
import battleship.core.models.{Player, Ship}

object PlayerDisplay {

  def sunk(name: String): Unit = {
    println(name.toUpperCase() + " SUNK !!! Well done !")

  def touched(): Unit = {
    println("HIT !")

  def notTouched(): Unit = {
    println("Not hit, too bad...")

  def shoot(): Unit = {
    println("Choose your target (example: A3) ->")

  def problemPlacingShip(ship: Ship): Unit = {
    println(s"Problem placing the ${}")

  def placeYourShips(namePlayer: String): Unit = {

  def getOriginShip(nameShip: String, sizeShip: Int): Unit = {
    println("What is the origin of your ship (example: A3) ->")

  def setNewShip(nameShip: String, sizeShip: Int): Unit = {
    println("You have to place the " + nameShip + " -> which is composed of " + sizeShip + " units:\n" +
      "Will it be horizontal (" + Ship.HORIZONTAL + ") or vertical (" + Ship.VERTICAL + ") ?")

  def show(player: Player, opponent: Player): Unit = {
    println(s"${} it is your turn ->")
