diff --git a/applications/reconstruct/CMakeLists.txt b/applications/reconstruct/CMakeLists.txt
index 0b4b0384b668c254d17c3513f2262c8036b4af49..4fa1cba34d8cbb0aa62c74f68cece41432f9e297 100644
--- a/applications/reconstruct/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/applications/reconstruct/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ set(REPSRC
+	src/garbage.cu
+	src/integrators.cu
diff --git a/applications/reconstruct/include/ftl/depth_camera.hpp b/applications/reconstruct/include/ftl/depth_camera.hpp
index e521af34fae2c5cf93aba8ebe3d5bd726d14d8c1..641a9c251c7518f8b8bbe486ca2af32e008557d8 100644
--- a/applications/reconstruct/include/ftl/depth_camera.hpp
+++ b/applications/reconstruct/include/ftl/depth_camera.hpp
@@ -13,8 +13,8 @@
 #include <ftl/depth_camera_params.hpp>
-extern "C" void updateConstantDepthCameraParams(const DepthCameraParams& params);
-extern __constant__ DepthCameraParams c_depthCameraParams;
+//extern "C" void updateConstantDepthCameraParams(const DepthCameraParams& params);
+//extern __constant__ DepthCameraParams c_depthCameraParams;
 struct DepthCameraData {
@@ -38,15 +38,6 @@ struct DepthCameraData {
 	void alloc(const DepthCameraParams& params) { //! todo resizing???
-		/*cudaSafeCall(cudaMalloc(&d_depthData, sizeof(float) * params.m_imageWidth * params.m_imageHeight));
-		cudaSafeCall(cudaMalloc(&d_colorData, sizeof(float4) * params.m_imageWidth * params.m_imageHeight));
-		h_depthChannelDesc = cudaCreateChannelDesc(32, 0, 0, 0, cudaChannelFormatKindFloat);
-		cudaSafeCall(cudaMallocArray(&d_depthArray, &h_depthChannelDesc, params.m_imageWidth, params.m_imageHeight));
-		h_colorChannelDesc = cudaCreateChannelDesc(32, 32, 32, 32, cudaChannelFormatKindFloat);
-		cudaSafeCall(cudaMallocArray(&d_colorArray, &h_colorChannelDesc, params.m_imageWidth, params.m_imageHeight));*/
-		std::cout << "Create texture objects: " << params.m_imageWidth << "," << params.m_imageHeight << std::endl;
 		depth_mat_ = new cv::cuda::GpuMat(params.m_imageHeight, params.m_imageWidth, CV_32FC1);
 		colour_mat_ = new cv::cuda::GpuMat(params.m_imageHeight, params.m_imageWidth, CV_8UC4);
 		depth_tex_ = new ftl::cuda::TextureObject<float>((cv::cuda::PtrStepSz<float>)*depth_mat_);
@@ -55,29 +46,19 @@ struct DepthCameraData {
 		colour_obj_ = colour_tex_->cudaTexture();
-	__host__
-	void updateParams(const DepthCameraParams& params) {
-		updateConstantDepthCameraParams(params);
-	}
+	//__host__
+	//void updateParams(const DepthCameraParams& params) {
+	//	updateConstantDepthCameraParams(params);
+	//}
-	void updateData(const cv::Mat &depth, const cv::Mat &rgb) {
-		depth_mat_->upload(depth);
-		colour_mat_->upload(rgb);
+	void updateData(const cv::Mat &depth, const cv::Mat &rgb, cv::cuda::Stream &stream) {
+		depth_mat_->upload(depth, stream);
+		colour_mat_->upload(rgb, stream);
 	void free() {
-		/*if (d_depthData) cudaSafeCall(cudaFree(d_depthData));
-		if (d_colorData) cudaSafeCall(cudaFree(d_colorData));
-		if (d_depthArray) cudaSafeCall(cudaFreeArray(d_depthArray));
-		if (d_colorArray) cudaSafeCall(cudaFreeArray(d_colorArray));*/
-		/*d_depthData = NULL;
-		d_colorData = NULL;
-		d_depthArray = NULL;
-		d_colorArray = NULL;*/
 		if (depth_mat_) delete depth_mat_;
 		if (colour_mat_) delete colour_mat_;
 		delete depth_tex_;
@@ -85,109 +66,11 @@ struct DepthCameraData {
-	/////////////////
-	// Device part //
-	/////////////////
-	static inline const DepthCameraParams& params() {
-		return c_depthCameraParams;
-	}
-		///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-		// Camera to Screen
-		///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-	__device__
-	static inline float2 cameraToKinectScreenFloat(const float3& pos)	{
-		//return make_float2(pos.x*c_depthCameraParams.fx/pos.z + c_depthCameraParams.mx, c_depthCameraParams.my - pos.y*c_depthCameraParams.fy/pos.z);
-		return make_float2(
-			pos.x*c_depthCameraParams.fx/pos.z + c_depthCameraParams.mx,			
-			pos.y*c_depthCameraParams.fy/pos.z + c_depthCameraParams.my);
-	}
-	__device__
-	static inline int2 cameraToKinectScreenInt(const float3& pos)	{
-		float2 pImage = cameraToKinectScreenFloat(pos);
-		return make_int2(pImage + make_float2(0.5f, 0.5f));
-	}
-	__device__
-	static inline uint2 cameraToKinectScreen(const float3& pos)	{
-		int2 p = cameraToKinectScreenInt(pos);
-		return make_uint2(p.x, p.y);
-	}
-	__device__
-	static inline float cameraToKinectProjZ(float z)	{
-		return (z - c_depthCameraParams.m_sensorDepthWorldMin)/(c_depthCameraParams.m_sensorDepthWorldMax - c_depthCameraParams.m_sensorDepthWorldMin);
-	}
-	__device__
-	static inline float3 cameraToKinectProj(const float3& pos) {
-		float2 proj = cameraToKinectScreenFloat(pos);
-		float3 pImage = make_float3(proj.x, proj.y, pos.z);
-		pImage.x = (2.0f*pImage.x - (c_depthCameraParams.m_imageWidth- 1.0f))/(c_depthCameraParams.m_imageWidth- 1.0f);
-		//pImage.y = (2.0f*pImage.y - (c_depthCameraParams.m_imageHeight-1.0f))/(c_depthCameraParams.m_imageHeight-1.0f);
-		pImage.y = ((c_depthCameraParams.m_imageHeight-1.0f) - 2.0f*pImage.y)/(c_depthCameraParams.m_imageHeight-1.0f);
-		pImage.z = cameraToKinectProjZ(pImage.z);
-		return pImage;
-	}
-		///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-		// Screen to Camera (depth in meters)
-		///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-	__device__
-	static inline float3 kinectDepthToSkeleton(uint ux, uint uy, float depth)	{
-		const float x = ((float)ux-c_depthCameraParams.mx) / c_depthCameraParams.fx;
-		const float y = ((float)uy-c_depthCameraParams.my) / c_depthCameraParams.fy;
-		//const float y = (c_depthCameraParams.my-(float)uy) / c_depthCameraParams.fy;
-		return make_float3(depth*x, depth*y, depth);
-	}
-		///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-		// RenderScreen to Camera -- ATTENTION ASSUMES [1,0]-Z range!!!!
-		///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-	__device__
-	static inline float kinectProjToCameraZ(float z) {
-		return z * (c_depthCameraParams.m_sensorDepthWorldMax - c_depthCameraParams.m_sensorDepthWorldMin) + c_depthCameraParams.m_sensorDepthWorldMin;
-	}
-	// z has to be in [0, 1]
-	__device__
-	static inline float3 kinectProjToCamera(uint ux, uint uy, float z)	{
-		float fSkeletonZ = kinectProjToCameraZ(z);
-		return kinectDepthToSkeleton(ux, uy, fSkeletonZ);
-	}
-	__device__
-	static inline bool isInCameraFrustumApprox(const float4x4& viewMatrixInverse, const float3& pos) {
-		float3 pCamera = viewMatrixInverse * pos;
-		float3 pProj = cameraToKinectProj(pCamera);
-		//pProj *= 1.5f;	//TODO THIS IS A HACK FIX IT :)
-		pProj *= 0.95;
-		return !(pProj.x < -1.0f || pProj.x > 1.0f || pProj.y < -1.0f || pProj.y > 1.0f || pProj.z < 0.0f || pProj.z > 1.0f);  
-	}
-	//float*		d_depthData;	//depth data of the current frame (in screen space):: TODO data allocation lives in RGBD Sensor
-	//float4*		d_colorData;
-	//uchar4*		d_colorData;	//color data of the current frame (in screen space):: TODO data allocation lives in RGBD Sensor
+	// TODO(Nick) Should not need to pass all these pointers to device
 	cv::cuda::GpuMat *depth_mat_;
 	cv::cuda::GpuMat *colour_mat_;
 	ftl::cuda::TextureObject<float> *depth_tex_;
 	ftl::cuda::TextureObject<uchar4> *colour_tex_;
 	cudaTextureObject_t depth_obj_;
 	cudaTextureObject_t colour_obj_;
-	// cuda arrays for texture access
-	/*cudaArray*	d_depthArray;
-	cudaArray*	d_colorArray;
-	cudaChannelFormatDesc h_depthChannelDesc;
-	cudaChannelFormatDesc h_colorChannelDesc;*/
diff --git a/applications/reconstruct/include/ftl/depth_camera_params.hpp b/applications/reconstruct/include/ftl/depth_camera_params.hpp
index bf4263b9b74e05713ba22009c07da261b60dbe6b..4864fccbdc9fa52647687e885f955a12132b0c04 100644
--- a/applications/reconstruct/include/ftl/depth_camera_params.hpp
+++ b/applications/reconstruct/include/ftl/depth_camera_params.hpp
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
 // From: https://github.com/niessner/VoxelHashing/blob/master/DepthSensingCUDA/Source/CUDADepthCameraParams.h
+#pragma once
 //#include <cutil_inline.h>
 //#include <cutil_math.h>
 #include <vector_types.h>
@@ -20,4 +22,84 @@ struct __align__(16) DepthCameraParams {
 	float m_sensorDepthWorldMin;
 	float m_sensorDepthWorldMax;
+		///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+		// Camera to Screen
+		///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+	__device__
+	inline float2 cameraToKinectScreenFloat(const float3& pos) const {
+		//return make_float2(pos.x*c_depthCameraParams.fx/pos.z + c_depthCameraParams.mx, c_depthCameraParams.my - pos.y*c_depthCameraParams.fy/pos.z);
+		return make_float2(
+			pos.x*fx/pos.z + mx,			
+			pos.y*fy/pos.z + my);
+	}
+	__device__
+	inline int2 cameraToKinectScreenInt(const float3& pos) const {
+		float2 pImage = cameraToKinectScreenFloat(pos);
+		return make_int2(pImage + make_float2(0.5f, 0.5f));
+	}
+	__device__
+	inline uint2 cameraToKinectScreen(const float3& pos) const {
+		int2 p = cameraToKinectScreenInt(pos);
+		return make_uint2(p.x, p.y);
+	}
+	__device__
+	inline float cameraToKinectProjZ(float z) const {
+		return (z - m_sensorDepthWorldMin)/(m_sensorDepthWorldMax - m_sensorDepthWorldMin);
+	}
+	__device__
+	inline float3 cameraToKinectProj(const float3& pos) const {
+		float2 proj = cameraToKinectScreenFloat(pos);
+		float3 pImage = make_float3(proj.x, proj.y, pos.z);
+		pImage.x = (2.0f*pImage.x - (m_imageWidth- 1.0f))/(m_imageWidth- 1.0f);
+		//pImage.y = (2.0f*pImage.y - (c_depthCameraParams.m_imageHeight-1.0f))/(c_depthCameraParams.m_imageHeight-1.0f);
+		pImage.y = ((m_imageHeight-1.0f) - 2.0f*pImage.y)/(m_imageHeight-1.0f);
+		pImage.z = cameraToKinectProjZ(pImage.z);
+		return pImage;
+	}
+		///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+		// Screen to Camera (depth in meters)
+		///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+	__device__
+	inline float3 kinectDepthToSkeleton(uint ux, uint uy, float depth) const {
+		const float x = ((float)ux-mx) / fx;
+		const float y = ((float)uy-my) / fy;
+		//const float y = (c_depthCameraParams.my-(float)uy) / c_depthCameraParams.fy;
+		return make_float3(depth*x, depth*y, depth);
+	}
+		///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+		// RenderScreen to Camera -- ATTENTION ASSUMES [1,0]-Z range!!!!
