diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
index 89f70a3cce686c59306ad1ff39d79b3191cd5d7e..87114cb8b4834724d4930f70557781bebc3f3847 100644
--- a/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -453,6 +453,7 @@ endif()
 # =============================================================================
@@ -463,6 +464,7 @@ add_subdirectory(components/operators)
diff --git a/applications/gui2/CMakeLists.txt b/applications/gui2/CMakeLists.txt
index 9c147be1a8dafc77b9b665f52394024b84539ef0..783aba56a22ff8c8a76118550365cceb0f56c84f 100644
--- a/applications/gui2/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/applications/gui2/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -36,6 +36,12 @@ add_gui_module("camera3d")
+	src/modules/dev/developer.cpp
+	src/modules/dev/disparity.cpp
+	src/views/dev/disparityview.cpp
+	)
@@ -72,6 +78,6 @@ target_include_directories(ftl-gui2 PUBLIC
 #target_include_directories(cv-node PUBLIC ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/include)
-target_link_libraries(ftl-gui2 ftlcommon ftldata ftlctrl ftlrgbd ftlstreams ftlrender Threads::Threads ${OpenCV_LIBS} openvr ftlnet nanogui ${NANOGUI_EXTRA_LIBS} ceres nvidia-ml)
+target_link_libraries(ftl-gui2 ftlcommon ftldata ftlctrl ftlrgbd ftlstreams ftlrender ftldisparity Threads::Threads ${OpenCV_LIBS} openvr ftlnet nanogui ${NANOGUI_EXTRA_LIBS} ceres nvidia-ml)
 target_precompile_headers(ftl-gui2 REUSE_FROM ftldata)
diff --git a/applications/gui2/src/main.cpp b/applications/gui2/src/main.cpp
index ee07557d2848599e4c2af85034bfb0fc887f4bd3..27b5d1714027d741a3aa985d4fe5831edb899284 100644
--- a/applications/gui2/src/main.cpp
+++ b/applications/gui2/src/main.cpp
@@ -78,8 +78,11 @@ FTLGui::FTLGui(int argc, char **argv) {
 	auto *adder = loadModule<AddCtrl>("adder");
+	if (root_->value("dev",false)) loadModule<Developer>("developer");
 	for (int c = 1; c < argc; c++) {
 		std::string path(argv[c]);
+		if (path.size() > 0 && path[0] == '-') continue;
 		try {
 			LOG(INFO) << "Add: " << path;
diff --git a/applications/gui2/src/modules.hpp b/applications/gui2/src/modules.hpp
index 83cac08c1f99aa0289d294751a52c5ff64c49f00..9c17cf769e939cc1b48b4c6588857013814d0e8e 100644
--- a/applications/gui2/src/modules.hpp
+++ b/applications/gui2/src/modules.hpp
@@ -9,3 +9,4 @@
 #include "modules/calibration/calibration.hpp"
 #include "modules/addsource.hpp"
+#include "modules/dev/developer.hpp"
diff --git a/applications/gui2/src/modules/dev/developer.cpp b/applications/gui2/src/modules/dev/developer.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d2632f404bb0685b966be91c2310e2afb36e3750
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/gui2/src/modules/dev/developer.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+#include "developer.hpp"
+#include <nanogui/entypo.h>
+#include <nanogui/layout.h>
+#include "../../widgets/popupbutton.hpp"
+#include "../../screen.hpp"
+using ftl::gui2::Developer;
+void Developer::init() {
+	//screen->addModule<ExtrinsicCalibration>("calib_extrinsic", this, screen, io);
+	//screen->addModule<StereoCalibration>("calib_stereo", this, screen, io);
+	// NOTE: If more GUI code is added, consider moving the GUI cude to a new
+	//       file in ../views/
+	// Should implement PopupMenu widget which would abstract building steps
+	// and provide common feel&look. (TODO)
+	auto button = screen->addButton<ftl::gui2::PopupButton>("", ENTYPO_ICON_TOOLS);
+	button->setChevronIcon(0);
+	button->setTooltip("Developer Tools");
+	auto* popup = button->popup();
+	popup->setLayout(new nanogui::BoxLayout
+		(nanogui::Orientation::Vertical, nanogui::Alignment::Fill, 10, 6));
+	auto* button_disp = new nanogui::Button(popup, "Disparity Tools");
+	button_disp->setCallback([this, button, button_disp, popup](){
+		button->setPushed(false);
+		button_disp->setPushed(false);
+		button_disp->setFocused(false);
+		auto* disp = screen->getModuleNoExcept<DisparityDev>();
+		//auto* view = new ftl::gui2::IntrinsicCalibrationStart(screen, calib);
+		//screen->setView(view);
+		if (!disp) screen->addModule<DisparityDev>("disparity_dev", this, screen, io);
+	});
+	/*auto* button_extrinsic = new nanogui::Button(popup, "Extrinsic Calibration");
+	button_extrinsic->setCallback([this, button, button_extrinsic, popup](){
+		button->setPushed(false);
+		button_extrinsic->setPushed(false);
+		button_extrinsic->setFocused(false);
+		auto* calib = screen->getModule<ExtrinsicCalibration>();
+		auto* view = new ftl::gui2::ExtrinsicCalibrationStart(screen, calib);
+		screen->setView(view);
+	});
+	auto* button_stereo = new nanogui::Button(popup, "Stereo Calibration");
+	button_stereo->setCallback([this, button, button_extrinsic, popup](){
+		button->setPushed(false);
+		button_extrinsic->setPushed(false);
+		button_extrinsic->setFocused(false);
+		auto* calib = screen->getModule<StereoCalibration>();
+		auto* view = new ftl::gui2::StereoCalibrationStart(screen, calib);
+		screen->setView(view);
+	});*/
+	button->setVisible(true);
+Developer::~Developer() {
+	// remove button
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/applications/gui2/src/modules/dev/developer.hpp b/applications/gui2/src/modules/dev/developer.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..bdb52a9d139864e59d573d6208179d90ab27cffe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/gui2/src/modules/dev/developer.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+#pragma once
+#include "../../module.hpp"
+#include "../camera.hpp"
+#include <ftl/threads.hpp>
+#include <ftl/data/new_frame.hpp>
+#include <ftl/disparity/features.hpp>
