From 4e11f3ade120f4474b0b3e2947bf291eedfe87f9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Nicolas Pope <>
Date: Mon, 25 Feb 2019 20:59:22 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Enriched send with templates and iovec

 net/include/ftl/net/socket.hpp | 154 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++------
 net/src/socket.cpp             |  44 +++-------
 net/test/socket_unit.cpp       | 115 ++++++++++++++++++++++--
 3 files changed, 247 insertions(+), 66 deletions(-)

diff --git a/net/include/ftl/net/socket.hpp b/net/include/ftl/net/socket.hpp
index 056fcc6ea..264f5fc3b 100644
--- a/net/include/ftl/net/socket.hpp
+++ b/net/include/ftl/net/socket.hpp
@@ -16,8 +16,12 @@
 #include <sstream>
+#include <tuple>
 #include <type_traits>
+# define ENABLE_IF(...) \
+  typename std::enable_if<(__VA_ARGS__), bool>::type = true
 extern bool _run(bool blocking, bool nodelay);
 namespace ftl {
@@ -72,42 +76,49 @@ class Socket {
 	void asyncCall(const std::string &name,
 			std::function<void(const T&)> cb,
 			ARGS... args);
-	// TODO use "call" instead of "acall" causes compiler to loop.
 	 * Blocking Remote Procedure Call.
 	template <typename R, typename... ARGS>
 	R call(const std::string &name, ARGS... args);
-	/**
-	 * Send data to given service number.
-	 */
-	int send(uint32_t service, const std::string &data);
+	template <typename... ARGS>
+	int send(uint32_t s, ARGS... args);
-	/**
-	 * Send with two distinct data source. Avoids the need to memcpy them to a
-	 * single buffer.
-	 */
-	int send2(uint32_t service, const std::string &data1,
-			const std::string &data2);
+	void begin(uint32_t s);
 	template <typename T>
-	int read(T *b, size_t count=1) {
-		static_assert(std::is_trivial<T>::value);
-		return read((char*)b, sizeof(T)*count);
-	}
+	Socket &operator<<(T &t);
+	void end();
-	//template <>
+	template <typename T>
+	int read(T *b, size_t count=1);
 	int read(char *b, size_t count);
 	int read(std::string &s, size_t count=0);
 	template <typename T>
-	int read(T &b) {
-		return read(&b);
-	}
+	int read(std::vector<T> &b, size_t count=0);
+	template <typename T>
+	int read(T &b);
+	template <typename T>
+	Socket &operator>>(T &t);
+	//SocketStream stream(uint32_t service);
 	size_t size() const { return header_->size-4; }
+	void onError(std::function<void(Socket&, int err, const char *msg)> f) {}
+	void onConnect(std::function<void(Socket&)> f);
+	void onDisconnect(std::function<void(Socket&)> f) {}
+	protected:
+	bool data();	// Process one message from socket
+	void error();	// Process one error from socket
 	 * Internal handlers for specific event types. This should be private but
@@ -117,30 +128,47 @@ class Socket {
 	void handshake1(const std::string &d);
 	void handshake2(const std::string &d);
 	/** @} */
-	//void onError(sockerrorhandler_t handler) {}
-	void onConnect(std::function<void(Socket&)> f);
-	//void onDisconnect(sockdisconnecthandler_t handler) {}
-	protected:
-	bool data();	// Process one message from socket
-	void error();	// Process one error from socket
 	private: // Functions
 	void _connected();
 	void _updateURI();
 	void _dispatchReturn(const std::string &d);
+	int _send();
+	template <typename... ARGS>
+	int _send(const std::string &t, ARGS... args);
+	template <typename T, typename... ARGS>
+	int _send(const T *t, int s, ARGS... args);
+	template <typename T, typename... ARGS>
+	int _send(const std::vector<T> &t, ARGS... args);
+	template <typename... Types, typename... ARGS>
+	int _send(const std::tuple<Types...> &t, ARGS... args);
+	template <typename T, typename... ARGS,
+			ENABLE_IF(std::is_trivial<T>::value && !std::is_pointer<T>::value)>
+	int _send(const T &t, ARGS... args);
 	private: // Data
 	bool valid_;
 	bool connected_;
 	int sock_;
+	// Receive buffers
 	size_t pos_;
 	size_t gpos_;
 	char *buffer_;
 	ftl::net::Header *header_;
 	char *data_;
+	// Send buffers
+	char *buffer_w_;
+	std::vector<iovec> send_vec_;
+	ftl::net::Header *header_w_;
 	std::string uri_;
 	std::string peerid_;
@@ -157,6 +185,76 @@ class Socket {
 // --- Inline Template Implementations -----------------------------------------
+template <typename... ARGS>
+int Socket::send(uint32_t s, ARGS... args) {
+	header_w_->service = s;
+	header_w_->size = 4;
+	send_vec_.push_back({header_w_,sizeof(ftl::net::Header)});
+	return _send(args...);
+template <typename T>
+int Socket::read(T *b, size_t count) {
+	static_assert(std::is_trivial<T>::value, "Can only read trivial types");
+	return read((char*)b, sizeof(T)*count);
+template <typename T>
+int Socket::read(std::vector<T> &b, size_t count) {
+	count = (count == 0) ? size()/sizeof(T) : count; // TODO Round this!