+		///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+	__device__
+	inline float kinectProjToCameraZ(float z) const {
+		return z * (m_sensorDepthWorldMax - m_sensorDepthWorldMin) + m_sensorDepthWorldMin;
+	}
+	// z has to be in [0, 1]
+	__device__
+	inline float3 kinectProjToCamera(uint ux, uint uy, float z) const {
+		float fSkeletonZ = kinectProjToCameraZ(z);
+		return kinectDepthToSkeleton(ux, uy, fSkeletonZ);
+	}
+	__device__
+	inline bool isInCameraFrustumApprox(const float4x4& viewMatrixInverse, const float3& pos) const {
+		float3 pCamera = viewMatrixInverse * pos;
+		float3 pProj = cameraToKinectProj(pCamera);
+		//pProj *= 1.5f;	//TODO THIS IS A HACK FIX IT :)
+		pProj *= 0.95;
+		return !(pProj.x < -1.0f || pProj.x > 1.0f || pProj.y < -1.0f || pProj.y > 1.0f || pProj.z < 0.0f || pProj.z > 1.0f);  
+	}
diff --git a/applications/reconstruct/include/ftl/ray_cast_params.hpp b/applications/reconstruct/include/ftl/ray_cast_params.hpp
index 86ebfac586442861d48b7ed429774abcf03de32a..78242cf1fda6abae20cd82dc6cb00b9426ec86a6 100644
--- a/applications/reconstruct/include/ftl/ray_cast_params.hpp
+++ b/applications/reconstruct/include/ftl/ray_cast_params.hpp
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
+#pragma once
 #include <ftl/cuda_util.hpp>
 #include <ftl/cuda_matrix_util.hpp>
+#include <ftl/depth_camera_params.hpp>
 static const uint kShowBlockBorders = 0x0001;
@@ -25,4 +28,6 @@ struct __align__(16) RayCastParams {
 	bool  m_useGradients;
 	uint m_flags;
+	DepthCameraParams camera;
diff --git a/applications/reconstruct/include/ftl/ray_cast_sdf.hpp b/applications/reconstruct/include/ftl/ray_cast_sdf.hpp
index 06e5f2e59f4365ae422b6517ad2d406d35d5c086..1fb9cc074a39262d25df69998e0a68e6500508e7 100644
--- a/applications/reconstruct/include/ftl/ray_cast_sdf.hpp
+++ b/applications/reconstruct/include/ftl/ray_cast_sdf.hpp
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ public:
 		return params;
-	void render(ftl::voxhash::HashData& hashData, ftl::voxhash::HashParams& hashParams, const DepthCameraParams& cameraParams, const Eigen::Matrix4f& lastRigidTransform);
+	void render(ftl::voxhash::HashData& hashData, ftl::voxhash::HashParams& hashParams, const DepthCameraParams& cameraParams, const Eigen::Matrix4f& lastRigidTransform, cudaStream_t);
 	const RayCastData& getRayCastData(void) {
 		return m_data;
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ private:
 	void create(const RayCastParams& params);
 	void destroy(void);
-	void compactifyHashEntries(ftl::voxhash::HashData& hashData, ftl::voxhash::HashParams& hashParams);
+	void compactifyHashEntries(ftl::voxhash::HashData& hashData, ftl::voxhash::HashParams& hashParams, cudaStream_t);
 	void rayIntervalSplatting(const ftl::voxhash::HashData& hashData, const ftl::voxhash::HashParams& hashParams, const Eigen::Matrix4f& lastRigidTransform); // rasterize
diff --git a/applications/reconstruct/include/ftl/ray_cast_util.hpp b/applications/reconstruct/include/ftl/ray_cast_util.hpp
index f3b4a5ec8659073778e667b3ad5edc4366197447..fdf932a5c6d9342768f7f45e2609e2df3c7539ce 100644
--- a/applications/reconstruct/include/ftl/ray_cast_util.hpp
+++ b/applications/reconstruct/include/ftl/ray_cast_util.hpp
@@ -54,15 +54,15 @@ struct RayCastData {
 		//printf("Allocate ray cast data: %lld \n", (unsigned long long)point_cloud_);
-	__host__
-	void updateParams(const RayCastParams& params) {
-		updateConstantRayCastParams(params);
-	}
+	//__host__
+	//void updateParams(const RayCastParams& params) {
+	//	updateConstantRayCastParams(params);
+	//}
-	__host__ void download(int *depth, uchar3 *colours, const RayCastParams& params) const {
+	__host__ void download(int *depth, uchar3 *colours, const RayCastParams& params, cudaStream_t stream) const {
 		//printf("Download: %d,%d\n", params.m_width, params.m_height);
-		if (depth) cudaSafeCall(cudaMemcpy(depth, d_depth_i, sizeof(int) * params.m_width * params.m_height, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost));
-		if (colours) cudaSafeCall(cudaMemcpy(colours, d_colors, sizeof(uchar3) * params.m_width * params.m_height, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost));
+		if (depth) cudaSafeCall(cudaMemcpyAsync(depth, d_depth_i, sizeof(int) * params.m_width * params.m_height, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost, stream));
+		if (colours) cudaSafeCall(cudaMemcpyAsync(colours, d_colors, sizeof(uchar3) * params.m_width * params.m_height, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost, stream));
@@ -196,9 +196,9 @@ struct RayCastData {
-	void traverseCoarseGridSimpleSampleAll(const ftl::voxhash::HashData& hash, const float3& worldCamPos, const float3& worldDir, const float3& camDir, const int3& dTid, float minInterval, float maxInterval) const
+	void traverseCoarseGridSimpleSampleAll(const ftl::voxhash::HashData& hash, const RayCastParams& rayCastParams, const float3& worldCamPos, const float3& worldDir, const float3& camDir, const int3& dTid, float minInterval, float maxInterval) const
-		const RayCastParams& rayCastParams = c_rayCastParams;
+		//const RayCastParams& rayCastParams = c_rayCastParams;
 		// Last Sample
 		RayCastSample lastSample; lastSample.sdf = 0.0f; lastSample.alpha = 0.0f; lastSample.weight = 0; // lastSample.color = int3(0, 0, 0);
@@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ struct RayCastData {
 							float depth = alpha / depthToRayLength; // Convert ray length to depth depthToRayLength
 							d_depth[dTid.y*rayCastParams.m_width+dTid.x] = depth;
-							d_depth3[dTid.y*rayCastParams.m_width+dTid.x] = DepthCameraData::kinectDepthToSkeleton(dTid.x, dTid.y, depth);
+							d_depth3[dTid.y*rayCastParams.m_width+dTid.x] = rayCastParams.camera.kinectDepthToSkeleton(dTid.x, dTid.y, depth);
 							d_colors[dTid.y*rayCastParams.m_width+dTid.x] = make_uchar3(color2.x, color2.y, color2.z);
diff --git a/applications/reconstruct/include/ftl/voxel_hash.hpp b/applications/reconstruct/include/ftl/voxel_hash.hpp
index 77bc4a0a2b8349c574a60f5e8d17123022c80301..de8d0636ff0f3e7e149e9b4b6f5b1f7ea294d02f 100644
--- a/applications/reconstruct/include/ftl/voxel_hash.hpp
+++ b/applications/reconstruct/include/ftl/voxel_hash.hpp
@@ -318,10 +318,10 @@ struct HashData {
-	bool isSDFBlockInCameraFrustumApprox(const int3& sdfBlock) {
+	bool isSDFBlockInCameraFrustumApprox(const HashParams &hashParams, const DepthCameraParams &camera, const int3& sdfBlock) {
 		// NOTE (Nick): Changed, just assume all voxels are potentially in frustrum
-		//float3 posWorld = virtualVoxelPosToWorld(SDFBlockToVirtualVoxelPos(sdfBlock)) + c_hashParams.m_virtualVoxelSize * 0.5f * (SDF_BLOCK_SIZE - 1.0f);
-		//return DepthCameraData::isInCameraFrustumApprox(c_hashParams.m_rigidTransformInverse, posWorld);
+		//float3 posWorld = virtualVoxelPosToWorld(SDFBlockToVirtualVoxelPos(sdfBlock)) + hashParams.m_virtualVoxelSize * 0.5f * (SDF_BLOCK_SIZE - 1.0f);
+		//return camera.isInCameraFrustumApprox(hashParams.m_rigidTransformInverse, posWorld);
 		return true;
diff --git a/applications/reconstruct/include/ftl/voxel_scene.hpp b/applications/reconstruct/include/ftl/voxel_scene.hpp
index 913c38e62193d5af2e15bfec5a5c461df29aedfc..44cdf9750e3e1ffc2eb010720488fb63cc22ff00 100644
--- a/applications/reconstruct/include/ftl/voxel_scene.hpp
+++ b/applications/reconstruct/include/ftl/voxel_scene.hpp
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 #include <cuda_runtime.h>
+#include <ftl/cuda_common.hpp>
 #include <ftl/rgbd/source.hpp>
 #include <ftl/configurable.hpp>
 #include <ftl/matrix_conversion.hpp>
@@ -18,6 +19,7 @@ struct Cameras {
 	ftl::rgbd::Source *source;
 	DepthCameraData gpu;
 	DepthCameraParams params;
+	cv::cuda::Stream stream;
 class SceneRep : public ftl::Configurable {
@@ -75,13 +77,15 @@ class SceneRep : public ftl::Configurable {
 	//! debug only!
 	void debugHash();
+	cudaStream_t getIntegrationStream() const { return integ_stream_; }
 	HashParams _parametersFromConfig();
 	void _create(const HashParams& params);
 	void _destroy();
-	void _alloc(const DepthCameraData& depthCameraData, const DepthCameraParams& depthCameraParams, const unsigned int* d_bitMask);
-	void _compactifyVisible();
+	void _alloc(const DepthCameraData& depthCameraData, const DepthCameraParams& depthCameraParams, cudaStream_t);
+	void _compactifyVisible(const DepthCameraParams &camera);
 	void _compactifyAllocated();
 	void _integrateDepthMap(const DepthCameraData& depthCameraData, const DepthCameraParams& depthCameraParams);
 	void _garbageCollect();
@@ -96,6 +100,7 @@ class SceneRep : public ftl::Configurable {
 	unsigned int	m_frameCount;
 	bool do_reset_;
 	std::vector<Cameras> cameras_;
+	cudaStream_t integ_stream_;
 };  // namespace voxhash
diff --git a/applications/reconstruct/src/camera_util.cu b/applications/reconstruct/src/camera_util.cu
index a80d083e6320269e7f627e6b3d0bfea39a8f32fc..e4b434a05792bfa6fe62114118d7b2d40c69f845 100644
--- a/applications/reconstruct/src/camera_util.cu
+++ b/applications/reconstruct/src/camera_util.cu
@@ -383,7 +383,7 @@ extern "C" void setInvalidFloat4Map(float4* d_output, unsigned int width, unsign
 // Convert Depth to Camera Space Positions
-__global__ void convertDepthFloatToCameraSpaceFloat3Device(float3* d_output, float* d_input, float4x4 intrinsicsInv, unsigned int width, unsigned int height, DepthCameraData depthCameraData)
+/*__global__ void convertDepthFloatToCameraSpaceFloat3Device(float3* d_output, float* d_input, float4x4 intrinsicsInv, unsigned int width, unsigned int height, DepthCameraData depthCameraData)
 	const unsigned int x = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
 	const unsigned int y = blockIdx.y*blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;
@@ -413,7 +413,7 @@ extern "C" void convertDepthFloatToCameraSpaceFloat3(float3* d_output, float* d_
 // Bilateral Filter Float Map
diff --git a/applications/reconstruct/src/compactors.cu b/applications/reconstruct/src/compactors.cu