+namespace ftl {
+namespace gui2 {
+class DisparityView;
+class Developer : public Module {
+	public:
+	using Module::Module;
+	void init() override;
+	virtual ~Developer();
+class DisparityDev : public Module {
+	public:
+	using Module::Module;
+	void init() override;
+	virtual ~DisparityDev();
+	virtual void activate(ftl::data::FrameID id);
+	/** Gets current active frame to display. Always 4 channel uchar4. Reference
+	 * will stay valid until getFrame() is called again. Always returns a
+	 * reference to internal buffer. */
+	ftl::cuda::TextureObject<uchar4>& getFrame();
+	ftl::cuda::TextureObject<uchar4>& getFrame(ftl::codecs::Channel channel);
+	bool getFrame(ftl::cuda::TextureObject<uchar4>&);
+	bool getFrame(ftl::cuda::TextureObject<uchar4>&, ftl::codecs::Channel channel);
+	/** Check if new frame is available */
+	bool hasFrame();
+	inline bool isLive() const { return live_; }
+	inline bool isTouchable() const { return touch_; }
+	inline bool isMovable() const { return movable_; }
+	inline bool isVR() const { return vr_; }
+	void setFocalPoint(int x, int y);
+	//void setMode(ftl::disparity::Mode m);
+	const cv::cuda::GpuMat& getFeatureImageLeft(ftl::disparity::ColourFeatures::Feature f);
+	const cv::cuda::GpuMat& getFeatureImageRight(ftl::disparity::ColourFeatures::Feature f);
+	//ftl::cuda::TextureObject<uchar4>& getHistogramImage(ftl::disparity::Histogram h);
+	//ftl::cuda::TextureObject<uchar4>& getDisparityImage();
+	//ftl::cuda::TextureObject<uchar4>& getErrorImage();
+	//ftl::cuda::TextureObject<uchar4>& getConfidenceImage();
+	void generate();
+	double getLastRuntime();
+	private:
+	int frame_idx = -1;
+	ftl::data::FrameID frame_id_;
+	ftl::stream::Feed::Filter *filter_ = nullptr;
+	std::atomic_bool paused_ = false; // TODO: implement in InputOutput
+	bool has_seen_frame_ = false;
+	bool live_=false;
+	bool touch_=false;
+	bool movable_=false;
+	bool vr_=false;
+	float last_=0.0f;
+	std::atomic_int16_t nframes_=0;
+	std::atomic_int64_t latency_=0;
+	int update_fps_freq_=30; // fps counter update frequency (frames)
+	ftl::data::FrameSetPtr current_fs_;
+	ftl::data::FrameSetPtr latest_;
+	ftl::cuda::TextureObject<uchar4> current_frame_;
+	ftl::cuda::TextureObject<uchar4> current_frame_colour_;
+	std::unique_ptr<ftl::render::Colouriser> colouriser_;
+	std::unique_ptr<ftl::overlay::Overlay> overlay_;
+	cv::cuda::GpuMat left_;
+	cv::cuda::GpuMat right_;
+	ftl::disparity::ColourFeatures col_feat_left_;
+	ftl::disparity::ColourFeatures col_feat_right_;
+	std::map<ftl::data::Message,std::string> messages_;
+	DisparityView* view = nullptr;
+	MUTEX mtx_;
+	void initiate_(ftl::data::Frame &frame);
+	void _updateCapabilities(ftl::data::Frame &frame);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/applications/gui2/src/modules/dev/disparity.cpp b/applications/gui2/src/modules/dev/disparity.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c4218615c4e28f420a056e868ccf669ca8a3843d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/gui2/src/modules/dev/disparity.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
+#include "developer.hpp"
+#include <loguru.hpp>
+#include "../../views/dev/disparityview.hpp"
+#include <ftl/codecs/channels.hpp>
+using ftl::gui2::DisparityDev;
+using ftl::codecs::Channel;
+using ftl::rgbd::Capability;
+void DisparityDev::init() {
+	colouriser_ = std::unique_ptr<ftl::render::Colouriser>(
+		ftl::create<ftl::render::Colouriser>(this, "colouriser"));
+void DisparityDev::_updateCapabilities(ftl::data::Frame &frame) {
+	if (frame.has(Channel::Capabilities)) {
+		live_ = false;
+		touch_ = false;
+		movable_ = false;
+		vr_ = false;
+		const auto &cap = frame.get<std::unordered_set<Capability>>(Channel::Capabilities);
+		for (auto c : cap) {
+			switch (c) {
+			case Capability::LIVE		: live_ = true; break;
+			case Capability::TOUCH		: touch_ = true; break;
+			case Capability::MOVABLE	: movable_ = true; break;
+			case Capability::VR			: vr_ = true; break;
+			default: break;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+void DisparityDev::initiate_(ftl::data::Frame &frame) {
+	if (frame.has(Channel::Capabilities)) {
+		const auto &rgbdf = frame.cast<ftl::rgbd::Frame>();
+		const auto &cap = rgbdf.capabilities();
+		for (auto c : cap) {
+			LOG(INFO) << " -- " << ftl::rgbd::capabilityName(c);
+			switch (c) {
+			case Capability::LIVE		: live_ = true; break;
+			case Capability::TOUCH		: touch_ = true; break;
+			case Capability::MOVABLE	: movable_ = true; break;
+			case Capability::VR			: vr_ = true; break;
+			default: break;
+			}
+		}
+		if (live_ && cap.count(Capability::VIRTUAL)) {
+			//view = new ftl::gui2::CameraView3D(screen, this);
+		} else {
+			//view = new ftl::gui2::CameraView(screen, this);
+		}
+	} else {
+		///view = new ftl::gui2::CameraView(screen, this);
+	}
+	has_seen_frame_ = true;
+	view = new ftl::gui2::DisparityView(screen, this);
+	if (frame.has(Channel::MetaData)) {
+		const auto &meta = frame.metadata();
+		LOG(INFO) << "Camera Frame Meta Data:";
+		for (auto m : meta) {
+			LOG(INFO) << " -- " << m.first << " = " << m.second;
+		}
+	}
+	if (!view) return;
+	view->onClose([this](){
+		filter_->remove();
+		filter_ = nullptr;
+		nframes_ = -1;
+		/*auto *mod = this->screen->getModule<ftl::gui2::Statistics>();
+		mod->getJSON(StatisticsPanel::PERFORMANCE_INFO).clear();
+		mod->getJSON(StatisticsPanel::MEDIA_STATUS).clear();
+		mod->getJSON(StatisticsPanel::MEDIA_META).clear();
+		mod->getJSON(StatisticsPanel::CAMERA_DETAILS).clear();*/
+	});
+	screen->setView(view);
+	view->refresh();
+void DisparityDev::activate(ftl::data::FrameID id) {
