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Faculty of Technology / Software Engineering / tools / power / powergoblin
Apache License 2.0Power measurement tool developed by UTU. Docs: https://tech.utugit.fi/soft/tools/power/doc/
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TeXLive docker image for https://gitlab.utu.fi/ttweb/thesis.
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Hardware based power measurement project with sorting algorithms written in C++
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Vesa Oikonen / tpcclib
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyCommand-line tools to processing and analyzing data collected in Turku PET Centre.
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Olio-ohjelmoinnin jatkokurssi kevät 2023 Harjoitus 2
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Faculty of Technology / Software Engineering / tools / cms / jgit
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseJGit + JPMS (only the core module). Maintained until upstream adopts JPMS
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Computer Vision Backend Flask Application (tensorflow.stop.capstone.utu.fi)
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Classification of 12-lead ECGs: the PhysioNet - Computing in Cardiology Challenge 2020
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R package and environment management + sharing installed packages between users
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