index 3f350ca6be27e080e2ea99f3a6a1225a5ed84521..b1eb1eab784fd555769b6a89146d2614202b99ac 100644
--- a/applications/reconstruct/src/compactors.cu
+++ b/applications/reconstruct/src/compactors.cu
@@ -63,14 +63,14 @@ using ftl::voxhash::FREE_ENTRY;
-__global__ void compactifyVisibleKernel(HashData hashData)
+__global__ void compactifyVisibleKernel(HashData hashData, HashParams hashParams, DepthCameraParams camera)
-	const HashParams& hashParams = c_hashParams;
+	//const HashParams& hashParams = c_hashParams;
 	const unsigned int idx = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
 	if (idx < hashParams.m_hashNumBuckets * HASH_BUCKET_SIZE) {
 		if (hashData.d_hash[idx].ptr != FREE_ENTRY) {
-			if (hashData.isSDFBlockInCameraFrustumApprox(hashData.d_hash[idx].pos))
+			if (hashData.isSDFBlockInCameraFrustumApprox(hashParams, camera, hashData.d_hash[idx].pos))
 				int addr = atomicAdd(hashData.d_hashCompactifiedCounter, 1);
 				hashData.d_hashCompactified[addr] = hashData.d_hash[idx];
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ __global__ void compactifyVisibleKernel(HashData hashData)
 	int addrLocal = -1;
 	if (idx < hashParams.m_hashNumBuckets * HASH_BUCKET_SIZE) {
 		if (hashData.d_hash[idx].ptr != FREE_ENTRY) {
-			if (hashData.isSDFBlockInCameraFrustumApprox(hashData.d_hash[idx].pos))
+			if (hashData.isSDFBlockInCameraFrustumApprox(hashParams, camera, hashData.d_hash[idx].pos))
 				addrLocal = atomicAdd(&localCounter, 1);
@@ -107,21 +107,21 @@ __global__ void compactifyVisibleKernel(HashData hashData)
-unsigned int ftl::cuda::compactifyVisible(HashData& hashData, const HashParams& hashParams) {
+void ftl::cuda::compactifyVisible(HashData& hashData, const HashParams& hashParams, const DepthCameraParams &camera, cudaStream_t stream) {
 	const unsigned int threadsPerBlock = COMPACTIFY_HASH_THREADS_PER_BLOCK;
 	const dim3 gridSize((HASH_BUCKET_SIZE * hashParams.m_hashNumBuckets + threadsPerBlock - 1) / threadsPerBlock, 1);
 	const dim3 blockSize(threadsPerBlock, 1);
-	cudaSafeCall(cudaMemset(hashData.d_hashCompactifiedCounter, 0, sizeof(int)));
-	compactifyVisibleKernel << <gridSize, blockSize >> >(hashData);
-	unsigned int res = 0;
-	cudaSafeCall(cudaMemcpy(&res, hashData.d_hashCompactifiedCounter, sizeof(unsigned int), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost));
+	cudaSafeCall(cudaMemsetAsync(hashData.d_hashCompactifiedCounter, 0, sizeof(int),stream));
+	compactifyVisibleKernel << <gridSize, blockSize, 0, stream >> >(hashData, hashParams, camera);
+	//unsigned int res = 0;
+	//cudaSafeCall(cudaMemcpyAsync(&res, hashData.d_hashCompactifiedCounter, sizeof(unsigned int), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost, stream));
 #ifdef _DEBUG
-	return res;
+	//return res;
 __global__ void compactifyAllocatedKernel(HashData hashData)
@@ -162,19 +162,19 @@ __global__ void compactifyAllocatedKernel(HashData hashData)
-unsigned int ftl::cuda::compactifyAllocated(HashData& hashData, const HashParams& hashParams) {
+void ftl::cuda::compactifyAllocated(HashData& hashData, const HashParams& hashParams, cudaStream_t stream) {
 	const unsigned int threadsPerBlock = COMPACTIFY_HASH_THREADS_PER_BLOCK;
 	const dim3 gridSize((HASH_BUCKET_SIZE * hashParams.m_hashNumBuckets + threadsPerBlock - 1) / threadsPerBlock, 1);
 	const dim3 blockSize(threadsPerBlock, 1);
-	cudaSafeCall(cudaMemset(hashData.d_hashCompactifiedCounter, 0, sizeof(int)));
-	compactifyAllocatedKernel << <gridSize, blockSize >> >(hashData);
-	unsigned int res = 0;
-	cudaSafeCall(cudaMemcpy(&res, hashData.d_hashCompactifiedCounter, sizeof(unsigned int), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost));
+	cudaSafeCall(cudaMemsetAsync(hashData.d_hashCompactifiedCounter, 0, sizeof(int), stream));
+	compactifyAllocatedKernel << <gridSize, blockSize, 0, stream >> >(hashData);
+	//unsigned int res = 0;
+	//cudaSafeCall(cudaMemcpyAsync(&res, hashData.d_hashCompactifiedCounter, sizeof(unsigned int), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost, stream));
 #ifdef _DEBUG
-	return res;
+	//return res;
diff --git a/applications/reconstruct/src/compactors.hpp b/applications/reconstruct/src/compactors.hpp
index 9fb961d6c809b21d570175fc9b2e6fc506463fb8..a633cfd22d3ec593c6fb9e3be06977d514eacd84 100644
--- a/applications/reconstruct/src/compactors.hpp
+++ b/applications/reconstruct/src/compactors.hpp
@@ -7,10 +7,10 @@ namespace ftl {
 namespace cuda {
 // Compact visible
-unsigned int compactifyVisible(ftl::voxhash::HashData& hashData, const ftl::voxhash::HashParams& hashParams);
+void compactifyVisible(ftl::voxhash::HashData& hashData, const ftl::voxhash::HashParams& hashParams, const DepthCameraParams &camera, cudaStream_t);
 // Compact allocated
-unsigned int compactifyAllocated(ftl::voxhash::HashData& hashData, const ftl::voxhash::HashParams& hashParams);
+void compactifyAllocated(ftl::voxhash::HashData& hashData, const ftl::voxhash::HashParams& hashParams, cudaStream_t);
 // Compact visible surfaces
diff --git a/applications/reconstruct/src/garbage.cu b/applications/reconstruct/src/garbage.cu
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f0ba686e438bf2eb748a35d822bdf4d09b4811bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/reconstruct/src/garbage.cu
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+#include <ftl/voxel_hash.hpp>
+#include "garbage.hpp"
+using namespace ftl::voxhash;
+#define T_PER_BLOCK 8
+#define NUM_CUDA_BLOCKS	10000
+__global__ void starveVoxelsKernel(HashData hashData) {
+	// Stride over all allocated blocks
+	for (int bi=blockIdx.x; bi<*hashData.d_hashCompactifiedCounter; bi+=NUM_CUDA_BLOCKS) {
+	const HashEntry& entry = hashData.d_hashCompactified[bi];
+	//is typically exectued only every n'th frame
+	int weight = hashData.d_SDFBlocks[entry.ptr + threadIdx.x].weight;
+	weight = max(0, weight-2);	
+	hashData.d_SDFBlocks[entry.ptr + threadIdx.x].weight = weight;  //CHECK Remove to totally clear previous frame (Nick)
+	}
+void ftl::cuda::starveVoxels(HashData& hashData, const HashParams& hashParams) {
+	const unsigned int threadsPerBlock = SDF_BLOCK_SIZE*SDF_BLOCK_SIZE*SDF_BLOCK_SIZE;
+	const dim3 gridSize(NUM_CUDA_BLOCKS, 1);
+	const dim3 blockSize(threadsPerBlock, 1);
+	//if (hashParams.m_numOccupiedBlocks > 0) {
+		starveVoxelsKernel << <gridSize, blockSize >> >(hashData);
+	//}
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+	cudaSafeCall(cudaDeviceSynchronize());
+	//cutilCheckMsg(__FUNCTION__);
+__shared__ float	shared_MinSDF[SDF_BLOCK_SIZE * SDF_BLOCK_SIZE * SDF_BLOCK_SIZE / 2];
+__shared__ uint		shared_MaxWeight[SDF_BLOCK_SIZE * SDF_BLOCK_SIZE * SDF_BLOCK_SIZE / 2];
+__global__ void garbageCollectIdentifyKernel(HashData hashData) {
+	// Stride over all allocated blocks
+	for (int bi=blockIdx.x; bi<*hashData.d_hashCompactifiedCounter; bi+=NUM_CUDA_BLOCKS) {
+	const HashEntry& entry = hashData.d_hashCompactified[bi];
+	// Entire block was not touched in this frame, so remove (Nick)
+	/*if (entry.flags != cameraParams.flags & 0xFF) {
+		hashData.d_hashDecision[hashIdx] = 1;
+		return;
+	}*/
+	//uint h = hashData.computeHashPos(entry.pos);
+	//hashData.d_hashDecision[hashIdx] = 1;
+	//if (hashData.d_hashBucketMutex[h] == LOCK_ENTRY)	return;
+	//if (entry.ptr == FREE_ENTRY) return; //should never happen since we did compactify before
+	//const uint linBlockSize = SDF_BLOCK_SIZE * SDF_BLOCK_SIZE * SDF_BLOCK_SIZE;
+	const unsigned int idx0 = entry.ptr + 2*threadIdx.x+0;
+	const unsigned int idx1 = entry.ptr + 2*threadIdx.x+1;
+	Voxel v0 = hashData.d_SDFBlocks[idx0];
+	Voxel v1 = hashData.d_SDFBlocks[idx1];
+	if (v0.weight == 0)	v0.sdf = PINF;
+	if (v1.weight == 0)	v1.sdf = PINF;
+	shared_MinSDF[threadIdx.x] = min(fabsf(v0.sdf), fabsf(v1.sdf));	//init shared memory
+	shared_MaxWeight[threadIdx.x] = max(v0.weight, v1.weight);
+#pragma unroll 1
+	for (uint stride = 2; stride <= blockDim.x; stride <<= 1) {
+		__syncthreads();
+		if ((threadIdx.x  & (stride-1)) == (stride-1)) {
+			shared_MinSDF[threadIdx.x] = min(shared_MinSDF[threadIdx.x-stride/2], shared_MinSDF[threadIdx.x]);
+			shared_MaxWeight[threadIdx.x] = max(shared_MaxWeight[threadIdx.x-stride/2], shared_MaxWeight[threadIdx.x]);
+		}
+	}
+	__syncthreads();
+	if (threadIdx.x == blockDim.x - 1) {
+		float minSDF = shared_MinSDF[threadIdx.x];
+		uint maxWeight = shared_MaxWeight[threadIdx.x];
+		float t = hashData.getTruncation(5.0f); // NICK should not be hardcoded	//MATTHIAS TODO check whether this is a reasonable metric
+		if (minSDF >= t || maxWeight == 0) {
+			hashData.d_hashDecision[bi] = 1;
+		} else {
+			hashData.d_hashDecision[bi] = 0; 
+		}
+	}
+	}
+void ftl::cuda::garbageCollectIdentify(HashData& hashData, const HashParams& hashParams, cudaStream_t stream) {
+	const unsigned int threadsPerBlock = SDF_BLOCK_SIZE * SDF_BLOCK_SIZE * SDF_BLOCK_SIZE / 2;
+	const dim3 gridSize(NUM_CUDA_BLOCKS, 1);
+	const dim3 blockSize(threadsPerBlock, 1);
+	//if (hashParams.m_numOccupiedBlocks > 0) {
+		garbageCollectIdentifyKernel << <gridSize, blockSize, 0, stream >> >(hashData);
+	//}
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+	cudaSafeCall(cudaDeviceSynchronize());
+	//cutilCheckMsg(__FUNCTION__);
+__global__ void garbageCollectFreeKernel(HashData hashData) {
+	// Stride over all allocated blocks
+	for (int bi=blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; bi<*hashData.d_hashCompactifiedCounter; bi+=NUM_CUDA_BLOCKS) {
+	if (hashData.d_hashDecision[bi] != 0) {	//decision to delete the hash entry
+		const HashEntry& entry = hashData.d_hashCompactified[bi];
+		//if (entry.ptr == FREE_ENTRY) return; //should never happen since we did compactify before
+		if (hashData.deleteHashEntryElement(entry.pos)) {	//delete hash entry from hash (and performs heap append)
+			const uint linBlockSize = SDF_BLOCK_SIZE * SDF_BLOCK_SIZE * SDF_BLOCK_SIZE;
+			#pragma unroll 1
+			for (uint i = 0; i < linBlockSize; i++) {	//clear sdf block: CHECK TODO another kernel?