+	frame_idx = id.source();
+	frame_id_ = id;
+	last_ = glfwGetTime();
+	nframes_ = 0;
+	// Clear the members to defaults
+	has_seen_frame_ = false;
+	live_ = false;
+	touch_ = false;
+	movable_ = false;
+	vr_ = false;
+	filter_ = io->feed()->filter(std::unordered_set<unsigned int>{id.frameset()}, {Channel::Left, Channel::Right});
+	filter_->on(
+		[this, feed = io->feed(), speaker = io->speaker()](ftl::data::FrameSetPtr fs){
+			std::atomic_store(&current_fs_, fs);
+			std::atomic_store(&latest_, fs);
+			// Need to notify GUI thread when first data comes
+			if (!has_seen_frame_) {
+				//std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk(m);
+				has_seen_frame_ = true;
+				//cv.notify_one();
+			}
+			// Extract and record any frame messages
+			auto &frame = fs->frames[frame_idx];
+			if (frame.hasMessages()) {
+				const auto &msgs = frame.messages();
+				//auto &jmsgs = mod->getJSON(StatisticsPanel::LOGGING);
+				UNIQUE_LOCK(mtx_, lk);
+				messages_.insert(msgs.begin(), msgs.end());
+			}
+			// Some capabilities can change over time
+			if (frame.changed(Channel::Capabilities)) {
+				_updateCapabilities(frame);
+			}
+			if (!view) return true;
+			screen->redraw();
+			nframes_++;
+			latency_ += ftl::timer::get_time() - fs->localTimestamp;
+			return true;
+		}
+	);
+	auto sets = filter_->getLatestFrameSets();
+	if (sets.size() > 0) {
+		std::atomic_store(&current_fs_, sets.front());
+		std::atomic_store(&latest_, sets.front());
+		initiate_(sets.front()->frames[frame_idx]);
+	} else {
+		throw FTL_Error("Cannot activate disparity devtools, no data");
+	}
+DisparityDev::~DisparityDev() {
+ftl::cuda::TextureObject<uchar4>& DisparityDev::getFrame() {
+	return getFrame(Channel::Right);
+ftl::cuda::TextureObject<uchar4>& DisparityDev::getFrame(ftl::codecs::Channel channel) {
+	if (std::atomic_load(&current_fs_)) {
+		auto& frame = current_fs_->frames[frame_idx].cast<ftl::rgbd::Frame>();
+		if (frame.hasChannel(Channel::Left)) current_frame_colour_ = frame.getTexture<uchar4>(Channel::Left);
+		if (frame.hasChannel(channel)) {
+			current_frame_ = colouriser_->colourise(frame, channel, 0);
+		} else {
+			throw FTL_Error("Channel missing for frame " << frame.timestamp() << ": '" << ftl::codecs::name(channel) << "'");
+		}
+		std::atomic_store(&current_fs_, {});
+	}
+	if (channel == Channel::Left) { return current_frame_colour_; }
+	else { return current_frame_; }
+bool DisparityDev::getFrame(ftl::cuda::TextureObject<uchar4>& frame, ftl::codecs::Channel channel) {
+	if (std::atomic_load(&current_fs_).get() != nullptr) {
+		frame = getFrame();
+		return true;
+	}
+	return false;
+bool DisparityDev::getFrame(ftl::cuda::TextureObject<uchar4>& frame) {
+	return getFrame(frame, Channel::Right);
+bool DisparityDev::hasFrame() {
+	auto ptr = std::atomic_load(&current_fs_);
+	if (ptr && ptr->frames.size() > (unsigned int)(frame_idx)) {
+		return ptr->frames[frame_idx].hasChannel(Channel::Left);
+	}
+	return false;
+void DisparityDev::generate() {
+	auto ptr = std::atomic_load(&current_fs_);
+	if (ptr && ptr->frames.size() > (unsigned int)(frame_idx)) {
+		if (ptr->frames[frame_idx].hasChannel(Channel::Left)) {
+			col_feat_left_.generate(ptr->frames[frame_idx].get<cv::cuda::GpuMat>(Channel::Left), nullptr);
+		}
+		if (ptr->frames[frame_idx].hasChannel(Channel::Right)) {
+			col_feat_right_.generate(ptr->frames[frame_idx].get<cv::cuda::GpuMat>(Channel::Right), nullptr);
+		}
+	}
+const cv::cuda::GpuMat& DisparityDev::getFeatureImageLeft(ftl::disparity::ColourFeatures::Feature f) {
+	col_feat_left_.visualise(f, 0, left_, nullptr);
+	return left_;
+const cv::cuda::GpuMat& DisparityDev::getFeatureImageRight(ftl::disparity::ColourFeatures::Feature f) {
+	col_feat_right_.visualise(f, 0, right_, nullptr);
+	return right_;
diff --git a/applications/gui2/src/modules/thumbnails.cpp b/applications/gui2/src/modules/thumbnails.cpp
index f23dd97ee99abb01d5e0004befc5d21a40b28374..f94b446cb8980057bff78e20ba5bb8dc2654aefe 100644
--- a/applications/gui2/src/modules/thumbnails.cpp
+++ b/applications/gui2/src/modules/thumbnails.cpp
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
 #include "thumbnails.hpp"
+#include "dev/developer.hpp"
 #include "../views/thumbnails.hpp"
 #include "camera.hpp"
@@ -71,6 +72,11 @@ std::vector<ftl::data::FrameSetPtr> ThumbnailsController::getFrameSets() {
 void ThumbnailsController::show_camera(ftl::data::FrameID id) {
-	auto* camera = screen->getModule<ftl::gui2::Camera>();
-	camera->activate(id);
+	auto *dispdev = screen->getModuleNoExcept<ftl::gui2::DisparityDev>();
+	if (dispdev) {
+		dispdev->activate(id);
+	} else {
+		auto* camera = screen->getModule<ftl::gui2::Camera>();
+		camera->activate(id);
+	}
diff --git a/applications/gui2/src/screen.hpp b/applications/gui2/src/screen.hpp
index a5e47d6a3fab057a8e8633a012f53511f7dc6c25..a5adee68fc58f6017aaeababb5ec75b0f536fef2 100644
--- a/applications/gui2/src/screen.hpp
+++ b/applications/gui2/src/screen.hpp
@@ -58,6 +58,9 @@ public:
 	template<typename T>
 	T* getModule();
+	template<typename T>
+	T* getModuleNoExcept();
 	// prever above template (explicit who manages delete)
 	// template<typename T>
 	// T* addModule(T* ptr) { return addModule_(ptr); }
@@ -149,6 +152,20 @@ T* Screen::getModule() {
 	throw ftl::exception("module not found");
+template<typename T>
+T* Screen::getModuleNoExcept() {
+	static_assert(std::is_base_of<Module, T>::value);
+	for (auto& [name, ptr] : modules_) {
+		std::ignore = name;
+		if (typeid(*ptr) == typeid(T)) {
+			return dynamic_cast<T*>(ptr);
+		}
+	}
+	return nullptr;
 template<typename T, typename ... Args>