+	if (b.size() != count) b.resize(count);
+	return read((char*), sizeof(T)*count);
+template <typename T>
+int Socket::read(T &b) {
+	if (std::is_array<T>::value) return read(&b,std::extent<T>::value);
+	else return read(&b);
+template <typename T>
+Socket &Socket::operator>>(T &t) {
+	if (std::is_array<T>::value) read(&t,std::extent<T>::value);
+	else read(&t);
+	return *this;
+template <typename... ARGS>
+int Socket::_send(const std::string &t, ARGS... args) {
+	send_vec_.push_back({const_cast<char*>(,t.size()});
+	header_w_->size += t.size();
+	return t.size()+_send(args...);
+template <typename T, typename... ARGS>
+int Socket::_send(const T *t, int s, ARGS... args) {
+	send_vec_.push_back({const_cast<char*>(t),(size_t)s});
+	header_w_->size += s;
+	return s+_send(args...);
+template <typename T, typename... ARGS>
+int Socket::_send(const std::vector<T> &t, ARGS... args) {
+	send_vec_.push_back({const_cast<char*>(,t.size()});
+	header_w_->size += t.size();
+	return t.size()+_send(args...);
+template <typename... Types, typename... ARGS>
+int Socket::_send(const std::tuple<Types...> &t, ARGS... args) {
+	send_vec_.push_back({const_cast<char*>((char*)&t),sizeof(t)});
+	header_w_->size += sizeof(t);
+	return sizeof(t)+_send(args...);
+template <typename T, typename... ARGS,
+		ENABLE_IF(std::is_trivial<T>::value && !std::is_pointer<T>::value)>
+int Socket::_send(const T &t, ARGS... args) {
+	send_vec_.push_back({const_cast<T*>(&t),sizeof(T)});
+	header_w_->size += sizeof(T);
+	return sizeof(T)+_send(args...);
 //template <typename T, typename... ARGS>
 template <typename R, typename... ARGS>
 R Socket::call(const std::string &name, ARGS... args) {
diff --git a/net/src/socket.cpp b/net/src/socket.cpp
index 506847b36..6826b63de 100644
--- a/net/src/socket.cpp
+++ b/net/src/socket.cpp
@@ -122,9 +122,13 @@ static int wsConnect(URI &uri) {
 Socket::Socket(int s) : sock_(s), pos_(0), proto_(nullptr) {
 	valid_ = true;
 	buffer_ = new char[BUFFER_SIZE];
 	header_ = (Header*)buffer_;
 	data_ = buffer_+sizeof(Header);
+	buffer_w_ = new char[BUFFER_SIZE];
+	header_w_ = (Header*)buffer_w_;
 	connected_ = false;
@@ -135,6 +139,8 @@ Socket::Socket(const char *pUri) : pos_(0), uri_(pUri), proto_(nullptr) {
 	buffer_ = new char[BUFFER_SIZE];
 	header_ = (Header*)buffer_;
 	data_ = buffer_+sizeof(Header);
+	buffer_w_ = new char[BUFFER_SIZE];
+	header_w_ = (Header*)buffer_w_;
 	URI uri(pUri);
@@ -390,38 +396,10 @@ void Socket::_connected() {
-int Socket::send(uint32_t service, const std::string &data) {
-	ftl::net::Header h;
-	h.size = data.size()+4;
-	h.service = service;
-	iovec vec[2];
-	vec[0].iov_base = &h;
-	vec[0].iov_len = sizeof(h);
-	vec[1].iov_base = const_cast<char*>(;
-	vec[1].iov_len = data.size();
-	::writev(sock_, &vec[0], 2);
-	return 0;
-int Socket::send2(uint32_t service, const std::string &data1, const std::string &data2) {
-	ftl::net::Header h;
-	h.size = data1.size()+4+data2.size();
-	h.service = service;
-	iovec vec[3];
-	vec[0].iov_base = &h;
-	vec[0].iov_len = sizeof(h);
-	vec[1].iov_base = const_cast<char*>(;
-	vec[1].iov_len = data1.size();
-	vec[2].iov_base = const_cast<char*>(;
-	vec[2].iov_len = data2.size();
-	::writev(sock_, &vec[0], 3);
-	return 0;
+int Socket::_send() {
+	int c = ::writev(sock_,, send_vec_.size());
+	send_vec_.clear();
+	return c;
 Socket::~Socket() {
@@ -431,5 +409,7 @@ Socket::~Socket() {
 	// Delete socket buffer
 	if (buffer_) delete [] buffer_;
 	buffer_ = NULL;
+	if (buffer_w_) delete [] buffer_w_;
+	buffer_w_ = NULL;
diff --git a/net/test/socket_unit.cpp b/net/test/socket_unit.cpp
index 8950335ba..27005e21b 100644
--- a/net/test/socket_unit.cpp
+++ b/net/test/socket_unit.cpp
@@ -67,13 +67,39 @@ extern ssize_t recv(int sd, void *buf, size_t n, int f) {
 extern ssize_t writev(int sd, const struct iovec *v, int cnt) {
-	// TODO Use count incase more sources exist...