+				hashData.deleteVoxel(entry.ptr + i);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	}
+void ftl::cuda::garbageCollectFree(HashData& hashData, const HashParams& hashParams, cudaStream_t stream) {
+	const unsigned int threadsPerBlock = T_PER_BLOCK*T_PER_BLOCK;
+	const dim3 gridSize(NUM_CUDA_BLOCKS, 1);  // (hashParams.m_numOccupiedBlocks + threadsPerBlock - 1) / threadsPerBlock
+	const dim3 blockSize(threadsPerBlock, 1);
+	//if (hashParams.m_numOccupiedBlocks > 0) {
+		garbageCollectFreeKernel << <gridSize, blockSize, 0, stream >> >(hashData);
+	//}
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+	cudaSafeCall(cudaDeviceSynchronize());
+	//cutilCheckMsg(__FUNCTION__);
diff --git a/applications/reconstruct/src/garbage.hpp b/applications/reconstruct/src/garbage.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a7bdbc245e04a9b65bdf68c9a5cd0af2a39bb0db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/reconstruct/src/garbage.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+namespace ftl {
+namespace cuda {
+void starveVoxels(ftl::voxhash::HashData& hashData, const ftl::voxhash::HashParams& hashParams);
+void garbageCollectIdentify(ftl::voxhash::HashData& hashData, const ftl::voxhash::HashParams& hashParams, cudaStream_t stream);
+void garbageCollectFree(ftl::voxhash::HashData& hashData, const ftl::voxhash::HashParams& hashParams, cudaStream_t stream);
diff --git a/applications/reconstruct/src/integrators.cu b/applications/reconstruct/src/integrators.cu
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..07f0834d43ee8ac6e44cc8e1b22cf4c99052ba2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/reconstruct/src/integrators.cu
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+#include "integrators.hpp"
+//#include <ftl/ray_cast_params.hpp>
+#include <vector_types.h>
+#include <cuda_runtime.h>
+#include <ftl/cuda_matrix_util.hpp>
+#define T_PER_BLOCK 8
+using ftl::voxhash::HashData;
+using ftl::voxhash::HashParams;
+using ftl::voxhash::Voxel;
+using ftl::voxhash::HashEntry;
+using ftl::voxhash::FREE_ENTRY;
+__device__ float4 make_float4(uchar4 c) {
+	return make_float4(static_cast<float>(c.x), static_cast<float>(c.y), static_cast<float>(c.z), static_cast<float>(c.w));
+inline __device__ uchar4 bilinearFilterColor(const DepthCameraParams& cameraParams, const float2& screenPos, cudaTextureObject_t colorTextureRef) {
+	//const DepthCameraParams& cameraParams = c_depthCameraParams;
+	const int imageWidth = cameraParams.m_imageWidth;
+	const int imageHeight = cameraParams.m_imageHeight;
+	const int2 p00 = make_int2(screenPos.x+0.5f, screenPos.y+0.5f);
+	const int2 dir = sign(make_float2(screenPos.x - p00.x, screenPos.y - p00.y));
+	const int2 p01 = p00 + make_int2(0.0f, dir.y);
+	const int2 p10 = p00 + make_int2(dir.x, 0.0f);
+	const int2 p11 = p00 + make_int2(dir.x, dir.y);
+	const float alpha = (screenPos.x - p00.x)*dir.x;
+	const float beta  = (screenPos.y - p00.y)*dir.y;
+	float4 s0 = make_float4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); float w0 = 0.0f;
+	if(p00.x >= 0 && p00.x < imageWidth && p00.y >= 0 && p00.y < imageHeight) { uchar4 v00 = tex2D<uchar4>(colorTextureRef, p00.x, p00.y); if(v00.x != 0) { s0 += (1.0f-alpha)*make_float4(v00); w0 += (1.0f-alpha); } }
+	if(p10.x >= 0 && p10.x < imageWidth && p10.y >= 0 && p10.y < imageHeight) { uchar4 v10 = tex2D<uchar4>(colorTextureRef, p10.x, p10.y); if(v10.x != 0) { s0 +=		 alpha *make_float4(v10); w0 +=		 alpha ; } }
+	float4 s1 = make_float4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); float w1 = 0.0f;
+	if(p01.x >= 0 && p01.x < imageWidth && p01.y >= 0 && p01.y < imageHeight) { uchar4 v01 = tex2D<uchar4>(colorTextureRef, p01.x, p01.y); if(v01.x != 0) { s1 += (1.0f-alpha)*make_float4(v01); w1 += (1.0f-alpha);} }
+	if(p11.x >= 0 && p11.x < imageWidth && p11.y >= 0 && p11.y < imageHeight) { uchar4 v11 = tex2D<uchar4>(colorTextureRef, p11.x, p11.y); if(v11.x != 0) { s1 +=		 alpha *make_float4(v11); w1 +=		 alpha ;} }
+	const float4 p0 = s0/w0;
+	const float4 p1 = s1/w1;
+	float4 ss = make_float4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); float ww = 0.0f;
+	if(w0 > 0.0f) { ss += (1.0f-beta)*p0; ww += (1.0f-beta); }
+	if(w1 > 0.0f) { ss +=		beta *p1; ww +=		  beta ; }
+	if(ww > 0.0f) {
+		ss /= ww;
+		return make_uchar4(ss.x,ss.y,ss.z,ss.w);
+	} else		  return make_uchar4(0, 0, 0, 0);
+__device__ float colourDistance(const uchar4 &c1, const uchar3 &c2) {
+	float x = c1.x-c2.x;
+	float y = c1.y-c2.y;
+	float z = c1.z-c2.z;
+	return x*x + y*y + z*z;
+#define NUM_CUDA_BLOCKS		10000
+__global__ void integrateDepthMapKernel(HashData hashData, HashParams hashParams, DepthCameraParams cameraParams, cudaTextureObject_t depthT, cudaTextureObject_t colourT) {
+	//const HashParams& hashParams = c_hashParams;
+	//const DepthCameraParams& cameraParams = c_depthCameraParams;
+	// Stride over all allocated blocks
+	for (int bi=blockIdx.x; bi<*hashData.d_hashCompactifiedCounter; bi+=NUM_CUDA_BLOCKS) {
+	//TODO check if we should load this in shared memory
+	HashEntry& entry = hashData.d_hashCompactified[bi];
+	//if (entry.ptr == FREE_ENTRY) {
+	//	printf("invliad integrate");
+	//	return; //should never happen since we did the compactification before
+	//}
+	int3 pi_base = hashData.SDFBlockToVirtualVoxelPos(entry.pos);
+	uint i = threadIdx.x;	//inside of an SDF block
+	int3 pi = pi_base + make_int3(hashData.delinearizeVoxelIndex(i));
+	float3 pf = hashData.virtualVoxelPosToWorld(pi);
+	pf = hashParams.m_rigidTransformInverse * pf;
+	uint2 screenPos = make_uint2(cameraParams.cameraToKinectScreenInt(pf));
+	// For this voxel in hash, get its screen position and check it is on screen
+	if (screenPos.x < cameraParams.m_imageWidth && screenPos.y < cameraParams.m_imageHeight) {	//on screen
+		//float depth = g_InputDepth[screenPos];
+		float depth = tex2D<float>(depthT, screenPos.x, screenPos.y);
+		//if (depth > 20.0f) return;
+		uchar4 color  = make_uchar4(0, 0, 0, 0);
+		//if (cameraData.d_colorData) {
+			color = tex2D<uchar4>(colourT, screenPos.x, screenPos.y);
+			//color = bilinearFilterColor(cameraData.cameraToKinectScreenFloat(pf));
+		//}
+		//printf("screen pos %d\n", color.x);
+		//return;
+		// Depth is within accepted max distance from camera
+		if (depth > 0.01f && depth < hashParams.m_maxIntegrationDistance) { // valid depth and color (Nick: removed colour check)
+			float depthZeroOne = cameraParams.cameraToKinectProjZ(depth);
+			// Calculate SDF of this voxel wrt the depth map value
+			float sdf = depth - pf.z;
+			float truncation = hashData.getTruncation(depth);
+			// Is this voxel close enough to cam for depth map value
+			// CHECK Nick: If is too close then free space violation so remove?
+			// This isn't enough if the disparity has occlusions that don't cause violations
+			// Could RGB changes also cause removals if depth can't be confirmed?
+			/*if (sdf > truncation) {
+				uint idx = entry.ptr + i;
+				hashData.d_SDFBlocks[idx].weight = 0;
+				//hashData.d_SDFBlocks[idx].sdf = PINF;
+				hashData.d_SDFBlocks[idx].color = make_uchar3(0,0,0);
+			}*/
+			if (sdf > -truncation) // && depthZeroOne >= 0.0f && depthZeroOne <= 1.0f) //check if in truncation range should already be made in depth map computation
+			{
+				/*if (sdf >= 0.0f) {
+					sdf = fminf(truncation, sdf);
+				} else {
+					sdf = fmaxf(-truncation, sdf);
+				}*/
+				//printf("SDF: %f\n", sdf);
+				//float weightUpdate = g_WeightSample;
+				//weightUpdate = (1-depthZeroOne)*5.0f + depthZeroOne*0.05f;
+				//weightUpdate *= g_WeightSample;
+				float weightUpdate = max(hashParams.m_integrationWeightSample * 1.5f * (1.0f-depthZeroOne), 1.0f);
+				Voxel curr;	//construct current voxel
+				curr.sdf = sdf;
+				curr.weight = weightUpdate;
+				curr.color = make_uchar3(color.x, color.y, color.z);
+				uint idx = entry.ptr + i;
+				//if (entry.flags != cameraParams.flags & 0xFF) {
+				//	entry.flags = cameraParams.flags & 0xFF;
+					//hashData.d_SDFBlocks[idx].color = make_uchar3(0,0,0);
+				//}
+				Voxel newVoxel;
+				//if (color.x == MINF) hashData.combineVoxelDepthOnly(hashData.d_SDFBlocks[idx], curr, newVoxel);
+				//else hashData.combineVoxel(hashData.d_SDFBlocks[idx], curr, newVoxel);
+				hashData.combineVoxel(hashData.d_SDFBlocks[idx], curr, newVoxel);
+				hashData.d_SDFBlocks[idx] = newVoxel;
+				//Voxel prev = getVoxel(g_SDFBlocksSDFUAV, g_SDFBlocksRGBWUAV, idx);
+				//Voxel newVoxel = combineVoxel(curr, prev);
+				//setVoxel(g_SDFBlocksSDFUAV, g_SDFBlocksRGBWUAV, idx, newVoxel);
+			}
+		} else {
+			// Depth is invalid so what to do here?
+			// TODO(Nick) Use past voxel if available (set weight from 0 to 1)
+			//uint idx = entry.ptr + i;
+			//float coldist = colourDistance(color, hashData.d_SDFBlocks[idx].color);
+			//if ((depth > 39.99f || depth < 0.01f) && coldist > 100.0f) {
+				//hashData.d_SDFBlocks[idx].color = make_uchar3(0,0,(uchar)(coldist));
+			//	hashData.d_SDFBlocks[idx].weight = hashData.d_SDFBlocks[idx].weight >> 1;
+			//}
+		}
+	}
+	}
+void ftl::cuda::integrateDepthMap(HashData& hashData, const HashParams& hashParams,
+		const DepthCameraData& depthCameraData, const DepthCameraParams& depthCameraParams, cudaStream_t stream) {
+	const unsigned int threadsPerBlock = SDF_BLOCK_SIZE*SDF_BLOCK_SIZE*SDF_BLOCK_SIZE;
+	const dim3 gridSize(NUM_CUDA_BLOCKS, 1);
+	const dim3 blockSize(threadsPerBlock, 1);
+	//if (hashParams.m_numOccupiedBlocks > 0) {	//this guard is important if there is no depth in the current frame (i.e., no blocks were allocated)
+		integrateDepthMapKernel << <gridSize, blockSize, 0, stream >> >(hashData, hashParams, depthCameraParams, depthCameraData.depth_obj_, depthCameraData.colour_obj_);
+	//}
+	//cudaSafeCall( cudaGetLastError() );
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+	cudaSafeCall(cudaDeviceSynchronize());
+	//cutilCheckMsg(__FUNCTION__);
diff --git a/applications/reconstruct/src/integrators.hpp b/applications/reconstruct/src/integrators.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..df9f425c97e26b3551baa2ae7062c51a1f6bef88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/reconstruct/src/integrators.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+#include <ftl/voxel_hash.hpp>
+#include <ftl/depth_camera.hpp>
+namespace ftl {
+namespace cuda {
+void integrateDepthMap(ftl::voxhash::HashData& hashData, const ftl::voxhash::HashParams& hashParams,
+		const DepthCameraData& depthCameraData, const DepthCameraParams& depthCameraParams, cudaStream_t stream);
diff --git a/applications/reconstruct/src/ray_cast_sdf.cpp b/applications/reconstruct/src/ray_cast_sdf.cpp
index 97d75dee7ccd3ec50ce6fef4dac469799f57e60d..c7c04a7293a1e92fac3de0f46c14a4eb30098b3f 100644
--- a/applications/reconstruct/src/ray_cast_sdf.cpp
+++ b/applications/reconstruct/src/ray_cast_sdf.cpp
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
 extern "C" void renderCS(
 	const ftl::voxhash::HashData& hashData,
 	const RayCastData &rayCastData,
-	const RayCastParams &rayCastParams);
+	const RayCastParams &rayCastParams, cudaStream_t stream);
 extern "C" void computeNormals(float4* d_output, float3* d_input, unsigned int width, unsigned int height);
 extern "C" void convertDepthFloatToCameraSpaceFloat3(float3* d_output, float* d_input, float4x4 intrinsicsInv, unsigned int width, unsigned int height, const DepthCameraData& depthCameraData);
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ extern "C" void resetRayIntervalSplatCUDA(RayCastData& data, const RayCastParams
 extern "C" void rayIntervalSplatCUDA(const ftl::voxhash::HashData& hashData,
 								 const RayCastData &rayCastData, const RayCastParams &rayCastParams);
-extern "C" void nickRenderCUDA(const ftl::voxhash::HashData& hashData, const ftl::voxhash::HashParams& hashParams, const RayCastData &rayCastData, const RayCastParams &params);