 T* Screen::addButton(Args ... args) {
 	static_assert(std::is_base_of<nanogui::Button, T>::value);
diff --git a/applications/gui2/src/views/dev/disparityview.cpp b/applications/gui2/src/views/dev/disparityview.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d031963b2341702f5cc861558762d98c75b3d523
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/gui2/src/views/dev/disparityview.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
+#include <nanogui/screen.h>
+#include <nanogui/layout.h>
+#include <nanogui/button.h>
+#include <nanogui/vscrollpanel.h>
+#include <ftl/utility/string.hpp>
+#include "disparityview.hpp"
+#include "../../modules/dev/developer.hpp"
+#include "../../modules/config.hpp"
+#include "../../widgets/popupbutton.hpp"
+#include <loguru.hpp>
+using ftl::gui2::DisparityDev;
+using ftl::gui2::FixedWindow;
+using ftl::gui2::DisparityView;
+using ftl::gui2::PopupButton;
+using ftl::gui2::Tools;
+using ftl::gui2::ToolGroup;
+using ftl::codecs::Channel;
+// ==== CameraView =============================================================
+DisparityView::DisparityView(ftl::gui2::Screen* parent, ftl::gui2::DisparityDev* ctrl) :
+		View(parent), ctrl_(ctrl),
+		stereoim_(nullptr) {
+	//imview_ = new ftl::gui2::FTLImageView(this);
+	//panel_ = new ftl::gui2::MediaPanel(screen(), ctrl, this);
+	//tools_ = new ftl::gui2::ToolPanel(screen(), ctrl, this);
+	stereoim_ = new StereoImageView(this);
+	imview_ = stereoim_->right();
+	//imview_->setFlipped(ctrl->isVR());
+	/*auto *mod = ctrl_->screen->getModule<ftl::gui2::Statistics>();
+	if (ctrl_->isMovable()) {
+		imview_->setCursor(nanogui::Cursor::Hand);
+		mod->setCursor(nanogui::Cursor::Hand);
+	} else {
+		imview_->setCursor(nanogui::Cursor::Crosshair);
+		mod->setCursor(nanogui::Cursor::Crosshair);
+	}*/
+	auto theme = dynamic_cast<ftl::gui2::Screen*>(screen())->getTheme("toolbutton");
+	//this->setTheme(theme);
+	context_menu_ = new nanogui::Window(parent, "");
+	context_menu_->setVisible(false);
+	context_menu_->setLayout(new nanogui::BoxLayout(nanogui::Orientation::Vertical));
+	context_menu_->setTheme(theme);
+	screen()->performLayout();
+	/*auto *button = new nanogui::Button(context_menu_, "Capture Image");
+	button->setCallback([this]() {
+		char timestamp[18];
+		std::time_t t=std::time(NULL);
+		std::strftime(timestamp, sizeof(timestamp), "%F-%H%M%S", std::localtime(&t));
+		context_menu_->setVisible(false);
+		ctrl_->snapshot(std::string(timestamp)+std::string(".png"));
+	});
+	button = new nanogui::Button(context_menu_, "Settings");
+	button->setCallback([this, button]() {
+		context_menu_->setVisible(false);
+		ctrl_->screen->getModule<ftl::gui2::ConfigCtrl>()->show(ctrl_->getID());
+	});*/
+	/*tools_->setAvailable({
+		Tools::OVERLAY,
+		Tools::PAN,
+		Tools::ZOOM_FIT,
+		Tools::ZOOM_IN,
+		Tools::ZOOM_OUT,
+		Tools::CENTRE_VIEW,
+	});
+	tools_->addCallback([this](ftl::gui2::Tools tool) {
+		switch (tool) {
+		case Tools::OVERLAY		: ctrl_->toggleOverlay(); return true;
+		case Tools::ZOOM_FIT		: imview_->fit(); return true;
+		case Tools::CENTRE_VIEW	: imview_->center(); return true;
+		//case CameraTools::ZOOM_OUT		: imview_->zoom(-1, imview_->sizeF() / 2); return true;
+		//case CameraTools::ZOOM_IN		: imview_->zoom(1, imview_->sizeF() / 2); return true;
+		default: return false;
+		}
+	});*/
+DisparityView::~DisparityView() {
+	if (parent()->getRefCount() > 0) {
+		// segfault without this check; nanogui already deleted windows?
+		// should be fixed in nanogui
+		//panel_->dispose();
+		//tools_->dispose();
+	}
+	if (context_menu_->parent()->getRefCount() > 0) {
+		context_menu_->setVisible(false);
+		context_menu_->dispose();
+	}
+void DisparityView::refresh() {
+	bool was_valid = imview_->texture().isValid();
+	if (ctrl_->hasFrame()) {
+		ctrl_->generate();
+		//imview_->copyFrom(ctrl_->getFrame());
+		//stereoim_->left()->copyFrom(ctrl_->getFrame(Channel::Left));
+		imview_->copyFrom(ctrl_->getFeatureImageRight(ftl::disparity::ColourFeatures::Feature::ALL));
+		stereoim_->left()->copyFrom(ctrl_->getFeatureImageLeft(ftl::disparity::ColourFeatures::Feature::ALL));
+	}
+	if (!was_valid && imview_->texture().isValid()) {
+		screen()->performLayout();
+	}
+bool DisparityView::mouseMotionEvent(const Eigen::Vector2i &p, const Eigen::Vector2i &rel, int button, int modifiers) {
+	//if (button == 1) {
+		/*if (tools_->isActive(Tools::SELECT_POINT)) {
+			auto pos = imview_->imageCoordinateAt((p - mPos + rel).cast<float>());
+			if (pos.x() >= 0.0f && pos.y() >= 0.0f) {
+				ctrl_->touch(0, ftl::codecs::TouchType::MOUSE_LEFT, pos.x(), pos.y(), 0.0f, (button > 0) ? 255 : 0);
+				//LOG(INFO) << "Depth at " << pos.x() << "," << pos.y() << " = " << ctrl_->depthAt(pos.x(), pos.y());
+			}
+		}*/
+		return true;
+	//}
+	return false;
+bool DisparityView::mouseButtonEvent(const Eigen::Vector2i &p, int button, bool down, int modifiers) {
+	//LOG(INFO) << "mouseButtonEvent: " << p << " - " << button;
+	if (button == 0) {
+		if (down) {
+			auto pos = imview_->imageCoordinateAt((p - mPos).cast<float>());
+			LOG(INFO) << "Use focal point at " << pos.x() << "," << pos.y();
+		}
+		context_menu_->setVisible(false);
+		return true;
+	} else if (button == 1) {
+		if (!down) {
+			context_menu_->setPosition(p - mPos);
+			context_menu_->setVisible(true);
+			return true;
+		}
+	} else {
+		context_menu_->setVisible(false);
+	}
+	return false;
+void DisparityView::draw(NVGcontext*ctx) {
+	using namespace nanogui;
+	if (ctrl_->hasFrame()) {
+		ctrl_->generate();
+		try {
+			// TODO: Select shader to flip if VR capability found...
