2d4c30955694e186d645bee5e503db6d4d..f07b8956369492cb9002b2cc2068f87894fa817e 100644
--- a/components/renderers/cpp/src/reprojection.cu
+++ b/components/renderers/cpp/src/reprojection.cu
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ __global__ void reprojection_kernel(
 	const int x = (blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x);
 	const int y = blockIdx.y*blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;
-	const float d = (float)depth_in.tex2D((int)x, (int)y) / 10000.0f;
+	const float d = (float)depth_in.tex2D((int)x, (int)y) / 100000.0f;
 	if (d < params.camera.minDepth || d > params.camera.maxDepth) return;
 	const float3 worldPos = params.m_viewMatrixInverse * params.camera.screenToCam(x, y, d);
@@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ __global__ void reprojection_kernel(
 	const int x = (blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x);
 	const int y = blockIdx.y*blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;
-	const float d = (float)depth_in.tex2D((int)x, (int)y) / 10000.0f;
+	const float d = (float)depth_in.tex2D((int)x, (int)y) / 100000.0f;
 	if (d < params.camera.minDepth || d > params.camera.maxDepth) return;
 	const float3 worldPos = params.m_viewMatrixInverse * params.camera.screenToCam(x, y, d);
diff --git a/components/renderers/cpp/src/tri_render.cpp b/components/renderers/cpp/src/tri_render.cpp
index cfd81347c6bb1c2e2d4547e0445f0a24d554185b..c579a04bdb8dfaa14af89af7b3376fc4a394b07f 100644
--- a/components/renderers/cpp/src/tri_render.cpp
+++ b/components/renderers/cpp/src/tri_render.cpp
@@ -482,7 +482,7 @@ bool Triangular::render(ftl::rgbd::VirtualSource *src, ftl::rgbd::Frame &out) {
 	ftl::cuda::normals(accum_.createTexture<float4>(Channel::Normals, Format<float4>(camera.width, camera.height)),
-				1, 0.02f,
+				value("normal_radius", 1), value("normal_smoothing", 0.02f),
 				params_.camera, params_.m_viewMatrix.getFloat3x3(), params_.m_viewMatrixInverse.getFloat3x3(), stream_);
 	// Reprojection of colours onto surface
@@ -491,7 +491,7 @@ bool Triangular::render(ftl::rgbd::VirtualSource *src, ftl::rgbd::Frame &out) {
 	if (chan == Channel::Depth)
 		// Just convert int depth to float depth
-		temp_.get<GpuMat>(Channel::Depth2).convertTo(out.get<GpuMat>(Channel::Depth), CV_32F, 1.0f / 10000.0f, cvstream);
+		temp_.get<GpuMat>(Channel::Depth2).convertTo(out.get<GpuMat>(Channel::Depth), CV_32F, 1.0f / 100000.0f, cvstream);
 	} else if (chan == Channel::Normals) {
 		// Visualise normals to RGBA
 		out.create<GpuMat>(Channel::Normals, Format<uchar4>(camera.width, camera.height)).setTo(cv::Scalar(0,0,0,0), cvstream);
diff --git a/components/renderers/cpp/src/triangle_render.cu b/components/renderers/cpp/src/triangle_render.cu
index 891557a3fa9e04295846f5703fd848ab0b0954f4..77694ed1d2f194a266b2e67cda8fc8c51575f073 100644
--- a/components/renderers/cpp/src/triangle_render.cu
+++ b/components/renderers/cpp/src/triangle_render.cu
@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ float getZAtCoordinate(const float3 &barycentricCoord, const float (&tri)[3]) {
 			if (isBarycentricCoordInBounds(baryCentricCoordinate)) {
 				float new_depth = getZAtCoordinate(baryCentricCoordinate, d);
-				atomicMin(&depth_out(sx,sy), int(new_depth*10000.0f));
+				atomicMin(&depth_out(sx,sy), int(new_depth*100000.0f));