+extern "C" void nickRenderCUDA(const ftl::voxhash::HashData& hashData, const ftl::voxhash::HashParams& hashParams, const RayCastData &rayCastData, const RayCastParams &params, cudaStream_t stream);
@@ -40,51 +40,52 @@ void CUDARayCastSDF::destroy(void)
 //extern "C" unsigned int compactifyHashAllInOneCUDA(ftl::voxhash::HashData& hashData, const ftl::voxhash::HashParams& hashParams);
-void CUDARayCastSDF::compactifyHashEntries(ftl::voxhash::HashData& hashData, ftl::voxhash::HashParams& hashParams) { //const DepthCameraData& depthCameraData) {
+void CUDARayCastSDF::compactifyHashEntries(ftl::voxhash::HashData& hashData, ftl::voxhash::HashParams& hashParams, cudaStream_t stream) { //const DepthCameraData& depthCameraData) {
-	hashParams.m_numOccupiedBlocks = ftl::cuda::compactifyVisible(hashData, hashParams);		//this version uses atomics over prefix sums, which has a much better performance
-	std::cout << "Ray blocks = " << hashParams.m_numOccupiedBlocks << std::endl;
-	hashData.updateParams(hashParams);	//make sure numOccupiedBlocks is updated on the GPU
+	ftl::cuda::compactifyVisible(hashData, hashParams, m_params.camera, stream);		//this version uses atomics over prefix sums, which has a much better performance
+	//std::cout << "Ray blocks = " << hashParams.m_numOccupiedBlocks << std::endl;
+	//hashData.updateParams(hashParams);	//make sure numOccupiedBlocks is updated on the GPU
-void CUDARayCastSDF::render(ftl::voxhash::HashData& hashData, ftl::voxhash::HashParams& hashParams, const DepthCameraParams& cameraParams, const Eigen::Matrix4f& lastRigidTransform)
+void CUDARayCastSDF::render(ftl::voxhash::HashData& hashData, ftl::voxhash::HashParams& hashParams, const DepthCameraParams& cameraParams, const Eigen::Matrix4f& lastRigidTransform, cudaStream_t stream)
-	updateConstantDepthCameraParams(cameraParams);
+	//updateConstantDepthCameraParams(cameraParams);
 	//rayIntervalSplatting(hashData, hashParams, lastRigidTransform);
 	//m_data.d_rayIntervalSplatMinArray = m_rayIntervalSplatting.mapMinToCuda();
 	//m_data.d_rayIntervalSplatMaxArray = m_rayIntervalSplatting.mapMaxToCuda();
-	m_params.m_numOccupiedSDFBlocks = hashParams.m_numOccupiedBlocks;
+	m_params.camera = cameraParams;
+	//m_params.m_numOccupiedSDFBlocks = hashParams.m_numOccupiedBlocks;
 	m_params.m_viewMatrix = MatrixConversion::toCUDA(lastRigidTransform.inverse());
 	m_params.m_viewMatrixInverse = MatrixConversion::toCUDA(lastRigidTransform);
-	m_data.updateParams(m_params);
+	//m_data.updateParams(m_params);
-	compactifyHashEntries(hashData, hashParams);
+	compactifyHashEntries(hashData, hashParams, stream);
-	if (hash_render_) nickRenderCUDA(hashData, hashParams, m_data, m_params);
-	else renderCS(hashData, m_data, m_params);
+	if (hash_render_) nickRenderCUDA(hashData, hashParams, m_data, m_params, stream);
+	else renderCS(hashData, m_data, m_params, stream);
-	if (!m_params.m_useGradients)
-	{
-		computeNormals(m_data.d_normals, m_data.d_depth3, m_params.m_width, m_params.m_height);
-	}
+	//if (!m_params.m_useGradients)
+	//{
+	//	computeNormals(m_data.d_normals, m_data.d_depth3, m_params.m_width, m_params.m_height);
+	//}
-void CUDARayCastSDF::convertToCameraSpace(const DepthCameraData& cameraData)
+/*void CUDARayCastSDF::convertToCameraSpace(const DepthCameraData& cameraData)
 	convertDepthFloatToCameraSpaceFloat3(m_data.d_depth3, m_data.d_depth, m_params.m_intrinsicsInverse, m_params.m_width, m_params.m_height, cameraData);
 	if(!m_params.m_useGradients) {
 		computeNormals(m_data.d_normals, m_data.d_depth3, m_params.m_width, m_params.m_height);
-void CUDARayCastSDF::rayIntervalSplatting(const ftl::voxhash::HashData& hashData, const ftl::voxhash::HashParams& hashParams, const Eigen::Matrix4f& lastRigidTransform)
+/*void CUDARayCastSDF::rayIntervalSplatting(const ftl::voxhash::HashData& hashData, const ftl::voxhash::HashParams& hashParams, const Eigen::Matrix4f& lastRigidTransform)
 	if (hashParams.m_numOccupiedBlocks == 0)	return;
@@ -100,4 +101,4 @@ void CUDARayCastSDF::rayIntervalSplatting(const ftl::voxhash::HashData& hashData
 	//don't use ray interval splatting (cf CUDARayCastSDF.cu -> line 40
 	//m_rayIntervalSplatting.rayIntervalSplatting(DXUTGetD3D11DeviceContext(), hashData, cameraData, m_data, m_params, m_params.m_numOccupiedSDFBlocks*6);
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/applications/reconstruct/src/ray_cast_sdf.cu b/applications/reconstruct/src/ray_cast_sdf.cu
index bf305af94a530cc982ea61cdc8d235711cb7a752..09795894869cdf6138b265020d97a5cd25a443dd 100644
--- a/applications/reconstruct/src/ray_cast_sdf.cu
+++ b/applications/reconstruct/src/ray_cast_sdf.cu
@@ -10,15 +10,17 @@
 #define T_PER_BLOCK 8
 #define NUM_GROUPS_X 1024
+#define NUM_CUDA_BLOCKS  10000
 //texture<float, cudaTextureType2D, cudaReadModeElementType> rayMinTextureRef;
 //texture<float, cudaTextureType2D, cudaReadModeElementType> rayMaxTextureRef;
-__global__ void renderKernel(ftl::voxhash::HashData hashData, RayCastData rayCastData) 
+__global__ void renderKernel(ftl::voxhash::HashData hashData, RayCastData rayCastData, RayCastParams rayCastParams) 
 	const unsigned int x = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
 	const unsigned int y = blockIdx.y*blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;
-	const RayCastParams& rayCastParams = c_rayCastParams;
+	//const RayCastParams& rayCastParams = c_rayCastParams;
 	if (x < rayCastParams.m_width && y < rayCastParams.m_height) {
 		rayCastData.d_depth[y*rayCastParams.m_width+x] = MINF;
@@ -26,7 +28,7 @@ __global__ void renderKernel(ftl::voxhash::HashData hashData, RayCastData rayCas
 		rayCastData.d_normals[y*rayCastParams.m_width+x] = make_float4(MINF,MINF,MINF,MINF);
 		rayCastData.d_colors[y*rayCastParams.m_width+x] = make_uchar3(0,0,0);
-		float3 camDir = normalize(DepthCameraData::kinectProjToCamera(x, y, 1.0f));
+		float3 camDir = normalize(rayCastParams.camera.kinectProjToCamera(x, y, 1.0f));
 		float3 worldCamPos = rayCastParams.m_viewMatrixInverse * make_float3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
 		float4 w = rayCastParams.m_viewMatrixInverse * make_float4(camDir, 0.0f);
 		float3 worldDir = normalize(make_float3(w.x, w.y, w.z));
@@ -50,11 +52,11 @@ __global__ void renderKernel(ftl::voxhash::HashData hashData, RayCastData rayCas
 		//	printf("ERROR (%d,%d): [ %f, %f ]\n", x, y, minInterval, maxInterval);
-		rayCastData.traverseCoarseGridSimpleSampleAll(hashData, worldCamPos, worldDir, camDir, make_int3(x,y,1), minInterval, maxInterval);
+		rayCastData.traverseCoarseGridSimpleSampleAll(hashData, rayCastParams, worldCamPos, worldDir, camDir, make_int3(x,y,1), minInterval, maxInterval);
-extern "C" void renderCS(const ftl::voxhash::HashData& hashData, const RayCastData &rayCastData, const RayCastParams &rayCastParams) 
+extern "C" void renderCS(const ftl::voxhash::HashData& hashData, const RayCastData &rayCastData, const RayCastParams &rayCastParams, cudaStream_t stream) 
 	const dim3 gridSize((rayCastParams.m_width + T_PER_BLOCK - 1)/T_PER_BLOCK, (rayCastParams.m_height + T_PER_BLOCK - 1)/T_PER_BLOCK);
@@ -66,7 +68,7 @@ extern "C" void renderCS(const ftl::voxhash::HashData& hashData, const RayCastDa
 	//printf("Ray casting render...\n");
-	renderKernel<<<gridSize, blockSize>>>(hashData, rayCastData);
+	renderKernel<<<gridSize, blockSize, 0, stream>>>(hashData, rayCastData, rayCastParams);
 #ifdef _DEBUG
@@ -78,12 +80,12 @@ extern "C" void renderCS(const ftl::voxhash::HashData& hashData, const RayCastDa
 //  Nicks render approach
-__global__ void clearDepthKernel(ftl::voxhash::HashData hashData, RayCastData rayCastData) 
+__global__ void clearDepthKernel(ftl::voxhash::HashData hashData, RayCastData rayCastData, RayCastParams rayCastParams) 
 	const unsigned int x = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
 	const unsigned int y = blockIdx.y*blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;
-	const RayCastParams& rayCastParams = c_rayCastParams;
+	//const RayCastParams& rayCastParams = c_rayCastParams;
 	if (x < rayCastParams.m_width && y < rayCastParams.m_height) {
 		rayCastData.d_depth_i[y*rayCastParams.m_width+x] = 0x7FFFFFFF; //PINF;
@@ -174,10 +176,14 @@ __global__ void nickRenderKernel(ftl::voxhash::HashData hashData, RayCastData ra
 	__shared__ ftl::voxhash::Voxel voxels[SDF_BLOCK_BUFFER];
 	__shared__ ftl::voxhash::HashEntry blocks[8];
+	// Stride over all allocated blocks
+	for (int bi=blockIdx.x; bi<*hashData.d_hashCompactifiedCounter; bi+=NUM_CUDA_BLOCKS) {
+	__syncthreads();
 	const uint i = threadIdx.x;	//inside of an SDF block
 	//TODO (Nick) Either don't use compactified or re-run compacitification using render cam frustrum
-	if (i == 0) blocks[0] = hashData.d_hashCompactified[blockIdx.x];
+	if (i == 0) blocks[0] = hashData.d_hashCompactified[bi];
 	//else if (i <= 7) blocks[i] = hashData.getHashEntryForSDFBlockPos(blockDelinear(blocks[0].pos, i));
 	// Make sure all hash entries are cached
@@ -253,7 +259,7 @@ __global__ void nickRenderKernel(ftl::voxhash::HashData hashData, RayCastData ra
 	//		voxels[ix[3]].weight == 0 || voxels[ix[4]].weight == 0 || voxels[ix[5]].weight == 0 ||
 	//		voxels[ix[6]].weight == 0; // || voxels[ix[7]].weight == 0;
 	//if (missweight) return;
-	if (voxels[j].weight == 0) return;
+	if (voxels[j].weight == 0) continue;
 	// Trilinear Interpolation (simple and fast)
 	/*float3 colorFloat = make_float3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
@@ -286,7 +292,7 @@ __global__ void nickRenderKernel(ftl::voxhash::HashData hashData, RayCastData ra
 	bool is_surface = ((params.m_flags & kShowBlockBorders) && edgeX + edgeY + edgeZ >= 2);
 	if (is_surface) voxels[j].color = make_uchar3(255,(vp.x == 0 && vp.y == 0 && vp.z == 0) ? 255 : 0,0);
-	if (!is_surface && voxels[j].sdf >= 0.0f) return;
+	if (!is_surface && voxels[j].sdf >= 0.0f) continue;
 	//if (vp.z == 7) voxels[j].color = make_uchar3(0,255,(voxels[j].sdf < 0.0f) ? 255 : 0);
@@ -313,13 +319,13 @@ __global__ void nickRenderKernel(ftl::voxhash::HashData hashData, RayCastData ra
 	// Only for surface voxels, work out screen coordinates
 	// TODO Could adjust weights, strengthen on surface, weaken otherwise??
-	if (!is_surface) return;
+	if (!is_surface) continue;
 	const float3 camPos = params.m_viewMatrix * worldPos;
-	const float2 screenPosf = DepthCameraData::cameraToKinectScreenFloat(camPos);
+	const float2 screenPosf = params.camera.cameraToKinectScreenFloat(camPos);
 	const uint2 screenPos = make_uint2(make_int2(screenPosf)); //  + make_float2(0.5f, 0.5f)
-	if (camPos.z < params.m_minDepth) return;
+	if (camPos.z < params.m_minDepth) continue;
 	/*if (screenPos.x < params.m_width && screenPos.y < params.m_height && 
 			rayCastData.d_depth[(screenPos.y)*params.m_width+screenPos.x] > camPos.z) {
@@ -331,7 +337,7 @@ __global__ void nickRenderKernel(ftl::voxhash::HashData hashData, RayCastData ra
 	// For this voxel in hash, get its screen position and check it is on screen
 	// Convert depth map to int by x1000 and use atomicMin
-	const int pixsize = static_cast<int>((c_hashParams.m_virtualVoxelSize*c_depthCameraParams.fx/(camPos.z*0.8f)))+1;  // Magic number increase voxel to ensure coverage
+	const int pixsize = static_cast<int>((c_hashParams.m_virtualVoxelSize*params.camera.fx/(camPos.z*0.8f)))+1;  // Magic number increase voxel to ensure coverage
 	int pixsizeX = pixsize;  // Max voxel pixels
 	int pixsizeY = pixsize;
@@ -339,7 +345,7 @@ __global__ void nickRenderKernel(ftl::voxhash::HashData hashData, RayCastData ra
 		for (int x=0; x<pixsizeX; x++) {
 			// TODO(Nick) Within a window, check pixels that have same voxel id
 			// Then trilinear interpolate between current voxel and neighbors.