+			imview_->copyFrom(ctrl_->getFeatureImageRight(ftl::disparity::ColourFeatures::Feature::ALL));
+			if (stereoim_) {
+				stereoim_->left()->copyFrom(ctrl_->getFeatureImageLeft(ftl::disparity::ColourFeatures::Feature::ALL));
+			}
+		}
+		catch (std::exception& e) {
+			gui()->showError("Exception", e.what());
+		}
+		/*try {
+			// TODO: Select shader to flip if VR capability found...
+			imview_->copyFrom(ctrl_->getFrame());
+			if (stereoim_) {
+				stereoim_->left()->copyFrom(ctrl_->getFrame(Channel::Left));
+			}
+		}
+		catch (std::exception& e) {
+			gui()->showError("Exception", e.what());
+		}*/
+	}
+	View::draw(ctx);
+	auto osize = imview_->scaledImageSizeF();
+	//ctrl_->drawOverlay(ctx, screen()->size().cast<float>(), osize, imview_->offset());
+	/*if (tools_->isActive(Tools::INSPECT_POINT)) {
+		auto mouse = screen()->mousePos();
+		auto pos = imview_->imageCoordinateAt((mouse - mPos).cast<float>());
+		float d = ctrl_->depthAt(pos.x(), pos.y());
+		if (d > 0.0f) {
+			nvgText(ctx, mouse.x()+25.0f, mouse.y()+20.0f, (to_string_with_precision(d,2) + std::string("m")).c_str(), nullptr);
+		}
+	}*/
+void DisparityView::performLayout(NVGcontext* ctx) {
+	if (stereoim_) {
+		stereoim_->setFixedSize(size());
+		//if (!(enable_zoom_ && enable_pan_)) {
+			stereoim_->fit();
+		//}
+	}
+	else {
+		imview_->setSize(size());
+		//if (!(enable_zoom_ && enable_pan_)) {
+			imview_->fit();
+		//}
+	}
+	View::performLayout(ctx);
diff --git a/applications/gui2/src/views/dev/disparityview.hpp b/applications/gui2/src/views/dev/disparityview.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a26021972bf15458fdc8df6a8f43f34e923eff25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/gui2/src/views/dev/disparityview.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+#pragma once
+#include "../../view.hpp"
+#include <ftl/utility/gltexture.hpp>
+#include "../../widgets/window.hpp"
+#include "../../widgets/imageview.hpp"
+#include "../../widgets/popupbutton.hpp"
+#include "../../modules/camera_tools.hpp"
+#include "../camera.hpp"
+namespace ftl {
+namespace gui2 {
+class DisparityDev;
+class DisparityView : public View {
+	DisparityView(Screen* parent, DisparityDev* ctrl);
+	virtual ~DisparityView();
+	virtual void draw(NVGcontext* ctx) override;
+	virtual void performLayout(NVGcontext* ctx) override;
+	virtual bool mouseButtonEvent(const Eigen::Vector2i &p, int button, bool down, int modifiers) override;
+	virtual bool mouseMotionEvent(const Eigen::Vector2i &p, const Eigen::Vector2i &rel, int button, int modifiers) override;
+	void refresh();
+	DisparityDev* ctrl_;
+	//MediaPanel* panel_;
+	ToolPanel* tools_;
+	FTLImageView* imview_;
+	nanogui::Window *context_menu_;
+	StereoImageView* stereoim_;
diff --git a/components/common/cpp/include/ftl/cuda_common.hpp b/components/common/cpp/include/ftl/cuda_common.hpp
index 59053e4b2196779bfa4bb16e84431b00fd36594e..10f03281b4cecd689435b00866423fe8dd6839d1 100644
--- a/components/common/cpp/include/ftl/cuda_common.hpp
+++ b/components/common/cpp/include/ftl/cuda_common.hpp
@@ -17,6 +17,21 @@
 #include <exception>
+#define printLastCudaError(msg) __printLastCudaError(msg, __FILE__, __LINE__)
+inline void __printLastCudaError(const char *errorMessage, const char *file,
+                                 const int line) {
+  cudaError_t err = cudaGetLastError();
+  if (cudaSuccess != err) {
+    fprintf(stderr,
+            "%s(%i) : getLastCudaError() CUDA error :"
+            " %s : (%d) %s.\n",
+            file, line, errorMessage, static_cast<int>(err),
+            cudaGetErrorString(err));
+  }
 /* Grid stride loop macros */
 #define STRIDE_Y(I,N) int I = blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y; I < N; I += blockDim.y * gridDim.y
 #define STRIDE_X(I,N) int I = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; I < N; I += blockDim.x * gridDim.x
diff --git a/components/disparity/CMakeLists.txt b/components/disparity/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6c3bb715250b7f73da774e23992edb7c10b3e580
--- /dev/null
+++ b/components/disparity/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+	src/features.cu
+add_library(ftldisparity ${DISPSRC})
+target_include_directories(ftldisparity PUBLIC
+	PRIVATE src)
+target_link_libraries(ftldisparity ftlcommon cudatl Eigen3::Eigen Threads::Threads ${OpenCV_LIBS})
+target_precompile_headers(ftldisparity REUSE_FROM ftlcommon)
+#	add_subdirectory(test)
diff --git a/components/disparity/include/ftl/disparity/features.hpp b/components/disparity/include/ftl/disparity/features.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..08883ab3deb49f17974176ac53d45afca157d68b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/components/disparity/include/ftl/disparity/features.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+#include <cuda_runtime.h>
+#include <opencv2/core/cuda.hpp>
+namespace ftl {
+namespace disparity {
+class ColourFeatures {
+	public:
+	ColourFeatures();
+	~ColourFeatures();
+	enum class Feature {
+		ALL = 0,
+		RED = 0x01,
+		GREEN = 0x02,
+		BLUE = 0x04,
+		RED_GREEN = 0x03,
+		RED_BLUE = 0x05,
+		BLUE_GREEN = 0x06,
+		WHITE = 0x07
+	};
+	void generate(
+		const cv::cuda::GpuMat &image,
+		cudaStream_t
+	);
+	void visualise(
+		Feature f,
+		int threshold,
+		cv::cuda::GpuMat &out,
+		cudaStream_t
+	);
+	private:
+	cv::cuda::GpuMat hls_;
+	cv::cuda::GpuMat sig_;
+	cv::cuda::GpuMat category_;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/components/disparity/src/features.cu b/components/disparity/src/features.cu
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..17c3ff625a769550c5511561fa480b73dde63623
--- /dev/null
+++ b/components/disparity/src/features.cu
@@ -0,0 +1,263 @@
+#include <ftl/disparity/features.hpp>
+#include <ftl/cuda_common.hpp>
+#include <cudatl/colours.hpp>
+#include <opencv2/cudaimgproc.hpp>
+using ftl::disparity::ColourFeatures;
+ColourFeatures::ColourFeatures() {
+ColourFeatures::~ColourFeatures() {
+inline __device__ float absmax(float a, float b, float c) {
+	const float aa = fabsf(a);
+	const float ab = fabsf(b);
+	const float ac = fabsf(c);
+	if (aa >= ab && aa >= ac) return a;
+	if (ab >= aa && ab >= ac) return b;
+	if (ac >= aa && ac >= ab) return c;
+	return 0.0f;
+template <int RADIUS>
+__global__ void colour_features_kernel(
+	const uchar4* __restrict__ image,
+	int image_pitch,
+	int width, int height,
+	uchar* __restrict__ sig,
+	uchar* __restrict__ category,
+	int pitch
+) {
+	const int x = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
+	const int y = blockIdx.y*blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;
+	static constexpr float PIXEL_COUNT_I = ((2*RADIUS+1)*(2*RADIUS+1));
+	static constexpr float PIXEL_COUNT = float(PIXEL_COUNT_I);
+	if (x >= RADIUS && y >= RADIUS && x < width-RADIUS && y < height-RADIUS) {
+		uchar4 c = image[x+y*image_pitch];
+		int maxR = 0;
+		int maxG = 0;
+		int maxB = 0;
+		// First, find greatest difference of immediate surroundings.