-	size_t len = v[0].iov_len+v[1].iov_len;
-	char buf[len];
-	std::memcpy(&buf[0],v[0].iov_base,v[0].iov_len);
-	std::memcpy(&buf[v[0].iov_len],v[1].iov_base,v[1].iov_len);
+	size_t len = 0; //v[0].iov_len+v[1].iov_len;
+	char buf[1000];
+	char *bufp = &buf[0];
+	for (auto i=0; i<cnt; i++) {
+		std::memcpy(bufp,v[i].iov_base,v[i].iov_len);
+		len += v[i].iov_len;
+		bufp += v[i].iov_len;
+	}
 	fakedata[sd] = std::string(&buf[0], len);
-	return 0;
+	return len;
+uint32_t get_service(int sd) {
+	auto h = (ftl::net::Header*)fakedata[sd].data();
+	return h->service;
+size_t get_size(int sd) {
+	auto h = (ftl::net::Header*)fakedata[sd].data();
+	return h->size-4;
+template <typename T>
+T get_value(int sd) {
+	auto h = (T*)(fakedata[sd].data()+sizeof(ftl::net::Header));
+	return *h;
+template <>
+std::string get_value(int sd) {
+	return std::string((char*)(fakedata[sd].data()+sizeof(ftl::net::Header)),get_size(sd));
 static std::function<void()> waithandler;
@@ -172,6 +198,83 @@ TEST_CASE("Socket receive RPC", "[rpc]") {
+TEST_CASE("Socket::operator>>()", "[io]") {
+	MockSocket s;
+	SECTION("stream ints") {
+		int i[2];
+		i[0] = 99;
+		i[1] = 101;
+		fake_send(0, 100, std::string((char*)&i,2*sizeof(int)));
+		i[0] = 0;
+		i[1] = 0;
+		s.mock_data(); // Force a message read, but no protocol...
+		REQUIRE( s.size() == 2*sizeof(int) );
+		s >> i;
+		REQUIRE( i[0] == 99 );
+		REQUIRE( i[1] == 101 );
+	}
+TEST_CASE("Socket::send()", "[io]") {
+	MockSocket s;
+	SECTION("send an int") {
+		int i = 607;
+		s.send(100,i);
+		REQUIRE( get_service(0) == 100 );
+		REQUIRE( get_size(0) == sizeof(int) );
+		REQUIRE( get_value<int>(0) == 607 );
+	}
+	SECTION("send a string") {
+		std::string str("hello world");
+		s.send(100,str);
+		REQUIRE( get_service(0) == 100 );
+		REQUIRE( get_size(0) == str.size() );
+		REQUIRE( get_value<std::string>(0) == "hello world" );
+	}
+	SECTION("send const char* string") {
+		s.send(100,"hello world");
+		REQUIRE( get_service(0) == 100 );
+		REQUIRE( get_size(0) == 11 );
+		REQUIRE( get_value<std::string>(0) == "hello world" );
+	}
+	SECTION("send const char* array") {
+		s.send(100,"hello world",10);
+		REQUIRE( get_service(0) == 100 );
+		REQUIRE( get_size(0) == 10 );
+		REQUIRE( get_value<std::string>(0) == "hello worl" );
+	}
+	SECTION("send a tuple") {
+		auto tup = std::make_tuple(55,66,true,6.7);
+		s.send(100,tup);
+		REQUIRE( get_service(0) == 100 );
+		REQUIRE( get_size(0) == sizeof(tup) );
+		REQUIRE( get_value<decltype(tup)>(0) == tup );
+	}
+	SECTION("send multiple strings") {
+		std::string str("hello ");
+		std::string str2("world");
+		s.send(100,str,str2);
+		REQUIRE( get_service(0) == 100 );
+		REQUIRE( get_size(0) == str.size()+str2.size() );
+		REQUIRE( get_value<std::string>(0) == "hello world" );
+	}
 TEST_CASE("Socket::read()", "[io]") {
 	MockSocket s;