-			const float3 pixelWorldPos = params.m_viewMatrixInverse * DepthCameraData::kinectDepthToSkeleton(screenPos.x+x,screenPos.y+y, camPos.z);
+			const float3 pixelWorldPos = params.m_viewMatrixInverse * params.camera.kinectDepthToSkeleton(screenPos.x+x,screenPos.y+y, camPos.z);
 			const float3 posInVoxel = (pixelWorldPos - worldPos) / make_float3(c_hashParams.m_virtualVoxelSize,c_hashParams.m_virtualVoxelSize,c_hashParams.m_virtualVoxelSize);
 			//if (posInVoxel.x >= 1.0f || posInVoxel.y >= 1.0f || posInVoxel.z >= 1.0f) {
@@ -364,22 +370,24 @@ __global__ void nickRenderKernel(ftl::voxhash::HashData hashData, RayCastData ra
 		if (pixsizeX == 0) break;
+	}
-extern "C" void nickRenderCUDA(const ftl::voxhash::HashData& hashData, const ftl::voxhash::HashParams& hashParams, const RayCastData &rayCastData, const RayCastParams &params)
+extern "C" void nickRenderCUDA(const ftl::voxhash::HashData& hashData, const ftl::voxhash::HashParams& hashParams, const RayCastData &rayCastData, const RayCastParams &params, cudaStream_t stream)
 	const dim3 clear_gridSize((params.m_width + T_PER_BLOCK - 1)/T_PER_BLOCK, (params.m_height + T_PER_BLOCK - 1)/T_PER_BLOCK);
 	const dim3 clear_blockSize(T_PER_BLOCK, T_PER_BLOCK);
-	clearDepthKernel<<<clear_gridSize, clear_blockSize>>>(hashData, rayCastData);
+	clearDepthKernel<<<clear_gridSize, clear_blockSize, 0, stream>>>(hashData, rayCastData, params);
 	const unsigned int threadsPerBlock = SDF_BLOCK_SIZE*SDF_BLOCK_SIZE*SDF_BLOCK_SIZE;
-	const dim3 gridSize(hashParams.m_numOccupiedBlocks, 1);
+	const dim3 gridSize(NUM_CUDA_BLOCKS, 1);
 	const dim3 blockSize(threadsPerBlock, 1);
-	if (hashParams.m_numOccupiedBlocks > 0) {	//this guard is important if there is no depth in the current frame (i.e., no blocks were allocated)
-		nickRenderKernel << <gridSize, blockSize >> >(hashData, rayCastData, params);
-	}
+	//if (hashParams.m_numOccupiedBlocks > 0) {	//this guard is important if there is no depth in the current frame (i.e., no blocks were allocated)
+		nickRenderKernel << <gridSize, blockSize, 0, stream >> >(hashData, rayCastData, params);
+	//}
 	cudaSafeCall( cudaGetLastError() );
 	#ifdef _DEBUG
@@ -393,7 +401,7 @@ extern "C" void nickRenderCUDA(const ftl::voxhash::HashData& hashData, const ftl
 // ray interval splatting
-__global__ void resetRayIntervalSplatKernel(RayCastData data) 
+/*__global__ void resetRayIntervalSplatKernel(RayCastData data) 
 	uint idx = blockIdx.x + blockIdx.y * NUM_GROUPS_X;
 	data.point_cloud_[idx] = make_float3(MINF);
@@ -410,9 +418,9 @@ extern "C" void resetRayIntervalSplatCUDA(RayCastData& data, const RayCastParams
-__global__ void rayIntervalSplatKernel(ftl::voxhash::HashData hashData, DepthCameraData depthCameraData, RayCastData rayCastData, DepthCameraData cameraData) 
+/*__global__ void rayIntervalSplatKernel(ftl::voxhash::HashData hashData, DepthCameraData depthCameraData, RayCastData rayCastData, DepthCameraData cameraData) 
 	uint idx = blockIdx.x + blockIdx.y * NUM_GROUPS_X;
@@ -476,13 +484,13 @@ __global__ void rayIntervalSplatKernel(ftl::voxhash::HashData hashData, DepthCam
 		rayCastData.point_cloud_[addr] = make_float3(maxFinal.x, maxFinal.y, depth);
 		//printf("Ray: %f\n", depth);
-		/*uint addr = idx*6;
+		uint addr = idx*6;
 		rayCastData.d_vertexBuffer[addr] = make_float4(maxFinal.x, minFinal.y, depth, depthWorld);
 		rayCastData.d_vertexBuffer[addr+1] = make_float4(minFinal.x, minFinal.y, depth, depthWorld);
 		rayCastData.d_vertexBuffer[addr+2] = make_float4(maxFinal.x, maxFinal.y, depth, depthWorld);
 		rayCastData.d_vertexBuffer[addr+3] = make_float4(minFinal.x, minFinal.y, depth, depthWorld);
 		rayCastData.d_vertexBuffer[addr+4] = make_float4(maxFinal.x, maxFinal.y, depth, depthWorld);
-		rayCastData.d_vertexBuffer[addr+5] = make_float4(minFinal.x, maxFinal.y, depth, depthWorld);*/
+		rayCastData.d_vertexBuffer[addr+5] = make_float4(minFinal.x, maxFinal.y, depth, depthWorld);
@@ -498,4 +506,4 @@ extern "C" void rayIntervalSplatCUDA(const ftl::voxhash::HashData& hashData, con
+}  */
diff --git a/applications/reconstruct/src/scene_rep_hash_sdf.cu b/applications/reconstruct/src/scene_rep_hash_sdf.cu
index 8a7c0b25a62e089a84121c809fa07e202ea74559..152722a34de63909b099d5988db25330793b2dff 100644
--- a/applications/reconstruct/src/scene_rep_hash_sdf.cu
+++ b/applications/reconstruct/src/scene_rep_hash_sdf.cu
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ using ftl::voxhash::FREE_ENTRY;
 __device__ __constant__ HashParams c_hashParams;
 __device__ __constant__ RayCastParams c_rayCastParams;
-__device__ __constant__ DepthCameraParams c_depthCameraParams;
+//__device__ __constant__ DepthCameraParams c_depthCameraParams;
 extern "C" void updateConstantHashParams(const HashParams& params) {
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ extern "C" void updateConstantRayCastParams(const RayCastParams& params) {
-extern "C" void updateConstantDepthCameraParams(const DepthCameraParams& params) {
+/*extern "C" void updateConstantDepthCameraParams(const DepthCameraParams& params) {
 	//printf("Update depth camera params\n");
 	size_t size;
 	cudaSafeCall(cudaGetSymbolSize(&size, c_depthCameraParams));
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ extern "C" void updateConstantDepthCameraParams(const DepthCameraParams& params)
 extern "C" void bindInputDepthColorTextures(const DepthCameraData& depthCameraData) 
@@ -160,12 +160,12 @@ extern "C" void resetCUDA(HashData& hashData, const HashParams& hashParams)
-extern "C" void resetHashBucketMutexCUDA(HashData& hashData, const HashParams& hashParams)
+extern "C" void resetHashBucketMutexCUDA(HashData& hashData, const HashParams& hashParams, cudaStream_t stream)
 	const dim3 gridSize((hashParams.m_hashNumBuckets + (T_PER_BLOCK*T_PER_BLOCK) - 1)/(T_PER_BLOCK*T_PER_BLOCK), 1);
 	const dim3 blockSize((T_PER_BLOCK*T_PER_BLOCK), 1);
-	resetHashBucketMutexKernel<<<gridSize, blockSize>>>(hashData);
+	resetHashBucketMutexKernel<<<gridSize, blockSize, 0, stream>>>(hashData);
 #ifdef _DEBUG
@@ -212,10 +212,10 @@ bool isSDFBlockStreamedOut(const int3& sdfBlock, const HashData& hashData, const
 // Note: bitMask used for Streaming out code... could be set to nullptr if not streaming out
 // Note: Allocations might need to be around fat rays since multiple voxels could correspond
 // to same depth map pixel at larger distances.
-__global__ void allocKernel(HashData hashData, DepthCameraData cameraData, const unsigned int* d_bitMask) 
+__global__ void allocKernel(HashData hashData, DepthCameraData cameraData, HashParams hashParams, DepthCameraParams cameraParams) 
-	const HashParams& hashParams = c_hashParams;
-	const DepthCameraParams& cameraParams = c_depthCameraParams;
+	//const HashParams& hashParams = c_hashParams;
+	//const DepthCameraParams& cameraParams = c_depthCameraParams;
 	const unsigned int x = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
 	const unsigned int y = blockIdx.y*blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;
@@ -237,11 +237,11 @@ __global__ void allocKernel(HashData hashData, DepthCameraData cameraData, const
 		// Convert ray from image coords to world
 		// Does kinectDepthToSkeleton convert pixel values to coordinates using
 		// camera intrinsics? Same as what reprojectTo3D does in OpenCV?
-		float3 rayMin = cameraData.kinectDepthToSkeleton(x, y, minDepth);
+		float3 rayMin = cameraParams.kinectDepthToSkeleton(x, y, minDepth);
 		// Is the rigid transform then the estimated camera pose?
 		rayMin = hashParams.m_rigidTransform * rayMin;
 		//printf("Ray min: %f,%f,%f\n", rayMin.x, rayMin.y, rayMin.z);
-		float3 rayMax = cameraData.kinectDepthToSkeleton(x, y, maxDepth);
+		float3 rayMax = cameraParams.kinectDepthToSkeleton(x, y, maxDepth);
 		rayMax = hashParams.m_rigidTransform * rayMax;
 		float3 rayDir = normalize(rayMax - rayMin);
@@ -277,7 +277,7 @@ __global__ void allocKernel(HashData hashData, DepthCameraData cameraData, const
 		while(iter < g_MaxLoopIterCount) {
 			//check if it's in the frustum and not checked out
-			if (hashData.isSDFBlockInCameraFrustumApprox(idCurrentVoxel)) { //} && !isSDFBlockStreamedOut(idCurrentVoxel, hashData, d_bitMask)) {		
+			if (hashData.isSDFBlockInCameraFrustumApprox(hashParams, cameraParams, idCurrentVoxel)) { //} && !isSDFBlockStreamedOut(idCurrentVoxel, hashData, d_bitMask)) {		
 				hashData.allocBlock(idCurrentVoxel, cameraParams.flags & 0xFF);
 				//printf("Allocate block: %d\n",idCurrentVoxel.x);
@@ -304,7 +304,7 @@ __global__ void allocKernel(HashData hashData, DepthCameraData cameraData, const
-extern "C" void allocCUDA(HashData& hashData, const HashParams& hashParams, const DepthCameraData& depthCameraData, const DepthCameraParams& depthCameraParams, const unsigned int* d_bitMask) 
+extern "C" void allocCUDA(HashData& hashData, const HashParams& hashParams, const DepthCameraData& depthCameraData, const DepthCameraParams& depthCameraParams, cudaStream_t stream) 
 	//printf("Allocating: %d\n",depthCameraParams.m_imageWidth);
@@ -312,327 +312,11 @@ extern "C" void allocCUDA(HashData& hashData, const HashParams& hashParams, cons
 	const dim3 gridSize((depthCameraParams.m_imageWidth + T_PER_BLOCK - 1)/T_PER_BLOCK, (depthCameraParams.m_imageHeight + T_PER_BLOCK - 1)/T_PER_BLOCK);
 	const dim3 blockSize(T_PER_BLOCK, T_PER_BLOCK);
-	allocKernel<<<gridSize, blockSize>>>(hashData, depthCameraData, d_bitMask);
+	allocKernel<<<gridSize, blockSize, 0, stream>>>(hashData, depthCameraData, hashParams, depthCameraParams);
-	//cudaSafeCall(cudaDeviceSynchronize());
 	#ifdef _DEBUG
-__device__ float4 make_float4(uchar4 c) {
-	return make_float4(static_cast<float>(c.x), static_cast<float>(c.y), static_cast<float>(c.z), static_cast<float>(c.w));
-inline __device__ uchar4 bilinearFilterColor(const float2& screenPos, cudaTextureObject_t colorTextureRef) {
-	const DepthCameraParams& cameraParams = c_depthCameraParams;
-	const int imageWidth = cameraParams.m_imageWidth;
-	const int imageHeight = cameraParams.m_imageHeight;
-	const int2 p00 = make_int2(screenPos.x+0.5f, screenPos.y+0.5f);
-	const int2 dir = sign(make_float2(screenPos.x - p00.x, screenPos.y - p00.y));
-	const int2 p01 = p00 + make_int2(0.0f, dir.y);
-	const int2 p10 = p00 + make_int2(dir.x, 0.0f);
-	const int2 p11 = p00 + make_int2(dir.x, dir.y);
-	const float alpha = (screenPos.x - p00.x)*dir.x;
-	const float beta  = (screenPos.y - p00.y)*dir.y;
-	float4 s0 = make_float4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); float w0 = 0.0f;
-	if(p00.x >= 0 && p00.x < imageWidth && p00.y >= 0 && p00.y < imageHeight) { uchar4 v00 = tex2D<uchar4>(colorTextureRef, p00.x, p00.y); if(v00.x != 0) { s0 += (1.0f-alpha)*make_float4(v00); w0 += (1.0f-alpha); } }
-	if(p10.x >= 0 && p10.x < imageWidth && p10.y >= 0 && p10.y < imageHeight) { uchar4 v10 = tex2D<uchar4>(colorTextureRef, p10.x, p10.y); if(v10.x != 0) { s0 +=		 alpha *make_float4(v10); w0 +=		 alpha ; } }
-	float4 s1 = make_float4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); float w1 = 0.0f;
-	if(p01.x >= 0 && p01.x < imageWidth && p01.y >= 0 && p01.y < imageHeight) { uchar4 v01 = tex2D<uchar4>(colorTextureRef, p01.x, p01.y); if(v01.x != 0) { s1 += (1.0f-alpha)*make_float4(v01); w1 += (1.0f-alpha);} }
-	if(p11.x >= 0 && p11.x < imageWidth && p11.y >= 0 && p11.y < imageHeight) { uchar4 v11 = tex2D<uchar4>(colorTextureRef, p11.x, p11.y); if(v11.x != 0) { s1 +=		 alpha *make_float4(v11); w1 +=		 alpha ;} }
-	const float4 p0 = s0/w0;
-	const float4 p1 = s1/w1;
-	float4 ss = make_float4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); float ww = 0.0f;
-	if(w0 > 0.0f) { ss += (1.0f-beta)*p0; ww += (1.0f-beta); }
-	if(w1 > 0.0f) { ss +=		beta *p1; ww +=		  beta ; }
-	if(ww > 0.0f) {
-		ss /= ww;
-		return make_uchar4(ss.x,ss.y,ss.z,ss.w);
-	} else		  return make_uchar4(0, 0, 0, 0);
-__device__ float colourDistance(const uchar4 &c1, const uchar3 &c2) {
-	float x = c1.x-c2.x;
-	float y = c1.y-c2.y;
-	float z = c1.z-c2.z;
-	return x*x + y*y + z*z;
-__global__ void integrateDepthMapKernel(HashData hashData, DepthCameraData cameraData, cudaTextureObject_t depthT, cudaTextureObject_t colourT) {
-	const HashParams& hashParams = c_hashParams;
-	const DepthCameraParams& cameraParams = c_depthCameraParams;
-	//TODO check if we should load this in shared memory
-	HashEntry& entry = hashData.d_hashCompactified[blockIdx.x];
-	//if (entry.ptr == FREE_ENTRY) {
-	//	printf("invliad integrate");
-	//	return; //should never happen since we did the compactification before
-	//}
-	int3 pi_base = hashData.SDFBlockToVirtualVoxelPos(entry.pos);
-	uint i = threadIdx.x;	//inside of an SDF block
-	int3 pi = pi_base + make_int3(hashData.delinearizeVoxelIndex(i));
-	float3 pf = hashData.virtualVoxelPosToWorld(pi);
-	pf = hashParams.m_rigidTransformInverse * pf;
-	uint2 screenPos = make_uint2(cameraData.cameraToKinectScreenInt(pf));
-	// For this voxel in hash, get its screen position and check it is on screen
-	if (screenPos.x < cameraParams.m_imageWidth && screenPos.y < cameraParams.m_imageHeight) {	//on screen
-		//float depth = g_InputDepth[screenPos];
-		float depth = tex2D<float>(depthT, screenPos.x, screenPos.y);
-		//if (depth > 20.0f) return;
-		uchar4 color  = make_uchar4(0, 0, 0, 0);
-		//if (cameraData.d_colorData) {
-			color = tex2D<uchar4>(colourT, screenPos.x, screenPos.y);
-			//color = bilinearFilterColor(cameraData.cameraToKinectScreenFloat(pf));
-		//}
-		//printf("screen pos %d\n", color.x);
-		//return;
-		// Depth is within accepted max distance from camera
-		if (depth > 0.01f && depth < hashParams.m_maxIntegrationDistance) { // valid depth and color (Nick: removed colour check)
-			float depthZeroOne = cameraData.cameraToKinectProjZ(depth);
-			// Calculate SDF of this voxel wrt the depth map value
-			float sdf = depth - pf.z;
-			float truncation = hashData.getTruncation(depth);
-			// Is this voxel close enough to cam for depth map value
-			// CHECK Nick: If is too close then free space violation so remove?