+		for (int v=-1; v<=1; ++v) {
+			#pragma unroll
+			for (int u=-1; u<=1; ++u) {
+				uchar4 cN = image[x+u+(y+v)*image_pitch];
+				maxR = max(maxR, abs(int(cN.z) - int(c.z)));
+				maxG = max(maxG, abs(int(cN.y) - int(c.y)));
+				maxB = max(maxB, abs(int(cN.x) - int(c.x)));
+			}
+		}
+		int match_count_r = 0;
+		int match_count_g = 0;
+		int match_count_b = 0;
+		float match_r_val = 0.0f;
+		float nonmatch_r_val = 0.0f;
+		float match_g_val = 0.0f;
+		float nonmatch_g_val = 0.0f;
+		float match_b_val = 0.0f;
+		float nonmatch_b_val = 0.0f;
+		for (int v=-RADIUS; v<=RADIUS; ++v) {
+			for (int u=-RADIUS; u<=RADIUS; ++u) {
+				uchar4 cN = image[x+u+(y+v)*image_pitch];
+				if (abs(int(cN.z) - int(c.z)) < maxR) {
+					++match_count_r;
+					match_r_val += cN.z;
+				} else {
+					nonmatch_r_val += cN.z;
+				}
+				if (abs(int(cN.y) - int(c.y)) < maxG) {
+					++match_count_g;
+					match_g_val += cN.y;
+				} else {
+					nonmatch_g_val += cN.y;
+				}
+				if (abs(int(cN.x) - int(c.x)) < maxB) {
+					++match_count_b;
+					match_b_val += cN.x;
+				} else {
+					nonmatch_b_val += cN.x;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		match_r_val /= match_count_r;
+		nonmatch_r_val /= PIXEL_COUNT_I - match_count_r;
+		match_g_val /= match_count_g;
+		nonmatch_g_val /= PIXEL_COUNT_I - match_count_g;
+		match_b_val /= match_count_b;
+		nonmatch_b_val /= PIXEL_COUNT_I - match_count_b;
+		float sim_r = (fabsf(float(c.z) - match_r_val) / 255.0f);
+		float diff_r = fabsf(match_r_val - nonmatch_r_val) / 255.0f;
+		float sig_r = fabsf(float(match_count_r) / PIXEL_COUNT - 0.5f)*2.0f;
+		sig_r = 1.0f - sig_r;
+		sig_r *= 1.0f - sim_r;
+		//sig_r *= diff_r;
+		//sig_r = (1.0f - sim_r)*diff_r;
+		//sig_r *= min(1.0f, (float(maxR) / 60.0f));
+		float sim_g = (fabsf(float(c.y) - match_g_val) / 255.0f);
+		float diff_g = fabsf(match_g_val - nonmatch_g_val) / 255.0f;
+		float sig_g = fabsf(float(match_count_g) / PIXEL_COUNT - 0.5f)*2.0f;
+		sig_g = 1.0f - sig_g;
+		sig_g *= 1.0f - sim_g;
+		//sig_g *= diff_g;
+		//sig_g = (1.0f - sim_g)*diff_g;
+		//sig_g *= min(1.0f, (float(maxG) / 60.0f));
+		float sim_b = (fabsf(float(c.x) - match_b_val) / 255.0f);
+		float diff_b = fabsf(match_b_val - nonmatch_b_val) / 255.0f;
+		float sig_b = fabsf(float(match_count_b) / PIXEL_COUNT - 0.5f)*2.0f;
+		sig_b = 1.0f - sig_b;
+		sig_b *= 1.0f - sim_b;
+		//sig_b *= diff_b;
+		//sig_b = (1.0f - sim_r)*diff_b;
+		//sig_b *= min(1.0f, (float(maxB) / 60.0f));
+		uchar3 hsv = cudatl::rgb2hsv(match_r_val, match_g_val, match_b_val);
+		category[x+y*pitch] = hsv.x; //0.2126f * match_r_val + 0.7152f * match_g_val + 0.0722f * match_b_val;
+		if (match_r_val < nonmatch_r_val) sig_r = -sig_r;
+		if (match_g_val < nonmatch_g_val) sig_g = -sig_g;
+		if (match_b_val < nonmatch_b_val) sig_b = -sig_b;
+		const float msig = absmax(sig_r, sig_g, sig_b);
+		sig[x+y*pitch] = char(msig * 127.0f);
+	}
+__global__ void thin_features_kernel(
+	uchar* __restrict__ sig,
+	int pitch,
+	int width, int height
+) {
+	const int x = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
+	const int y = blockIdx.y*blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;
+	if (x >= 1 && y >= 1 && x < width-1 && y < height-1) {
+		const char nP = sig[x-1+y*pitch];
+		const char n = sig[x+y*pitch];
+		const char nN = sig[x+1+y*pitch];
+		uchar v = 0;
+		if ((nP < 0 && n > 0) || (nP > 0 && n < 0)) v = max(n, nN);
+		else if ((nN > 0 && n < 0) || (nN < 0 && n > 0)) v = max(n, nP);
+		sig[x+y*pitch] = v;
+	}
+void ColourFeatures::generate(
+	const cv::cuda::GpuMat &image,
+	cudaStream_t stream
+) {
+	cv::cuda::cvtColor(image, hls_, cv::COLOR_BGR2Lab, 4);
+	sig_.create(image.size(), CV_8UC1);
+	category_.create(image.size(), CV_8UC1);
+	static constexpr int THREADS_X = 16;
+	static constexpr int THREADS_Y = 8;
+	const dim3 gridSize((image.cols + THREADS_X - 1)/THREADS_X, (image.rows + THREADS_Y - 1)/THREADS_Y);
+	const dim3 blockSize(THREADS_X, THREADS_Y);
+	colour_features_kernel<3><<<gridSize, blockSize, 0, stream>>>(
+		hls_.ptr<uchar4>(),
+		image.step1() / 4,
+		image.cols, image.rows,
+		sig_.ptr<uchar>(),
+		category_.ptr<uchar>(),
+		sig_.step1()
+	);
+	printLastCudaError("Generating features error");
+	thin_features_kernel<<<gridSize, blockSize, 0, stream>>>(
+		sig_.ptr<uchar>(),
+		sig_.step1(),
+		sig_.cols, sig_.rows
+	);
+	printLastCudaError("Thin features error");
+__global__ void vis_colour_features(
+	const uchar* __restrict__ sig,
+	const uchar* __restrict__ category,
+	int pitch,
+	uchar4* __restrict__ out,
+	int out_pitch,
+	int width, int height,
+	ColourFeatures::Feature feature,
+	int threshold
+) {
+	const unsigned int x = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
+	const unsigned int y = blockIdx.y*blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;
+	if (x < width && y < height) {
+		int s = char(sig[x+y*pitch]);
+		const uchar c = category[x+y*pitch];
+		/*s = -s;
+		out[x+y*out_pitch] = (s >= 0) ? make_uchar4(
+			(c & 0x04) ? s*2 : 0,
+			(c & 0x02) ? s*2 : 0,
+			(c & 0x01) ? s*2 : 0,
+			255
+		) : make_uchar4(0,0,0,0);*/
+		//s = min(255, s*4);
+		out[x+y*out_pitch] = make_uchar4(0,0,0,0);
+		//if (abs(s) >= 2) {
+			//uchar3 rgb = cudatl::hsv2rgb(c, uchar(255), uchar(abs(s*2)));
+			//out[x+y*out_pitch] = make_uchar4(rgb.z, rgb.y, rgb.x, 255);
+			out[x+y*out_pitch] = (s >= 0) ? make_uchar4(
+				s*2, 0, 0, 255
+			) : make_uchar4(0,0,-s*2,255);
+		//}
+		/*if (abs(s) > 1) {
+			out[x+y*out_pitch] = (s > 0) ? make_uchar4(
+				0, c, 0, 255
+			) : make_uchar4(0,0,c,255);
+		}*/
+	}
+void ColourFeatures::visualise(
+	ColourFeatures::Feature f,
+	int threshold,
+	cv::cuda::GpuMat &out,
+	cudaStream_t stream
+) {
+	out.create(sig_.size(), CV_8UC4);
+	static constexpr int THREADS_X = 16;
+	static constexpr int THREADS_Y = 8;
+	const dim3 gridSize((out.cols + THREADS_X - 1)/THREADS_X, (out.rows + THREADS_Y - 1)/THREADS_Y);
+	const dim3 blockSize(THREADS_X, THREADS_Y);
+	vis_colour_features<<<gridSize, blockSize, 0, stream>>>(
+		sig_.ptr<uchar>(),
+		category_.ptr<uchar>(),
+		sig_.step1(),
+		out.ptr<uchar4>(),
+		out.step1()/4,
+		out.cols, out.rows,
+		f,
+		threshold
+	);
+	printLastCudaError("Visualising features error");
diff --git a/lib/cudatl/CMakeLists.txt b/lib/cudatl/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1ea12947a402e666df6603a79bb2250d3415c2b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/cudatl/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+add_library(cudatl INTERFACE)
+target_include_directories(cudatl INTERFACE
+#target_link_libraries(ftldata ftlcommon Eigen3::Eigen ftlcodecs)
diff --git a/lib/cudatl/include/cudatl/colours.hpp b/lib/cudatl/include/cudatl/colours.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d706be4963e6ac0d389c79bc6fcddd9a70da4050
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/cudatl/include/cudatl/colours.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+#include <cuda_runtime.h>
+namespace cudatl {
+/* From NVIDIA Npp */
+template <typename T>
+__device__ uchar3 rgb2hsv(T r, T g, T b) {
+	const float nNormalizedR = float(r) * 0.003921569F; // / 255.0F
+	const float nNormalizedG = float(g) * 0.003921569F;
+	const float nNormalizedB = float(b) * 0.003921569F;
+	float nS;
+	float nH;
+	// Value
+	float nV = fmaxf(nNormalizedR, nNormalizedG);
+	nV = fmaxf(nV, nNormalizedB);
+	// Saturation
+	float nTemp = fminf(nNormalizedR, nNormalizedG);
+	nTemp = fminf(nTemp, nNormalizedB);
+	float nDivisor = nV - nTemp;
+	if (nV == 0.0F) // achromatics case
+	{
+		nS = 0.0F;
+		nH = 0.0F;
+	}    
+	else // chromatics case
+		nS = nDivisor / nV;
+	// Hue:
+	const float nCr = (nV - nNormalizedR) / nDivisor;
+	const float nCg = (nV - nNormalizedG) / nDivisor;
+	const float nCb = (nV - nNormalizedB) / nDivisor;
+	if (nNormalizedR == nV)
+		nH = nCb - nCg;
+	else if (nNormalizedG == nV)
+		nH = 2.0F + nCr - nCb;
+	else if (nNormalizedB == nV)
+		nH = 4.0F + nCg - nCr;
+	nH = nH * 0.166667F; // / 6.0F       
+	if (nH < 0.0F)
+		nH = nH + 1.0F;
+	return make_uchar3(nH * 255.0f, nS * 255.0f, nV* 255.0f);
+template <typename T>
+__device__ inline uchar3 bgr2hsv(T bgr) {
+	return rgb2hsv(bgr.z, bgr.y, bgr.x);
+template <typename T>
+__device__ inline uchar3 hsv2rgb(T h, T s, T v) {
+	float nNormalizedH = float(h) * 0.003921569F; // / 255.0F
+	const float nNormalizedS = float(s) * 0.003921569F;
+	const float nNormalizedV = float(v) * 0.003921569F;
+	float nR;
+	float nG;
+	float nB;
+	if (nNormalizedS == 0.0F)
+	{
+		nR = nG = nB = nNormalizedV;
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		if (nNormalizedH == 1.0F)
+			nNormalizedH = 0.0F;
+		else
+			nNormalizedH = nNormalizedH * 6.0F; // / 0.1667F
+	}
+	const float nI = floorf(nNormalizedH);
+	const float nF = nNormalizedH - nI;
+	const float nM = nNormalizedV * (1.0F - nNormalizedS);
+	const float nN = nNormalizedV * (1.0F - nNormalizedS * nF);
+	const float nK = nNormalizedV * (1.0F - nNormalizedS * (1.0F - nF));
+	if (nI == 0.0F)
+		{ nR = nNormalizedV; nG = nK; nB = nM; }
+	else if (nI == 1.0F)
+		{ nR = nN; nG = nNormalizedV; nB = nM; }
+	else if (nI == 2.0F)
+		{ nR = nM; nG = nNormalizedV; nB = nK; }
+	else if (nI == 3.0F)
+		{ nR = nM; nG = nN; nB = nNormalizedV; }
+	else if (nI == 4.0F)
+		{ nR = nK; nG = nM; nB = nNormalizedV; }