-			// This isn't enough if the disparity has occlusions that don't cause violations
-			// Could RGB changes also cause removals if depth can't be confirmed?
-			/*if (sdf > truncation) {
-				uint idx = entry.ptr + i;
-				hashData.d_SDFBlocks[idx].weight = 0;
-				//hashData.d_SDFBlocks[idx].sdf = PINF;
-				hashData.d_SDFBlocks[idx].color = make_uchar3(0,0,0);
-			}*/
-			if (sdf > -truncation) // && depthZeroOne >= 0.0f && depthZeroOne <= 1.0f) //check if in truncation range should already be made in depth map computation
-			{
-				/*if (sdf >= 0.0f) {
-					sdf = fminf(truncation, sdf);
-				} else {
-					sdf = fmaxf(-truncation, sdf);
-				}*/
-				//printf("SDF: %f\n", sdf);
-				//float weightUpdate = g_WeightSample;
-				//weightUpdate = (1-depthZeroOne)*5.0f + depthZeroOne*0.05f;
-				//weightUpdate *= g_WeightSample;
-				float weightUpdate = max(hashParams.m_integrationWeightSample * 1.5f * (1.0f-depthZeroOne), 1.0f);
-				Voxel curr;	//construct current voxel
-				curr.sdf = sdf;
-				curr.weight = weightUpdate;
-				curr.color = make_uchar3(color.x, color.y, color.z);
-				uint idx = entry.ptr + i;
-				//if (entry.flags != cameraParams.flags & 0xFF) {
-				//	entry.flags = cameraParams.flags & 0xFF;
-					//hashData.d_SDFBlocks[idx].color = make_uchar3(0,0,0);
-				//}
-				Voxel newVoxel;
-				//if (color.x == MINF) hashData.combineVoxelDepthOnly(hashData.d_SDFBlocks[idx], curr, newVoxel);
-				//else hashData.combineVoxel(hashData.d_SDFBlocks[idx], curr, newVoxel);
-				hashData.combineVoxel(hashData.d_SDFBlocks[idx], curr, newVoxel);
-				hashData.d_SDFBlocks[idx] = newVoxel;
-				//Voxel prev = getVoxel(g_SDFBlocksSDFUAV, g_SDFBlocksRGBWUAV, idx);
-				//Voxel newVoxel = combineVoxel(curr, prev);
-				//setVoxel(g_SDFBlocksSDFUAV, g_SDFBlocksRGBWUAV, idx, newVoxel);
-			}
-		} else {
-			// Depth is invalid so what to do here?
-			// TODO(Nick) Use past voxel if available (set weight from 0 to 1)
-			//uint idx = entry.ptr + i;
-			//float coldist = colourDistance(color, hashData.d_SDFBlocks[idx].color);
-			//if ((depth > 39.99f || depth < 0.01f) && coldist > 100.0f) {
-				//hashData.d_SDFBlocks[idx].color = make_uchar3(0,0,(uchar)(coldist));
-			//	hashData.d_SDFBlocks[idx].weight = hashData.d_SDFBlocks[idx].weight >> 1;
-			//}
-		}
-	}
-extern "C" void integrateDepthMapCUDA(HashData& hashData, const HashParams& hashParams,
-		const DepthCameraData& depthCameraData, const DepthCameraParams& depthCameraParams)
-	const unsigned int threadsPerBlock = SDF_BLOCK_SIZE*SDF_BLOCK_SIZE*SDF_BLOCK_SIZE;
-	const dim3 gridSize(hashParams.m_numOccupiedBlocks, 1);
-	const dim3 blockSize(threadsPerBlock, 1);
-	if (hashParams.m_numOccupiedBlocks > 0) {	//this guard is important if there is no depth in the current frame (i.e., no blocks were allocated)
-		integrateDepthMapKernel << <gridSize, blockSize >> >(hashData, depthCameraData, depthCameraData.depth_obj_, depthCameraData.colour_obj_);
-	}
-	cudaSafeCall( cudaGetLastError() );
-#ifdef _DEBUG
-	cudaSafeCall(cudaDeviceSynchronize());
-	//cutilCheckMsg(__FUNCTION__);
-__global__ void starveVoxelsKernel(HashData hashData) {
-	const uint idx = blockIdx.x;
-	const HashEntry& entry = hashData.d_hashCompactified[idx];
-	//is typically exectued only every n'th frame
-	int weight = hashData.d_SDFBlocks[entry.ptr + threadIdx.x].weight;
-	weight = max(0, weight-2);	
-	hashData.d_SDFBlocks[entry.ptr + threadIdx.x].weight = weight;  //CHECK Remove to totally clear previous frame (Nick)
-extern "C" void starveVoxelsKernelCUDA(HashData& hashData, const HashParams& hashParams)
-	const unsigned int threadsPerBlock = SDF_BLOCK_SIZE*SDF_BLOCK_SIZE*SDF_BLOCK_SIZE;
-	const dim3 gridSize(hashParams.m_numOccupiedBlocks, 1);
-	const dim3 blockSize(threadsPerBlock, 1);
-	if (hashParams.m_numOccupiedBlocks > 0) {
-		starveVoxelsKernel << <gridSize, blockSize >> >(hashData);
-	}
-#ifdef _DEBUG
-	cudaSafeCall(cudaDeviceSynchronize());
-	//cutilCheckMsg(__FUNCTION__);
-__shared__ float	shared_MinSDF[SDF_BLOCK_SIZE * SDF_BLOCK_SIZE * SDF_BLOCK_SIZE / 2];
-__shared__ uint		shared_MaxWeight[SDF_BLOCK_SIZE * SDF_BLOCK_SIZE * SDF_BLOCK_SIZE / 2];
-__global__ void garbageCollectIdentifyKernel(HashData hashData) {
-	const DepthCameraParams& cameraParams = c_depthCameraParams;
-	const unsigned int hashIdx = blockIdx.x;
-	const HashEntry& entry = hashData.d_hashCompactified[hashIdx];
-	// Entire block was not touched in this frame, so remove (Nick)
-	/*if (entry.flags != cameraParams.flags & 0xFF) {
-		hashData.d_hashDecision[hashIdx] = 1;
-		return;
-	}*/
-	//uint h = hashData.computeHashPos(entry.pos);
-	//hashData.d_hashDecision[hashIdx] = 1;
-	//if (hashData.d_hashBucketMutex[h] == LOCK_ENTRY)	return;
-	//if (entry.ptr == FREE_ENTRY) return; //should never happen since we did compactify before
-	//const uint linBlockSize = SDF_BLOCK_SIZE * SDF_BLOCK_SIZE * SDF_BLOCK_SIZE;
-	const unsigned int idx0 = entry.ptr + 2*threadIdx.x+0;
-	const unsigned int idx1 = entry.ptr + 2*threadIdx.x+1;
-	Voxel v0 = hashData.d_SDFBlocks[idx0];
-	Voxel v1 = hashData.d_SDFBlocks[idx1];
-	if (v0.weight == 0)	v0.sdf = PINF;
-	if (v1.weight == 0)	v1.sdf = PINF;
-	shared_MinSDF[threadIdx.x] = min(fabsf(v0.sdf), fabsf(v1.sdf));	//init shared memory
-	shared_MaxWeight[threadIdx.x] = max(v0.weight, v1.weight);
-#pragma unroll 1
-	for (uint stride = 2; stride <= blockDim.x; stride <<= 1) {
-		__syncthreads();
-		if ((threadIdx.x  & (stride-1)) == (stride-1)) {
-			shared_MinSDF[threadIdx.x] = min(shared_MinSDF[threadIdx.x-stride/2], shared_MinSDF[threadIdx.x]);
-			shared_MaxWeight[threadIdx.x] = max(shared_MaxWeight[threadIdx.x-stride/2], shared_MaxWeight[threadIdx.x]);
-		}
-	}
-	__syncthreads();
-	if (threadIdx.x == blockDim.x - 1) {
-		float minSDF = shared_MinSDF[threadIdx.x];
-		uint maxWeight = shared_MaxWeight[threadIdx.x];
-		float t = hashData.getTruncation(c_depthCameraParams.m_sensorDepthWorldMax);	//MATTHIAS TODO check whether this is a reasonable metric
-		if (minSDF >= t || maxWeight == 0) {
-			hashData.d_hashDecision[hashIdx] = 1;
-		} else {
-			hashData.d_hashDecision[hashIdx] = 0; 
-		}
-	}
-extern "C" void garbageCollectIdentifyCUDA(HashData& hashData, const HashParams& hashParams) {
-	const unsigned int threadsPerBlock = SDF_BLOCK_SIZE * SDF_BLOCK_SIZE * SDF_BLOCK_SIZE / 2;
-	const dim3 gridSize(hashParams.m_numOccupiedBlocks, 1);
-	const dim3 blockSize(threadsPerBlock, 1);
-	if (hashParams.m_numOccupiedBlocks > 0) {
-		garbageCollectIdentifyKernel << <gridSize, blockSize >> >(hashData);
-	}
-#ifdef _DEBUG
-	cudaSafeCall(cudaDeviceSynchronize());
-	//cutilCheckMsg(__FUNCTION__);
-__global__ void garbageCollectFreeKernel(HashData hashData) {
-	//const uint hashIdx = blockIdx.x;
-	const uint hashIdx = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
-	if (hashIdx < c_hashParams.m_numOccupiedBlocks && hashData.d_hashDecision[hashIdx] != 0) {	//decision to delete the hash entry
-		const HashEntry& entry = hashData.d_hashCompactified[hashIdx];
-		//if (entry.ptr == FREE_ENTRY) return; //should never happen since we did compactify before
-		if (hashData.deleteHashEntryElement(entry.pos)) {	//delete hash entry from hash (and performs heap append)
-			const uint linBlockSize = SDF_BLOCK_SIZE * SDF_BLOCK_SIZE * SDF_BLOCK_SIZE;
-			#pragma unroll 1
-			for (uint i = 0; i < linBlockSize; i++) {	//clear sdf block: CHECK TODO another kernel?