+	else if (nI == 5.0F)
+		{ nR = nNormalizedV; nG = nM; nB = nN; }
+	return make_uchar3(nR * 255.0f, nG * 255.0f, nB * 255.0f);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/cudatl/include/cudatl/halfwarp.hpp b/lib/cudatl/include/cudatl/halfwarp.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3085381ae4d6b8ca33f2e690232e7204828f6832
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/cudatl/include/cudatl/halfwarp.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+#include <cuda_runtime.h>
+namespace cudatl {
+static constexpr int HALF_WARP_SIZE = 16;
+static constexpr unsigned int HALF_MASK1 = 0xFFFF0000;
+static constexpr unsigned int HALF_MASK2 = 0x0000FFFF;
+template <typename T>
+__device__ inline T halfWarpMin(T e) {
+	for (int i = WARP_SIZE/4; i > 0; i /= 2) {
+		const T other = __shfl_xor_sync(FULL_MASK, e, i, WARP_SIZE);
+		e = min(e, other);
+	}
+	return e;
+template <typename T>
+__device__ inline T halfWarpMax(T e) {
+	for (int i = WARP_SIZE/4; i > 0; i /= 2) {
+		const T other = __shfl_xor_sync(FULL_MASK, e, i, WARP_SIZE);
+		e = max(e, other);
+	}
+	return e;
+template <typename T>
+__device__ inline T halfWarpSum(T e) {
+	for (int i = WARP_SIZE/4; i > 0; i /= 2) {
+		const T other = __shfl_xor_sync(FULL_MASK, e, i, WARP_SIZE);
+		e += other;
+	}
+	return e;
diff --git a/lib/cudatl/include/cudatl/host_utility.hpp b/lib/cudatl/include/cudatl/host_utility.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..39f066c3573f10db41a0d34b0bcbc0a93d93a971
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/cudatl/include/cudatl/host_utility.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+#include <cuda_runtime.hpp>
+#include <string>
+namespace cudatl {
+inline safeCall(cudaError_t e) {
+	if (e != cudaSuccess) throw new std::exception(std::string("Cuda Error "+std::to_string(int(e))));
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/cudatl/include/cudatl/memory.hpp b/lib/cudatl/include/cudatl/memory.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3b249dc043e1ad09365a8d8662b3280dc352710e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/cudatl/include/cudatl/memory.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+#include <cudatl/host_utility.hpp>
+namespace cudatl {
+template <typename T>
+T *allocate(size_t size) {
+#ifdef USE_GPU
+	T *ptr;
+	cudatl::safeCall(cudaMalloc(&ptr, size*sizeof(T)));
+	return ptr;
+	return new T[size];
+template <typename T>
+T *allocate(size_t width, size_t height, uint &pitch) {
+	if (width == 1 || height == 1) {
+		pitch = width;
+		return allocateMemory<T>((width > height) ? width : height);
+	} else {
+		T *ptr;
+		size_t ptmp;
+		cudatl::safeCall(cudaMallocPitch(&ptr, &ptmp, width*sizeof(T), height));
+		pitch = ptmp/sizeof(T);
+		return ptr;
+	}
+template <typename T>
+void free(T *ptr) {
+	cudatl::safeCall(cudaFree(ptr));
diff --git a/lib/cudatl/include/cudatl/warp.hpp b/lib/cudatl/include/cudatl/warp.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1a41181e6ec5ab2478dcfa7abcfedc8079d0b0b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/cudatl/include/cudatl/warp.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+#ifndef _CUDATL_WARP_HPP_
+#define _CUDATL_WARP_HPP_
+#include <cuda_runtime.h>
+#define __cuda__ __host__ __device__
+namespace cudatl {
+static constexpr int WARP_SIZE = 32;
+static constexpr unsigned int FULL_MASK = 0xFFFFFFFF;
+template <typename T>
+__device__ inline T warpMin(T e) {
+	for (int i = WARP_SIZE/2; i > 0; i /= 2) {
+		const T other = __shfl_xor_sync(FULL_MASK, e, i, WARP_SIZE);
+		e = min(e, other);
+	}
+	return e;
+template <typename T>
+__device__ inline T warpMax(T e) {
+	for (int i = WARP_SIZE/2; i > 0; i /= 2) {
+		const T other = __shfl_xor_sync(FULL_MASK, e, i, WARP_SIZE);
+		e = max(e, other);
+	}
+	return e;
+template <typename T>
+__device__ inline T warpSum(T e) {
+	for (int i = WARP_SIZE/2; i > 0; i /= 2) {
+		const T other = __shfl_xor_sync(FULL_MASK, e, i, WARP_SIZE);
+		e += other;
+	}
+	return e;
+ * Find first histogram bucket that cumulatively exceeds a threshold, summing
+ * all previous buckets. Note: s_Data must be 32 items.
+ * TODO: This could be more efficient, perhaps with _shfl_XXX
+ */
+template <typename T>
+inline __device__ int warpScan(volatile T *s_Data, int tix, T threshold) {
+	const int thread = tix%32;
+	for (uint offset = 1; offset < WARP_SIZE; offset <<= 1) {
+		__syncwarp();
+		const uint t = (thread >= offset) ? s_Data[thread] + s_Data[thread - offset] : s_Data[thread];
+		__syncwarp();
+		s_Data[thread] = t;
+	}
+	const uint t = __ballot_sync(FULL_MASK, s_Data[thread] > threshold);
+	return __ffs(t);