-				hashData.deleteVoxel(entry.ptr + i);
-			}
-		}
-	}
-extern "C" void garbageCollectFreeCUDA(HashData& hashData, const HashParams& hashParams) {
-	const unsigned int threadsPerBlock = T_PER_BLOCK*T_PER_BLOCK;
-	const dim3 gridSize((hashParams.m_numOccupiedBlocks + threadsPerBlock - 1) / threadsPerBlock, 1);
-	const dim3 blockSize(threadsPerBlock, 1);
-	if (hashParams.m_numOccupiedBlocks > 0) {
-		garbageCollectFreeKernel << <gridSize, blockSize >> >(hashData);
-	}
-#ifdef _DEBUG
-	cudaSafeCall(cudaDeviceSynchronize());
-	//cutilCheckMsg(__FUNCTION__);
diff --git a/applications/reconstruct/src/virtual_source.cpp b/applications/reconstruct/src/virtual_source.cpp
index a64a857db224cd191899558d16873bf3c7267aff..73c80323b9a702964a18bbc7ce68e9c407873b06 100644
--- a/applications/reconstruct/src/virtual_source.cpp
+++ b/applications/reconstruct/src/virtual_source.cpp
@@ -64,16 +64,20 @@ bool VirtualSource::grab() {
 		params.m_sensorDepthWorldMax = params_.maxDepth;
 		// TODO(Nick) Use double precision pose here
-		rays_->render(scene_->getHashData(), scene_->getHashParams(), params, host_->getPose().cast<float>());
+		rays_->render(scene_->getHashData(), scene_->getHashParams(), params, host_->getPose().cast<float>(), scene_->getIntegrationStream());
 		//unique_lock<mutex> lk(mutex_);
 		if (rays_->isIntegerDepth()) {
-			rays_->getRayCastData().download((int*)idepth_.data, (uchar3*)rgb_.data, rays_->getRayCastParams());
+			rays_->getRayCastData().download((int*)idepth_.data, (uchar3*)rgb_.data, rays_->getRayCastParams(), scene_->getIntegrationStream());
+			cudaSafeCall(cudaStreamSynchronize(scene_->getIntegrationStream()));
 			idepth_.convertTo(depth_, CV_32FC1, 1.0f / 100.0f);
 		} else {
-			rays_->getRayCastData().download((int*)depth_.data, (uchar3*)rgb_.data, rays_->getRayCastParams());
+			rays_->getRayCastData().download((int*)depth_.data, (uchar3*)rgb_.data, rays_->getRayCastParams(), scene_->getIntegrationStream());
+			cudaSafeCall(cudaStreamSynchronize(scene_->getIntegrationStream()));
 	return true;
diff --git a/applications/reconstruct/src/voxel_scene.cpp b/applications/reconstruct/src/voxel_scene.cpp
index 445c6b9f637e815726edec4d4b3d550bcdb02260..eb46288581799d13f1a99859d357a0eed1bc7d66 100644
--- a/applications/reconstruct/src/voxel_scene.cpp
+++ b/applications/reconstruct/src/voxel_scene.cpp
@@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
 #include <ftl/voxel_scene.hpp>
 #include "compactors.hpp"
+#include "garbage.hpp"
+#include "integrators.hpp"
+#include <opencv2/core/cuda_stream_accessor.hpp>
 using namespace ftl::voxhash;
 using ftl::rgbd::Source;
@@ -9,17 +13,14 @@ using cv::Mat;
 #define 	SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY(a)   { delete [] (a); (a) = NULL; }
 extern "C" void resetCUDA(ftl::voxhash::HashData& hashData, const ftl::voxhash::HashParams& hashParams);
-extern "C" void resetHashBucketMutexCUDA(ftl::voxhash::HashData& hashData, const ftl::voxhash::HashParams& hashParams);
-extern "C" void allocCUDA(ftl::voxhash::HashData& hashData, const ftl::voxhash::HashParams& hashParams, const DepthCameraData& depthCameraData, const DepthCameraParams& depthCameraParams, const unsigned int* d_bitMask);
+extern "C" void resetHashBucketMutexCUDA(ftl::voxhash::HashData& hashData, const ftl::voxhash::HashParams& hashParams, cudaStream_t);
+extern "C" void allocCUDA(ftl::voxhash::HashData& hashData, const ftl::voxhash::HashParams& hashParams, const DepthCameraData& depthCameraData, const DepthCameraParams& depthCameraParams, cudaStream_t);
 //extern "C" void fillDecisionArrayCUDA(ftl::voxhash::HashData& hashData, const ftl::voxhash::HashParams& hashParams, const DepthCameraData& depthCameraData);
 //extern "C" void compactifyHashCUDA(ftl::voxhash::HashData& hashData, const ftl::voxhash::HashParams& hashParams);
 //extern "C" unsigned int compactifyHashAllInOneCUDA(ftl::voxhash::HashData& hashData, const ftl::voxhash::HashParams& hashParams);
-extern "C" void integrateDepthMapCUDA(ftl::voxhash::HashData& hashData, const ftl::voxhash::HashParams& hashParams, const DepthCameraData& depthCameraData, const DepthCameraParams& depthCameraParams);
+extern "C" void integrateDepthMapCUDA(ftl::voxhash::HashData& hashData, const ftl::voxhash::HashParams& hashParams, const DepthCameraData& depthCameraData, const DepthCameraParams& depthCameraParams, cudaStream_t);
 //extern "C" void bindInputDepthColorTextures(const DepthCameraData& depthCameraData);
-extern "C" void starveVoxelsKernelCUDA(ftl::voxhash::HashData& hashData, const ftl::voxhash::HashParams& hashParams);
-extern "C" void garbageCollectIdentifyCUDA(ftl::voxhash::HashData& hashData, const ftl::voxhash::HashParams& hashParams);
-extern "C" void garbageCollectFreeCUDA(ftl::voxhash::HashData& hashData, const ftl::voxhash::HashParams& hashParams);
 SceneRep::SceneRep(nlohmann::json &config) : Configurable(config), do_reset_(false), m_frameCount(0) {
 	// Allocates voxel structure on GPU
@@ -46,10 +47,14 @@ SceneRep::SceneRep(nlohmann::json &config) : Configurable(config), do_reset_(fal
 	on("SDFMaxIntegrationDistance", [this](const ftl::config::Event &e) {
 		m_hashParams.m_maxIntegrationDistance = value("SDFMaxIntegrationDistance", 10.0f);
+	cudaSafeCall(cudaStreamCreate(&integ_stream_));
+	//integ_stream_ = 0;
 SceneRep::~SceneRep() {
+	cudaStreamDestroy(integ_stream_);
 void SceneRep::addSource(ftl::rgbd::Source *src) {
@@ -106,18 +111,23 @@ int SceneRep::upload() {
 		cam.params.flags = m_frameCount;
 		// Send to GPU and merge view into scene
-		cam.gpu.updateParams(cam.params);
-		cam.gpu.updateData(depth, rgba);
+		//cam.gpu.updateParams(cam.params);
+		cam.gpu.updateData(depth, rgba, cam.stream);
 		//make the rigid transform available on the GPU
-		m_hashData.updateParams(m_hashParams);
+		//m_hashData.updateParams(m_hashParams, cv::cuda::StreamAccessor::getStream(cam.stream));
+		//if (i > 0) cudaSafeCall(cudaStreamSynchronize(cv::cuda::StreamAccessor::getStream(cameras_[i-1].stream)));
 		//allocate all hash blocks which are corresponding to depth map entries
-		_alloc(cam.gpu, cam.params, nullptr);
+		_alloc(cam.gpu, cam.params, cv::cuda::StreamAccessor::getStream(cam.stream));
+	// Must have finished all allocations and rendering before next integration
+	cudaSafeCall(cudaDeviceSynchronize());
 	return active;
@@ -126,10 +136,10 @@ void SceneRep::integrate() {
 		auto &cam = cameras_[i];
-		m_hashData.updateParams(m_hashParams);
+		//m_hashData.updateParams(m_hashParams);
 		//generate a linear hash array with only occupied entries
-		_compactifyVisible();
+		_compactifyVisible(cam.params);
 		//volumetrically integrate the depth data into the depth SDFBlocks
 		_integrateDepthMap(cam.gpu, cam.params);
@@ -144,6 +154,7 @@ void SceneRep::garbage() {
+	//cudaSafeCall(cudaStreamSynchronize(integ_stream_));
 /*void SceneRep::integrate(const Eigen::Matrix4f& lastRigidTransform, const DepthCameraData& depthCameraData, const DepthCameraParams& depthCameraParams, unsigned int* d_bitMask) {
@@ -189,7 +200,7 @@ void SceneRep::nextFrame() {
 	} else {
-		starveVoxelsKernelCUDA(m_hashData, m_hashParams);
+		ftl::cuda::starveVoxels(m_hashData, m_hashParams);
 		m_numIntegratedFrames = 0;
@@ -356,14 +367,15 @@ void SceneRep::_destroy() {
-void SceneRep::_alloc(const DepthCameraData& depthCameraData, const DepthCameraParams& depthCameraParams, const unsigned int* d_bitMask) {
+void SceneRep::_alloc(const DepthCameraData& depthCameraData, const DepthCameraParams& depthCameraParams, cudaStream_t stream) {
 	// NOTE (nick): We might want this later...
-	if (true) {
+	if (false) {
+		// TODO(Nick) Make this work without memcpy to host first
 		//allocate until all blocks are allocated
 		unsigned int prevFree = getHeapFreeCount();
 		while (1) {
-			resetHashBucketMutexCUDA(m_hashData, m_hashParams);
-			allocCUDA(m_hashData, m_hashParams, depthCameraData, depthCameraParams, d_bitMask);
+			resetHashBucketMutexCUDA(m_hashData, m_hashParams, stream);
+			allocCUDA(m_hashData, m_hashParams, depthCameraData, depthCameraParams, stream);
 			unsigned int currFree = getHeapFreeCount();
@@ -377,29 +389,29 @@ void SceneRep::_alloc(const DepthCameraData& depthCameraData, const DepthCameraP
 	else {
 		//this version is faster, but it doesn't guarantee that all blocks are allocated (staggers alloc to the next frame)
-		resetHashBucketMutexCUDA(m_hashData, m_hashParams);
-		allocCUDA(m_hashData, m_hashParams, depthCameraData, depthCameraParams, d_bitMask);
+		resetHashBucketMutexCUDA(m_hashData, m_hashParams, stream);
+		allocCUDA(m_hashData, m_hashParams, depthCameraData, depthCameraParams, stream);
-void SceneRep::_compactifyVisible() { //const DepthCameraData& depthCameraData) {
-	m_hashParams.m_numOccupiedBlocks = ftl::cuda::compactifyVisible(m_hashData, m_hashParams);		//this version uses atomics over prefix sums, which has a much better performance
-	m_hashData.updateParams(m_hashParams);	//make sure numOccupiedBlocks is updated on the GPU
+void SceneRep::_compactifyVisible(const DepthCameraParams &camera) { //const DepthCameraData& depthCameraData) {
+	ftl::cuda::compactifyVisible(m_hashData, m_hashParams, camera, integ_stream_);		//this version uses atomics over prefix sums, which has a much better performance
+	//m_hashData.updateParams(m_hashParams);	//make sure numOccupiedBlocks is updated on the GPU
 void SceneRep::_compactifyAllocated() {
-	m_hashParams.m_numOccupiedBlocks = ftl::cuda::compactifyAllocated(m_hashData, m_hashParams);		//this version uses atomics over prefix sums, which has a much better performance
-	std::cout << "Occ blocks = " << m_hashParams.m_numOccupiedBlocks << std::endl;
-	m_hashData.updateParams(m_hashParams);	//make sure numOccupiedBlocks is updated on the GPU
+	ftl::cuda::compactifyAllocated(m_hashData, m_hashParams, integ_stream_);		//this version uses atomics over prefix sums, which has a much better performance
+	//std::cout << "Occ blocks = " << m_hashParams.m_numOccupiedBlocks << std::endl;
+	//m_hashData.updateParams(m_hashParams);	//make sure numOccupiedBlocks is updated on the GPU
 void SceneRep::_integrateDepthMap(const DepthCameraData& depthCameraData, const DepthCameraParams& depthCameraParams) {
-	integrateDepthMapCUDA(m_hashData, m_hashParams, depthCameraData, depthCameraParams);
+	ftl::cuda::integrateDepthMap(m_hashData, m_hashParams, depthCameraData, depthCameraParams, integ_stream_);
 void SceneRep::_garbageCollect() {
-	garbageCollectIdentifyCUDA(m_hashData, m_hashParams);
-	resetHashBucketMutexCUDA(m_hashData, m_hashParams);	//needed if linked lists are enabled -> for memeory deletion
-	garbageCollectFreeCUDA(m_hashData, m_hashParams);
+	ftl::cuda::garbageCollectIdentify(m_hashData, m_hashParams, integ_stream_);
+	resetHashBucketMutexCUDA(m_hashData, m_hashParams, integ_stream_);	//needed if linked lists are enabled -> for memeory deletion
+	ftl::cuda::garbageCollectFree(m_hashData, m_hashParams, integ_stream_);